This World Needs a Hero

Chapter 224


[Translator – Night]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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When he first faced the empty laboratory.

The Hero thought he had missed Ivar by a hair’s breadth.

But after confirming his traces on the laboratory floor, his thoughts changed slightly.

‘…He jumped to the ceiling.’

It’s too risky to be caught.

Why did Ivar choose such a risky move?

The answer was obvious.

‘It was urgent. There was no time.’

He was sure.

Ivar had been here until he arrived at the entrance of the laboratory.

‘But I must have surprised him by suddenly coming.’

There’s only one exit here.

If he walked out, he would have thought he’d run into him.

Therefore, he hid on the ceiling as a last resort.

And when he passed by, he would have fled outside.

Suddenly, the passage he had just passed came to mind.

The width of the path was narrow, but the height to the ceiling was quite high.

…If he had hidden, that would have been the place.

As the thought reached there, the Hero headed straight outside.

He must be moving slowly, trying to kill any noise as much as possible.

The probability was high that he hadn’t left the vicinity of the laboratory yet.

‘I have to reveal myself first.’

The method for that was ready.


The Hero abandoned the search, left the area around the laboratory, and returned as a polymorph, capable of surviving in the jungle.

‘Of course….’

Then Ivar revealed himself from the opposite bushes.

With a much paler face than in his memory, he anxiously looked around, then seemed to relax as if reassured.

His gaze met the Hero’s for a moment.

But even the great Ivar couldn’t have thought that the wandering jaguar was the Hero.


Ivar walked away, showing his back.

The Hero quietly followed him.

‘There were no traces of life in the laboratory.’

He was probably in the midst of moving his hiding place here or had other business.

He would probably return to his original hiding place upon his arrival.

‘For now, I’ll observe. Attacking now would be premature.’

During the 1 or 2 seconds it took for him to transform back into human form, Ivar would have ripped him apart.

There was also the option of widening the distance and then returning after transforming, but… there was a risk of missing him.

That’s not all.

‘Fighting him in this jungle terrain is disadvantageous.’

Of course, he had thought about using Stellar Rift to take him to a pocket dimension.

But Stellar Rift was designed primarily for ‘protection,’ to separate formidable opponents from allies.

‘It’s not the appropriate technique for the current situation.’

The mana consumption was too high.

The battle with Ivar would be a firefight in the beginning.

Even though Stellar Rift provides positive adjustments to the caster, it’s not applicable in the current situation.

The Hero replayed simulations in his mind and followed Ivar.

‘…I have to be as careful as possible.’

It’s true that he had to fight before he recovered.

But rushing and losing would be a disaster.

The outcome would determine the future of humanity.

He had to aim for favorable terrain and timing.


So he clandestinely tracked him for some time.

Finally, Ivar’s footsteps slowed down.

The Hero’s heart skipped a beat.

‘The terrain is changing.’

It wasn’t just the vast jungle.

The terrain gradually changed, revealing caves made of limestone.

There were fewer terrain features for him to use, and there was plenty of space to swing his greatsword.

The density of trees and vines also noticeably decreased.


There was a risk of being noticed if he got any closer.

The Hero stopped at a distance and observed Ivar entering the cave.

‘…Alright. This will do.’

He had already planned how to fight.

First, he would use Condense·Halo to collapse the cave.

Ivar would surely escape from the collapsing rocks using the power of the wind.

While he was airborne, he would restrict his escape route with ‘Infinity – Annihilation.’

Then, he would strike with all his might with Horizon, using up all his energy.

If he could land significant blows in the beginning and start the battle, the goddess of victory would favor him.


The Hero backed off a little further and transformed into Ted’s form.

Accessing Valber’s pocket dimension.

Wrapped in the robes of Zero Requiem.

Black Hope was tightly wrapped around his hand.

Valber’s 17 weapons were also conveniently placed on the floor.

It was the moment he was about to take the initiative.


Suddenly, the Iris of Laplace projected a comment.

Curse spell Detected.

…Initiating interpretation of contents.

The knowledge of Zero Requiem contained in the Iris of Laplace seemed to decipher something.

The Hero, frozen in place, stared relentlessly at the comments appearing without pause with a stern expression.





Injury transfer



Loss of senses

…The target of the curse spell is one who without permission enters the territory.

The Hero chewed on his lips.

It seemed that the demons had quite a significant interest in Ivar’s whereabouts.

Normally, the Hero wouldn’t pay much attention to ordinary curse spells, but these curses were dangerous.

Analyzing the nature of the properties constituting the curse spell.

Magic also has its own characteristics.

Just as one could recognize that Lonker’s stakes were Malekia’s, for example.

Through the Iris of Laplace, the Hero could ascertain whose authority the curse spell unfolded under.

It is presumed to be the magic of Theo, the second division commander of the Demon King’s army.

Theo, the Elder of Loss.

He and his associates play a role akin to a magical corps in the organization of the Demon King’s army.

The ‘curses’ they manifest are powerful and persistent.

The Hero looked with sinking eyes at the cave where Ivar had entered.

‘…I can’t escape from those stacked layers of curses.’

Dozens of layers of overlapping curse spells.

Of course, if it were Ted, he wouldn’t have been bothered even if he went in there naked.

His innate magical resistance was incredibly strong.

To the extent that one might say that his true talent wasn’t swordsmanship but magical resistance.

But the Hero was still unable to fully replicate that resistance.

‘Even if I resist, I’ll still be affected by the curse and weaken.’

Even fighting at full strength, Ivar was formidable.

If he fought under the influence of the curse, his chances of winning would be even slimmer.

If he had known it would come to this, he would have been better off fighting near the laboratory.

The Hero pondered deeply.

‘If I use Dispel on the robe…?’

It might be useful, but it wouldn’t provide decisive help.

The curse was a new type of magic that took root in this world when the demonic energy took root in this world.

It’s difficult for Dispel to fully exert its effect against curses.

Curses must be dispelled by an expert in that field.

‘It would be too much to expect such defenses in a temporary shelter.’

…I can’t think of a suitable way to break through right now.

As the Hero pondered, he suddenly thought of someone.

Assassination, curse, subterfuge… Among humans, the best at such things happened to be nearby.

‘To get cooperation, I’ll have to give something up, but….’

After all, it was part of what he had prepared for this mission in the southern region.

The Hero, after calmly observing Ivar’s hiding place for the last time, turned on his heel.

* * *

The moment the Hero returned to the safe house, the sun was just about to set.

The golden sunset spread its shadows like melting butter.

The Hero glanced at the beautiful scenery before finally facing forward.

There was a guest waiting at the entrance of the safe house.

“Well, this is fortunate. I had something to discuss with you.”

“I also came because I had something to discuss.”

Mother Ghost spoke calmly as usual.

But her characteristic scrutinizing gaze gradually deepened.

It was more suspicious than a few days ago.


[Translator – Night]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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The Hero smirked inwardly.

‘She did follow after all.’

Then the conversation would become easier.


The Hero gestured for her to open the door and enter.

Mother Ghost hesitated for a moment, then calmly entered.

But the tension in her back was faint.

“Let me handle the matter first.”


Straight to the point, the conversation continued.

“I’ve located Ivar’s hiding place. I’ve confirmed it.”

“Did you kill him?”

“No. The situation wasn’t favorable for that.”

“It’s strange. To make a Hero like you, who encountered a traitor, hesitate… does such a situation even exist?”

The Hero chuckled at the implications in the words.

“You followed me today.”


“You must have lost track of me at some point.”

Mother Ghost looked at me, neither confirming nor denying.

“Did you use the Thousand Mile Fragrance?”


Thousand Mile Fragrance was an item given only to elite agents, used by the Ministry of Intelligence.

Once applied, its unique scent lingered for at least a few days.

For agents trained to detect that scent, it was akin to a tracking beacon.

“Have you finished your business?”

“Yes, for the most part.”

“Hurry up. Everyone is waiting.”

When I first met Mother Ghost, guided by an intelligence agent, even the inner latch of the room had Thousand Mile Fragrance applied.

Thousand Mile Fragrance was spread throughout safe house.

Mother Ghost would have tracked me with Thousand Mile Fragrance every time I left.

I knew from the start that this kind of tracking would be attached when I came to the south.

‘She might not have been able to follow closely enough to discover me, but she probably observed from afar through a telescopic artifact.’

But I transformed into a jaguar halfway through and returned to human form.

Of course, she didn’t see the transformation scene herself….

‘It’s impossible for there not to be any Thousand Mile Fragrance residue, not even a trace.’

With the sudden disappearance of the scent, the doubts of Mother Ghost would have deepened further.

‘It must be a question about who I am.’

Today was the time to answer that question.

The Hero began the conversation leisurely.

“Around Ivar’s hiding place, there are high-level curse spells layered one after another. I heard from Euphemia you’re the most proficient in curses in the Shadows. Can you handle it?”

Mother Ghost narrowed her eyes.

“That’s a bit of a strange thing to say. Curses, spells, or magic. Aren’t they useless against the resistance of a Hero like you?”

The Hero shrugged.

“Of course, if it were Ted.”


Mother Ghost blinked with a rare dumbfounded expression.

Her mouth opened slightly.

“But unfortunately, it’s impossible for me.”

Even the esteemed Mother Ghost couldn’t hide her surprise at those words.

“Right now….”

She stepped back a few paces and looked at the Hero.

In her hand, a semi-transparent dagger had appeared.

The blade shimmered with extreme toxicity, and various curse spells flashed on the handle.

“What’s this…?”

Mother Ghost scanned the Hero up and down with disbelief in her eyes.

As a master of disguise and transformation, she knew that the Hero hadn’t disguised himself at all.

‘Twins, perhaps? No, even if they were twins, could they be exactly the same?’

But there were more important matters at hand.

There weren’t many options for someone who had revealed a secret.

Mother Ghost clenched the dagger, gritting her teeth.

“…Do you intend to eliminate me?”

“Surely not.”

The Hero shook his head.

“You’re not one to lack discernment. Why would I eliminate someone who is beneficial to humanity like you?”

Mother Ghost’s eyebrow raised ever so slightly.

“…Who are you, really?”

The Hero met her narrowed gaze.

Yes, from the outset, he hadn’t thought the secret would stay hidden forever once the lies began.

Especially if it was Mother Ghost, who oversaw all information in the Shadows.

She would surely have noticed something was amiss.

Continuing to leave questions unanswered and establishing opposition would be counterproductive.

This side was more appropriate.

After all, Mother Ghost, as part of Utophemia’s dependency, couldn’t betray humanity, let alone…

“You must have been curious. It must have felt like trying to solve a puzzle with a few missing pieces.”

The Hero took a step forward.

… And released the “Polymorph”.


Mother Ghost stumbled backward, her back against the entrance to safe house.

However, she was so startled that she didn’t even think to open the latch and escape.

She simply looked at the “stranger” before her with trembling eyes.

Even someone who had lived as a cold-blooded agent all her life showed a reaction like any ordinary human in the face of such a bizarre phenomenon.

The Hero spoke.

“Yes, as you can see, I’m not Ted Redymer.”


“Congratulations. You are the third person to know this secret.”

Mother Ghost blinked in disbelief at the Hero’s calm tone.

Even with all the information she possessed, she was at a loss.

To her, variables were always predictable… and controllable.

But what was happening now was far beyond her predictions.

‘…And the third one.’

She muttered to herself, suspecting that one of those individuals might be her lord.

“So, what are you going to do?”

“…What can I do?”

And indeed, she was right.

Even if she knew the Hero wasn’t really a Hero…

She couldn’t do anything.

Revealing the Hero’s secret would only cause confusion among humanity, offering no help whatsoever.

No, humanity wasn’t the problem.

It was a problem intertwined with her lord, who held her lifeline.

A colossal lie created by the emperor and that “something.”

If it were to be exposed, it would undoubtedly affect the emperor’s position as well.


Mother Ghost’s butt touched the ground.

Because dusk had already fallen, the inside of the safe house was dark.

In the darkness, she looked at the shining eyes.

The world’s only doppelganger.

“Who… what are you? Where do you belong?”

That was all she could manage.

The doppelganger replied promptly.

“I belong nowhere.”

It was the moment when Mother Ghost’s face turned deathly pale.

The doppelganger added.

“But I’ll be by your side. Always. Forever.”


[Translator – Night]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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