This star just wants to learn

Chapter 95: No one has read my speech on the shelves. If you are not convinced, come and argue.

It will be available at 12 noon tomorrow!

Thank you for supporting meow! Make your first order, meow!

The testimonial may be a bit long, but it should be more readable than the main text.

I guess someone is going to complain. A speech is so long. If I have the time, I might as well add more...

You're right, but I do add more updates.

Based on 500 first subscriptions, one update will be added for every 100 subscriptions (no way, CaiGou is like this, don’t cry when you don’t even have 500 first subscriptions), one update will be added for every 20,000 rewards, and one update will be added for every 50 monthly tickets. More... there is no cap, if it is not enough I will work early and late to make up for it.

To be honest, I feel that if I can add one or two updates, it will be considered a success. After all, I have a clear self-understanding.

Let’s talk briefly about this book:

This book was a journey along the way, and every step was beyond my expectation——

I spent a long time imagining another story, and then the inward investment failed... Do you know how harmful this is to a rookie author who was full of hope but was slapped in the face? (The dog’s head saves life)

So, I gave up on myself and decided to write a classic entertainment intro, which was even an act of revenge. It only took less than three hours to write the content and the idea of ​​the intro.

Then, it miraculously passed the contract, and this work, which I had no hope for at all, came out...

Looking back now, the original story was indeed very different from this one, which shows that the editor's vision was quite sophisticated and ruthless.

Perhaps this book was an accident, but that's what makes it special. As of now, I have really fallen in love with everyone in this book, and I sincerely hope that everyone can have a happy ending.

When this book had 30,000 words, there were only 27 in my collection. At that time, I thought it must be too cool, but then I didn’t expect a series of things to happen.

There are 500 new books in the warehouse, 1,000 in the first round, 5,000 in the second round, 10,000 in the third round, and now the fourth round...

Perhaps this is commonplace for many big guys, but for a newcomer Caigou who has never written a serious book before, this is really surprising.

Of course, I won't attribute this to myself, because all of this happened just because I was lucky, and I just used my shallow level to get everyone's preferences.

Without the boss to guide me, without the py chapter push, I can get to this point only because of the love of readers. There are you and only you.

If someone can really read my book, it will not be because I write well, but because you can extract interesting things from my incompetent level. This is because you have the ability to discover beauty, and My pleasure.

I am really, really grateful to everyone who has collected this book, read this book, commented on this book, or even criticized this book.

I also understand the shortcomings and problems of this book. After all, I typed it with my own hands, so I am very clear about its shortcomings... In essence, this is a mindless book.

I write without thinking, so I can’t blame readers for reading it with their brains in mind. This is my problem as the creator, not the reader’s…

Therefore, even if I don’t like comments, I will keep them, reply to them, and apologize.

Anyone who has read Zhang Shuo and the book circle knows that there are many comments that I don’t like, but I still keep them. It’s not because I am aloof and don’t care about these things, but I think this is the only way to be true...

I don’t want to turn a place that provides readers with equal discussion into a private sphere that only benefits me. Communication is the right that readers should have, and it doesn’t matter if they don’t like it. There is no need to go online.

(Just to be honest, I don’t mean to say that deleting posts and criticizing comments is bad. Every author has the right to screen comments.)

In fact, I'm quite shy, and I will complain to others after being criticized. They all say, "You are the author and you have the final say. Don't spoil them." But I still think that it is appropriate to be scolded for poor writing. .

It may be uncomfortable, but it’s true.

Many things are inherently contradictory, and so are the likes and dislikes of a book. These are all part of the work. I don't want to just listen to the good things.

I will not control comments or delete posts, so please feel free to speak your mind!

This book is a book of questions, and many of them.

The biggest problem is in the early stages. A lot of people left in the first five chapters, which can be seen from the data.

Whether it is the rationality of the plot, the character design of the male protagonist, or the emotional advancement of the male and female protagonists, it is a complete mess.

In order to allow readers to see the "explosive points" from the beginning, I set the pace very quickly, from traveling through time to film a variety show, to hiding the interaction between the male and female protagonists, to copying songs. Many plots have been criticized.

I chose this self-righteous way just because I really have no confidence... Even passing the lottery is a luxury.

Although it is ridiculous, I have to admit that it is indeed very suitable for attracting people.

At the beginning, there were very few readers, and no one pointed out the problems. Until the plot advanced to the middle stage based on the previous chapters, more readers began to give feedback, and it was difficult for me to change...

This is my problem. I am inexperienced in writing a book for the first time. The entire introduction and early stage reveal a sense of discomfort in trying to attract people for the sake of attracting people.

I'm deeply sorry for this!

Then there are the follow-up questions...

There is a conflict between the protagonist and the variety show, and many people want the protagonist to sue the director directly.

Of course this is feasible. The protagonist sues the director successfully, and then the director is resentful and suppresses him wildly. Capital competes with the stars, and the protagonist shows off his work to show off and slap him in the face...

I really don’t want to write a story about bitterness and hatred, I just want to write a relaxed and everyday story about celebrities and campus intertwined. Occasionally, I can put out a few songs to show off and use them as a diversion. If I copy them every now and then for the sake of copying, I am I can’t keep writing.

Whose entertainment article contains more than 90 chapters and only copied three songs...

At least what I want to write, every song the protagonist comes up with is suitable for the situation and his mood.

This book is just campus daily life mixed with entertainment elements, nothing more.

I don’t know if people who watch entertainment can watch it, but I guess people who watch it for learning will definitely not be able to watch it...

It’s probably not easy to find articles about learning in the entertainment star section. Anyway, I can’t write the kind of entertainment that really doesn’t understand the world and only focuses on learning.

Entertainment and learning are inherently antagonistic. Of course, this is also a point explored in this book.

There is another point that I regret writing more... the business line.

Similarly, if there are no readers in the early stage, I will write it as soon as my mind is hot, and it will be difficult to change it when I receive feedback later.

For those who don’t like commercial lines, I can only say that I deserve death.

The company will only serve as a fixed asset for the protagonist later on, and I won’t write too much about it. Of course, if someone still likes to read it, I can also touch on it a little bit.

From beginning to end, I wanted to write a light-hearted, everyday story, without any routines, slaps in the face, or even a worldview in which everyone is a good person.

I just want to write that one day, Pu Yu’s daughter pointed at Sakura Girl and said that Aunt Xueno was stupider than me...

I just want everyone to have a happy, happy ending.

It may be boring, but I like this routine very much.

Just like, my favorite show last year was "The Match" in April, and my favorite show this year is "Youth" in April.

Of course, there are still many, many problems in the book, which I can correct.

Finally, let me tell you about myself!

The author is a male college student (I don’t know how people who think that the writing style resembles that of a female author can tell). He doesn’t have much social experience, so he really can’t write too many philosophical and profound words. I can only write about what I have experienced, some of which A mediocre life.

Although college students are relatively free, they still have school arrangements, and I am still doing my job as a student seriously, so the coding time is still quite tight.

If the update is a little late, please forgive me. I may be late, but I won't be late.

I coded very slowly. The last time I coded, I stayed up all night and was languid for two days.

It’s worth mentioning that none of my roommates, friends, or even the shady netizens I know know that I’m writing a book!

I'm really embarrassed to show it to them before I write down some results...

Every time I secretly code on my computer and mobile phone, I am afraid of being discovered by my roommates, which is really painful.

This time on the shelves, it can be regarded as an opportunity for them to show their results. So, I hope you can support me.

I wish I had the chance to tell them that I was writing a book that was not well written but would read well.

Finally, I would like to thank a few people!

First, thank you to my editor... whoever it is. Just kidding, I would like to thank my editor, Xiaofeng Dada, for picking up non-recyclable garbage like me that no one wants and putting it into the recyclable bin, giving me a chance to write a story.

After all, he gave me this opportunity. If you think what I wrote is extremely poisonous, you can scold him (bushi). Mrs. Xiaofeng is very nice and has comforted me many times. Although I didn't express it very much, when I saw the signed email, I really wanted to cry...

When I think about it now, I still feel that at that moment, I was recognized. This is a joy that I will remember for the rest of my life.

Then, I would like to thank all readers. I never thought that writing a book would be seen and evaluated by so many people. This is my honor. I will finish this book if even one person reads it, because the feeling of such a depicted story being acknowledged really touches me.

Thanks to Fake Meat, my top brother. We chatted a lot in the group and I learned a lot. Maybe I’m still far behind, but I really appreciate you taking good care of me, even just a little bit. Also, don’t worry about the setting of your perverted uncle’s soul-traveling female character...

Thank you Yuwen Chunfengyi. You are the first tip provider I received and the first person to join my fan group. Thank you very much. You make me flattered and you give me the motivation to keep writing.

Thanks to Liangcheng Xinyu and Liangcheng Ci, who are among the few friends who know that I am writing this book. Thanks for the reward. Although I know you definitely don’t like entertainment and daily life, it doesn’t matter. Popularity is also part of strength! I realized in 19 years that now, we can chat and play together all the time. It’s not easy to think about it carefully. I hope we can still play happily in the future. (This is a sweet and versatile young lady who can play games and draw and has a nice voice. Go and harass her)

Thanks to the dead man who rode the Xuanwu and led the green dragon and the white tiger. I still want to complain about your outrageous ID! It's really hard on you as my operations officer. Although you didn't do anything and even scolded me along with outsiders... But I still thank you for your support, Thai pants are hot!

Thank you Shenchao_Ying'an, thank you brother, you gave me a lot of advice. If I have any questions, I will ask you as soon as possible. After all, you are very trustworthy. Thank you for accompanying me. Of course, when will you start writing the novel you have been thinking about for several years?

Thanks to SNSD. As one of my most active readers, you contributed a lot of comments and were able to catch me. This is very rare. Once I didn't write well, you criticized me, and I corrected it in a timely manner, so there was no one. Wrong again and again.

Being grateful is an attitude towards life. This is my favorite nickname for a book friend. I also like this kind of lifestyle very much. It coincides with me, so I have a deep impression.

Thank you. I am a Kun. How do you say this nickname? If you look at it one more time... you will never forget it.

Thanks to Ghost Tutor. He gave me serious reviews and gave me a lot of advice. He is a new fan and a true fan.

Thank you Xinruo Qianmo Lei Wushuang. Although I have never interacted with you, I still like this nickname very much. It is elegant yet coquettish. Of course, if you don’t like this name anymore and just don’t have the money to change it, just pretend that I didn’t say anything.

Thanks to Monthly Shōnen Tiantianjun. I am also impressed by the nickname. I have also followed the up owners of the animation area of ​​station B including Tiantian. I am Pantuan, I am Maisui, and I can also be Molotov cocktail...

Thank you Ye Lingii for supporting me many times, but I hope you will stop reading books and pursue reading instead of dying for me.

Thank you Liangshan, thank you for your support, thank you for your praise. I remember that the monthly tickets and rewards suddenly came at noon that day, which made me happy all afternoon.

Thanks to the bright raindrops, both the number of votes and the nickname impressed me deeply. Let me say that the raindrops are awesome.

Thanks to the counterclockwise distortion, I feel like an indifferent man who only reads books and leaves no trace. Please pay attention to me.

Thanks to Fourier, this nickname really brings back my fear of being dominated by the Fourier series of the Fourier transform.

Thank you Nineteen is a Meow. You are the best commentator on me among book friends. Although I don’t know if you are still reading it, I really appreciate your words.

Thank you, Governor of Kyushu, fjh. Listen to me and say thank you. Because of you, I have warmed the four seasons. You have so many bookshelf collections. It turns out that I am just one of them. I am so sad. Why? Is my update not hot enough? I can’t afford to hurt you. I can't afford to be hurt...

Thank you Yangcun Style Liu Sanshao. To be honest, looking for this character Liu every time I vote for thanks makes me exhausted. But fortunately, there is another reader who also uses this character, so it is just right to use more than one character.

Thank you Ao Haiqing, thank you for your support. I will always remember the saying in the book circle that the three views are consistent. This is very important.

Thanks to Shenshang Tuailui. I also like this name very much. I remember reading the novel "Eternal Heaven and Dragon Sword" when I was a child. When Zhang Wuji and Xiao Zhao separated, he called it "Things are always separated like Shenshang", which left a deep impression on me.

In fact, I still remember many familiar nicknames, but the article is already very long, so I’ll save it for next time and thank you!

Finally, thank you to everyone who saw this.

The speech is very long and contains a lot of nonsense. If someone can really read it, that would be the greatest support.

If someone who has read this book talks about the entertainment industry with others in the future, and suddenly has an idea and says, "Holy shit, I've read a silly entertainment book about high school celebrities," I think I will be very happy.

I am happy that my stories can leave even the slightest impression in readers' minds.

A new author will not write a testimonial for being published, nor will he paint a pie in the face or make a miserable sale. He will just talk about the truth with the big guys. I hope all my readers will be happy every day.

Finally, I won’t pretend to be my own person. I still hope that everyone will support the first subscription. It doesn’t matter if you don’t subscribe later, but you still support the first VIP chapter. After all, the first subscription data is a matter of face, hahaha.

—— Errerrer

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