Those Who Abused Me Cried and Begged For My Forgiveness

Chapter 4

Chapter 3: Must-Do Crazy Things

Zhong Lingling shrank, looked up at the suddenly enlarged face, and her pupils shrank.

Ruan Xinghe leaned over, her deep eyes were staring at her, the tip of her nose almost touched the tip of her nose, and her voice was gloomy: “What did you say? Say it again!”

“!” It was so close that Zhong Lingling thought he was going to kiss her, so she quickly turned her face away.

“Ha—” A sneer came from his ear, Zhong Lingling’s cheeks suddenly became hot, and he was angry, and punched him on the shoulder.

This is not a small pink fist, this is Thor’s favor.

Sure enough, Ruan Xinghe’s eyes darkened, and he stepped back a little, but he quickly bullied him again.

“Let me go!” Zhong Lingling pushed his shoulders and roared, “Does it have anything to do with who I live with? Didn’t you want me to move out? Isn’t it exactly what you and your mother want?”

The disdainful eyes instantly hit Ruan Xinghe’s fragile glass heart.

It hurts more than the punch.

Ruan Xinghe stared at Zhong Lingling angrily.

Zhong Lingling glared back at him not to be outdone, with a bit of provocative mockery in his eyes.

She didn’t do it on purpose, she was just annoyed.

“Zhong Lingling, you’re cheap! Jian Chengxuan doesn’t like you at all, and you’re still shy and leaning up?” Ruan Xinghe’s voice was hoarse, a little embarrassed and angry.

“Let me go!” Zhong Lingling twisted her body to escape from his imprisonment, “I’m cheap, don’t I still shyly approach you for so many years? I I used to be shameless, but now I want it? Ruan Xinghe, starting from today, I, Zhong Lingling, will not play with your mother and son, Zhong family, I will never come back!”

After all… Ruan Xinghe is not Zhong Zhiyao’s biological son.

Ruan Xinghe doesn’t know yet, if he knew, he would definitely deal with himself, Zhong Zhiyao’s biological daughter.

After all, something really happened, only the fake can inherit the throne unscrupulously.

Ruan Xinghe’s eyes were gloomy, and Zhong Lingling’s heart was trembling.

Zhong Lingling didn’t want to have a conflict with him, took a deep breath to suppress her anger, and said lightly: “Ruan Xinghe, I know you hate me, I’ll leave, and I won’t get in your eyes again.” She opened it. Eyelids, the corners of the eyes are slightly raised, the corners of the lips evoke a mocking arc, and the tone is sad, “I will no longer be your sister in the future.”

It looks like a loser who has broken a heart and has since given up.

Doesn’t Ruan Xinghe like to see her miserable? Then she will satisfy him, so that he will not be angry, and he will come to trouble himself with all his heart.

Zhong Lingling got out in a hurry, and after he pulled the suitcase, he left in a hurry.

I didn’t even look back, as if I had no regrets.

Is it because of Jane Chengxuan, so I have confidence?

But Jane Chengxuan doesn’t like you at all!

Without the backing of the Zhong family, without the blessing of Jian Chengxuan, Zhong Lingling, you will become an island completely.

Zhong Lingling, I can’t wait to see how you are broken, bruised and bruised and have nowhere to go but come back to Zhong’s house for comfort.

That is your fragile expression, your desperate eyes, it must be beautiful.

It always felt like something was sticking to her back, Zhong Lingling shook her body vigorously, and the sticky feeling disappeared until she got into a taxi and drove away from Zhong’s house completely.

Recalling Ruan Xinghe’s sinister eyes, Zhong Lingling shuddered, thankful that she didn’t have to go through the plot anymore.

Then like to mention social news.

Because Ruan Xinghe is a pervert, and a pervert who likes to watch people get hurt, cry, and even bleed.

Up to now, Zhong Lingling still has wounds made by Ruan Xinghe when she was a child, and the scars have not faded for so many years. You can imagine how cruel Ruan Xinghe was at that time.

I know now that she still remembers, Ruan Xinghe pushed her to the ground, pressed and dug with her fingers repeatedly, and said to herself expressionlessly: “Zhong Lingling, this way The wound will leave a scar, it will.”

At that time, she could clearly hear Ruan Xinghe’s voice trembling slightly.

It was not fear, but excitement.

From then on, Zhong Lingling found that Ruan Xinghe was keen to see himself injured, and if he bleed, it would make him more excited and even want to see more.

Zhong Lingling has worked for so many years, and it is rare to see such a perverted son of luck, and her scalp is numb with fear.

But in order to follow the plot, not only can she not stay away from perverts, she even occasionally provides fun for perverts.

Looking back on it for so many years, I really worked hard for myself.

Zhong Lingling even felt that she had become a pervert if she did not follow, and her psychology was considered strong.

But this time she was afraid and smiled immediately, no matter what happened in the past, now she is finally free!

Don’t worry about waking up in the middle of the night, Ruan Xinghe raised his saw and looked at his terrifying picture with a gloomy smile on his face.

It was like a long sword that had been hanging from the top of the head was removed, and the whole person was relaxed and happy.

After arriving home, Zhong Lingling lay on the sofa and let out a long breath.


I haven’t felt so hearty for a long time.

Don’t look at other people’s faces and act cautiously, don’t deliberately please others, or even care about other people’s feelings, just make yourself happy.

Zhong Lingling is like a spring that has been suppressed to the end, completely rebounding.

Her inner Statue of Liberty waved a small flag and shouted: Long live freedom!

Zhong Lingling was lying on the sofa, hugging the pillow, Baidu searched for a few crazy things girls must do in this life.

The system followed her to watch, and found that when she saw some of the articles, her heart was beating fast and her emotions were high, and she asked inexhaustibly: “Do you want to have a blast in the bar, and you want to drink until you can? Save personnel? Zhong Lingling, I didn’t find out before, are you so wild?”

Zhong Lingling rolled her eyes: “I’ve been suppressed by my nature for so many years, especially the **** **** who has been a **** for so long, if I don’t vent, I’m going to explode. There will be problems.”

“This is my way to relieve stress.” Zhong Lingling raised her eyebrows, and with super-fast action, the system asked the system to find a few safer bars nearby.

She wants to experience the pleasure of depravity and sin with all her heart.

The system disagrees: “Do you know how many people with bad intentions outside the bar are waiting to pick up drunk girls like you who have no self-respect.”

It even gave up the educational PPT in Zhong Lingling’s mind with pictures and texts, and gave a case in detail, saying that a girl was drunk and was picked up by a taxi driver. Not to mention, the kidney was also sold.

Too bad.

Zhong Lingling: “…”

It’s really a disappointment, but there are policies above and countermeasures below.

In addition to watching interesting bars, Zhong Lingling asked the system to help find several reliable security companies.

I said very proudly: “I’ll pay to hire a bodyguard and let him pull me back when I’m out of control, that’s fine!”

Zhong Lingling consciously thought of a brilliant idea, and happily planned when to go to the bar, which bar to go to, and how to have a blast after going to the bar.

The system couldn’t persuade me to enter, and I didn’t bother to talk about it. I didn’t want to take care of it, but I was afraid that the bar that Zhong Lingling found by himself would not be reliable, so he had to grumble and complain, while Help her filter out bars with a slightly better environment.

Zhong Lingling knew that it would definitely help, and listened to its complaints with a smile, scolding him from time to time, stabbed the system Jiang several times to want to quit, but finally endured it.

Just when the two of you came and I had the most fun, a rush of mobile phone ringing suddenly rang, Zhong Lingling looked at the three characters of Zha Yangrong above, and slowly narrowed her eyes.

Is this because she knows that she is going to make a break with the task today, so the three task objects appear together?

Zhong Lingling hesitated for a while, but picked it up.

It’s not Zha Yangrong, but a woman’s sweet voice: “Miss Zhong, Mr. Zha is currently doing a CT scan of the brain in the city hospital, do you have time to come and take a look?”

I don’t have time, I don’t want to go, dog man, go die.

But she didn’t put down the phone and rushed to take care of Zha Yangrong.

Instead of reluctantly turning over, lying on the sofa, hugging the pillow and beating hard, complaining.

Will something happen in two days? Do you have to block yourself when you are so happy?

System: “Forget it if you don’t want to go, just say something.”

Zhong Lingling’s eyes were measured for a moment, then darkened again, and sighed: “Zha Yangrong is a sinister villain, treat him with extreme caution, and his sudden disappearance will arouse his suspicion.”

“His office is already open, and I won’t be able to use my place anymore. He probably doesn’t want me to appear in front of him more than me.” Zhong Lingling got up and went to the bathroom I put some hot water and planned to take a bath to wash off the stickiness and bad luck on my body, and by the way, I took a look at the plot related to Cha Yangrong.

Zha Yangrong is a senior in Zhong Lingling’s same university but with different majors.

Compared to Jian Chengxuan’s domineering power and Ruan Xinghe’s gloomy perversion, this person is slightly normal, but only slightly, he is a smiling tiger and a sinister villain.

Zha Yangrong’s family is even more chaotic than Zhong Lingling’s.

His mother was a salesman, and his father was a gambler. He had an unplanned pregnancy and was never found out. After a long time, it was discovered that an abortion would kill him and leave him.

It is said that Zha Yangrong’s mother made a small profit by making a lot of appointments as a pregnant mother when she was pregnant.

But the birth of Cha Yangrong is destined to be unwelcome.

For Cha Yangrong, insults and abuse are commonplace, and punching and kicking are the norm. He grew up in such a **** as a child.

So he knew how to use his own advantages to win the sympathy of others and help him achieve his goals since he was a child.

When I was a child, I used tears to get food. When I was in school, I told the public about domestic violence and I got fundraised to get tuition. In college, I met a silly girl Zhong Lingling.

From then on, it was like finding a one-on-one gold master father, completely treating Zhong Lingling as an ATM machine.

The author has something to say:  Collect three scumbags! A guardian can be summoned.

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