Three Kingdoms, I Yuan Xi, married Zhen Mi at the Start

Chapter 440

Chapter 434: Defending The Territory And Expanding The Army

At this time, Watson also came to Huang Xu, and then said respectfully to Huang Xu.

“Da Ming was able to give us the Persian army such an opportunity to defend our country. 95

“Being able to regain the dignity we have lost, on behalf of all Persian soldiers, I would like to thank Daming for the grace of rebuilding.

After he finished speaking, Watson led the ten-yuan general behind him and bowed respectfully to Huang Xu.

When Huang Xu saw Watson, and the dozen generals behind him, saluting him, he immediately lifted them all up.

Then he said, “This time you guys are not just for your motherland.”

“It is also for the people of this world to be able to avoid wars in the future. 35

“After this war, I will definitely report to the Emperor of Ming Dynasty and bring the best things to the land of Persia. 55

“Let the people of Persia, like the people of Ming Dynasty, enjoy a better life.”

Huang Xu’s remarks reached the ears of these Persian generals in an instant under Watson’s transmission.

When they heard Huang Xu’s promise to them, they felt extremely proud and proud in their hearts.

So in the entire Persian prisoner of war camp, the previous decadence and negativity completely disappeared.

Instead, it is the kind of bravery and fearlessness, as well as the kind of extremely strong combat power and combat training.

There is also the kind of original Persian king’s demeanor, all burst out without reservation.

They were all loyal and patriotic people, just because of the wrong instructions that the Persian King Darius II and the Zuo Xian King Agendas conveyed to them.

These erroneous instructions also made them mistakenly believe that the army of the Ming Dynasty invaded the whole territory of Persia, and the main purpose was to kill them completely.

And take all the rights that Persia has, and then make Persia a vassal state under their Ming Dynasty.

But after their understanding now, they can clearly know that Daming’s army did not start killing when they entered Persia.

On the contrary, for the people of Persia, they were all with a benevolent attitude, and the mighty momentum displayed by the Ming army also made them feel convinced.

After all, it is not any army, they dare to attack their 50,000 people with 7,000 men and horses, and there is no fear when they attack.

Facing an enemy like Daming, it also made them feel genuine fear in their hearts.

When they thought of this, although they did not understand the language of Ming’s army, the admiration and attitude they showed in their hearts were also obvious.

When Huang Xu came here, through Watson’s translation, he also initially understood the Persian’s yearning for victory.

There is now that they are completely willing to submit to the Ming Dynasty, and then re-establish their own regime on the homeland of Persia (Li’s).

Now the people of Guishuang have also completely entered their Persian territory.

Next, they must use all their strength to drive these Kushuang men out of the country again.

It can even be said that they were killed in Persia to demonstrate their Persian prestige.


Also, let the people in Guishuang know that the people of Persia are not soft persimmons, and they are not left to their own devices.

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