This World Needs a Hero

Chapter 247


[Translator – Night]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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The Hero who headed straight for the Library of Memories met Rosalyn and asked about the whereabouts of Zero, the homunculus who received Zero’s favor.

Rosalyn scrutinized the Hero with a stern expression, then let out a faint sigh.

“You seem to be in a hurry, Ted. With so much going on, I thought you’d take a break before coming. Is it because of the Dark Impulse?”

…The Hero nodded slowly.

“As expected, you’re quick to catch on.”

The first manifestation of the Dark Impulse occurred when he was training with Labin.

Late at night.

The Hero was diligently repeating basic swordsmanship to grasp ‘Unity’, while Labin, observing him, was practicing his mana for a moment.

A strange whisper echoed in his ears.


His gaze fixed on the old man sitting vulnerably.

The Hero was shocked and froze.


Labin suddenly raised her head.

Unconsciously, the Hero took a step back.

“I think it’s time for me to leave.”

Since then, he had been restless, unsure if the eerie whisper was due to the Dark Impulse or the fatigue from days of non-stop training.

But just now.

As he reached out to support Zion after their duel, he heard the voice again.


It felt like something dark and crimson writhed inside his chest.

‘You could easily kill her now.’

‘Later, when your true identity is revealed, she will undoubtedly come to kill you. With that powerful force.’

The Hero froze involuntarily.

The hallucination became much more vivid and sinister.

His hand seemed to instinctively grasp onto the Black Hope.

Even though it was just a fleeting moment, even Zion didn’t notice, the impulse was stronger than he thought.

When the Hero confided in Rosalyn, she nodded as if she had expected it.

“…As I mentioned before, the reason you were immune to Magorn’s hallucinations or Enoch’s illusions is because ‘he’ holds the essence of countless human beings as a Humunculus.”

“I know.”

The primal shapeshifter, ‘he,’ had replicated tens of thousands, perhaps even hundreds of thousands of humans.

Naturally, attacks targeting a single consciousness would have no effect.

But the Dark Impulse was different.

“Dark Impulse is dangerous because it can gradually corrupt the numerous essences that form my foundation.”

“Yes, it’s a time bomb that must not be ignored.”

Because of this, the Hero decided to leave immediately.

Of course, the impulse was still manageable.

But who knew when it would worsen.

For now, there was a need to isolate himself from the people here.

Rosalyn looked at the Hero with a concerned expression.

“You don’t look good.”

“…It reminded me of the past.”

Leaving behind close friends was a recurring trauma for him.

In the past, when faced with the risk of exposure or suspicion, he had only two options.

Killing all involved to hide his identity.

Or fleeing.

He had naturally chosen the latter.

“Don’t worry. Zero can neatly cure you if need be. The Dark Impulse will never harm Ted’s relationships with others.”

“Did you even know how to offer such comfort?”

“I’m on Ted’s side.”

“Well, thanks for the words, at least.”

The Hero smirked at Rosalyn’s nonchalant attitude.

“Anyway, what exactly is Zero doing? Can you tell me now?”

“Zero is in the West.”

…The West?

The Hero narrowed his eyes.

“West of Rosenstark?”

“Yes. Beyond Lonkers, further west than that.”

That meant it was the far west.

The Hero raised his eyebrows in puzzlement.

Most of the population in the Western Continent is concentrated in the Middle East.

Not to mention the central area, which is the center of culture and economy, and the east, where there are numerous frontlines and fortress cities to prevent the Demon King’s invasion, the population is constantly replenished.

The south and north, being the lands of the Great Forest and the Great Snow, respectively, are not densely populated by humans.

What about the West?

There’s nothing in the West.

Even near Rosenstark, there was some infrastructure, but going further west meant vast desolation.

Due to unsuitable resources and terrain for human habitation, there has been little development.

‘It’s all fugitives or the poor.’

Lonkers alone was desperately poor and desolate, wasn’t it?

He had memories of occasionally hiding in the West in the past.

“Does Zero’s Humunculus have something to do in the far west?”

The Hero thought that Zero, a powerful wizard, must be active in the Eastern or demonic realm.

Rosalyn faintly smiled at his question.

“You’ll find out when you go.”

As she finished speaking, she waved her hand a few times in the air, and the Iris of Laplace responded.

The stored terrain information has been updated.


Gradually, the image of the entire continent appeared before my eyes.

Zero’s location was marked with a red dot.

‘It’s really at the far western edge.’

A few more days’ journey from Lonkers.

It was a coastal village by the sea.

Even the Hero had never been here.

‘Well, at least I won’t encounter monsters on the way. It’s not as far as the East or North.’

If he quickly transformed using polymorph, the journey wouldn’t take long.

‘I hope the treatment ends quickly.’

With such thoughts, the Hero bid farewell to Rosalyn.

He was planning to leave immediately.

Rosalyn smiled with her white eyes like crescents.

“Have a safe journey.”

* * *

With a creak, the door opened, and the dim light from the corridor poured into the dark room.

Easels, sketches, palettes, and canvases became visible.

With a cheerful smile, Leciel entered the studio.

It was a different expression from when she first visited this place at the beginning of the semester, so much so that it would be fair to say her face was bright.

‘I need to start painting quickly.’

It had been a long time since she visited the studio.

Since the end of the rematch.

She had been very busy these days.

Busy but blissful times.

‘…Is it okay to feel this happy?’

After reconciling with Zion.

They spent days together, as if trying to make up for the years of estrangement.

They wandered through the school’s shopping district, indulging in all sorts of delicious foods and desserts.

She even introduced friends she would never have shown before to her grandmother.

“Waaah, it’s an honor!”

“Fa, fan, fan here.”

“It seems like Leciel’s beauty came from somewhere!”

Zion seemed genuinely pleased to see Leciel doing well.

“Thanks for getting along with Leciel. If you have time later, be sure to come to our house. Leciel will like it too.”

But above all, what she enjoyed the most was being able to spar with her grandmother on the training grounds after so long.

She spent hours sparring and discussing her swordsmanship, and Leciel was able to make the lessons she learned from watching the rematch her own.

‘Is it okay to be this perfect?’

After spending a few days with her grandmother, as soon as Zion said she would rest a little, Leciel rushed to the studio.

Because there was a scene she really wanted to paint.

‘I have to finish this painting this year.’

Perhaps it was the most meaningful moment in her life.

Leciel hurriedly sat in front of the easel.

A circular arena.

Two people facing each other.

Their swords crossing.


She was immersed in the sketch, but after a while, she raised her head.

‘A presence? Here?’

Leciel’s expression turned puzzled at the sound of footsteps echoing in the corridor.

So far, this multipurpose room in the Gaudium Hall had been practically Leciel’s alone.

There were no students who had an interest in painting in the undergraduate department in the first place.

Therefore, the person coming here was likely to have something to discuss with Leciel.

As expected…



Leciel greeted hesitantly.

Dante, wearing a flashy shirt and a cardigan, waved from the doorway with a grin.

“So this is your studio.”

Dante, the Fantasia.

A very famous member of the Dawn Knights.

People worshipped him for his bizarre origin, “Fantasia.”

But what interested Leciel more was Dante’s painting skills.

He had been a rising star in the art world before joining the Dawn Knights (roughly seven or eight years ago).

Dante was a prodigy in the art world.

Leciel also admired his intense artistic talent.

That’s why, a while ago, when members were invited to teach as guest lecturers, unlike other kids, Leciel approached Dante.

And unusually, she initiated the conversation first.



[Translator – Night]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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“It’s you.”


Dante pretended to know her out of the blue.

“I saw some pretty good paintings hanging around Rosenstark.”

“Oh… I painted them for the parents’ invitation event. But how did you know I painted them?”

“The sleeves are soaked with paint, and you ask such questions. It’d be annoying.”

Dante chuckled as he watched Leciel hastily check her sleeves.

The sleeves were clean.

“Just kidding. The leader told me. He said there’s a kid with real talent in painting.”

Leciel’s face twisted at the unfunny joke.

“Looking at your paintings, I ended up agreeing with the leader’s opinion.”

Being praised by a favorite painter since childhood for her own paintings.

Leciel liked Dante, and they had a conversation about the painting that day.

Dante squinted his eyes.

“May I come in?”


Dante, with an intrigued look, entered the studio and glanced around.

“But is it okay for you to wander around like this?”

“What do you mean?”

“Didn’t you come to Rosenstark because of your injury? Others receive treatment at the parents’ lodge.”


Dante replied with a wry smile.

“My injury is a bit different.”

Dante continued monotonously.

But the content was shocking.

“Know my origin?”


“Yeah, it’s the absurd ability to make my paintings come to life.”

“Isn’t that almost invincible?”

“Well, there are clear limits, and…”

As Dante continued to speak, he chuckled.

“I’m not invincible because the cost is life force.”

Leciel widened her eyes.

“…Really? I’ve never heard of such a thing.”

“We, the Dawn Knights, shouldn’t have such a sad story for people who need to sow dreams and hopes.”

“But why are you telling me?”

Dante replied promptly.

“You’re the leader’s disciple.”

“I am?”

“Practically our junior. Someday we’ll be comrades fighting on the same battlefield. There’s no reason to hide it.”

As Dante spoke, his expression became somewhat melancholic.

Probably because of the deadline declaration of the Hero.

The girl in front of him might not know, but they would have to fight under very harsh conditions in the future.

In a world without the Hero.

“Anyway… I was sent to Rosenstark because I used too much life force. Eating well, resting well, and recovering are my duties.”

“Does life force recover like that?”

“I don’t know. But it’s better than burning out my body, right?”

Leciel nodded nervously.

Talking to Dante felt like being sucked into a vortex of impertinent words.

The question that could be impolite arose at that moment.

…It was a difficult question to endure.

“Um… Do you happen to know how much life span you have left?”

Dante gave another ambiguous answer.

“Well, life force isn’t quantified, so I don’t know. It will definitely be shorter than others’, especially since I strained myself quite a bit to save my comrades this time. No one knows if I’ll die in 10 seconds or live another 10 years.”

Leciel was dumbfounded.

“No, then do you not know how much life force you’ll consume when using your ability?”

“Yeah. That’s why I have to be careful. If I try to turn absurd delusions into reality, I’ll die right away.”

“…It’s like a contract with a devil.”

Dante nodded in agreement.

“Well, it feels similar.”

“…Wouldn’t ordinary people be afraid to use it? Isn’t it wasteful?”

“What does it matter?”

Dante’s black pupils sparkled.

“My finite and insignificant life, to be able to save masterpieces of humans. There’s no way it’s a waste.”

“Masterpieces of humans…”

“My proud Leader and colleagues.”


Leciel was speechless.

“So I like my origin. Isn’t it just like art? Sacrificing soul and life for masterpieces.”

Each word of his felt like digging into her mind.

There was a sense of admiration.

It didn’t sound like boasting at all.

Rather, he seemed to add a comedic effect to his remarkable mindset with a light tone.

‘He doesn’t seem to want to appear arrogant.’

But even with such a disguise, Leciel could sense something familiar from Dante.

Someone who doesn’t hesitate to sacrifice themselves for their goal…

‘Like the professor.’

Leciel took a deep breath.

It was time to change the subject.

“So… did you come here to draw?”

“Yes. And as a side note. I also wanted to see your drawings and make a suggestion.”

“Oh… yes?”

A suggestion.

The second agenda didn’t even come to her mind.

‘He’s here to see my drawings?’

Blushing, Leciel looked around.

No one had come, so she had spread her drawings all over the studio.

Drawings she was embarrassed to show to a master.

“Oh, no, please don’t.”

But despite Leciel’s objections, Dante started to look around, including the paintings on the easel.

There was no casual attitude.

His expression was serious and explorative, as if he were at an exhibition.

…Leciel felt embarrassed, but she couldn’t help but anticipate his evaluation.

“Hmm, the leader’s the most prominent.”

Leciel’s face reddened a little more.

“Oh, yes…”

“Definitely an artistic person. Both the face and the life.”


Leciel nodded silently.

“And next, it’s the friends. They’re all beautiful. You have talent in description. I can feel their passion for the models.”

“Thank you…”

Dante turned abruptly to Leciel.

“I also have something I want to draw.”

“What is it?”



“It’s a beautiful place.”

She couldn’t deny that.

Dante grinned.

“If it’s okay with you, guide me around when you have time.”

“…Guide you? Why me?”

“Because I might want to draw or teach.”

Leciel stiffened.

Dante elaborated.

“It’s the leader’s request.”

There was no intention of refusal.

Leciel nodded without hesitation.

‘What’s going on this year?’

A perfect year.

A bright smile appeared on Leciel’s face.

[PR/N: Some serious fuckening is about to happen.]


[Translator – Night]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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