This World Needs a Hero

Chapter 154


[Translator – Night]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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Martial Arts Waiting Room.

Evergreen recalled memories from a few days ago.

Brief conversations she had with the hero in the hero’s laboratory.

Recently, she had been doing her best to prepare for the Battle Arena.

But overcoming all the anxiety about the match with just training alone was difficult.

So she went to see the hero for advice.

As she listened to him for a while, he suddenly said this.

“Evergreen, what do you think your strengths are?”

“My strengths…?”

…As an archer, she was clearly aware of her strengths.

She had particularly strong physical strength and good stamina.

Thanks to this, she could easily handle a powerful bow with strong tension for a long time.

When she cautiously mentioned this, the hero smiled faintly and tilted his head.

“Of course, that’s also one of your excellent strengths. But what I’m talking about is something else.”

“What do you mean by that…?”

The hero didn’t give a direct answer.

He just looked at her as if to find out for herself.

Evergreen, who was thinking hard, soon became despondent.

“Um, do I even have any strengths? Compared to others…”

As she continued her words, the images of her classmates flashed through her mind.

Ban, who had exceptional control over magical energy.

Leciel, who had an unmatched talent.

Cuculli, who could produce output based on a huge mana capacity.

Luke, who combined a beast-like sense of combat with years of practical experience.

Evergreen bit her lip.

“Just… generally average? Like being ordinary?”

Evergreen knew it wasn’t an appropriate answer to the question.

But the hero didn’t blame her.

Instead, he honestly agreed with her words.

“Indeed, when you see some outstanding guys, you feel like you’re just average and ordinary.”


“But even an ordinary person has their own weapons… their own way of fighting.”

Evergreen tilted her head.

Although it was a reasonable statement, it wasn’t something a vastly superior hero would say.

But the hero continued speaking without paying attention to her puzzled expression.

“Everyone feels that way. There’s no one as humble as you.”


How could that be both a strength and a weapon?

Evergreen looked puzzled.

The hero explained his thoughts in a low voice.

“Humility means not having unnecessary stubbornness and not being proud.”


The hero nodded.

Leciel, Cuculli, Luke, and even Ban.

They all had a very strong pride in their skills.

It was natural for them as they were geniuses.

Although they tried to acquire the skills taught by the Hero, who is a much superior being, they implicitly do not accept the skills of other classmates.

But ‘ordinary’ Evergreen was different.

Because she didn’t overestimate herself, she looked up to her classmates more.

As a result, she tried to pay attention to and emulate the techniques of others, trying to follow them.

All the extreme students must have experienced being persistently asked by Evergreen for tips or know-how at least once.

‘She’s someone who can follow well. In a way… she’s similar.’

The hero looked at Evergreen’s face full of worry and finished speaking leisurely.

“If you don’t forget your strengths, there will surely be satisfactory results to follow.”

Evergreen couldn’t understand it well, but she nodded anyway.

“Thank you…”

“Good luck, Evergreen. There are people who want to see you doing well.”

“Ah! Why are you suddenly saying that!”

Anyway, since then, Evergreen has been constantly pondering over that day’s conversation.

Even the slightest changes in the hero’s expression and tone were vivid.




Evergreen was startled and looked up.

Her gaze naturally turned to the person who urgently called her and then to the broadcasting screen showing the arena.

‘Time has passed….’

Just a moment ago, it seemed like Cuculli was overpowering her opponent in the duel….

But now the Magic 1v1 was already over.

The arrogant expression of the top student of the Mystical Arts Department filled the screen.

Now it was their turn.

“You’re nervous. Just trust me.”

“Oh, Senior.”

Deindart smiled slightly as he twirled his shield in his hand.

“I’ll make sure to win the prize money for you. Don’t worry.”

“Haha, I hope so.”

“Of course I can. Those guys were never a match for me. Just trust me.”

“Yes, Senior.”

Yes, objectively, their team had the upper hand in terms of skill.

Deindart was even last year’s top freshman.

A special case who gave up a year’s worth of credits to re-enroll in the ‘Extreme’ course.

He had even participated in the Battle Arena last year and made it to the finals.

Although he didn’t win the finals, it was still a remarkable achievement.

So she readily accepted his proposal for the 2v2 match.


Deindart, who was checking the condition of his equipment, spoke up again to Evergreen.

“But what are you going to do with the prize money? Shopping?”


It was the moment when Evergreen’s words trailed off.

[Battle Arena Campus Finals! 2v2 Unarmed Combat, 1st and 2nd Year Duel is about to begin! Competitors, please prepare to enter!]

“Alright, let’s go.”


Deindart, who had been grumbling, hardened his face and took the lead towards the entrance.


What made Evergreen suddenly stop was at the end of the corridor.

Her wandering gaze headed towards the Magic 2v2 Match Waiting Room.

‘If only I could go with Luke…’

It would have been great.

Given their much more frequent coordination and his superior skills, victory would have been assured over Deindart.

The preparation process would have been less anxious and more enjoyable.


Evergreen clenched her fist tighter.

‘…I can’t rely on him forever.’

She shouldn’t get too accustomed to Luke’s presence and take it for granted.

As the daughter of Solintail, she should know how to stand on her own.

‘Luke also took on the challenge and succeeded.’

Participating in the Magic 2v2 Match.

Some kids laughed it off as a stunt, but to Evergreen, it seemed incredibly impressive.

Suddenly venturing into a new field and even achieving the feat of advancing to the finals.

In her eyes, Luke shone brightly.

‘Watch closely. I’ll do just as well as you.’

With that determination, Evergreen turned her back from the waiting room where Luke and the others were, and raised her clenched fist.

And she shouted:

“Let’s go!”

“Yeah, fight! Just trust me!”

“Yes, Senior! Do your best!”

[1st year’s entrance]

…A familiar voice boosted her courage.

* * *


Two swordsmen with shields clashed in the center of the arena.

They thrust and slashed with their short swords, kicked, and pushed each other fiercely.

But undoubtedly, the center of their offense and defense was the shield.


Unlike ordinary shields that only had iron edges, their shields had a very high steel content.

An extra-standard weapon that can be handled thanks to intensive strength training and mana.

The audience let out joyful screams at the scene where heavy chunks of metal were whizzing through the air at an invisible speed.

…But the atmosphere in the Magic 2v2 Match waiting room was slightly different.

Ban started with a sinking voice.


[Translator – Night]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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“Senior Deindart doesn’t seem to be as overwhelming as I thought.”

“While his skill is undoubtedly superior, the other side seems to have done much analyzing, and done it well.”

“Yeah, it seems like their tactics fit better.”

Their interpretation was correct.

That’s why Deindardt hadn’t gained a clear advantage.


Amidst the clamor, sparks flying, and Kasim’s commentary penetrating through.

[The close combat continues! Professor Redymer, how do you see this match?]

[The victory will be decided by the archers]

[Oh, could you elaborate a bit more on that?]

[Even within the same archer category, the role on the battlefield varies depending on individual strengths and weaknesses]

As always, the Hero spoke calmly, his voice instilling trust in the listeners.

The children were under the illusion that they had returned to the classroom.

[In this combat situation, those who can bring out the most suitable strengths first will win]

The somewhat uncharacteristic explanation from the hero made some tilt their heads.

“Evergreen’s strengths? Is he talking about her physical strength or eloquence?”

“I think I know.”


Ban smirked mischievously but quickly stifled it.

It was because Luke’s expression was very serious.

Even though they were having a conversation, the boy’s eyes didn’t leave the broadcasting screen.

“So what are Evergreen’s strengths?”

“Things like that.”

Ban’s narrowed eyes turned towards the screen.


As Evergreen’s bowstring was slowly pulled, everyone watching became puzzled.

It was because her bow was aiming at nothing but empty space.

The opponent archer, who should have been the target, was hidden behind an impenetrable cover where Evergreen couldn’t aim.

“What’s she trying to do? She’s just going to expose her position like that.”

“Just watch.”

After the competition began.

The archers’ offense and defense became extremely secretive and, frankly, boring.

They continued to change positions behind covers and silently waited for the opponent to expose themselves.

But now, Evergreen seemed determined to break the stalemate.


An arrow flew towards an empty spot.

…The trajectory suddenly turned sharply vertical right above the hidden cover where the opponent archer was.



The opponent managed to roll away to evade, but as a result, exposed themselves outside the cover.

It was quite surprising.

It was a style of archery that Evergreen had never shown in the qualifiers.

Of course, the onlookers were equally surprised.

“What, what!? What was that…?”

“Yeah, that’s Karen’s archery.”

“…And mixed with my style of perception.”

As the mana in the arrows created ripples in the air, Karen’s arrows aimed with precise timing towards the opponent’s position.

Ban’s eyes widened.

“Wow, when did she practice that?”

“…There’s no way she could have prepared for using it like that in the Battle Arena prep time alone.”

“…She must have been closely observing and learning from the beginning.”

That was the moment when Ban understood Evergreen’s strengths.


Evergreen drew her bowstring again.

This time, it was a straight shot aimed at the exposed body of the opponent archer.

Kasim excitedly continued his commentary.

[Oh, it’s a curved arrow. Evergreen has been hiding a trick up her sleeve. With this, there’s no point in positioning oneself behind many covers. It only makes movement more cumbersome!]

[Positioning must be forced to change. In that gap, Evergreen pours firepower onto the enemy front line!]

And so, the tide of the battle turned in an instant.

As the arrows poured down and the hands and feet of the opposing shield bearer became disoriented, Deindart easily subdued him.

The front line soon collapsed.

With Deindart holding up his shield and Evergreen protecting from behind, the lone remaining opponent archer had no choice but to concede defeat.

[I applaud the persistence and passion Ms. Evergreen must have put into being able to demonstrate such excellent archery skills. Victory, congratulations]

As the commentator finished his analysis, Ban applauded.

“Wow, what a clean victory.”


But Luke didn’t respond at all.

As if there was nothing else in the world, he just watched Evergreen running around on the broadcast screen.

Ban couldn’t help but smile wryly.

‘…Seems like our match isn’t even making him nervous.’

In addition to them, senior students from the Mystical Arts Department were also watching with wide-eyed interest.

Despite receiving warm gazes from them, Luke seemed completely unfazed.

On the other hand, Ban couldn’t help but feel more tense than usual for a different reason…

‘Why is she even here?’

It was an unexpected guest.

The person who had sent him a note wanting to conduct experiments related to mental magic.

The top student of the Mystical Arts Department.

Winner of the Magic 1v1.

The Second Miracle.

Even though they had no personal relationship, the epithets associated with her were extraordinary.

‘Beatrice Monroe.’

With her long purple hair reaching her waist.

Although she was somewhat short, she didn’t look young.

There was no baby fat on her face, and her expression was dry, perhaps because of her dignity and elegance.

She sat there like a sculpture embodying dignity and grace.

The problem was that her eyes never left Ban for a moment.


Ban had no choice but to avert his eyes first.

Moreover, occasionally she whispered something to her seniors as if giving advice, which made him feel extremely self-conscious.

‘They must have sharpened their swords already.’

He didn’t think the Mystical Arts Department would lose as effortlessly as last time.

This time, it was a matter of their honor.

Of course, he and Luke had practiced magic a bit more, but…

‘Luke, you’re just not talented.’

For a week of practicing magic all night, there wasn’t much to show for it.

Ban sighed.

[The participants of the Magic 2v2, please prepare to enter.]

The announcement echoed in the waiting room.

Gripping his iron staff like a sword, Ban recalled the words of the hero.

“Your father was also a rare swordsman with an aptitude for magic.”

…There was no choice but to give it a try.




As Ban left with determination.

In the back, a pair of inscrutable purple eyes bid farewell to him.


[Translator – Night]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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