This Young Master is not Cannon Fodder

Chapter 13: Tribulation Lightning Spiritual Vein

“I, Jiang Qingwa, would like to ask if there is anyone else who would like to challenge me?”

On the stage in the center of the banquet hall, a young girl wearing a green dress with a sword in hand valiantly challenged the sons and daughters of the officials that have gathered in the banquet hall.

Tianyi watched on with great interest. The food has been served, and now the classical sparring event was being held. Juniors of various families could enter the stage and challenge each other to display their skills and potential. But these juniors were all in the Qi Gathering Realm. None of them were in the Foundation Establishment Realm.

The Xi Dynasty was originally an ordinary mortal dynasty, and Xi Mengfei, who was born with a mutated Heavenly Yin Spiritual Vein, was an anomaly amongst anomalies. When Xi Mengfei left the Great Xi Dynasty back, the highest level cultivator was only a Foundation Establishment cultivator, her emperor-father. Almost a millennium has passed since then.

Although Xi Mengfei gave numerous cultivation manuals to her emperor-brother, it cannot change the fact that the citizens of the Xi Dynasty were mere mortals. It took time for people with Spiritual Veins to appear, and thus, even after years, the highest expert was the Xi Emperor, the sole Nascent Soul cultivator. And that was only because he was given numerous pills and elixirs aiding him in his cultivation by Xi Mengfei. He originally had a Triple Spiritual Vein with only a fractured quality Spiritual Vein at best. Xi Mengfei used her resources to remove one shattered spiritual vein and upgrade his fractured Spiritual Vein to flawless.

As for his sons, aside from his third son and youngest, none of them had the right quality Spiritual Vein to cultivate to the Core Formation realm, but prolonging their lives was still sufficient with the pills the Emperor had on hand.

And the officials in the Great Xi Dynasty?

There were only five Core Formation realm cultivators after all these years, and four of them were titled Dukes for their accomplishment by the Xi Emperor. Jiang Qingwa was the daughter of one of the current Dukes, Duke Qi. It was her grandfather that had reached the Core Formation realm and was currently in secluded cultivation, and her father was still at the Foundation Establishment Realm.

“Hmmm, she should be considered quite good to reach the seventh stage of the Qi Gathering Realm,” Tianyi said to himself as he watched on with interest. Of course, Tianyi wasn't comparing her to the Buzhou Immortal Sect disciples, but the scions present.

Jiang Qingwa immediately frowned when she saw who stepped onto the stage.

“Elder Sister, please advise.” The challenger was also a young girl slightly younger than Jiang Qingwa, but she had similar facial features, at least fifty percent. There was no doubt they were blood-related siblings, but one was of the main family, and the other was of the side family, a concubine-born.

“Chunye, step back. You’re only at the third stage of the Qi Gathering Realm; you cannot defeat me.” Jiang Qingwa didn’t like this side sister of hers, or more specifically, she disliked all the concubine-born children. But she wouldn't go far as to purposely torment them, much less openly bully them. In front of outsiders, she still liked to present a united front.

“Oh, Elder Sister?” Chunye’s voice held a mocking tone to it. “It’s only now that you’re concerned about matters like this?”

Qingwa’s expression darkened at the implications behind Chunye’s word, especially since this was being said in front of everyone. Especially Sword Empress Xi.

Tianyi, however, was watching with great interest. Is this the so-called inner courtyard turmoil brought out in the open?

“Besides, I’m not in the third stage anymore.” At those words, Chunye’s aura was released, allowing everyone to see her fifth stage Qi Gathering Realm.

Upon feeling the fifth stage Qi Gathering realm cultivation, Qingwa’s expressions darkened even more. How did she reach the fifth stage from the third stage so quickly? I refuse to believe that she didn’t have any aid. “Chunye, although you’ve reached the fifth stage, I am at the seventh stage. I advise you to return to your seat, think carefully about your decision.”

Chunye gave a slight smile at Qingwa’s words. “Elder Sister, I won’t regret this.” Saying, so she unsheathed two daggers and held them in a stance that looked harmless and partially hid them from view.

“Good! Good!” Qingwa said two goods directly. Not knowing what’s good for you! Qingwa raised her sword in a stance as she stared down Chunye, who was still peacefully standing, seemingly full of openings.

Qingwa rushed in with a piercing strike towards Chunye, but Chunye easily avoided the strike. But Qingwa wasn’t deterred as her sword flowed like water, slashing towards Chunye without a beat. Chunye, however, easily dodged the attack once more. Each and every attack of Qingwa was dodged with apparent ease as there wasn’t a drop of sweat on her body, much less blood.

Qingwa began to grow frustrated at her attacks did nothing. She disdained Chunye, who had reached the fifth stage of the Qi Gathering Realm, and so she suppressed her seventh stage cultivation to the fifth stage. So what if Chunye reached the fifth stage? What kind of martial arts could she learn except the most common ones?

But Qingwa was wrong, as Chunye’s movement revealed a deep foundation in martial arts. As Qi Gathering Realm cultivators, neither Qingwa nor Chunye could materialize their qi outside of their bodies, and thus they cannot use any spells with their qi, only martial arts.

Qingwa disdained using her higher cultivation to defeat Chunye, but what she disdained even more, was losing to Chunye, this concubine-born sister of hers. Thus Qingwa bided her time and continued to attack using her suppressed fifth stage cultivation until an opportune moment. Her eyes glittered with excitement when she saw a large opening, and she utilized her seventh stage cultivation and unleashed a strong slashing attack.

But to her shock, Chunye disappeared like a ghost. Qingwa instantly felt a cold seeping terror on her back and made to retreat, but she found a dagger pressed against the back of her neck.

“Elder sister, I’ve won,” Chunye said.

“Y-y-you gave me that opening on purpose.” Chunye didn’t say anything but gave a knowing smile. Qingwa’s face became ashen as she left the stage as if her soul had left her body.

Seeing that Chunye won, the attendees all began muttering in excitement.

“I can’t believe that idiot beat the genius Jiang Qingwa!”

“You dolt, even if she didn’t beat the first miss of the Jiang Family, her cultivation has reached the fifth stage. We can’t call her an idiot any longer.”

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“But speaking of which, how did Jiang Chunye advance from the third stage to the fifth stage so quickly? A month ago, she was still only at the early third stage.”

“Perhaps she had a fortuitous encounter or met an old expert who has taken an interest in her.”

“Why would an old expert take an interest in the idiot?”

“Shhh, we can’t call her idiot anymore. Did you see her moves? Crossing stages to defeat a higher stage opponent. That is a genius among geniuses.”

“Speaking of genius, that one is a true genius among genius. A heaven-favored genius.”

There was a sigh of admiration as the speaker looked towards the child sitting up above the princes. Although these scions considered themselves favored son of heavens, they could only bow down in reverence compared to the real thing. They did not have the ability to sense Tianyi’s cultivation base, but the Foundation Establishment elders near them could.

Foundation Establishment Realm

Those words were like a wake-up call to these proud young masters.

“If Prince Tianyi were to spar, I wonder what it would look like.”

“Forget it. His highness is in the Foundation Establishment Realm. Fighting us, Qi Gathering Realm cultivators would be mocking him.”

“What about a Foundation Establishment elder then?”

“That would be interesting.”

“Don’t even think about it. Are you asking a child who has not even reached thirteen to fight old monsters who have lived for over a hundred years? Even fifty years would be a disgrace to the elders.”

“I don’t think so. Maybe Prince Tianyi can defeat them. He is a disciple of the Buzhou Immortal Sect and the son of Immortal Sword Empress Xi. There’s no way he can’t cross stages and fight those at a higher stage than himself.”

“But I’m even more curious about Sword Empress Xi. It is said that she possesses peerless beauty, the number one in the whole world. It is a pity her face is shrouded, and we cannot discern it.”

“Shhhh, do you not want your little life!? Is she someone you can hope to even glance at!”

Tianyi ignored the heated discussion of the people below and ignored Jiang Chunye, who was still stage fighting brilliantly. Crossing stages to fight higher stage cultivators? He had seen such a scene so many times back at the Buzhou Immortal Sect, not to mention even more stories of such a feat. If you want to catch his attention, then cross realms and fight a higher realm cultivator.

His eyes were on the area where the Jiang Family was seated. There were currently six people seated there: the current Duke Qi, his madam, the sullen Jiang Qingwa, two young men, and finally, another young woman. What caught Tianyi’s eyes was the young woman. She had fair skin and long black hair that reached past her waist, with sidelocks that framed her egg-shaped face and wore a blue dress that wasn’t too vibrant but didn’t detract from the festive atmosphere. There was no makeup on her face as if she had deliberately hidden her beauty. If she put on makeup, she would no doubt be one of the most eye-catching women here.

The reason why she didn’t was likely revealed earlier when Jiang Qingwa fought Chunye. The woman without makeup most likely did so to prevent attracting her elder sister’s attention as she was likely from a side branch, in other words, concubine-born. But that wasn’t the reason Tianyi was staring at her.

It was because her face was too similar to one he had seen in his previous life. He had never even talked to the owner of the face back on Earth as he was just a common person while she was a person high in the sky.

Tianyi suddenly had a sour feeling burst forward inside of him as his memories rushed forward within. They were of his life growing up on Earth, from his first years where his grandparents had raised him up to when his parents picked him up to raise until the time he left for college. Even the time when his father left them.

They were just ordinary memories, something any person would experience. But right now, Tianyi couldn’t distance himself from his memories. It was like a dam had broken, and he was on a boat resisting the rushing currents. If you were to ask Tianyi whether or not he missed his life on Earth. He would naturally say yes.

But if you were to ask if he would go back if he had a chance. Tianyi thought he would say yes, but now he realized he wouldn’t say yes. Back on Earth, he was just an ordinary person, just one of the numerous cogs, plagued by constant troubles. But here, he was the exalted son of the Sword Empress Xi, his future was limitless, and he had the admiration and envy of millions. Although he would often complain about how boring cultivation was and how there was no entertainment within the sect. Tianyi genuinely enjoyed cultivation.

To be clear, he enjoyed amassing power and becoming greater than others. When he was young, he believed he was perfect and that there was no one greater than him. But after growing up, reality had woken him up, and the pride in his heart was buried from the numerous setbacks he experienced.

If there was one thing Tianyi missed most on Earth, that would be his mother. Not Xi Mengfei, but the mother of Tianyi's first life. The mother, who would give all the best things in the world to him. But after his father left, it was only him and his mother, life became harder, but Tianyi grew accustomed to it. Thinking back to all those memories, they were happy times.

Throughout the banquet, Tianyi was lost in his own thoughts, eyes unfocused. Even when his mother spoke to him, he would give a noncommittal response, causing her to focus her attention on Tianyi. Because of this, the Xi Emperor ended the banquet rather early.

Although the officials found it weird why the banquet would end early, they didn’t give it much thought. After all, the banquet was for Sword Empress Xi, which was a rare occurrence that many officials haven’t even attended before. Perhaps the banquet was merely different.

“Nephew Tianyi, are you alright?” The Xi Emperor asked with concern after he sent away the officials and imperial family.

The imperial family now only consisted of his branch. After almost a thousand years, the branches of his brothers and uncles have long become so distant that the current generations were commoners.

“Many thanks for Emperor-Uncle’s concern. I was just thinking about some things.” Tianyi said with an apologetic smile.

“Emperor-Brother, why don’t you let Tianyi rest first? There’s something I want to discuss with you first.” Xi Mengfei said.

The Xi Emperor nodded and ordered some palace servants to lead Tianyi to his room. Tianyi expressed his thanks and left. Although it was called a room, there was no bed or furniture—just a large formation for gathering qi as well as some miscellaneous furniture near the outer rim. Just one look, it would be known that this wasn’t for sleeping but to cultivate.

Tianyi felt lips twitch.

“Your highness, are you satisfied with the room?”

The head eunuch asked with a respectful and almost reverent bow. Tianyi could tell the eunuch was only at the Qi Gathering Realm, and he didn’t make it hard simply nodded and told them to leave.

Tianyi sat at the center of the formation and felt the increased density of qi. “It’s less than ten percent effective than my Jade Lotus Clear Pond, although I do not think Emperor-Uncle is purposely shortchanging me. Perhaps this is already the best he can muster for a guest.”

Tianyi threw that train of thought into the back of his mind as he refocused on his train of thoughts during the banquet. Just like that, Tianyi sat there in a daze for hours, not cultivating, just thinking and pondering. Finally, Tianyi released a sigh.

“I’m sorry, mother, I’m an unfilial son,” Tianyi said with a self-deprecating smile. “When I was young, I kept lying to myself that I wasn't going to back to Earth because I didn't have the power. I now know that I was lying to myself. If I were given a choice of going back to Earth now, I would reject it. Why? That’s because it won’t be under my own power, and I don’t know whether I can return. Even after all you've done for me, this is my response to your years of dedication. Sorry mother, I guess until I reach the level of being able to traverse worlds under my own power, I won’t be able to go back to look for you.”

“I’m a selfish person. My first thoughts are always about me. I like it here. Here I have status, I have power, and I am special, unlike the common me from back then. I have everything I need to become number one under all heavens, to rise above everyone else. I want to become the strongest, the most revered, the most feared being in all the realms. I want every other cultivator to look at me in awe and worship the ground I walk on."

“I will become the most supreme. If the Heavenly Dao blocks my way, then I will supersede the Heavenly Dao.”

At that moment, Tianyi emanated an invisible majesty that would shock all cultivators. It didn’t have anything to do with his realm or cultivation base but the origin of the majestic pressure itself. It was the majesty of Heavenly Tribulation. After Tianyi pondered and reflected over his own self, it was like an open floodgate. His Heavenly Lightning Spiritual Vein began to mutate and absorb the properties of the tribulation essence. His Heavenly Lightning Spiritual Vein was beginning to mutate even further.

Black clouds began to gather above the palace, directly above Tianyi’s room, thunder crackling viciously.

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