This World Needs a Hero

Chapter 134


[Translator – Night]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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The pressure that demonic energy exerted on the factory site is lifted.

The land that was roaring and emitting a strange noise fell silent in an instant.

In the tranquility contrasting the previous chaos, the Hero stood up, exhaling hot breath.

Since taking on the role, it was the most ominous battle.

There was more demonic energy produced using the demi-humans than expected.

The necromancer who absorbed them was horrifyingly powerful.

The predictions of him and the emperor, thinking that the influence of the Demonic Church, which had collapsed once and risen again, would not be so formidable, were off the mark.

Yet, without any significant damage, they rescued the hostages and punished the enemy, a truly miraculous victory.


The Hero, with a tired body, approached the necromancer.

Shoulders swaying, footsteps unsteady, but there was something to check before resting.

The necromancer was muttering something without a break.

“Oh… in your… embrace… please take me.”

The Hero’s expression distorted slightly.


The ecstasy, joy, reverence on the face of a person standing on the threshold of death.

The pitch-black, oily blood flowing from the body fused with demons.

It was a scene that showed more about the Demonic Church and its followers than any explanation could.

The Hero didn’t like that the necromancer didn’t fear death.

The tranquility he felt was repulsive.

At that moment.

A domineering and cold voice echoed from behind.

It was a sharp and imposing voice that could not be uttered unless one considered the other person to be far below oneself.

“Before the magician dies, seeking a god who is neither truth nor secret. Pathetic.”

As her words finished, a strange change began in the necromancer’s body.

First, the blood that was flowing incessantly stopped.

The life leaving the body moment by moment was captured by an invisible force.

The necromancer, who suddenly returned from the ecstasy of death, seemed greatly perplexed.

Trembling, he groped his own body, eyes wide.

“This, what is it?”

Meanwhile, the Hero watching was also quite surprised.

“What did you do to him?”

Healing using divine power was out of the question.

Even if it was Larze, who had mastered the visions of the First Era, handling both divine power and magic was considered impossible.

Upon closer inspection, the necromancer’s wounds weren’t healing; they were just… frozen.

Larze shrugged her shoulders in response.

“Judgment, a kind of ‘freeze.’ An achievement obtained while developing Ted and 7th form together.”

Once again, Larze mentioned the 7th form.

Just as he was about to inquire about the exact details.

The necromancer glared at them and spoke maliciously.

“Dirty heretics, unbelievers! The high priest will soon…”



A cold air extended from Larze’s hand, striking the necromancer.

He turned into an ice block without finishing his words, and Larze casually tapped on top of it with the menacing ‘White Despair.’

“If he dies right away, it could be troublesome in various ways. He should be able to endure this state for a couple of days. That should be enough for Her Majesty’s skilled torturers to achieve results and survive.”


“How does it feel? I saved you from an undeserved death from this scum. He would have regretted believing in a foolish religion for two days before dying, right?”

…It would be a lie if I said I wasn’t satisfied.

But the Hero asked about Larze’s intention.

“What’s your motive?”

“Motive, you say. How cunning.”

“You’re not the type to show kindness without reason.”

“Yeah, that’s an accurate observation.”

Larze’s gaze was fixed directly on the Hero.

“I added one more item to trade. I greased the wheels of our relationship for smooth transactions in the future.”

“You seem curious about me.”

“Yeah, I’ve become curious.”

“Fine. If I can answer, I will.”


The trade item with Larze increased.

It was a significant gain for him too, so the Hero nodded satisfactorily.

This could be discussed later.

There were more urgent matters to attend to now.

The Hero looked at the unwelcome guests appearing on one side and clicked his tongue.

“Are only disobedient people gathered in the Great Snow Sea?”

“Hmm, a fox and a rabbit?”

Larze chuckled lightly and took a step back.

Lev and Ilya.

The two stumbled and clumsily approached him after crossing the overturned ground.

The Hero looked at them in disbelief.

“Aren’t you guys scared?”

“D-Didn’t you defeat all the bad guys?”

They looked at the man turned into an ice block, then quickly averted their gaze as if recalling something terrible.

The Hero sighed again.

“What if I’m a bad guy too?”

“I know you’re not!”

It was a bold rebuttal.

“What brought you back?”

“Well, we thought we should at least give our regards before leaving.”

When Lev lowered his head, Ilya also flattened herself on the ground.

The hero looked at the two bundles of fur, seemingly at a loss for words.

“Being treated like that…”

He was about to say, ‘after being treated like that, how can you not come to your senses?’ but the hero just remained silent.

“Thank you so much for saving us.”

…On impulse, he reached out and ruffled the messy fur that seemed to be their heads.

Lev and Ilya, embarrassed by the dirty fur, cowered for a moment, but soon they relaxed and allowed the hero’s touch, wearing content expressions.

He understood.

This was truly an action unworthy of Ted Redymer.

Yet, it was right after a very difficult battle.

This level of reward seemed acceptable.

The Hero briefly felt the sensation of the lives he had saved with his fingertips.

And he mumbled the words he wanted to say.

“Be cautious and careful… but I hope you don’t hate them too much.”

The fox and rabbit, who had a bewildered expression, soon smiled faintly and hopped away with short legs.

At the alley’s end, a few demi-human adults were waiting for them.

When their eyes met, they too nodded slowly.

The Hero silently watched the shadows of the demi-humans, which were gradually moving away.

Suddenly, Larze, who had approached, whispered.

“Do you like cute things?”

In the spot where he turned, he saw ‘young Larze’, a chubby girl was spinning around.

The Hero burst into laughter at the absurdity.

“I can’t tell who the doppelganger is.”

“Ah, this is just an illusion for the eyes. It’s incomparable to your mysterious shape-shifting ability.”


Returning to her original form, Larze, looking tired, stretched.

The Hero also felt the fatigue creeping through his entire body.

“Let’s go to the hideout for now.”

“The hideout?”

“Since we can’t return to the capital through this mess. It will take some time. Oh, before that, I’d appreciate it if you could hand over this captive to Euphemia. Also, please tidy up the traces left here appropriately.”

The traces left in the factory area, where the Hero personally participated in the extermination, were excessively messy.

It’s better to make sure there’s no unnecessary suspicion.

Larze smirked.

“Hmm, you handle things quite well. What’s the cost?”

The Hero responded promptly.

“I have something. You won’t be disappointed.”

“Good, then let’s first visit the palace.”

With that, a burst of light erupted from the air.

Larze, along with the ice block, disappeared in an instant.


The Hero inserted his greatsword into the ground and leaned on it.

He was left alone in the factory area.

There was no need to be resolute anymore.


He exhaled a long and deep sigh.


[Translator – Night]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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The cold touch of steel felt on his back.

The sharp pain in his tired body.

The gentle night air lightly touching his skin.

Though the connection between these sensations was unclear, they seemed to fit well.


And at some point, a faint humming seeped in between them.

Larze grabbed the Hero’s hand stained with fatigue.

“You did well. Let’s go back.”


The Hero slowly nodded his head. It was a long night.

* * *

Inside Harlem, there were many collaborators, but surprisingly, there were also those who secretly communicated from outside.

When their one-sided communication with their trading partners was abruptly cut off, they sensed something ominous and desperately sought hiding places.

…And to those fleeing, Harlem seemed to be the most suitable place to conceal themselves.

Little did they know, a massive net of encirclement had already been set up around Harlem.

Hunters more capable than anyone else are targeting them.

“Ugh, get out of the way! You scoundrels! The wretches who wouldn’t even dare to look me in the eye if we were outside! Come at me!”

At dawn.

A man, clad only in his underwear, swung a sword wildly, as if about to break down the door of the hideout.

The rough-looking men surrounding him chuckled.

With his current disheveled appearance, it might be hard to imagine, but this man was none other than the current captain of the guard.

The crime?

Knowing about the illicit activities of the Harlem’s organizations, yet accepting bribes and turning a blind eye.

“Get out of the way!”


The sword, adorned with the royal emblem, glowed ominously under the moonlight of the harem.

“Get lost!”


However, determined to break through the encirclement at all costs, the man who had somehow managed to pierce through the net recklessly sprinted down the alley.

All he had to do was escape this place, as long as he got out of here, he’d be fine.

Harlem was a vast, complex, and endlessly entangled space.

He could hide anywhere.

He harbored hope and ran.

In his eyes, at the end of the alley, he saw two figures standing.

‘What’s this?’

…An old woman and a girl.

To meet them at the dawn in Harlem, it was an odd composition.

One thing overshadowed by desperation was the unfamiliarity of the situation.

“Get out of the way… Ah!”

The security chief, recognized even within the guards as quite formidable, was now helpless against the sudden attack.


Suddenly, a sword blade protruded from the seemingly ordinary staff of the old woman, piercing through the man’s knee as he screamed.


In less than a second, a clean suppression.

The old woman, after swiping the sword beneath her robe, put it back into the staff.

Then, she inserted the staff’s head into the man’s forehead, who was writhing in pain.


“I guess we are done around here? It seems roughly settled. Wasn’t it too hard?”

…Was there even anything hard for her today?

All she did was follow around Barun.

“Ugh, think of it as a vacation.”

“Did the Hero tell you to get your hands stained with blood?”

With those words, she prevented her from even moving her fingers.

Thanks to her, Nyhill performed the most comfortable mission she had ever done.

“Good job.”

Tuk tuk –

After finishing the communication with the ‘Captive Collection Team,’ wrinkled hands tapped Nyhill’s shoulders.

This warmth and comfort.

Although it should have felt strange, it didn’t.

It was the same sensation she felt not long ago.

Nyhill instinctively thought of the elderly dwarf remaining in the academy.

Now, she was immersed in an unfamiliar emotion.

Is he eating well?

Is he overworking himself?

Even though there’s no one to help him….

She must be in a sleeping state before she can control her doll directly.

Naturally, during that time, there was no overlap in the movements of the doll and Noubelmag, so Nyhill had no way of knowing Noubelmag’s current situation.

“By the way….”

Barun, who had been scrutinizing the girl’s expression, spoke.

“How’s life at the academy?”

“The mission is progressing without any issues.”

“No, that’s not what I meant….”

It was at that moment when Barun carefully chose his words.

She closed her mouth and turned around at the sudden appearance behind her.

“Thank you for your hard work.”

A clear sound echoed as the ornaments hanging from the veil collided.

At the same time, the expression vanished from Nyhill’s face.

Barun greeted with a gentle voice.

“It’s been a while.”

“Yes, have you been well?”

“… I’m the same as always.”

“Take care of your health. You need to live a long life.”

Nyhill was too tense, not noticing the subtle atmosphere between them.

‘Mother Ghost’ quickly brought up the main topic.

“Barun, Her Majesty has ordered your audience.”

“Her Majesty?”

“The leader of the Frost Dragon Tribe and the Hero have just returned. A meeting is scheduled for the morning.”

Barun immediately asked.

“Are both of them unharmed?”

Nyhill also perked up her ears.

Mother Ghost briefly glanced at her and nodded.

“Yes. They were very easy tasks for both of them, weren’t they?”

“…Even in an easy battlefield, people can die or get injured at any time.”

“Oh my, I always think too lightly, as usual.”

Leaving behind words filled with meaning, Mother Ghost turned around to face Nyhill.

“Can Number 3 come and see me?”


[Translator – Night]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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