Three Kingdoms: I Have Unlimited Gifts

Chapter 173

Chapter 172 All Parties Are Guilty, And The Blame Lies With Me!

Liu Zhao said loudly: “Your Majesty has been on the throne for more than 20 years, and all the people in the world have gradually become more vegetables, but the price of food in the world has been lower than a year! Why? It is also His Majesty’s fault not to sell grain to pay taxes! Therefore, it is Your Majesty’s fault that the people are in distress! Therefore, it is His Majesty’s fault that the people are not living well! Therefore, the chaos of the Yellow Turbans is His Majesty’s fault! I ask His Majesty to condemn himself and admit that he is tyrannical and levied. The crime of the Yellow Turbans, pardon the chaotic people! 99

“Your Majesty! What General Zhenbei said is very true.

Today, Wang Yun was considered to be giving it his all. He followed Liu Zhao once again and said, “It is Your Majesty’s fault that the people are suffering! It is His Majesty’s fault that the people are not living well! The chaos of the Yellow Turbans is His Majesty’s fault! , admit the crime of extortionate and extortionate, and pardon the chaotic people of the Yellow Turbans! 35

And then all the scholars!

Followed by the army behind Liu Zhao!

Finally, everyone shouted in unison!

Anyway, by now, everyone has no way out. Either, Liu Hong obediently pleads guilty, and everyone is still a big man.

Or, Liu Hong didn’t plead guilty, and all those who urged the emperor to commit crimes against their own edicts were all scoundrels and thieves!

Their voices are getting louder and louder!

All the people in Luoyang City heard it!

“It is Your Majesty’s fault that the people are in hardship! It is Your Majesty’s fault that the people are not living well! The chaos of the Yellow Turbans is Your Majesty’s fault! Please, Your Majesty, plead guilty to your own edict, admit the crime of tyrannical levies, and pardon the people in the Yellow Turban chaos!

One call!

Thousands of people shout!

Thousands of people shout!

Hundreds of thousands of people shouted!

The people of Luoyang also joined in!

Who doesn’t know that since the emperor ascended the throne, the life of the common people has become more and more difficult?

Who doesn’t know that the root cause of the rampant eunuchs is the connivance of the emperor?

What normal person doesn’t know that the emperor who openly sells his officials and rank is an obscure monarch who can be counted?

Indeed, Liu Hong has been a great emperor for more than 20 years.

However, during these twenty years (ceei), he did not show any favor to the people. Instead, he accumulated resentment, and the people became more and more dissatisfied with him!


Liu Hong finally gave up completely.

In the city, nearly a million Luoyang people oppose themselves!

On the city wall, all the ministers in the dynasty oppose him!

Outside the city, the Qin Wang army of Liu Zhao, Huangfu Song and others opposed him!

By the way, there are also the Yellow Turban thieves, they are here to make their own rebels!

At this moment, he is already a standard betrayal!

At this moment, he is already really playing with fire and setting himself on fire!

I can’t be tough any longer!

An emperor who is a sinner in everyone’s mind, if he resolutely does not confess his guilt, what awaits him is probably the death of the country!


Finally, Liu Hong spoke with difficulty, saying: “Everywhere is guilty, and the blame lies with me! According to the will of General Zhenbei and all the Ai Qing, Shang Shutai, make a decree! And, announce… the world!

He knew that if he ordered this crime, his name would be gone!

He knew that when he ordered this crime, he was admitting to the world that he was a ruthless and ignorant monarch who could be compared with Jie Zhou!

He knew that Liu Zhao, whom he hated deeply, would gain more fame if he ordered this crime!

However, he still had to commit this sin!

“The decree said: All parties are guilty, and the blame lies with me. Since I ascended the throne… Today, after being reminded by General Zhenbei, all the people have been admonished. , Jun Li is suffering and I don’t know… Eternally looking at the precepts, I am terrified!””

This edict was written by Taiwei Liu Kuan on behalf of Liu Hong.

Not only will Liu Zhao’s accusations against Liu Hong be written down.

Moreover, he specially mentioned “Today, after being reminded by General Zhenbei, all the people are admonished.” In this way, the world will know who is the initiator of this matter!


Liu Zhao did what the scholars wanted to do but never dared to do.

His credit should be known and recognized by the world!

“Confession! The emperor finally pleads guilty!”

“I can sacrifice to my teacher’s spirit in heaven!”

“The big man still has hope!”

“General Zhenbei is mighty!

“No ministers begged from the outside, but the emperor is stunned from the inside, the Zhenbei General is worthy of being the white jade pillar of the great man, riding on the purple and golden beams of the sea! 35

Inside and outside the city of Luoyang, people were talking a lot, and there was a burst of cheers!

Thousands of words were combined into one sentence: “Long live the great Han, long live, long live! The general of Zhenbei is mighty and mighty, and his longevity extends!

The people shouted in unison, the sound shook the sky!

“Long live the big man… Is General Zhenbei mighty… Where did these chaotic ministers and thieves put me?”

Liu Hong’s complexion became even more ugly.

However, at this moment, a welcome change appeared in front of his eyes.

dong dong dong~~

In the Yellow Turban camp, drums rumbled, and the army was constantly mobilized!

The two flags are advancing rapidly!

“General Heaven!

“General Human!

The two banners that were originally hated by Liu Hong are now extraordinarily mighty and cute in Liu Hong’s eyes!

Obviously, Tiangong general Zhang Jiao and Ren Gong general Zhang Liang are here!

They want to lead the main force of the Yellow Turbans to besiege Liu Zhao – this chaotic thief who forced himself to commit crimes!

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