This Witch Transmigrated into the Romantic Novel's Supporting Role

Chapter 18: Looking for a Dog

Chapter 18

A new client directly gave Chu Yang a red envelope of one thousand yuan and said, "My Dian Dian is missing. Blogger, please help me find my Dian Dian. Money is not an issue, consider this one thousand as a deposit." In the end, she also sent Chu Yang a photo of her Dian Dian.

In the photo was an adorable Samoyed, wearing beautiful clothes with a dog leash encrusted with gold around its neck, it looked like the dog was living an even better life than some people.

One thousand yuan, Chu Yang quickly replied, "Okay, right away."

On the other side, Wei Qianduo was also out of options. Her Dian Dian had been missing for quite some days already. She had put up missing dog notices, posted on social media, gathered friends and classmates to help search, but still could not find Dian Dian.

It was one of her friends who said she had recently followed a blogger. Although the blogger claimed to be a fortune teller, she looked more like a gossip blogger, if not a weather expert. However, from the content she posted and some of the replies from her fans, there was still something believable about her.

Wei Qianduo anxiously waited.

On Chu Yang's side, she directly saw a dirty dog with its eyes already closed. A man was holding a shovel, digging a hole nearby, next to a pond... Surrounded by trees, there was a mountain nearby with a pavilion on it. The pavilion had the words "Shouyun Pavilion" written on it, and at that moment the setting sun had gone down.

Chu Yang opened her eyes, looked up the three words "Shouyun Pavilion", and it turned out to be on Guanyun Mountain on the outskirts of the city. Guanyun Mountain was over one thousand meters above sea level, there was also a temple up the mountain, but it was rather secluded. Usually only on weekends would there be more people, other than that there would hardly be anyone there.

Chu Yang quickly replied to the client: "Guanyun Mountain, by the pond, hurry, not looking good."

Seeing this message, Wei Qianduo immediately got up and called someone, "Come with me quickly to Guanyun Mountain!"

In the car, Wei Qianduo asked the fortune telling girl, "Has something happened to my Dian Dian?"

Fortune telling girl: "Very not looking good."

Wei Qianduo was extremely anxious, while the boy next to her tried to comfort her, "Don't worry, Dian Dian will be alright."

Wei Qianduo was on the verge of tears, "But the blogger said it's not looking good at all, I feel like something has happened to Dian Dian."

The boy was puzzled, "Blogger? What blogger?"

Wei Qianduo showed him her phone. The boy took one look and felt she was being scammed. "Qianduo, you haven't been tricked have you? This looks clearly like a scam."

Wei Qianduo took her phone back. "No, I feel like it's real. She even clearly stated the location. Anyway we have to hurry over there. Uncle driver, please go faster."


Two hours later, the two arrived at Guanyun Mountain. Wei Qianduo jogged ahead, "The blogger said it was by the pond."

The boy could only run after her. Soon the two reached the area around the pond, but could not find any traces of people or animals. The boy said, "You must have been tricked. How could Dian Dian possibly have run so far out here?"

"Shhh!" Wei Qianduo quieted the boy down, then her ears perked towards a certain direction. She walked over and parted some bushes, and saw her Dian Dian tied up. A man was fiercely whipping Dian Dian with a whip. The whimpering dog was already very weak.

Wei Qianduo immediately shouted loudly, "Qin Hai!" referring to the boy next to her.

Qin Hai rushed over at once to grab hold of the man. Having heard the shout, the man also panicked. Just as Qin Hai charged at him, he threw down the whip and fled. Qin Hai quickly chased after him.

Wei Qianduo cried as she rushed over to untie Dian Dian. She shouted, "Qin Hai, stop chasing, we need to go to the hospital, quick! Wahhh Dian Dian!" Seeing the man disappear into the woods, and hearing Wei Qianduo's cries, Qin Hai stopped his pursuit and hurried back. The two carried the dog and made haste to leave, but on the way Dian Dian let out a few whimpers. She barely managed to open her eyes, but soon stopped breathing...

Wei Qianduo had already cried to the point she nearly fainted. "Wahhh Dian Dian!"

They finally found a pet hospital, but the doctor could only shake his head...

Wei Qianduo cried so hard she almost passed out. In the end Qin Hai took Dian Dian's body back. As for that man, Qin Hai had already called the police. That abuser would definitely not get away.

While Wei Qianduo went to find Dian Dian, Jin Yang was already complaining to Chu Yang, "Chu Yang, do you still remember my friend Xiu Xiu? Oh my god, she actually didn't listen to you and break up, and now her boyfriend has shown his true colors. She's only coming to cry to me now! I'm so pissed off!"

Chu Yang: "Don't be angry, just respect others."

Jin Yang sighed, "You're as calm as always. I'm most angry that she didn't even believe you on this point." She had already foreseen this outcome. "Oh well, make your choice, bear the consequence. Whether to believe or not was up to her."

Jin Yang: "I will always believe in what you say."

Chu Yang smiled, "Don't, sometimes you still have to believe in yourself. Believing others is the most unreliable." Man can triumph over heaven.

Jin Yang felt Chu Yang made sense, but she would still believe Chu Yang's words. So far, everything she had seen Chu Yang say was accurate.


Dian Dian was found, but the dog had passed away... Her friends came one after another to comfort Wei Qianduo. They knew what Dian Dian meant to Wei Qianduo, that she was no longer just a pet dog, but family. They just didn't expect her to be tortured to death by some psychopath. She must have suffered tremendous pain at that time.

Two days later, the police caught the man. From interrogation it was uncovered that he had already abused many dogs, always going to Guanyun Mountain by that pond to do it. Nobody knew just how many dead dog bodies were buried by that pond. When the police dug them out, they were shocked speechless.

While the law would deal with the dog abuser, Dian Dian still could not come back.

Wei Qianduo had been silent for a whole week already. To distract her, Qin Hai asked, "Show me that blogger you mentioned last time, I'll go follow her account."

Wei Qianduo slapped her forehead, "Oh my, I forgot to pay the blogger!"

Wei Qianduo opened Weibo, and directly transferred five thousand yuan to the fortune telling girl. She left a message: "Thank you blogger for finding Dian Dian, but Dian Dian has already... Still, thank you blogger."

If not for the blogger, perhaps underneath that mud by the pond would be her Dian Dian, never to be discovered. She hated herself for not having discovered this blogger earlier. Perhaps then her Dian Dian would not have... But all the what ifs were useless now.

On Chu Yang's side, she had already foreseen this outcome. Back then when she saw the scars on the dog, most of them were old wounds already. She could only sigh at the situation.

But she still accepted the money.

From Wei Qianduo's introduction, Qin Hai followed the "fortune telling girl's" Weibo account. Looking at the posts the blogger had made, his heart also slowly came to believe that this blogger might be a professional.

If there was anything in the future, he would definitely come looking for this blogger.

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