Three Kingdoms: At The Beginning, Pan Feng was Refused to Fight Huaxiong!

Chapter 72

Chapter 73: Jizhou Shakes, Han Yu Publishes A Text On Yuan Xi (2 More For Subscription)

Ten days later, things really went according to Yuan Shao’s plan.

Gongsun Zan received Yuan Shao’s letter again, and knew that he would not be able to send troops any more.

Continuing to spend here, not only will the morale be low, but I am afraid that Youzhou Mu Liu Yu will stumble from behind.

At that time, Jizhou got a chance to breathe, and it was easier said than done to plan for Jizhou!

So Gongsun Zan urged Yuan Shao to send troops and horses to support him, and at the same time began to mobilize the army to prepare to attack Pan Feng.

Yuan Shao got the letter, and ordered the two generals Chunyu Qiong and Lu Weihuang to lead 5,000 troops, and they were stationed in Hejian to reinforce Gongsun Zan.

On the other hand, Guo Tu sent people to rebel against Han Fu, the prefects of Anping, Hejian and Qinghe counties.

Yuan Shao’s reputation was very wide, and the prefects of the three counties were more or less supported by the Yuan clan of the fourth and third princes.

Whether it was out of repayment or for the future, the prefects of the three counties were willing to help Yuan Shao to rebel against Han Fu, and they all raised their troops to attack Han Fu.

Suddenly, Jizhou shook.

Before Gongsun Zan and Chen Bingyi County, millions of black mountain thieves invaded Changshan, and the entire Jizhou was in a mess.

Now that the three counties rebelled and Gongsun Zan took the initiative to attack, Han Fu, the cowardly Mu of Jizhou, was terrified.

Especially now that most of Han Fu’s soldiers and horses have been dispatched, there are not many soldiers and horses around.

In desperation, Han Fu could only let the officials engage in Zhao Fu and Cheng Huan to lead troops to quell the rebellion in the three counties.

Han Fu also knew that Zhao Fu and Cheng Huan had no more than 10,000 troops in their hands, and it was only a drop in the bucket to quell the rebellion in the three counties.

But Han Fu had no better way.

For a while, the people in the Jizhou Shepherd’s Mansion were panicked.

The situation in Jizhou was critical and precarious, so Yuan Shao’s advisers took Yuan Shao’s nephew Gao Gan and others to Yecheng 127 to persuade Han Fu to give up Jizhou.

Changshan County, Zhending County.

After Han Yu recovered Yuanshi County, he led Guo Jia, Zhao Yun, Zhang Jia and others to Zhending County.

Han Yu led his troops to arrive, and the people in the county greeted him as if they were saviours.

After entering the city, Han Yu transformed the original county seat into a county seat, while the county seat was rebuilt.

The original magistrate of Zhending County was already afraid of absconding, and only the county magistrate, Xia Houlan, still commanded the garrison because he was a native of the county.

Fortunately, only a small group of Black Mountain thieves came to attack these days, so Xiahoulan and the others could barely hold on to the city.

It was learned from Zhao Yun that Xia Houlan was also a friend of Zhao Yun’s hometown.

Therefore, in order to reassure people, Han Yu immediately promoted Xiahoulan to be the magistrate of Zhending County, which was regarded as an encouragement to Xiahoulan to stick to the city.

Xia Houlan was very happy about this and explained the current situation to Han Yu.

“This time, the general led the army to Changshan, and the first battle was broken by Du Bairao and others. Now the Montenegrin army is afraid of the general, and dare not attack the county as recklessly as before.”5

Han Yu nodded and said, “As long as the counties unite, defeating the Heishan Army is not a problem. Do you know where Zhang Yan, the commander of the Heishan Army, is now?

Xiahou Lan said: “I heard that after the general was defeated by Dubai Rao, Zhang Yan called all the other commanders together, probably to concentrate his forces against the general. 99

Han Yu said with a loud laugh: “This is the best, if Zhang Yan can gather his forces to attack, we will be able to quell the Black Mountain bandit in one fell swoop, and we will be able to accomplish all our efforts in one battle.

Xiahoulan was shocked when she heard this.

The average person encounters the Montenegrin army of hundreds of thousands of people, and I am afraid that they all want to defeat them all.

Han Yu could not wait for the hundreds of thousands of Montenegrin troops to gather together.

And seeing Han Yu’s confident look, it seems that he doesn’t care about the Black Mountain Army at all.

He even wanted to eat hundreds of thousands of Montenegrin troops in one bite with more than 10,000 horses.

What a foundation this is!

You must know that even if Han Yu defeated Yu Du and Bai Rao, Zhang Yan and the others still had 50,000 to 600,000 people, and their fighting strength was no less than 70,000 or 80,000 people.

Xia Houlan and other county officials couldn’t help but fall for Han Yu’s aura.

The prefect is still like this, what else are they afraid of!

In the next few days, Han Yu set about the establishment of the county government, and conveyed the news of the re-establishment of the county government to the entire Changshan County.

This will stabilize people’s hearts and let the people who are afraid of the escape of the Montenegrin army return to their hometowns.

At the same time, Zhang Jia, Zhao Yun and the others were asked to concentrate their troops and recruits for training, ready to fight Zhang Yan to the death at any time.



“The three counties of Anping, Qinghe and Hejian rebelled, and they raised troops to attack Han Shijun. In Jizhou, the chaos occurred. Han Shijun has sent two generals, Zhao Fu and Cheng Huan, to quell the chaos.”

“Gongsun Zan took the initiative to advance and fought with General Pan Feng, and both sides suffered casualties.

“Yuan Shao dispatched his generals Chunyu Qiong and Lv Weihuang to go to Hejian County with 5,000 troops to garrison, what did he want to do? 99


In the past few days, news of various sizes in Jizhou has been spreading to Han Yu’s ears one after another.

It is not peaceful for Han Yu and others.

“General, Hejian County rebelled and attacked General Pan Feng later, General Pan was attacked by Gongsun Zan and the rebels on both sides, General Pan suffered heavy losses, and now he has retreated to Boling County, the border between Hejian and Zhongshan County.

“Yuan Shao’s general Yan Liangwen Chou has been frequently mobilizing troops and horses recently, which may be detrimental to Jizhou! 35

Bad news came one after another, and Han Yu frowned in Changshan County House.

Han Yu asked indifferently, “Bong Xiao, how is the situation now?”

“In peril!”

Guo Jia pondered: “Gongsun Zan has changed his attitude of holding his troops and taking the initiative to attack. It must be because the general has won a great victory in Changshan County, and he is worried that the Montenegrin army will not be able to stop the general.

If only the Heishan Army and Gongsun Zan were the only ones, but Anping, Hejian, and Qinghe all rebelled at this time, adding fuel to the fire.

These three counties are close to Bohai County, and the prefects of the three counties have been more or less favored by the Yuan family.

In addition, although Yuan Shao has not really launched an offensive recently, but his subordinates are frequently mobilized, I am afraid that he does not want to hide behind and control all this. 99

“Once Yuan Shao uses his troops, Jizhou will be attacked on three sides, posing a great threat to us!

Han Yu frowned, a little nervous.

Could it be that Jizhou is still going to fall into Yuan Shao’s hands this time?

He still underestimated the power of the fourth and third princes, and did not expect that Yuan Shao could turn against the prefects of the three counties at once.

Yuan Shao’s family background brought him a lot of convenience, which Han Yu had to accept.

It can be said that Jizhou has a total of nine counties, and now there are four counties that do not belong to Han Fu.

And among them, half of Changshan County fell into the hands of the Black Mountain Army and has not yet been recaptured.

“What the general said is very true. It’s just that the Montenegrin army has not yet been pacified, and I can’t make any time for the lack of troops and horses. If we send troops and horses to assist the envoy, Changshan will definitely be in danger.”

Guo Jia nodded and said.

Han Yu said bitterly: “Fengxiao, I am not worried about Yuan Shao’s troops now, but I am a little worried about my father. My father is cowardly by nature, and he is also a student of the Yuan family. I am worried that my father will give Jizhou to Yuan Shao.”

Guo Jia nodded and said, “The general’s concerns are not unreasonable. If Yuan Shao wins Jizhou, we may not be able to resist Yuan Shao for the time being. Can the general have a good plan?

Han Yu shook his head and said, “Right now, Yu really has no good solution, but Yu doesn’t want to sit still.

After Yuan Shao IV’s Three Dukes, as the leader of the allied army of the eighteen princes, he is now joining others in an attempt to occupy his father’s Jizhou, which is really disgusting.

Since Yuan Shao’s treachery came first, don’t blame me for being unrighteous.

I plan to write an oath to explain Yuan Shao’s insidious villain’s behavior, spread the oath to all counties in Jizhou, and unite with the whole of Jizhou to join us in crusade against Yuan Shao, what do you think of Feng Xiao?”

Guo Jia’s expression changed, and he couldn’t help but ask, “Don’t the general plan to ask Han envoy to do so?”

“No need.”

Han Yu shook his head and said, “Unless we plan to join the Yuan clan in the future, a battle between us and Yuan Shao is inevitable.

The purpose of publishing the crusade against Yuan Shao is just for the sake of positive momentum, so that more people can see Yuan Shao’s face clearly, and let us get more support and support.

If this matter is told to my father, it is absolutely impossible to agree with my father’s character. Instead, it’s better to just do it yourself. ”

Guo Jia asked again: “It’s just that after Yuan Shao’s fourth and third princes, his disciples and former officials are all over the world. If the general publishes an order to attack Yuan Shao, he will probably offend the whole world. Has the general thought about this?”

Han Yu smiled and said, “Why don’t I know this? But Yuan Shao plotted me to go ahead with Jizhou, and I attacked him just to protect my father’s territory.

I believe that people of insight in the world should know which side to stand on!

As for those who still only want to be a dog of the Yuan family, I also disdain to associate with them.

Therefore, by writing everywhere, you can know who is an ally and who is an enemy.

We only need to get insightful people who can win over. As for those Yuan clan’s lackeys, even if they are all enemies of me, what should I be afraid of!

What’s more, they are not my enemies today, and they will also be my enemies in the future, so it is better to take this opportunity to kill them all.

Han Yu is impassioned, imposing like a rainbow, and has the meaning of looking down on the world.

“Well said by the general! 35

“Since the general has decided, Jia thinks this is feasible.

Guo Jia couldn’t help but look at Han Yu when he heard this. He didn’t expect Han Yu to have this insight, so he nodded.

Today’s Guo Jia recognizes and values Han Yu more and more.

“Since this is the case, Fengxiao will immediately write an order for me to forcefully reflect what Yuan Shao has done, let us occupy the righteousness, and hold high the banner of crusade against Yuan Shao!

“Don’t worry, General, Jia will do her best.

Guo Jia took the order and left.

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