Three Kingdoms, I Yuan Xi, married Zhen Mi at the Start

Chapter 5

Chapter 5 Future Layout, Big Wedding Day! (The 1 1, Ask For Flowers, Ask For Collection!)

In fact, Yuan Xi made a clear plan for himself as early as half a year ago!

But now, with the blessing of Liu Bowen’s template, Yuan Xi’s view of many things is more comprehensive and clearer!

Like the previous strategy to lure the enemy, it can obviously be more perfect and the effect is better!

It is impossible to say that Gongsun Zan can be killed in one fell swoop, and the four northern states can be completely pacified!

Of course, there will be some gap between the strategy and reality!

According to the general’s execution strength, the environment, the reaction of the counselor and the commander of the other side, and the elite level of the soldiers of the two armies, there will be errors!

It’s all normal!

But at least in terms of strategy, politics and overall situation, Yuan Xi is already in the same position as the top strategist in the world!

Regardless of his Wolong, Fengchu, poisonous, ghost, Yuan Xi has the qualifications to fight against them!

Even more than that!

Therefore, the current Yuan Xi reconsidering his future will naturally be more complete and effective than what he arranged before!

The current Yuan Xi has successfully won the favor of Yuan Shao and his subordinates, and the position of the Yuan family’s successor is basically secure!

But that’s not enough!

After all, Yuan Shao was more pedantic in the later period, and he could not say that when he was dying, he would be tampered with by the traitor Guo Tu and others!

Not only that, Yuan Xi’s two brothers, Yuan Tan and Yuan Shang must also be on guard!

In the original history, even if Yuan Shao died, the foundation in the north was still there. If these two brothers could work together to fight against Cao Cao!

Although it cannot be said that the defeat will be turned into victory, it will not be so quickly dominated by Cao Cao in the four states!

It’s a pity that in the end, all of them became Cao Cao’s dead souls!

If Yuan Xi gets the land of the four northern states in the future, then he will naturally have to guard against the disaster of Xiao Qiang!

History has long proven like Yuan Xi, how dangerous the struggle for succession is!

It is best to be like Zhao Kuangyin, the founding monarch of the later Song Dynasty, to have a cup of wine to release the military power and solve the dispute over the succession perfectly!

Otherwise, once Hebei is in chaos and cannibalism, Cao Cao will definitely find an opportunity!

Of course, Yuan Xi’s reputation is now at its peak, and many of Yuan’s disciples and officials have begun to focus on Yuan Xi’s investment!

This is the young master, who has the greatest probability of becoming Yuan Shao’s successor!

Even Xu You, Guo Tu and others are no exception!

In the future, if these two brothers know each other, that’s all, if they really dare to do something vicious, Yuan Xi doesn’t mind sending them to see Hades!

After the internal worries are arranged, it is the external troubles!

The biggest enemy of the Yuan family is Cao Cao!

But now Cao Cao is still only in Yanzhou, and both the general Dian Wei and the eldest son Cao Ang died in battle!

Xuzhou was captured by Lv Bu and Liu Bei, and naturally it is not in the hands of Cao Cao at this moment!

In Guanzhong, Li Jue is still alive, the capital of cholera!

It is worth mentioning that at the beginning of the year, Yuan Shu won the jade seal and became emperor, and then he was attacked by the four princes. Now he is a dead bone in the tomb!

If there is no accident, this Cao Cao will get the jade seal in the next few years, and he will take Yuzhou, Guanzhong, and Xuzhou one after another!

Become another powerful prince in the world who occupies the land of the four states!

Similarly, after Yuan Shu’s defeat, Liu Bei will also receive the official title of Uncle!

Thinking of this, Yuan Xi also thought about it!

In any case, the Yuan family had to get involved in this matter, and they would never let Cao Cao live so smoothly!

After making the plan, Yuan Xi is also waiting for the opportunity!

All in all, the first priority at present is to organize the wedding first, and then solve these things!

At least Yuan Shu died in 199 years, two years from now!

But Lu Bu is going to die at the end of next year!

There are only a few princes who can benefit Yuan Xi and cause trouble for Cao Cao!

Soon, half a month passed, and it was finally Yuan Xi’s wedding day!

Early in the morning, Yuan Xi was pulled up by Yuan Shao and Mrs. Liu, and Yuan Xi was dressed up by an ancient makeup artist!

After putting on the black groom’s official clothes, Yuan Xi’s whole person is really heroic!

Afterwards, Yuan Xi rode a fiery red high-headed horse, accompanied by a large sedan chair and a wedding party, guarded by Zhang He and Gao Lan led by more than a thousand halberds, and headed to Zhongshan Wuji to marry!

Although the marriage etiquette in the Han Dynasty was complicated, it was relatively free!

For the preparatory work, the next three books and five appointments were all handled by Ju Shou, so today is also the day Yuan Xi will go to Zhen’s house to marry Zhen Mi!

Because of the time, it would take half a day to go back and forth between Yecheng and Zhongshan, so Yuan Xi led the team out very early!

Finally, arrived at Zhen’s house before noon!

Along the way, because Yuan Xi and Zhen Mi got married, a large number of people came to watch the fun!

When they arrived in Wuji County, Zhongshan, the Zhen family even set up a flowing table in the entire county. This is also Zhen Yan’s arrangement!

As the most grand wedding in Hebei at present, the Zhen family and the Yuan family got married!

For the Zhen family, it is natural to hug the Yuan family’s thigh, so it is natural to be known to everyone!

The flowing water table can highlight the joy of the Zhen family today, and it can also win the hearts of the people and help those refugees!

There are many benefits of nature!

After all, the Zhen family is a family of merchants. This time, to get married with “the young master of the Yuan family”, it is inevitable to make some big scenes!

After arriving at Zhen’s house, two sisters, Zhen Jiang and Zhen Rong, personally led Zhen Mi outside the mansion!

The moment he saw Zhen Mi, Yuan Xi couldn’t help but froze in place!

He thought that he had been nurtured by various beauties in later generations, and his state of mind that he would not lose his temper no matter what kind of beauty he faced was completely broken!

How can there be such a beautiful woman in the world?

Her beauty cannot be described in words at all, all the words to describe beauty in the world are placed in front of Zhen Mi!

That insults the beauty in front of me!

Even though she is only fifteen now, she is still beautiful!

So, out of curiosity, Yuan Xi also used the system to query Zhen Mi’s attribute values!

Zhen Mi

Age: 15

Force: 32

Intelligence: 91

Commander: 66

Politics: 78

Charisma: 99

After seeing that Zhen Mi’s charm was as high as 99, and almost reached the full value of 100, Yuan Xi couldn’t help but sigh!

Now Zhen Mi is still young, only fifteen years old, but if she grows up completely in the future!

Wouldn’t the charm value exceed 100?

Fortunately, this kind of beauty can only be appreciated by myself in the future!

Yes, what Cao thief, Cao Pi, die for Laozi!

In this life, Yuan Xi will never repeat the mistakes of his predecessor, and he even wants to turn back and rob Cao Thief’s wife and daughter!

Let them also taste the pain of losing their wives and daughters!

So, when Yuan Xi came back to his senses, he bowed to Zhen Jiang and others, and then stretched out his hand to hold Zhen Mi’s boneless jade hand!

“Madam, follow me into the sedan chair, and I will support you!”

Hearing Yuan Xi’s words, she felt her hand being held by the heroic man in the black wedding dress in front of him, and Zhen Mi couldn’t help but blushed!

Then he quickly covered his face with a black fan, not daring to look at Yuan Xi again!

Yes, when married in the Han Dynasty, a woman only needs to hold a jade fan in front of her, and there is no need to wear a red hijab like the Qing Dynasty!

Although this is also the first time Zhen Mi has met Yuan Xi, the Yuan family’s genes are good!

Yuan Shao himself is a handsome guy, his looks are all in the history books, and the three sons he gave birth to are naturally handsome guys!

In addition, Yuan Xi now has Liu Bowen’s wisdom and has been on the battlefield, and he has a kind of heroic spirit of his own!

So even though Zhen Mi was only seeing Yuan Xi for the first time, she was quite satisfied!

But out of the shyness of my daughter’s family, I didn’t dare to look at it any more!

After sending Zhen Mi into the sedan chair, Yuan Xi began to return to Ye City with the wedding party!

Of course, Zhen Yan and his mother, Mrs. Zhang, were also accompanying him!

Along the way, Yuan Xi met his uncle for the first time…*

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