Three Kingdoms: I Have Unlimited Gifts

Chapter 526

527、Even A Million Pigs Can’T Be Caught.

“Your Majesty, mighty!”

Zhuge Liang laughed and immediately spread the news of the victory to the three armies.

In an instant, the news that Liu Zhao stepped down on Mongolia spread throughout the Han army camp.

“Your Majesty has conquered Mongolia!”

“The Mongol army of millions was reduced to rubble under His Majesty’s power!

“Victory will surely belong to my country of Han! 99

“Your Majesty is mighty!

“Your Majesty has already leveled Mongolia, then we must immediately destroy Xixia!

“That’s right, we can’t disappoint Your Majesty!

For a time, the morale of the Han army was high, and each one was full of energy, and the number and intensity of attacking the city further increased.

“Um 003? What’s going on here?”

“Aren’t the Han troops afraid of being tired? They have been sieging the city for five consecutive days, and can they still maintain such a vigorous momentum?”

“Huh? What are you listening to them shouting?”

“Has the Han emperor been victorious? The million-strong army of Mongolian Khan Meng Ge was completely wiped out?

“how can that be!”

“Absolutely impossible, that’s a million cavalry, how could it be wiped out in less than a month!”

Hearing the shouts of the Han army, the Xixia soldiers were shocked.

Under the panic, the morale of the Xixia soldiers could not help but drop a lot. If the Mongolian army was really wiped out, what was the point of their resistance here?

“Your Majesty, it’s not good, the western city wall was breached several times by the Han army!””

“Report! The eastern city wall will collapse at any time under the continuous artillery fire of the Han army!

“Your Majesty, please send reinforcements immediately!”

For a time, the four walls were in emergency everywhere.

This puzzled the King of Xixia.

“How is that possible? If you can’t hold on to it yesterday, why is it all in a hurry today?

“Reporting to Your Majesty, because…because…”

“Because of what?”

“The attacking Han army kept shouting that they had wiped out a million Mongolian army, and soon the emperor of Han would lead 500,000 cavalry down the Yellow River and surround Xingqing Mansion from behind! Our soldiers were morale after hearing this. Great drop, no fighting intent.

“What? The Mongol army of millions was wiped out? Impossible! Absolutely impossible! (ceej)”

The first reaction of King Xixia was also disbelief.

how can that be?

You know, that’s an army of millions.

Not to mention one million fully-armed Mongolian cavalry, even one million pigs, the Han army couldn’t catch them all in a month.

But the King of Xixia did not know that Liu Zhao engulfed more than 200,000 Mongolian cavalry in a flood, and the remaining 700,000 to 800,000 cavalry became lambs to be slaughtered.

You can’t run away, you don’t have the chance to try your best.

“Rumour! This must be a rumor from the Han army!”

“Send the three armies, our allies, and the Mongolian millions of iron cavalry are already on the way to support, as long as we persevere and wait for our Mongolian army to arrive, we can start to fight back!

The first time, the king of Xixia asked the messengers to pass the order of the three armies.

It has to be said that the response of King Xixia is not bad.

Many Xixia soldiers believed this excuse.

“I said, how could the million iron cavalry be eliminated in less than a month, it turned out to be a conspiracy of the Han army! 35

“The despicable Han army is indeed insidious! 35

“Hold on, brothers, our allies are coming soon!

For a time, the period of the Xixia army responded a lot.

But at this time, the king of Xixia already believed what the Han army said.

Because in this month, apart from the Mongolian army’s messenger at the beginning, there has been no Mongolian army’s messenger to enter Xixia in the last ten days.

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