This star just wants to learn

Chapter 728 Decline

For a long time in the past, traditional opera has been labeled as an "old antique". It seems that it only existed as a hobby for the previous generation. Naturally, not many people would buy tickets to watch the opera...

This is a very real problem. If art does not have an audience, it is destined to die. The vitality of opera will always come from the participation of generations of young audiences.

"Forget it about advertising, it's not appropriate."

Pu Tong shook his head. He wanted to help his brother, but he also had to consider practical issues. In an environment where the art of opera is declining day by day, no matter how good the publicity is, it may not be effective.

He does remember a lot of advertising slogans, but opera is not a commodity, and advertising is not needed to promote opera.

Interest is the best publicity. No matter how hyped the advertisements are, if people are not interested in opera, then no matter how good the marketing is, it will be useless...


Gan Hengxu smiled cheerfully on the phone, without any feeling of disappointment. For him, performing well on stage is the most important thing. As for other things, it is his luck or his fate.

Several people laughed when they heard this. Gan Hengxu has always had this kind of temperament, he does not fight or grab, and he is cautious about interests...

The decline of opera culture is also an indisputable fact. Traditional opera is still moving forward, but very few of their achievements can be seen by the public.

Even though Gan Hengxu's show on the Spring Festival Gala was a hit, and the discussion and popularity on the Internet were high, there was still very little discussion about the opera itself.

If we simply regard opera as a kind of traditional culture and force it to be passed on even if no one likes it, this is precisely contrary to the meaning of "inheritance".

If you want the audience to come to the theater willingly, you can't just rely on boasting. It is indispensable to have a bright spring and white snow, and the lower-level people must also take care of it.

"It's true that advertising won't work, but I have other ways."

Pu Tong paused. If opera wants to be younger, it must first find a way of expression that young people like. Opera should also start making new attempts.

"Oh? Please elaborate."

When Pu Tong just said that the advertisement was not very suitable, they had almost accepted the reality. Even the almighty Pu Tong had no way to help Gan Hengxu's troupe.

"Simple, just break the dimensional wall."

If you want more people to watch the opera, you don't need any other means. You just need to make everyone really interested in the opera.

Combine drama performances with cultural popularization, find ways to mobilize the enthusiasm of fans, and develop the opera industry from point to point.

"My idea is to make good use of modern network technology and combine theater performances with online live broadcasts."

In fact, it’s not that many young people are not interested in opera, but that they are very exposed to the art of opera, so naturally they will not take the initiative to watch it, let alone buy a ticket to watch it...

The online live broadcast has allowed the spread of traditional opera to rapidly expand, while also greatly reducing the cost of opera dissemination and audience viewing, allowing traditional opera to be seen by more people.

"live streaming?"

Several people immediately understood that live broadcasts are actually very beneficial to the promotion of operas. Nowadays, network informatization is developing rapidly, and forms such as opera short videos and opera live broadcasts have also appeared.

As long as reasonable arrangements are made, it is absolutely feasible to promote opera culture through live broadcast. The emergence and diversification of media is definitely an important way to preserve opera cultural resources.

What's more, Gan Hengxu himself is very popular. If it is broadcast online, the popularity of this opera tour will definitely increase!


These two short words were extremely exciting in Gan Hengxu's mouth. It was obvious that Pu Tong's words gave him some inspiration.

Yes, times have changed. It is no longer the era of walking around the streets and singing on stage. Only by following the trend of the times can they go further...

"I'll talk to the class leader later!"

Opera is the DNA engraved in the bones of Chinese people, and awakening everyone’s love for opera often only requires an opportunity. In the Internet era, local operas that lack audiences and inheritance need to use emerging communication methods.

After hearing Pu Tong's suggestion, several other people also spoke freely and began to put forward some ideas of their own.

"There is no need for opera performances to be held offline only. You can also try paying to watch them online."

Yu Wanwan has been influenced by this since he was a child, and he still has a certain business acumen.

Setting an online payment threshold of a few yuan is easier for the audience to accept than offline tickets that cost hundreds of yuan.

The reduction in viewing costs can not only mobilize the audience's enthusiasm for watching, but also make profits for the performers and bring about marketing monetization.

In the paid mode, you can also set up a free trial, and then decide whether to pay after the trial. This not only gives the audience a reassurance, but also attracts users through the free trial content, and they can choose whether to pay to watch the remaining content.

Compared with the traditional ticket-like model, online paid viewing has a lower threshold and wider dissemination.

After hearing her suggestion, Gan Hengxu was inevitably a little moved, but opera is virtual, and the stage is the carrier of opera performance. If it is separated from the stage, is opera still opera?

The scene will give people a different feeling, it can directly touch people's hearts, and they can better appreciate the beauty of costumes and the beauty of the opera...Watching it online, will the audience still like their play?

Paying to watch is indeed a good idea, but he really hesitates when he thinks about having to deal with the audience just to make money.

"Online payment and offline viewing can be done at the same time. There is no conflict between the two." Pu Tong noticed Gan Hengxu's concerns, "On the contrary, as online live broadcasts gradually increase their popularity, people who come to watch movies offline There will be more and more..."

Live streaming of opera or paid opera can inject short-term vitality and vitality into the remaining opera art of this era, but it is currently difficult to rely on these means to recreate the glorious era of opera.

Watching operas online will not become the mainstream of opera. It should be regarded as a way to spread opera resources.

As Pu Tong said at the beginning, opera live broadcast is to "break the dimensional wall", not to replace the traditional opera model.

"Listening to your words is worth ten years of reading!"

Gan Hengxu suddenly became enlightened. After Pu Tong and Yu Wanwan's analysis, he finally understood.

Times are progressing. If they still stick to the same old ideas, the opera culture in the future may only appear in museums.

Along the way from Wasegoulan, the development of opera has continued to change.

The greatest significance of the live broadcast is to explore the communication methods of traditional opera. Someone still has to do this kind of thing. The live broadcast method can indeed help some people regain their classical feelings.

Let him do it!

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