This World Needs a Hero

Chapter 231


[Translator – Night]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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Rosalyn, who was scrutinizing the hero from side to side, made a simple diagnosis.

“It’s Dark Impulse.”

At this, the hero looked bewildered and stared at her.

“How can you easily identify the curse like this?”

Honestly, he didn’t expect much.

Even the Iris of Laplace couldn’t discern the nature of the curse, and Mother Ghost also failed.

If Rosalyn didn’t know, he was thinking of finding Larze or another expert.

But surprisingly, Rosalyn had the answer.

She added an explanation.

“In the distant past, there was a professor of mysticism who fell victim to this curse.”

Because it felt the same as back then, she could recognize it.

“Back then, no one even suspected the nature of the curse. Only the professor suffered.”

Then one day.

He came to the memorial library and left a series of memories before committing suicide.

Reading those memories, Rosalyn could understand why he chose death.

“So what curse is it exactly?”

“It’s a curse that literally instills evil impulses in psychoelectronics. A curse of corruption, you could say.”

…Evil impulses?


The hero raised his eyebrows.

He had never felt such impulses for days.

His mind was as clear and lucid as usual.

“As you know, I’m immune to various mental magic and interference. If the curse is of that kind, I don’t have to worry too much.”


Rosalyn looked somewhat worried.

“To be precise, the curse is different from magic. It evolved as a separate technique derived from sorcery and then combined with magic.”

“Does that mean resistance won’t work?”

“I can’t guarantee it will be completely ineffective.”

Detailed explanations followed.

“The reason why Ted was immune to various powerful mental attacks such as Magorn’s hallucination or Enoch’s illusions was probably because of ‘his’ homunculus, which harbors the essence of numerous humans.”

“I suspected that.”

“…The problem is that Dark Impulse can also corrupt those minor essences.”

Corrupting one or two among numerous essences wouldn’t matter much.

But if ten, a hundred, or a thousand gradually became tainted with evil?

The essences are the core elements that make up the homunculus.

Even if you don’t know, it won’t have a positive impact.

Rosalyn murmured with an unusually serious expression.

“In simple terms, it may not be a major threat right away… but…”

“It’s a ticking time bomb that will eventually explode, isn’t it?”

“That’s an accurate expression. So it must be resolved.”

…Ironically, it was a curse that was truly effective against doppelgangers.

The hero looked down at his body with a pensive expression.

“Evil impulses. How exactly do they manifest?”

“Speaking in terms of Theo’s name… it’s like ‘loss of humanity.'”

It was said that when the curse progressed to an extreme, psychoelectronics experienced various symptoms.

They would take pleasure in slaughter, feel revulsion towards the virtuous, and experience ecstasy and satisfaction deep in their hearts when committing evil deeds.

The criteria of good and evil were reversed.

“Typically, it’s a very difficult curse to succeed. Its effects are also limited. But…”


“This time, the medium was too good. The explosive despair and resentment of a strongman like Ivar.”

The hero remembered Theo, who concealed his secret and taunted Ivar.

“You really thought everything was a coincidence?”

Although he had no intention of condoning the traitor Ivar… it was an infuriating scene.

Even more so if there was intent behind casting the curse.


The hero’s hand holding the chair arm turned white.

“So even if it was an avatar instead of the main body, it had to succeed.”

“…Mother Ghost mentioned a way to transfer the curse to someone else.”

“Do you know how to transfer the curse and its conditions?”

Rosalyn grinned lightly as she looked towards the hero, who shook his head.

“To properly transfer the curse, first, you need to find a subject with attributes opposite to those of the curse.”


“So to transfer Dark Impulse, you need ‘one who bears no malice,’ such as newborn babies or virtuous people in large numbers…”

“I reject that. I never intended to transfer it unless it was a heinous criminal.”

Rosalyn seemed to have expected that and smiled faintly.

The hero sighed deeply.

“Seeing you laugh so lightly even in the face of your colleague’s crisis, it seems there is an alternative.”

“Yes, I do have that level of responsibility.”

Rosalyn drew a gentle curve at the corner of her mouth.

“Remember when I told you about our ‘brother’ last time?”


The hero groped his memory.

“There is one more homunculus besides me. Ted must have seen him in his memories, right?”

A figure in a robe that he saw in Ted’s first memory.

He was the one who subdued Ted, who lost his comrades and raged.

“Surely… he was said to be created through the inheritance of Zero’s genes.”

“Yes, thanks to that, he could become a very powerful magician and competent researcher.”

The hero raised his eyebrows in puzzlement.

“But why hasn’t he shown himself on the front lines against the demons until now? He could have been a great help.”

“As I mentioned before, he had a mission to fulfill. Now it’s almost over.”

She counted the dates with her fingers as if she were calculating, then tapped the table and spoke.

“You’ll probably be able to meet him in about a month. Then he’ll definitely help resolve this curse.”

“A month… That seems manageable without any particular issues.”

The hero instinctively recalled various details about the last homunculus.

One of the three homunculi created by Zero Requiem for the future.

…It wouldn’t be wrong to call him his ‘brother.’

‘He was created from Zero’s genes, so he must look quite similar to Zero.’

The hero recalled the last memory he had viewed.

A man clutching his wife in the ruins of the collapsing Magic Empire, crying out in anguish.

It was at that moment that a natural curiosity arose.

“But was the last memory I viewed the third one? No related comments seemed to appear afterward.”


…Surprisingly, Rosalyn seemed hesitant to answer.

She didn’t speak or act as if the answer was already predetermined, unlike usual.

The hero asked in puzzlement.


“The memory was indeed the last one.”

After a brief silence,

Rosalyn said so with a look she had never seen before.




After that, they briefly discussed their plans for the future.

They reached a conclusion quickly.

The demons and traitors would undoubtedly come up with more schemes.

So they should raise the progress as quickly and safely as possible.

When they reach Stage 6, they would be prepared for any trickery, at the very least.

‘In the current situation, raising the progress of ‘Firewood’ is the best option.’

It would be difficult to raise the progress of ‘Furnace’ or ‘Flame’ immediately.

But firewood… There was plenty of room to involve the children.

‘Both the parent-teacher conference and the arrival of the Dawn Knights are imminent, after all.’

So until the hero and Rosalyn set off for the resolution, they decided to focus on the children for now.

Therefore, the hero’s next destination was already determined.

* * *

Communications Room 23.

The voice of a boy in great distress echoed.

“I never thought I would be consulting with you.”


Beyond the editing bead.

Excitedly swaying azure hair.

Simultaneously, long-grown horns wriggled wildly.

[Throughout history, dragons have been synonymous with wisdom. It’s not strange for you to seek me out, human.]

“If you keep talking like that, I’m hanging up.”

[Hehe, sorry, sorry]

Cuculli brought her mischievous face close to the bead.

Her eyes sparkled with anticipation.


[Translator – Night]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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‘What’s going on here?’

It was about five minutes ago when Luke called in looking like he was about to die.

After hesitating for a while, he finally asked for counseling about something just a minute ago.

Although the chieftain had been very busy, she couldn’t have missed such a major event.

[So, what’s going on? Is Evergreen breaking up with you?]

“…Well, at this rate, we might.”

Cuculli’s eyes widened.

[What!? Did you have a fight? Or, there’s no way, but… could you have? You scumbag!]

“It’s neither of those!”

Luke began to explain briefly.

It was about Ravias coming to Rosenstark because of the parent-teacher conference.

The next participation in the Aureum Mercenary Corps.

And his position where he had to drop out and join the mercenary corps.

“To sum it up, I suddenly found myself packing and heading to the Demonic Realm next month.”

After hearing Luke’s story, Cuculli grimaced and rubbed her chin seriously.

The playful mood had disappeared as quickly as it had come when she realized the topic was more serious than she had thought.

[Do the others know?]



Eventually, Cuculli tilted her head and began to bombard him with questions.

[Do you really have to follow your adoptive father’s wishes?]

“I’m a member of the mercenary corps before I’m a student. I have to obey orders.”

[Hmm, so you can’t refuse the member’s duty?]

It was Cuculli, as expected.

Luke chuckled at her simplicity.

“I have a lifelong contract.”

[Can’t you annul it?]

“I can’t easily.”

As the conversation progressed to that point.

Cuculli couldn’t hold back and burst out angrily.

[Ugh, you’re just speaking after deciding all the answers.]

“What can I do when the situation is like this?”

[Forget about the situation. What do you want to do?]

“They say we have to go to the Demonic Realm, what can I do?”

[That’s your stepfather’s opinion. You! What do you, Luke Selsood, want to do!]

Luke tried to say something but then closed his mouth.

As if frustrated, Cuculli pounded her chest.

[You don’t want to go, so you’re whining at me. Am I wrong?]

…You’re not wrong.

Luke bit his lips tightly.

Cuculli’s transparent pupils were directed at him.

[Why are you acting so timidly? Your father said to go ahead and play a round. He said he’d let you do whatever you want.]


[Is it a Delim or Dellum? Anyway, that.]

“… Dellum. You want me to have a life-or-death duel with my father?”

[Uh… You just have to win and survive!]

Luke let out a deep sigh.

“If I lose?”

Ravias would be furious if she found out, but in truth, Luke had imagined a duel with Ravias several times since earlier.

But he couldn’t actually carry it out.

[Does he have to kill his own son?]

“It’s a matter of honor. He won’t hesitate for a second.”

[Uh, uh… Just win!]

“There’s no chance of winning.”

[Why? Is the skill difference that severe? You’ve become much stronger too.]

“The skill difference is naturally there. But….”

Luke looked down at his calloused hands.

“I learned everything about fighting from my father, from 1 to 100. He could face me with his eyes closed.”

[Hmm… Just think about fighting between my father and I.]

“It’s similar.”

Cuculli hesitated, then clapped her hands.

[Go to the professor for help, ask him to make your father stop, or ask him to teach you how to win in a fight!]

“… How could that help with such a personal matter?”

Luke wasn’t comfortable with the hero to that extent.

Having grown up watching Ravias.

He couldn’t open his heart to the hero like the other kids.

Of course, it wasn’t conscious guarding or suspicion.

…It’s just that Luke had always been that way with adults.

[You don’t know how the professor sees us. You really don’t know.]

It was a difficult part for Cuculli, who grew up watching a wonderful adult like Dorempa, to understand.

“Anyway, it’s my problem, so I have to solve it.”

[Just go tell him. You want to chat with Evergreen more while studying at the academy, but your mean adoptive father is bothering you!!]

“I’m serious.”

[I’m not joking either.]

Cuculli’s expression momentarily became very serious, and Luke closed his mouth, which he was about to refute.

[Do you really think you can just space out and everything will be fine?]


[You’ll definitely miss it. So you’ll regret it like crazy.]

The classroom bathed in gentle sunlight.

The practice room echoing with mutual support.

The lounge where friends chatted secretly without the supervision of the teacher.

The shopping street after training….

Cuculli murmured softly, reminiscing about the things she missed from the north.

[Do you have the confidence to not miss these things while you’re fighting stubbornly with your adoptive father on the battlefield? What about Evergreen? Deindart will be looking for you.]


[Even if I’ve given up reluctantly, I hope you don’t.]

Luke shook his head silently.

The softened voice pierced his ears.

[So think carefully too.]


[Actually, I haven’t completely given up. I’ll quickly throw everything to my younger brother and go back to Rosenstark!]

Luke chuckled involuntarily.


If that kid could come back, and she could stay too, how wonderful would that be?

He was a boy who opened his mouth with such a wish in mind.

“I guess you’ll have to call me senior then.”

[Get lost!]




Cuculli’s communication ended.

Nothing had changed, but… at least his heart felt a little lighter.

Luke walked back to the freshman dormitory.

Various colored autumn leaves gently fluttered between the buildings.

Thinking that he might not see this familiar scenery in a few months made it feel strangely unfamiliar.

Luke suddenly missed Evergreen.


He didn’t know.

What should he do?

When it came to other problems, Luke was more independent and decisive than anyone else, but especially when it came to Ravias, he became indecisive.

“This father saved your life, taught you how to fight, and brought you to the mountains of gold. Are you going to oppose me like an ungrateful wretch?”


Luke’s hand dropped weakly.

No matter how much his father abused him, how could he decide his life and death?

‘Even though I have no confidence in winning.’

Luke entered the lounge, thinking such thoughts.

It was a bustling space as usual with children.

The boy habitually looked for golden hair among them.

But for some reason, he couldn’t see her.

‘What’s going on?’

Luke grabbed Gerald as he passed by.

“Hey, haven’t you seen Evergreen?”

“Huh? Weren’t you together?”

“What are you talking about? I was in the communication room.”

It was a moment when Luke frowned in inexplicable anxiety.

“No, your father called and took her away. I thought you were together.”

Luke rushed out of the lounge.

Gerald hadn’t finished speaking.

His heart was irregularly beating, and his hands and feet were chillingly cold.

Powerful anger and impatience surged within him, even surprising himself.


He would definitely do it.


[Translator – Night]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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