Those Who Abused Me Cried and Begged For My Forgiveness

Chapter 2

Chapter 1: Car Accident


The heart-piercing voice exploded in my ears, Zhong Lingling has never seen Jane Chengxuan lose control, let alone such a crazy voice.

Zhong Lingling watched Jian Chengxuan beside him, and when the car was hit, she hugged Suho recklessly, and used her body to prop up a strong fortress for her.

And when she stretched out her hand to cover Jane Chengxuan’s head, she was swept away vigorously, and hit the door hard with the bumping of the car, gasping for breath in pain.

At the juncture of life and death, true love and false love are clear at a glance.

No matter how much Zhong Lingling deceives himself, he can’t hypnotize himself again to believe in chicken soup that is ground into needles with perseverance.

At this moment, she just felt like falling into an ice cave, sinking without any struggle.

“Are you all right?” A mechanical electronic sound came from his mind, and Zhong Lingling’s consciousness gradually returned to the cage, “I’m fine, didn’t you go check the world for bugs?”

“What happened? Is it a big deal?”

Zhong Lingling is a worker of Jinjiang Literature City Crossing Company, responsible for the maintenance of novels.

The main job is to play a lot of roles that cause key people to flee because of the terrible end, so as to avoid missing data.

In this world, the role she plays has never met a good person since she was a child, and they are all scumbags.

Zhong Lingling’s heart is tired, but fortunately, she is skilled in business and is about to pass the customs.

But unexpectedly, there was a big problem at the door.

It is said that there is a bug in this world.

The system sighed: “It’s a waste, this world mission is invalid.”

Zhong Lingling took a deep breath: “…what are you talking about, I just had a car accident, maybe a concussion? What’s invalid? Did I hear it wrong?”

The system repeated cruelly: “The above said, this article is a pit article, of little value, no need to maintain.”

Zhong Lingling: “…” Which one is above, don’t stop me, I will mark it as below!

“That’s right.” Noticing her resentment, the system hurriedly changed the subject, “Didn’t you say you were going on vacation? This world is pretty good, it’s all abandoned, what do you want to do? Anything.”

Zhong Lingling squinted and raised her eyebrows: “Really?”

“Really!” The system guarantees, “Here, you are the princess, the queen, and the master of this world!”

Zhong Lingling: “…”

Sure enough, the system quickly added: “These three occupations are quite tiring, I will give you some money.”

“…” Zhong Lingling doesn’t want to dominate the world, she just wants to take a vacation in comfort, of course, money is the most important thing!

Anyway, the mission is canceled, and you are free! A good life is waiting for you!

Joy flew to her brows, Zhong Lingling’s smiling eyes narrowed into crescents.

However, before leaving, let’s finish the task that is entangled in the body.

Isn’t it just afraid of revenge on those scumbags? Zhong Lingling rolled his eyes: “Don’t worry, I still have this professional ethics.”

The man who had a car accident with Zhong Lingling was named Jian Chengxuan, a veritable overbearing president.

At the age of eighteen, she fell in love with Jian Chengxuan at first sight, and she stuck to Jian Chengxuan like a moth to the flame.

Jian Chengxuan has someone he likes, his college classmate named Soho.

Su Ho went abroad to study, Jane Chengxuan wanted to go with her, but at that time there was a problem with the family’s business and faced the crisis of bankruptcy. This delay not only failed to go, but also gave broke up.

Zhong Lingling knew that Jane Chengxuan still liked Soho, so she deliberately imitated Soho, hoping that Jane Chengxuan’s eyes could stay on her for a while.

In the past three years, Zhong Lingling has a deep love for Jane Chengxuan, and she is always on call.

Jian Chengxuan has a bad stomach because he often socializes. Zhong Lingling went to learn cooking specifically for him, and how many packets of hot oil had been burned on her delicate hands before she could cook a table that was barely satisfactory.

No matter how late, as long as Jane Chengxuan makes a phone call, she will immediately fly over, rain or shine.

Take care of Jian Chengxuan who is drunk, buy medicine and make soup for Jian Chengxuan who suffers from stomach problems…

Zhong Lingling does not even have dignity for the sake of simplicity.

But Jane Chengxuan treats her like a nanny who is not getting paid yet.

Even friends around Jian Chengxuan ridiculed Zhong Lingling, wanting a man to be crazy, even stepping on his feet and rubbing his face hard.

This is what is said on the table, and what is under the table is even worse.

Some people even coveted Zhong Lingling’s face and wanted to deceive her under the name of Jian Chengxuan. After taking the medicine, she saw that everyone was Jian Chengxuan, so that both parties could be happy for a while.

It is said that these words finally reached Jian Chengxuan’s ears, but Jian Chengxuan didn’t say anything.

After all, everyone knows that Jane Chengxuan is not as good as the cats and dogs she adopts. She has long been a joke in Jane Chengxuan’s social circle.

Before she pretended to love Jane Chengxuan deeply, and served the chicken soup simmered all night in front of others, but they still despised her for getting in the way. Cover that dead face.

Whoever Jian Chengxuan is, I am free!

Zhong Lingling blinked her eyes, and found herself lying in a dazzling white hospital ward, with a bandage on her left arm and a drip on her right.

Chen Qi, Jian Chengxuan’s secretary, walked in and nodded: “Miss Zhong, your arm is injured, but it’s not a big problem, just rest for a few days.”

Jian Chengxuan was not mentioned, probably went to Soho.

If it was before, Zhong Lingling might have to pretend to be sad, but pretend to be strong.

But now—

Tsk, fortunately, the dog man and woman didn’t appear in front of them, otherwise, I really couldn’t control the hand that wanted to blow their dog’s head.

Zhong Lingling directly pulled out the hanging needle, turned over and sat up.

Looking at the needle that was still dropping the medicine drop, Chen Qi frowned slightly: “Miss Zhong, Mr. Jane is still busy, he will come to see you after a while.”

“No need.” Zhong Lingling lifted the quilt, turned over and got out of bed, touched it from top to bottom, confirmed that the wallet and mobile phone keys were all there, and smiled at Chen Qi, “Please tell Jane Anyway, you don’t have to come to see me anymore.”

At the same time she spoke, Zhong Lingling had already walked to the door.

Chen Qi hurried to catch up with two steps: “Miss Zhong, you have to tell President Jane this yourself.”

In the past, Miss Zhong obeyed Mr. Jian’s words and never dared to interfere with Mr. Jane’s itinerary, but since Mr. Jane allowed Miss Zhong to spend the night in the villa, Miss Zhong began to gradually become more and more obedient.

I have also mentioned breaking up before, but every time I look back in less than three days.

Hard-to-play dramas don’t work well.

Chen Qi had a trace of contempt and sympathy in his heart, and said, “Where are you going? I’ll take you?”

Just turn around and walk away, it doesn’t bother anyone at all.

What’s more, Jane Chengxuan is still with her favorite Bai Yueguang, what’s she doing for fun?

Although Zhong Lingling wanted to hack Jane Chengxuan to death countless times during the plot, and then flushed all the corpses into the toilet, but even if she didn’t do the task, with the background of Jane Chengxuan, she still moved No, so just stay away.

“No, thank you.” Zhong Lingling walked briskly, waved a taxi out of the hospital, and left without looking back.

Chen Qi saw that her expression was wrong, she was not sad at all, she was even a little relieved, and her intuition was not right, so she quickly called Jian Chengxuan.

A deep, sexy, but hoarse and tired voice came from the phone: “What’s wrong?”

Chen Qi said, “Mr. Jane, Miss Zhong is not quite right.”

Before Chen Qi finished speaking, Jian Chengxuan couldn’t bear to interrupt: “Looking for a doctor, what do you want me to do?”

Chen Qiyan said succinctly: “She knew that you were with Miss Su, so she left the hospital and told you not to look for her.”

“Humph!” Jian Chengxuan let out an unintelligible hum and sneered, “Don’t come back if you can leave?”

He sneered and repeated: “Tell me not to go looking for her? When did I look for her?”

Chen Qi also wanted to say that Miss Zhong’s attitude this time was a little different from the previous one, but there was a woman’s coquettish murmur on the other end of the phone, and Jane Chengxuan hung up the phone directly.

Looking at the blackened mobile phone, Chen Qi didn’t dare to call again. If Mr. Jane’s good deeds were broken, she would be the unlucky one.

Miss Zhong is not the first time to be a demon, and certainly not the last.

She will come back anyway, so let her go.

The company still has a lot of things to do, Chen Qi also stopped a car and went straight to the company.

“Chengxuan.” The car accident was not very serious, and Su Ho was tightly guarded by Jane Chengxuan at the time, and there was no trauma at all, but she was frightened. Face pale.

Her voice trembled slightly: “Are you all right?”

“It’s nothing.” The glass shattered and scratched Jian Chengxuan’s arm, but his head slammed into the car door, and he suffered a concussion and needed to stay in the hospital for observation.

Jian Chengxuan has been playing with his mobile phone after hanging up, his eyes narrowed slightly.

The screen is on and off, on and off, what are you thinking?

Seeing this, Su He asked, “Chengxuan, are you hungry? I’ll buy you some porridge.”

Bought it?

Jian Chengxuan frowned slightly, unconsciously remembering the pot of seafood porridge that Zhong Lingling cooked for him before.

In the early morning of the second day of the hangover, a bowl of hot seafood porridge awakened his taste buds, as well as his spirit.

The rice was boiled very softly, and the smooth taste slipped into the hungry internal organs with warmth, not only the stomach, but the whole body seemed to be comforted.

Cut the seafood and shiitake mushrooms into cubes, easy to swallow, but not muddy, you can still feel the Q bomb.

The taste is not to mention, it is delicious without losing the taste, and it is memorable.

At this moment, Jian Chengxuan’s mouth was overflowing with saliva, and when he thought about the pale and tasteless white porridge takeaway, he suddenly lost interest.

Jian Chengxuan pulled on his tie, his Adam’s apple rolled up and down: “No need.”

Suho, who was a little hungry: “…” He stood there dryly, wondering if he should go eat first.

The author has something to say:  Mom, darlings.

This article is open, a scumbag Su Shuang article.

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