This World Needs a Hero

Chapter 190


[Translator – Night]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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The arrival of the Dorempa and their children’s clothes, which fell into the hands of the scouts, reached the village the next morning.

The village was engulfed in shock and dismay.

The wives of the Dorempa, along with the mothers of the half-headed siblings who had returned, wailed and fainted.

Waldiff couldn’t even look at the supplies and ran towards the coast, while other tribe members, maintaining silence, were furious at the tragedy that had befallen their leader and his children.

Dorempa was a beloved tribal chief.

He had dedicated his entire life to the well-being of the North, and the tribe members who had watched him closely had deep affection and respect for him.

…There was no one to maintain peace in front of those who returned with only their heads.

Except for one.


The children looked at Cuculli with worried faces.

It was strange.

She didn’t wail, nor did she rush out to kill the invaders immediately.

She just stared blankly at the ground with an expressionless face.

And after a long silence, what came out of her mouth overturned everyone’s expectations.

“…This is strange.”

Was it the result of carrying anger and anguish to the extreme?

The heart that had been burning fiercely all along seemed to have turned to ashes already.

In front of the severed supplies of her family, Cuculli could maintain a surprising calmness even within herself.

Perhaps she was so shocked that her emotions were paralyzed, she thought.

‘…Whatever happens, it’s fine.’

Her mind was surprisingly clear.

Now wasn’t the time to be swayed by emotions.

She began to deduce.


There is intent behind every action.

It was clear that the invaders targeted the Dorempa and their bloodlines.

It was probably to eliminate the focal point of the North and to destabilize the tribal alliances.

That plan must have been meticulously laid out.

Judging from how easily they labeled her father a traitor and pursued her siblings as soon as they set out, it was evident.

‘But why….’

Why leave her, who was arguably the most important figure at the moment, untouched?

‘It doesn’t make sense. If they wanted to destroy the North, they should have attacked me right after eliminating my father.’

There were plenty of opportunities.

After all, she hadn’t come to the North alone in a sound state of mind.

If they wanted to eliminate her, that would have been the right moment.

‘But nothing happened.’

Cuculli recalled the surprisingly smooth journey except for the White Bear Tribe.

Except for them, they could have arrived at the village without any hindrance.

‘Why didn’t they touch only me?’

…What gain could they have had when I safely arrived at this village?

She needed to realize what that was.


Cuculli’s eyes sparkled.

It was a moment when a lightning-like realization pierced her.

“…They’re targeting the sanctuary.”

If the invaders knew about the sanctuary’s existence, everything made sense.

“So, they just left me alone because I’m a suitable candidate.”

Whether they coveted the power of the Frost Dragon or wanted to completely destroy the sanctuary to eliminate any chance of revival in the North.

She wasn’t sure about that yet.

But it was certain that the only reason they left her alone was that.

Once she grasped the enemy’s main objective, the rest of the questions naturally unraveled.

‘Then, I must have been assigned to be lured instead of attacked. They couldn’t just leave me alone.’

They might still be watching this village from somewhere.

Cuculli’s azure eyes scanned the cliff quickly.

‘I don’t see them. But I have to assume they’re there.’

The enemies must have already grasped much about the village.

That’s why they could easily position the clothes along the reconnaissance route.

Then the reason for exposing the supplies…

‘To make me move quickly.’

Cuculli didn’t leave the village after hearing the old woman’s prophecy.

The invaders, who might have thought she would head straight for the sanctuary to receive baptism, would have become anxious.

‘No matter how powerful they are, the North is undoubtedly their enemy.’

Reinforcements would be coming from the central continent, and among them would be the Hero concerned about the safety of his disciples.

Time was not on their side.

Cuculli gazed southward lost in thought.

‘…So, should I just wait for the Professor or other troops to arrive?’

At first glance, it seemed so.

But soon her head slowly shook from side to side.

‘No, doing nothing is the worst option.’

If she kept delaying, the enemies would resort to their final move.

They had already made tremendous efforts to destroy the North.

‘They won’t withdraw without gains.’

Even if they gave up on the sanctuary, they would move to annihilate Cuculli and the remaining Frost Dragon Tribe before reinforcements arrived.

Then everyone would die.

Cuculli murmured softly.

‘Time is not on our side.’

To sum it up, she must undergo baptism.

But currently, their every move is being monitored.

If she acts recklessly, the baptism will fail, and the worst-case scenario of only the sanctuary being exposed will occur.

Her brow furrowed increasingly.

‘How on earth…’

Could she salvage this seemingly hopeless situation?

Could she reach the sanctuary in the middle of the sea, avoiding the enemies’ eyes?

It was a moment when Cuculli, deeply lost in thought, was interrupted.

“Hey, bottom of the class in the mock exams.”


Lost in thought, Cuculli didn’t even realize she was being addressed, planning various schemes in her mind.

Luke, who was clueless, jabbed her in the side.


“Why are you pondering alone? At best, you’ll just hear the sound of rolling stones.”

“Ugh, isn’t it?”

“Nope, it isn’t. Don’t ponder alone.”

The boy chuckled and gestured behind him.

Ban, Leciel, and Evergreen.

They were standing awkwardly, having excelled in various difficult tactical classes at Rosenstark.

“Do you really need to leave all the smart ones out?”




After a brief mock trial.

Cuculli muttered hesitantly.

“No, this plan is too risky for you guys.”

“Is there any other way?”

But Luke insisted.

“From what you’re saying, if we don’t do this, we’ll all end up dead anyway.”

“Ugh… Will such a simple plan work?”

“They’re desperate. It’ll work and then some.”

Luke raised his fist.

“If you fail, it’s a gamble. If successful, it is a tactic.”


“Let’s give it a try.”

“Uh, is this right?”


Along with a sigh, Cuculli’s raised fist met Luke’s.

* * *

It had already been over half a day since Dorempa and his children’s clothes were embraced by their families.

But the reaction the Demonic Church Leader desired didn’t seem to be coming anytime soon.

…The sun had already set.

Kalende anxiously peered down the cliff.

Despite having been here for only a few days, it felt like she had stayed for a year.

The distant sound of waves echoed.

The snowflakes fluttered when bored.

Even the mysterious auroras in the sky had become tiresome.

A bitter expression crossed her tired face.

‘Should I really give up on the sanctuary like this?’

…Just uprooting the Frost Dragon Tribe would yield significant results.

A new avenue of attack would open, and one of humanity’s staunch allies would be eliminated.


[Translator – Night]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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But it seemed Malekia wanted more.

‘The immense power of the dormant Frost Dragon in the sanctuary is said to be the last pure source of energy remaining in this era. We must obtain it at all costs.’

The Demonic Church Leader slowly nodded.

‘We can’t wait any longer. If Cuculli doesn’t move today, we’ll have to strike first.’

The time for the final decision was approaching

Numerous urgent messages urging action poured in within a few hours.

“The Hero was spotted at the northern edge. Our outpost has been breached….”

“He has concealed himself again like a ghost. Calculating the distance between the last sighting and the destroyed outpost, he should arrive at where the Demonic Church Leader is within a day….”

“The troops riding the Payrun River have entered the North Sea!”

Each one of them foretold their doom, something extremely unlucky.

Perhaps that was why the gazes of Okultus, Malekia’s envoy, became increasingly piercing.

He stared silently at Kalende from the sidelines for a long time, as if urging her to make a choice, then disappeared repeatedly.

The more he did so, the more anxious Kalende became.

‘This is dangerous.’

Even if they received tremendous support, if they failed to achieve the expected results, Malekia, known as the Queen of Agony, wouldn’t hesitate to punish her.

But for some reason, Cuculli didn’t seem to have any intention of leaving for the sanctuary.


…It was the moment when Kalende was about to give up halfway and prepare for the assault.

Cuculli’s pupils, scanning the coastal village for the last time, suddenly shook violently.

“What’s this?”

Kalende got up from her seat and hurried to the edge of the cliff.

She was in such a hurry that she even threw off her hood, which covered her face.

The congregants around quickly averted their eyes and bowed their heads.


The spot where her piercing gaze had been fixed was terribly devastated.

The empty left eye socket was filled with countless small wounds, as if pecked by birds.

It was the final blow Dorempa had delivered.

The ice spear he had thrown ruptured the piercing gaze and completely froze its surroundings.

…Only one pupil remained.

But even with that alone, it wasn’t difficult to discern the movements of the village.

Kalende’s external eye stared intently at the silhouettes scurrying around the village.

‘Are they heading for the sanctuary?’

As she pondered…


The silhouettes moved away, riding on something, and exited the village entrance.

They swiftly traversed along the long stretch of coastline.

The moonlight, shining at that moment, revealed their identities.


They were creatures resembling a mix of yak and goat.

Known as the ultimate means of transportation, they could move swiftly even on flat ground and climb steep cliffs.

Capra were famous for their difficult breeding and reproduction processes, resulting in a low population.

They were carrying a total of eight riders and passengers, leaving the village all at once, taking advantage of the ambitious night.

Kalende’s eyes filled with joy.

‘Ah, finally.’

Her hand counted the silhouettes from behind.

One, two, three… a total of eight.


It was undoubtedly Cuculli and her academy peers.

Even in the extended detection range, there was a faint sense of the Frost Dragon Tribe’s presence.

‘Are they escorting their friend?’

It was a wise decision.

Her friends would be much stronger than the remaining warriors of the tribe.

But it was futile.

Kalende looked back with a triumphant expression.


Her subordinates were already fully prepared to pursue them.

Kalende gestured.

“Let’s go.”

Under the cover of concealment.

The Demonic Church Leader and the congregants began to rush.

They were exactly parallel to the children.

* * *

Cuculli watched silently from the Dorempa tent as her friends moved away along the coast.

Eight silhouettes racing along the coastline.

One of them was her younger brother, Waldiff.

“In simple terms, it’s a lure operation. We’ll attract attention, so you watch for the right moment to open the way to the sanctuary.”


“Don’t dwell on useless thoughts and listen to me. The best way to ensure everyone’s survival is for you to inherit the power of the Frost Dragon quickly and come to rescue us. You know that, too.”

At that moment.

Cuculli could see the resolute determination and cold calmness flooding from her friends’ eyes.

It was an expression filled with determination to successfully carry out the mission entrusted to them.

“…Don’t die.”

Her friends nodded their heads warmly at the words she reluctantly added.

Cuculli stared at each of their faces as if engraving them into her mind.

Whether the plan succeeded or failed… this would be the last time she faced the children as herself.

It was a fact known to everyone present, yet a fact that no one truly comprehended.

Cuculli greeted them first.

“Goodbye. Take care.”

“…Goodbye, Cuculli.”

That was the last.

The children climbed onto the backs of Capra and quickly departed.

They were now out of sight from the village.

By now, they were probably racing across the wilderness, leaving behind dangerous enemies in their wake.

Cuculli turned her steps back into the tent… or more precisely, towards the bone chair, the key to the sanctuary.

Unfortunately, there was no time to indulge in sentiment.

Her hand tightly grasped the cold handle of the chair.

…It was time to go for baptism.


[Translator – Night]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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