Those Who Abused Me Cried and Begged For My Forgiveness

Chapter 7

Chapter 6: Pole Dancing

After Chen Qi’s call that day, Jane Chengxuan didn’t hear from Zhong Lingling for half a month.

The business has been busy recently, and he is meeting with customers every day.

He had been blacklisted before, but when he came back last time, Jian Chengxuan made it clear that he didn’t like it very much, Zhong Lingling apologized at that time, and said that he would not be in the future.

How long did it take to forget?

Jian Chengxuan’s eyes darkened, only to think that she had been too good to Zhong Lingling recently, so that she almost forgot her identity.

Chen Qi knew that the boss was in a bad mood recently, so he didn’t dare to talk too much.

He thought about it, Miss Zhong had left a few times before, and it was all a little trouble.

The longest time was about a month. Miss Zhong seemed to have disappeared completely. No one knew where she was and what she was doing.

But Jane Chengxuan’s life was not affected at all during the period of her disappearance, and she didn’t even think of her at all. In the end, Miss Zhong took the initiative to turn back.

This time it was only half a month, and Chen Qi felt that Miss Zhong could hold on for a month and a day, and she had more cards than last time.

But I didn’t expect that the one who couldn’t hold back this time was Mr. Jian, who had never been interested. After hearing Miss Zhong’s heroic refusal, Mr. Jian’s body pressure was obviously lowered. Eyebrows drooping.

Chen Qi immediately shuddered, subconsciously trying to remind Miss Zhong: If you want to turn back, you must speak carefully.

But before he could speak, there was already Zhong Lingling’s impatient perfunctory, and even some resentment: “Why do you want me to take care of it, if there is a problem, it’s either a doctor or a police officer, and the customs What’s the matter with me, harassing me?”

Listening to the voice of her big tongue, Chen Qi could imagine Miss Zhong’s drunken state.

What kind of drink is this, even President Jane dares to disobey?

He lit a row of waxes for Miss Zhong, and he didn’t know how much he would regret it when he woke up tomorrow morning.

Sure enough, the low air pressure that enveloped him soon disappeared, and Chen Qi only heard Jian Chengxuan sneer and said in a low voice, “Haha.”

Chen Qi froze for a moment, do you want to persuade Miss Zhong again, after all, Miss Zhong is still very kind to him.

Who knew that there was a beeping hang-up sound on the other end of the phone, and the other party just put the phone away.

Chen Qi’s scalp was numb, he pursed his lips, and said nothing.

The air became more and more stalemate, Jian Chengxuan did not speak or move, and the friends around him had already called for a car, and came over to greet him one after another.

“Chengxuan, why haven’t you left yet? Oh, your assistant seems to have been drinking too. Why don’t you ask for a substitute?”

“Farewell, don’t mess around, don’t you know that Chengxuan has a personal nanny? He is always on call and guarantees the obedience of serving, you think everyone is with you It’s the same, it’s a cold pot and a cold stove when I go back, and Chengxuan is waiting here, maybe it’s because the little nanny accidentally delays the time at home cooking sober soup…”

“Oh, oh, I remembered it, what is it called Lingling?” The man slapped Jian Chengxuan’s arm, and said ambiguous and ridiculed, “It’s been so long, I haven’t Give up, it seems to be true love, and President Jane has no plans to accept it?”

Seeing that the impatience in Jian Chengxuan’s eyes was about to overflow, Chen Qi’s head was hurting, and he hurried forward to make a clearance, but was interrupted by a piercing first aid bell.

I saw an ambulance coming with a sudden brake and whistling, and stopped in front of everyone, blocking the door of the clubhouse.

“What’s going on here?”

“What happened?”

Unexpectedly, the medical staff carrying the stretcher did not go in at all, and shouted anxiously at the crowd at the door: “Quick, quick, help the patient up.”

Everyone looked at each other, confused.

Chen Qi winked, and immediately stepped forward: “Where did you call 120, didn’t you mention the box name?”

“Jian Chengxuan, who is Jian Chengxuan?”

“Boom—” Chen Qi’s head exploded immediately, followed by a surprised and blocked crowd, who all looked at Jian Chengxuan, whose face was completely dark.

Chen Qi asked with a trembling voice, “We didn’t call 120?”

The doctor finally understood that there was something wrong with this matter, and said suspiciously: “It was called by a girl, the background was still very noisy, she spoke loudly and anxiously, she was impatient and put the phone away, we here Just rushed over in a hurry.”

Feeling the low and gloomy aura spread by President Jian, Chen Qi’s back was swish, and he hurriedly dismissed the doctor first, but the doctor was also very annoying, and he was well rested Cheat out a field trip.

Mainly because they thought something big happened, and they were quite worried, so they came in a hurry, but they didn’t expect it to be a scam, who would feel better about it.

If they weren’t doctors, they’d have to do it with these guys.

Although it wasn’t these people who called the police, it was related to them. Did you call it out? Do you know that if you delay a truly critical patient, you can afford the heavy responsibility?”

“Yes yes yes.” Chen Qi nodded and bowed, just wanting to send the doctors away as soon as possible, otherwise President Jane will continue to lose face.

That’s it, Jane is afraid that she will become a topic of conversation after dinner.

Is there someone whispering without seeing the scene, covering their mouths and laughing secretly?

The doctor scolded sharply: “Don’t think that this matter will pass if you have a good attitude. It is illegal to call the false police. At that time, it was a girl who called the police. What about her?”

Of course, Miss Zhong can’t be blamed for this. After all, she really doesn’t know what’s going on with Mr. Jane.

This matter can only be blamed by Chen Qi, he hurriedly apologized to the doctor, and he made it clear that it was a misunderstanding. After paying the fine, he returned the doctor who had been mumbling and left. , Wiping the sweat on his forehead, he didn’t dare to take a breath.

When the others saw this, they didn’t dare to speak much, and said goodbye quickly, for fear that they could not help laughing out loud on the spot, and would be hated by Jian Chengxuan.

Jian Chengxuan’s face was as black as ink, and his clothes seemed to be enveloped in a dark room, so he could hardly see his expression.

Chen Qi felt a chill on the soles of his feet, pursed his lips tightly, but tried to reduce his sense of existence.

Zhong Lingling, who was in the bar at this time, became an enthusiastic spectator. After calling the ambulance for the “dying, only breathing” Jian Chengxuan, the matter was reported in a second Completely forgot.

She got up and took off her jacket, raised her hand and threw it to the bartender.

Zhong Lingling drank too much, her center of gravity was unsteady, and her body was swaying. She stepped on the swaying devil’s pace and walked onto the stage tremblingly.

The woman on the stage was still dancing, and seeing her come up, the atmosphere was even more extreme.

For beautiful things, women always have a very complicated mentality.

Be sure to fight with her **** for battle.

The woman immediately raised her legs and came straight to a standing horse. She squinted at Zhong Lingling provocatively, with one hand around her ankle, slowly stroking her body. With the music wave, the expression on his face is even richer, like being hugged by his favorite Jiang En, his eyes are blurred, and his face is full of enjoyment, as if experiencing the ultimate ethereal sense of immortality in heaven.

And Zhong Lingling looked up and down disdainfully.

She leaned her back against the high-ranking officials on the stage, like a cat, her soft body squatted slightly, twisting her waist and rubbing.

The music suddenly rose, Zhong Lingling’s limp body suddenly tensed, her eyes changed suddenly, and her eagle-like eyes swept across the faces of everyone under the stage, when she retracted The corners of his mouth were slightly upturned, with a charming and sinister smile.

A few couldn’t help but want to climb up.

Everyone’s eyes looking at Zhong Lingling are so full of impulse and desire, they can’t wait to pull Zhong Lingling down now.

Such a monster, if she doesn’t give her enough energy, she will not stop releasing her anger.

In their eyes, Zhong Lingling is a monster, a ghost in the skin of beautiful women, and a demon who bewitches them.

But in fact, Zhong Lingling was just the audience who controlled their emotions and stood outside the show watching their ugly faces.

This is a man who looks like a dog to outsiders, but is dominated by desire in private!

Zhong Lingling sees too many cases of scumbags Help her to tear off the scumbag’s hypocritical mask and blow up his dog’s head.

Especially after playing such a poor woman herself, she is even more disgusting to men who play with women’s feelings.

The current Zhong Lingling takes pleasure in teasing men’s emotions casually. She enjoys the longing eyes of men looking at her, and also the pain and torture that men can’t ask for her.

She was high above, coldly watching a group of men wagging their tails like dogs under her skirt, begging her for a curtain.

Here, Zhong Lingling is the queen and the master of the whole world!

Sexy body is wrapped in a tight skirt, and she looks amazing in the smoke.

See no one but her.

The straight and slender legs are wrapped around steel pipes, and the powerful kicks seem to be kicking on the apex of every man present, and the heart beats with her rhythm, even forgetting to breathe.

The neat kicks, the **** crotch, the dashing hand, the hot confidence and charm flew out of her skirt and threw it on the faces of the people in the audience, they looked up, Chasing, seems to have to follow her rhythm rhythm.

The touching and crushing of the flesh and the steel pipe again and again, the rotation and flying around the steel pipe again and again, the charming turning back and the wink again and again, made her the focus of the audience. The undisputed queen!

The cheers and screams one after another almost shattered the glass on the table.

Zhong Lingling jumped up, holding the steel tube tightly between her legs. After rotating 360 degrees, one leg was hooked on the steel tube, while the other was pointed straight ahead.

The sweat on her forehead condensed into a pig and dripped down her cheeks, Zhong Lingling flushed, her chest was more intensely bullied, embarrassed and full of rice, she held her head high, like a white swan about to land .

Noble and beautiful.

She looked at the audience with arrogance and contempt, as if choosing her own servants,

But everyone present wanted to have this honor, even if it was just licking the instep of her, she was happy.

“Queen! Queen! Queen!”

The mood at the scene was mobilized to the highest level, and the atmosphere was hot, like in Jiangxia

Countless hands reached up, hoping to touch her shoes.

Zhong Lingling looked away disdainfully, sneered, threw off the steel pipe neatly, and strode off the stage.

Leave all the obsessive and lustful eyes far behind.

No one is qualified to fall behind her, she is so beautiful, she must be beautiful alone!

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