This star just wants to learn

Chapter 104 Who am I?

Pu Tong decided to cancel his account and start a new one...

It is best if big data pushes humanities, social sciences and popular science, rather than harmful things like beauty videos.

The main reason is that it's really difficult for him to explain this kind of thing. Although the previous usage records are all from the original body, they can be regarded as his own viewing. He has no need to wash out Munan's videos.

The topic in the group seemed to have ended unhappily. After Yu Wanwan said a few words, he didn't show up again. He didn't know what he was doing.

Lin Yuxi and Iori Yukino didn't say anything in the group, and started private messages to strongly condemn.

Iori Yukino: [I didn’t expect you to be such a person...]

Pu Tong: [Listen to my explanation! ]

Iori Yukino: [I didn’t expect you to like Sister Munan too, I like you too hehehe. ]

Iori Yukino: [Sister Mu Nan is a famous beauty in our Sakura list. Who wouldn’t like Sister Piao Niang? I tentatively agree with your aesthetics. ]

Yu Wanwan, I can’t have this best friend anymore!

Pu Tong admits that Mu Nan is good-looking, at least one level higher than Yu Wanwan and the other three...

Of course, people are beautiful, but he is really unfamiliar with them and has no idea.

This kind of immortality should be handed over to art.

Pu Tong: [Don’t go crazy here! ]

Iori Yukino: [Okay, go and talk to Wanwan. In fact, we all know it’s a coincidence. After all, you saw Mu Nan’s eyes were very calm. You can’t fake that kind of thing, but you need to explain it symbolically. That’s it. ]

Pu Tong replied with an emoticon and ignored her.

In fact, after the screen recording ended, he had a very subtle feeling in his heart. He was very afraid that Yu Wanwan would think wrongly.

And after the video was posted, his feeling became stronger and stronger. He always felt that it would be uncomfortable if he didn't say something to Yu Wanwan.

"Let's explain it symbolically..."

Although he himself didn't quite understand why he had such an idea.

Pu Tong: [Are you there? ]

Yu Wanwan: [Not here. ]

She even replied immediately, as if she had been waiting for a long time.

Pu Tong: [Well... how should I put it, big data push and so on are not accurate and very random, right? It’s not surprising to push anything. ]

Yu Wanwan: [Yes, so why are you telling me this? ]

Pu Tong: [Nothing, just a casual mention. ]

Yu Wanwan: [Oh, that’s quite good. Also, it’s two o’clock in the afternoon, it’s time for you to study! ]

Pu Tong glanced at the time and realized that his lunch break was over.

She even knows her own study rules...

It seemed that it was indeed time to study. Although Yu Wanwan's tone was a bit weird, he was still rational. He stopped talking and didn't need to say much.

Pu Tong threw away his mobile phone and re-entered the learning state.

It would be too boring if everything between two people had to be sorted out clearly...

Throughout the afternoon, except for the occasional noise from his mother cleaning the house outside, he was not disturbed in any way, and his study efficiency was pretty good.

If there was no interlude at noon, he might be able to learn faster... He would stop writing and do the questions, but he would still inadvertently think of this incident, and then his mood would fluctuate.

"You absolutely can't fall in love. If you really fall in love, you won't be able to learn anything at all..." Pu Tong took a long breath and prepared to have dinner and take a rest.

Mom went out to buy a lot of ingredients in the afternoon and came back, feeling like she had to do some extra work. He even looked forward to her making something weird.


The message alert sounded. Pu Tong glanced at his phone, picked it up and glanced at it.

Because he missed Yu Wanwan's important news in the morning, he decided to turn on the message notification. After all, he didn't usually send him any messages.

Iori Yukino: [I found something strange. ]

Iori Yukino: [Picture]

Pu Tong clicked on the picture and found that it was a screenshot of a short video app. On the first floor of the comment area of ​​a certain video, the spokesperson's nickname was "Pu Tong" and his avatar was his photo.

The video shows a macho guy showing off his muscles. Pu Tong commented below: Reward yourself by watching it before going to bed!

Yu Wanwan: [? ]

Lin Yuxi: [? ]

He is Pu Tong, then who am I?

Iori Yukino: [I came across a high imitation, click on the homepage, and all his works are scenes of you cut out from variety shows. ]

Lin Yuxi: [Is there any personal certification? ]

For public figures like them, their identities can be verified on various platforms and will also be displayed on the account homepage.

Iori Yukino: [Of course not, isn’t he right here? ]

Yu Wanwan: [Not necessarily, what if he likes this! (whee)]

When I thought that he might be good at this, it suddenly made sense to be so cold to a beautiful girl like me.

Pu Tong: [This special code is not me at all! ]

High imitation accounts are like this. After all, anyone can take any ID on any platform. Naturally, many people will choose names based on the celebrity effect.

Iori Yukino: [This is not the most outrageous thing. The most outrageous thing is that many people believe it...]

Iori Yukino: [Just below the video you wrote, there are many people with the account @! ]

Pu Tong: [Fuck. ]

Now I'm a stand-in.

Yu Wanwan: [It’s simple, just go and authenticate your account and that’s it. ]

Lin Yuxi: [Indeed, when the time comes, everyone will know that you are the real Pu Tong when they look at the homepage, and no one will care about those high imitations. ]

Personal certification, if you get certification, wouldn't there be a lot of people coming here to pay attention to you? That would be too troublesome.

Yu Wanwan: [Don’t think so much. Just verify your account and you must be the God of War with Zero Works. When the time comes, the private message notification will be closed and no one will be able to disturb you! ]

This is the reason, but it always gives Pu Tong the illusion that he wants to join the short video platform.

He has no interest in such things.

Yu Wanwan: [Then let me ask you this. ]

Yu Wanwan: [If someone impersonates you, uses your identity to commit online fraud, and deceives your fans under your guise, what should you do? ]

Although the scam of pretending to be a celebrity is very low, there will always be people who are deceived. Otherwise, there would not be so many public figures posting "I will not ask anyone for financial information. Please carefully screen it. If you find such an account, you can report it directly." .”

If such a person really pretends to be himself and deceives others, it would be too disturbing. Pu Tong still doesn't want this kind of thing to happen.

Pu Tong: [Then... let me authenticate it. ]

Yu Wanwan: [Don't worry, just be your God of War for Zero Works, no one will care about you. ]

With Yu Wanwan giving him this reassurance, he instantly felt relieved and directly opened the short video app to log out of his account.

I haven't verified my account yet and my history records have caused this kind of thing. Since I need to verify my personal identity, it is better to clear out all the history records to directly avoid being found out about any dark history.

After re-registering his account, Pu Tong still changed his nickname to "an ordinary user". It was his own Weibo name, so it was more convenient to use.

Clicking on the personal certification, Pu Tong chose a singer... After all, he had several masterpieces, and using this certification also seemed official.

Pu Tong: [It has been certified, and it is estimated that it will be passed tomorrow. ]

Lin Yuxi: [There is another question... If you don’t say a word or a single work after verification, no one will know the existence of your account, then very few people will be able to find out that you are the real Pu. Tong. ]

Pu Tong: [I really don’t want to publish my work! ]

He doesn't want to join the circle, nor does he want to open a business.

Yu Wanwan: [It’s not that troublesome. Just let others notice your account. We’ll post a video when the time comes. @Your account will be noticed soon! ]

Lin Yuxi: [It’s not us... Dandan, at least, you can’t. ]

Pu Tong thought for a moment and instantly understood what she meant.

His relationship with Yu Wanwan is still very controversial. If Yu Wanwan published a work titled Aite Pu Tong, it would be easily misunderstood as an official announcement, and it would probably explode.

Yu Wanwan soon thought of this and had no choice but to give up the idea.

Yu Wanwan: [Then who is coming? ]

Lin Yuxi: [How to put it, we are all girls after all, and the accounts of Aite boys are easily misunderstood, unless...]

Pu Tong: [Unless you find a man. ]

Yu Wanwan: [Unless it is a cooperative relationship! ]

Pu Tong wanted to ask Xie Mu to come forward, while Yu Wanwan wanted to ask Iori Yukino to come forward.

After all, Sakura Girl happened to be posting a submission recently.

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