Three Marriages

Chapter 31 - Escape From The Dead (2)

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the three marry the king’s heart!

Ding Yanshan encouraged herself to go forward while biting her teeth, but her arms were getting more and more painful, and her feet were getting more and more painful. She wanted to cry again. She thought that if her sister was here, her father and her husband would be all right, and her brother-in-law would be all right … She thought about it and thought that she really saw her father and brother-in-law.

She blinked, heard Ding Sheng calling her, and saw Yun Qingxian’s figure. She even saw Grandpa Long Er. They arrived in a blink of an eye, Ding Yanshan couldn’t help it anymore, and wow cried.

It turned out that Long Er tried the driver at the foot of the mountain. The driver was afraid of death and immediately recruited everything. He said that he was hired to cope with the robbers, and sent them to the mountainside, and then returned to the foot of the mountain to stand by. He did not know their details, nor did they know where they came from, nor did they know their place on the mountain.

The coachman was talking, Ding Sheng and Yun Qingxian arrived. They received the newspaper and knew that Ding Yanshan had been captured. After full investigation, they found it here.

Long Er had no time to talk nonsense with them, and only held the driver to show him the way. Ding Sheng and Yun Qingxian heard that Ding Yanshan was indeed missing on this mountain, and they followed quickly.

But everyone didn’t expect that, at halfway, they saw Ding Yanshan, a wolf howling, wrapped in mud with her wounds.

Ding Sheng and Yun Qingxian rushed to catch Ding Yanshan’s injuries. Rongji was impatiently waiting for questioning, but saw his spy rushing down. When the spy saw Long Er, he shouted, “Second Lord, I have found a place.”

Long Er was ecstatic, ignoring everyone behind him, and went to the spy a little bit.

The spy newspaper said: “I found the little girl who is next to the girl who lives with her. She knows the place and is leading Ye Li and they are going. Ye Li asked me to report first.”

Ding Yanshan heard that Su Qing had been rescued, but she didn’t feel the whole person was relaxed. This relaxation, she couldn’t hold it anymore, shouted “Daddy” and passed out.

Long Er followed the spy all the way with light work, and only wished that at this moment he had wings on his body and could fly to Ju Mu’er immediately. Anxious, he was quickly led to the house where the robbers were hiding.

On the way, Long Er conceived all kinds of possibilities, and imagined the situations when he saw Ju Mu’er when he arrived, but never thought of this one—

She is gone!

A blind woman disappeared from nothing in a locked room!

Long Er couldn’t believe it.

Su Qing didn’t believe it either.

When Long Er arrived, Su Qing was in the outhouse of the robber, holding a chair and smashing the two bandits imprisoned on the ground, crying and letting the other hand over Ju Muer.

As soon as Su Qing came back, she saw that Ju Muer was gone in the house and suddenly became fiercer than anyone else. Li Ke and the other two spies stayed there. They couldn’t get involved in the trial of the robbers.

The two robbers blew their throats and said they didn’t know, Su Qing shoved her feet a little, and forced them to speak.

At this time, Li Ke saw Long Er coming, and hurried forward to the newspaper, saying that they followed Su Qing here, and there were only two robbers and two dying village aunts in the house. The others were not found. There was no one in the room where Ju Muer had been detained.

The two robbers staying behind were not hard bones, they were recruited after a few hits, saying that the three girls ran away together, and the other robbers were just trying to catch them back, so they went out and searched.

Su Qing shouted: “He lied, my sister couldn’t see, how to escape? She couldn’t escape herself at all. She let us escape, she said she couldn’t run fast, she would drag us down, she let us go first, she waited We asked someone to save her … “The more she said, the more sad she finally cried.

Rescue came, but Ju Muer disappeared.

The two robbers looked at Rong Er’s posture and knew that this was the master of the house, and quickly hoeed his head to ask for mercy: “Uncle forgive me, uncle forgive me. The young men did not lie, before they went to check the three girls However, it turned out that there was no one in the room, the window was open, and the chair was placed under the window. So he hurriedly told the boss, and the boss led someone into the house to see that it was indeed the three girls who ran away. Not far east from the window, the blind woman’s bamboo staff was found, so it was determined that they were running in that direction. So the boss ordered us to stay here, and he led the other brothers in that direction to chase people . “

At this time, Su Qing couldn’t help but sat on the floor and cried loudly: “My sister lied to me and she said she would wait for me to come back to save her. She lied to me. She turned us away and then led away by herself. These wicked people keep them from chasing us. We obviously went to the woods to the south, she knew, she knew, so she ran east, but she couldn’t see, where could she go? It was dark It ’s gone, my sister is gone. “

Long Er’s face was dark and ugly, Li Ke quickly said: “The brothers have been scattered out, let them capture those bandits back, and rescue the girl.”

Long Er nodded and asked with a calm voice, “Which room is she in?”

Su Qing was still crying and couldn’t answer. Li Ke hurriedly answered, “We haven’t moved the furnishings in the innermost room.” In fact, there was nothing to move. There was nothing in the room except a bed, a table, and a chair.

Long Er didn’t speak anymore, and walked into the room alone.

The house was no different from Su Qing when they left. The chair is just under the window, but it is falling down now. The windows were wide open, the weather outside was dark, the temperature on the mountain was low, and the air was pouring into the room.

Long Er glanced at the room clearly. He glanced around and returned to the window. The window is quite high. If Ju Muer wants to climb the window, she must step on the chair.

He turned to look at the stump chair that had fallen to the ground, thinking how dangerous it was for her to be invisible to climb the broken chair and jump out the window.

Long Er looked out of the window. The distance from the window to the ground made him worry about whether Ju Muer was injured.

He closed his eyes and tried to calm himself. It was dark and the woods were dangerous. The robbers were pursuing her. She must have planned, otherwise she would not run like this.

Did someone break in and take her away? Or what should she do after thinking out?

Rongji made a quick turn around the room. There was no text on the table, no on the floor, no chair, and no bed. There were no signs or objects left by her in this room.

She doesn’t leave nothing behind. Just like in the carriage, she should leave nothing to tell him what happened.

But no.

Does this mean she’s caught off guard, too late? Or did she actually leave a message that he couldn’t guess?

Ryuuji jumped out of the window and made a circle around. Ju Mu’er’s bamboo stick was thrown out of the window, and the robbers didn’t even pick it up.

Long Er picked it up, and he took a careful look at the bamboo stick, nothing special, no lettering, no mark, nothing. But it was the bamboo stick she used, she never left.

Long Er suddenly ran into the woods. In the dark night, the old forest in the mountains, even a strong man with bare hands, can’t spend it safely, let alone a weak woman who can’t see things like her. Long Er searched all the way, ran for a while, and heard the sound of fighting ahead. He hurried over and saw his subordinates mingling with the robbers. Rongji looked around nervously, but did not see the thin figure. He made two laps and suddenly realized that he had gone too far.

This distance is the travel distance of a normal person’s legs and feet, the distance of a robber chasing people, but it is not Jumuer.

He should not think of her from the perspective of ordinary people, he should think of it from her perspective.

She asked Su Qing and Ding Yanshan to run first, and in the footsteps of the two girls, it didn’t take long for them to go to that circle of horses, and it was time for them to catch up. And now he is standing here, his footpath is about the same as that of the circle, and Yi Jumuer can’t go so far.

Long Eryuan turned back and watched all the way in places where she could easily hide, but she was still missing.

He stood back to the place where he picked up the bamboo stick outside the room, and he tried to think about it more calmly. She must have a bamboo stick to walk, but why did she leave the bamboo stick here? Did she fall and the bamboo stick left her hand? She was afraid that someone would chase her before she could pick it up?

Long Er carefully looked at the ground, and there were obvious signs of jumping down the window, but this muddy field throwing bamboo sticks could not see anyone tripping over. Rongji thought about the direction of the bamboo stick on the ground, turned around and looked at another forest, he suddenly understood. The bamboo stick led the robber in that direction, and she did not go there, which was why she would rather abandon the bamboo stick.

Ryuuji returned to the temple house. At this time, more members of the Dragon House had arrived, and even Yun Qingxian brought up the members of the Criminal Department, and Fu Yin Qiu Ruoming also brought people to the place.

Yun Qingxian and Qiu Ruoming are setting the scope and direction of the search. The soldiers dispatched and arranged with the people of Longfu and the Ministry of Criminal Affairs. They quickly divided the search area, prepared torches and lanterns, and set off.

Rongji watched the crowd spread out, watched them enter the woods and searched little by little, and his brain was still turning.

Did he miss anything? Where will she go?

Can she tell the smell in the woods and know which bushes can hide?

Rongji thought so, and went into the woods opposite to the bamboo stick. He closed his eyes and tried to think what would happen if Ju Muer ran into the woods. He reached out and touched the trunk. He tried to walk forward, but without taking a few steps, he tripped over a branch on the ground.

Ryouji opened his eyes sharply—no, these were not right.

She can’t run out by herself, she can’t have this ability. So did anyone come to take her away? She was taken away again, and she pointed at the man with a bamboo stick to take her away?

Long Er ran into the woods again, at this time several robbers under the control of several Dragon House returned. Ryuuji ignored them, and he walked into the woods, grabbed a spying who was searching and asked if there was any clue. The spy shook his head and said nothing was found, and the robbers said nothing.

Ryuuji was so anxious that he went mad. It’s getting dark. How can I find her in this huge mountain forest?

Rongji walked around in the woods. He asked the various people searched in two circles. No one found it, and he didn’t find any clues himself. Rongji knew that this was not the way to go. He had to be a little clear-headed and he had to be calmer. His Muer is smart, she will let him find her.

Ryuuji returned to the robber’s house, and the lights were on in the room. He turned the rooms around and found nothing. There were blood in the other two rooms, and there were signs of struggle. Only the one in Ju Muer did not. Long Er stood at the door of the house for a long time and turned back to the hall.

Yun Qingxian was absent. He went to search in person. Qiu Ruoming was sitting in the hall, waiting for the news of the search of the mountains and forests. He saw that Long Er sat down and wanted to comfort but didn’t know what to say. The other two girls who had been taken captive had died. He didn’t dare tell Long Er at this moment.

Rongji didn’t look at him or anyone, he was still trying to think.

He blinked at the cup on the table, and suddenly remembered that when she met for the first time, Ju Muer said she had a way to get him out of the entertainment. She said that she could justify him, and those who haunted him had to barge him away. At that time, he conjectured many possibilities, but did not expect that in the end, she used the simplest, rough and effective and most direct method.

Yes, that’s her trick. She can’t see things, she can’t do many things, so she must use the simplest method that she can achieve.

The method she can reach can only be the simplest.

Ryouji stood up and walked towards the house where she had been trapped. He entered the room and stood there watching the furnishings in the room. Then he went to the bed and sat down.

This is the only place in this room, so she must be sitting here.

She sat here, facing the door. The door was locked, and outside it was a group of fierce robbers.

Su Qing and Ding Yanshan left, the window was open, and the chair was under the window. The robbers come to check from time to time, and when the robbers open the door, they can naturally see that someone is missing. There is only her left here. What can she do?

Rong Er stood up with a bamboo stick, and he went to the window and stood by his chair.

Are you crawling out on a residual leg chair?

He sat back to the bed again.

He looked at the door and imagined the whole process.

Open the door, the room is empty, the window is open, and the chair is placed under the window, so the person must have run away. The bamboo stick was outside and fell in a certain direction, so the man ran in that direction.

So the robbers chased in that direction.

Rongji went to the window again. He closed his eyes, squatted down, almost the same height as Ju Muer. He fumbled the window frame with his hands, and then he threw the bamboo stick out of the window at an angle . Opening his eyes, in the bright light of the moon, he saw the bamboo stick falling outside the house, in the same direction as when the bamboo stick was picked up.

Rongji turned around and looked at the house again.

Long Er thought, took the candlelight from the broken wooden table, and walked towards the wooden bed. This bed is made of broken wooden boards, and the bottom of the bed is very low, but it should not be impossible for a thin person to hide in.

Ryuuji put the lamp on the ground, then he lay down and looked at the bottom of the bed.

The bottom of the bed was very dark and no fingers were visible. The light from the candlelight does not illuminate much. Nevertheless, Long Er still saw a person crouching on the bottom of the bed. The corner was dark and I couldn’t see clearly, but we could see that the figure was petite and a girl.

At this moment, Ryuji’s eyes suddenly became sour. He spoke, only to find that his voice was quilling.

“It’s me, I’m here.”

The person inside seemed to move, and seemed unable to move. Long Er also said: “Su Qing and Ding Yanshan are all fine, they have both rescued.”

The man inside moved again, then seemed to be struggling to speak, but couldn’t say it.

“It’s me, don’t be afraid.” Long Er took a deep breath and felt his throat was much smoother. “You don’t have to move, don’t be afraid, I’ll move the bedboard away.”

Long Er lifted the bedboard of the broken bed and tossed it aside.

He couldn’t see the light any more now. She crouched in the innermost corner of the bed, curled up on the ground, curled into a ball, holding her head, and covered with dust. She trembled and trembled, as much as she was, how poor she was.

“Muer.” Long Er stepped to her side and held her hand gently. Her hands were cold and hurt his heart.

Ju Muer moved, but she was stiff and could not move.

Long Er gently pulled her up and stroked her back, waist and arms, helping her ease. He held her in his arms and called again: “Muer.”

Ju Muer fought a little, slowed for a long time, and finally spoke. She replied almost inaudibly, “Second Grandpa.”

Ryuuji didn’t know how to describe his feeling of hearing this call. He hugged Ju Muer tightly and felt his hands tremble.

He looked around Ju Muer up and down to confirm that she was not injured. But her face was blue, her body was stiff, and she couldn’t say much. She reluctantly called the second elder and closed her eyes.

This second frightened Rong Er, he couldn’t care less about the other, and hugged her to go out. The people outside were all surprised when he saw a large living person coming out of the empty room.

Long Er had no time to explain slowly. He directly told Qiu Ruoming that he would take Muer back to his house, and the arrest of the robbers would be left to him.

Before Qiu Ruoming responded, Long Er hurriedly held Ju Mu’er out. Su Qing couldn’t even catch up with a jumper in the back, and finally crippled and scolded, “Let me have a look at my sister, why are you robbing my sister?”

Li Ke looked awkwardly at the side. The girl scolded her own master and grandson for being “muddy”. As a loyal and upright guard, what should he say?

Li Ke walked over to pull Su Qing from the ground. As a result, the little girl was fierce and let go of his hand. Helpless, Li Ke pulled her again, and this time he pulled up, he said, “The ground is cold.”

Su Qing was so angry that someone came to the door, so she stared: “I want you to take care!”

Li Ke drew his hand back, he didn’t care about her, he was not her guard. But in a blink of an eye, Su Qing was about to run down the mountain, and Li Ke hurriedly held her: “Where are you going?”

“Go down to the sister and go home, my mother must have died suddenly.”

“It’s getting dark, how do you go down the mountain yourself?”

“Then Brother Li sent me.” Su Qing asked politely.

Li Ke was stunned, there was still a lot of things on the mountain, the robbers hadn’t finished, and everyone was still hunting. He had to guard here. He thought for a while and said, “I’ll find someone else to send you, don’t run around.”

Su Qing nodded and stood still. Li Ke walked into the room, intending to find two Dragon House escorts to deliver her, walked to the house and looked back at her again.

The little girl looked lonely down the mountain. When Li Ke moved, his courage was not ordinary. In such a situation, it is not enough to protect Ju Muer desperately, but dare to run away and dare to steal horses and bandits. After leading them up the mountain, she could also explain the layout of the house and the number of robbers, and even wanted to arrange how they would pinch back and forth, saying that to prevent those evil people from taking Ju Muer as a hostage.

Li Ke shook his head and sighed. If he hadn’t checked it himself, he wouldn’t have thought it was just a flower girl.

These girls have been so powerful these years?

Li Ke entered the room and came out after a while, and said to Su Qing: “Let’s go.”

Su Qing was a little surprised: “Are you someone else?”

“I changed my mind. Right now the situation is under control. There is also Master Qiu here, and I have explained the other brothers, so I will send you.”

Su Qing nodded and thought it was good. After all, Li Ke knew her. She had just escaped from the dead. It was not as good as Li Ke to let her rest assured that she had changed to another person.

Li Ke took her to the place where the horse was circled, pulled a horse, and just turned to ask Su Qing if he could ride. Su Qing had raised her head and looked proudly, “I will ride a small donkey . “

Li Ke froze, then wanted to laugh, but Su Qing’s expression made him swallow the smile back. He coughed lightly, beckoned Su Qing to come over, and after turning over himself, he kicked her up. The two of them rode and hurried towards the foot of the mountain.

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