Three Kingdoms: God-level Sign-in

Chapter 60

Chapter 60: Take the Head of the Enemy General in the Ten Thousand Armies

The sun was shining brightly, and the scorching July heat seemed to melt people.

But even if the high temperature remains, it cannot shake the heart of foreign aggression!

Under the command of Takuna, Wuheng soldiers desperately rushed towards the city wall under the rain of arrows from the Han army.

“Kill it!


“Kill all the Han army!

“Plunder wealth!

“Steal the beauty!

Amidst the strange screams of Wuheng soldiers, they relied on the protection of shield players, and after paying huge casualties, they finally came to the city wall and city gate.

Tower Guna, who was commanding the battle on the high platform behind, saw this scene and couldn’t help laughing loudly: “Hahahaha, the siege vehicle is about to hit the city gate! 99

“The cloud ladder is also put up immediately, as long as you take down the Yanmen Pass, if you want money and money, you want beautiful women and beautiful women!

With an order, Wuheng’s soldiers were full of aura, thinking of the wealth and beauty of the Central Plains, they were all heartbroken.

With the intention of aggression, a group of foreigners slammed into the city gate frantically as if they had been beaten with blood. The ladders were constantly erected, and the soldiers kept climbing up.

On the city wall, Wei Zhongdao coldly watched this scene and snorted coldly, his whole body violently murdering!

“Hmph, it seems that you will never change without killing you!”

“The archers continued to shoot arrows, and the defending soldiers smashed the rolling stones and giant trees down!”

“The hot oil falls and burns them to death!”

As 06 continued to issue orders from Wei Zhongdao, the garrison at Guan Shang also kept throwing rolling stones and giant trees down.

The hot oil was also thrown down at this moment. On the one hand, it could scald Wu Heng soldiers to death, and on the other hand, it could also make the city wall slide along, making the siege more difficult.

The battle has entered a white-hot stage from the beginning, and there is no room for return between the two sides, and the first shot is to kill the enemy.

But the siege side did not have an advantage after all, it was only half a column of incense time, and the first team of 2,000 Wuheng to attack the city only had less than 100 people left.

Seeing this, the tower bone on the high platform snorted coldly: “This Han army is really difficult to deal with, and the second team and the third team are coming!

Takuna’s eyes were red, seeing that so many soldiers under his command died in front of him, he didn’t care about attacking the city again.

In order to avoid the shortage of troops, he also sent two teams of soldiers and horses at one time, wanting to take turns to take turns to attack the city.

Wei Zhongdao on the city wall saw this scene, and he smiled.

“I didn’t expect the tower bone to be so stupid, and ordered the Shenji Battalion to shoot the team behind the opponent and let the team in front come over.

“Tell Zhao Yun again, it’s time for him to make a contribution!”

With an order, Xue Rengui commanded the Shenji Battalion to block the Wuheng soldiers in the back, and let the group in front charge towards the city wall.

At the same time, the city gate opened, and Zhao Yun led the army out!

I saw Zhao Yun’s white horse and silver spear under the sun, his white robe raised, turning into a white afterimage, and his soldiers rushed out!

Behind the begging army, Xuanjia army and Beiwei army also followed at this moment.

In an instant, under the leadership of Zhao Yun, the three powerful armies, like a sharp arrow, headed straight for the Wuheng armies rushing outside the city.

The Wuheng soldiers who rushed in front were stunned. They were stunned by the sight of the Han army leaving the city, and they were stunned in place for a while.

But Zhao Yun wouldn’t give them a chance. With a swirl of the gentian silver spear in his hand, he picked up the first person with one shot, and smashed him into the Wuheng camp.


“Crack! 35

With the screams and the sound of broken bones, the seven or eight Wuheng soldiers behind him were actually smashed to death.

Blood flowed continuously along their corpses, as if to symbolize the beginning of the Han army’s counterattack!

Zhao Yun’s spear shot out like a dragon, fast like a meteor, fast like lightning, and Wu Hengbing was stabbed to death in order to see the situation in front of him clearly.

And the three special arms behind them are not too much, they form a formation to kill!

The Beiwei Army held a late arrival and a shield in front, and the Xuanjia Army held a long spear in the back. The two sides cooperated closely and continued to advance.

Qihuojun used his powerful individual combat ability to directly attack the Wuheng soldiers.

I saw that their momentum was like a rainbow, and they were unstoppable. The two thousand Wuheng soldiers collapsed immediately after contact!

Ta Gu Na, who was commanding on the high platform, was furious when he saw this: “You are all warriors of our clan, how can you be defeated!

“The warriors in the back team immediately rushed through the arrow rain and went up to support me!””

The furious tower bone wanted to let the team behind him go to support, but Xue Rengui on the city wall sneered again and again.

“Before the dense rain of arrows in the Shenji camp, there is only one end to the hard rush – death! 35

As soon as the voice fell, the surrounding Shenji camp fired arrows again, and the arrows were densely packed like raindrops.

It landed in Wuheng’s third group of soldiers, causing them to scream again and again, and the corpses fell in pieces.

Ta Gu Na was furious when he saw this: “Damn Han army, this will not spare you!”

After he finished speaking, he actually got off the high platform, and led a group of troops to support him.

And Liu Bao, who was watching the battle in the Central Army, couldn’t help frowning: “What the hell is Ta Gu that trying to do, he didn’t command well and actually led the army to support himself! 35

Ke Bi Neng snorted coldly: “It must be that he couldn’t control his emotions again, and was provoked by the Han army!

“The messenger, immediately go over and inform General Takuna, saying that he is going to return to his position to command!”

“No!” The messenger responded, and the horse hurried over to inform.

But not only did this person’s order reach Ta Gu’s ear, Zhao Yun led the army to defeat the second team of Wu Heng soldiers.

Two thousand Wuheng soldiers have not even lasted a single stick of incense!

Seeing this scene, Wei Zhongdao couldn’t help laughing and said, “It seems that the Wuheng soldiers’ fighting power is nothing but that, and they wiped out 2,000 of them in a single stick of incense!”

“However, the enemy’s reinforcements should also come, and then we will see how Zilong responds.

As soon as the words fell, Zhao Yun, who was under the city, also noticed that Ta Gu Na personally led the army.

When he saw this, he was overjoyed and remembered Zhang Liang’s plan: catch the thief first and catch the king!

“The flag-bearer told the Shenji Camp to stop shooting arrows!

“Others will charge with this general, and this battle will definitely kill the enemy’s main general.”

With an order, the flag bearers beside Zhao Yun kept sending signals to the Divine Machine Camp on the city wall.

Soon, the sharp arrows of the Shenji camp stopped, and Zhao Yun also took advantage of the situation to charge again.

And the tower bone saw that Zhao Yun not only did not return to the city, but rushed out, he couldn’t help laughing!

“Where is the unknown young general who dares to be presumptuous in front of this general!”

“However, you came just in time, I would have killed you, and I would be able to take advantage of the situation to attack Yanmen Pass, hahahaha!”

Ta Gu Na had never seen Zhao 160 Yun, and did not know how powerful Zhao Yun was. He thought that Zhao Yun was just a teenager, so he relaxed his vigilance.

Even because he saw the city gate open, he wanted to break into the city in a whim.

At this moment, if Gao Chong or Xue Rengui were here, Takuna would not dare to despise him, but Zhao Yun was the first time to come to Yanmenguan, and he was not famous, so Takuna naturally didn’t take him in his eyes.

Unexpectedly, just after the words fell, Zhao Yunce’s horse flashed, turned into an afterimage and rushed into the Wuheng camp.

The target is straight at the tower bone!

The spears swept across, slashed vertically, and the Wuheng soldiers who killed them turned their heads and screamed again and again, and no one was the enemy of unity!

Ta Gu’s heart was startled when he saw this, he noticed that Zhao Yun’s aura was different, and he was a little scared in his heart.

But at this time, Zhao Yun had already driven his horse not far from him, and killed one of his personal soldiers.

Then he turned his head to look at Ta Guina: “The enemy army, dare to take a shot at me!”

“Presumptuous, this will kill you!”

Ta Guna was furious when he heard the words, he felt that he had been humiliated and humiliated. As a military general, he was so despised on the battlefield, how could he not be angry.

Immediately, the tower bone roared angrily, and smashed the mace to Zhao Yun fiercely.

However, he saw Zhao Yun riding his horse and Ta Gu’s figure staggered, bending over and falling backward, avoiding the mace.

At the same time, the gentian bright silver spear in his hand spun, and a cold light flashed.

“Ah! 35

After the two exchanged their bodies, the tower bone screamed and the head flew up.

Zhao Yun swung his spear, caught the head of the tower bone, raised it high and shouted:

“The enemy general is dead, everyone follows the general and rushes to kill the enemy army!!!”

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