Three Marriages

Chapter 38 - Playing with Boomer (2)

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Feng Wu was waiting to say a few more words, but suddenly saw Baoer ran back. She blushed and said excitedly, “Mother, mother, I have done a big thing today.”

Feng Wu and Ju Mu’er sat up sharply. Feng Wu calmed down, pulled her baby girl and asked, “Slow down, what did you do?”

Bao Er said: “Uncle took us to the restaurant for snacks, and then a group of people were very annoying. They set up some pianos and let a few children play. Uncle was talking to Qingsheng’s brother. If they were noisy, let Uncle Guard went and said, but there was someone saying that none of us in Longfu would play the piano and laugh at us. “

Feng Wu nodded, and realized: “Then your uncle is angry, isn’t he?”

Boa nodded.

Feng Wu asked again, “Your uncle is going to chop people’s table, have you stopped it?” Uncle Long’s temperament broke out, and ordinary people couldn’t stop it. Her Jiabaoer did it. event.

But Bao’er shook his head: “Uncle Da hasn’t passed, it’s me.”

Feng Wu and Ju Mu’er opened their mouths in shock, and Bao’er went on to say, “I used to tell them, who said that our dragon family would not play the piano.”

The baby doll stopped here. Feng Wu hurriedly asked, “What then?”

“Then I played them.”

Feng Wu was surprised: “Baoer, do you play?”

Bao’er nodded forcefully: “Mother, it’s easy. With a wave of your hand, the piano rang.”

Feng Wu turned her head to look at Mu Muer, who was so stunned that she could play the piano. Bao’er was still saying, “I dialed hard and dialed, and the piano kept ringing.”

This is called playing the piano?

Feng Wu closed her mouth and felt that she could not hurt her daughter’s self-confidence anyway. So I wanted to boast about her, and for a long time, I squeezed out a sentence: “Baoerbeiwa, you really have the wind of generals.” This fearless momentum, she as a mother is sighing.

Baoer grinned, and shyly poured into Feng Wu’s arms.

At this moment, Long Dasheng and Long Qingsheng came in, and Baoer ran to Long Qingsheng again: “Brother Qingsheng, my mother praises me for being a general.”

Long coughed hard and said to Feng Wu: “Don’t mislead the child.”

“I don’t.” Feng Wu was righteous.

Long Da asked Long Qingsheng to take Baoer to play outside and watched the two children out of the yard. This only said to Feng Wu: “The big wind of Baoer caused trouble. Those musicians were from Ximin Kingdom. They went first. When he came to Beijing to make arrangements, he also brought the children ’s disciples to the restaurant. Baoer used to be struggling, and the other party regarded it as shame and said that he would let Baoer enter the palace.

“Isn’t it?” Fengwu was dumbfounded.

Qin blind children enter the palace on behalf of the Qin blind family.

The six-year-old boy’s battle book sounds very prestigious, but the three brothers in Longfu know the danger here.

Although the two countries’ harp is a literary fight, it also involves the face of the monarch and the dignity of the country. Therefore, Bao’er was involved, so that everyone would make a joke and make it a joke, so that it would not be used by people with intentions, then it would be troublesome.

So Dragon sent a hand to the Music Department to inquire about the details of the visit of the West Min Guoqin Master, and went to the inn where the West Min Guoqin was staying to find out if they had other plans. Long Er went to visit the book department Shang Shu Tian Zhong. He wanted to make sure that the so-called battle post received by the six-year-old baby was nothing more than a joke in the restaurant. Long San checked from the other side of the rivers and lakes to see if there was anything wrong with it.

But everyone did not expect that without waiting for their actions, Miss Bao’er of Longfu was brave and calm, and the “deeds” of calmly overwhelming foreign musicians had already spread among the wells.

Long Er’s conversation with Tian Shangshu was not smooth because the matter was already in trouble. Tian Zhong frowned, his face awkwardly: “Second Master, this matter is heatedly discussed in the workshop. You see, it has already come to me within half a day. Everyone says that the six-year-old childish child crushed the spirit of Ximin Qin It is gratifying and congratulatory. But the messenger of Ximin came to me to complain, saying that they were visiting in good faith, but they were humiliated. If this matter cannot be handled properly, I am afraid it will cause war.

Long Er groaned, speechless, and in the end he could only trust Tian Zhong, and tried his best to suppress peace in this matter. Tian Zhong agreed.

Long Er knew that this matter entrusted Tian Zhong to no avail, and he had to find someone who could really manage it.

He went to see the emperor.

The emperor has a deep friendship with Rongji. This friendship not only comes from the needs of the two, but also has an appreciation of each other’s temperament. The emperor was accustomed to sincere and fearful courtiers, and saw too many beards and slaps on the horse’s mouth and face, which was quite pleasing to Rong Er’s stupid morality of “I’m not good for me” on the bright side. Coupled with the fact that the emperor’s emperor’s family won a great deal of credit, his relationship with the emperor and the emperor has always been good.

The emperor was very pleased to see him, and set up a chessboard to play with him.

Long Er hated the piano for the first time in his life, because the whole country liked it, but he didn’t understand it and couldn’t love it. The second thing I hate is chess. In fact, his chess skills are good, but every time he plays chess with the emperor, he will always be asked by the emperor to “spoil the country for the money.”

Although Long Er made a lot of money by relying on Huang En, letting him earn pockets and then dig out, which would make him uncomfortable just like cutting him.

Over time, Long Er had a headache when he saw the chessboard, and whenever he thought of his silver, he even had a liver ache.

However, this time the emperor didn’t play Long Er Qian Yin’s idea. He was more interested in the gossip of Long Er’s marriage, and asked several questions in a row: how did you meet each other? How did you get married? Why are you looking at a blind girl?

Long Er and the emperor have deep ties, and there is no contraindication to speaking in private, saying: “I have a beautiful appearance, a talented person, and a woman who loves it is commonplace.”

The emperor’s self-confidence made the emperor laugh: “This is common, but it can make you nod to marry her, but it’s not normal. You don’t know that you’re not married late, you have let several ministers remember that they come in private He wants you to help him explore the meaning, or to set up a matchmaker. “

Long Er smoked over his head: “Thank you for your love.”

“You can’t blame them. Taking you to be your son-in-law is an extra treasury at home. In addition to the contacts and contacts in your hand, those who are official, don’t treat you as a piece of fat.”

“Emperor, those officials and that piece of fat are your subjects, are you right?”

“I also feel that the piece of fat is not good for too long, otherwise it will not be good to mess up the courtier’s heart.”

“The Emperor is ridiculous.”

“I’m serious about thinking that if you don’t marry a wife again, I should point you to marriage this year. Those who look at you always read it, and I’m also upset.”

“Isn’t the emperor annoyed by being nagging, just because I don’t need to marry my wife and be at ease?”

“Huh, you do understand. You would persuade you to marry this and marry that, and gain momentum, but you would kill yourself unwilling to be an official, earn some money, and be free outside, letting you see how unpleasant. “

“The Emperor said so, how can I wait for the commoner to be advised by the emperor’s concubine? Obviously it is the emperor who rejoices in marrying himself. The money-breaking emperor I have used is also quite handy, but I don’t think so now Pleasing to the eye. “

The emperor stared at him obliquely: “Well, that is involuntary. If you have more concubines, you can open your heart? No one is comfortable and very boring. If you are like you, you ca n’t marry if you do n’t want to marry. If you want to marry, marry it. “

“However, the Caomin has the blessings of wanting to marry or marry, and marrying if he wants to marry. Someone just said that if Caomin would not marry again, he would be accused of marrying.”

The emperor laughed and laughed: “That’s right, you have to be a few months later, I must point you to the chief officer Qianjin as a wife.”

Long Er had a smile on his face, but he knew that although the emperor had a joke in his words, if he really had a stake in it, he would be able to force this marriage in order to win over his heart and stabilize the overall situation. But if there is such a time, then it is not only the relationship between the two sides that is more important to the emperor, but also the ability to solve the layout of the bureau.

Just like the chessboard in front of it.

Long Er smiled, dropped a son, and said, “I’m going to talk to Mu Er, congratulations on her taking the lead and winning the top spot.”

“You seem very satisfied with this lady?”

“Be obedient and funny, I really like it.” Speaking of this, Rongji was very proud. Mu’er was indeed a hundred thousand after he married him, which filled his heart with a sense of accomplishment from his big husband. Of course, he automatically ignored the occasional stinging of speechlessness.

The emperor stared at the chessboard, thought for a while, and said, “Hum, but don’t come here to make a show of this place. Your mind is not much different from yours. Carefully, you’re upset. Make a name for your money.” . “

“I have the broadest mind.”

The emperor looked up and laughed, “You really dare to say.”

Long Er also laughed and then said, “My family Baoer is in trouble.”

The emperor sighed: “Boa, good baby?”

Long Er nodded.

The emperor was a little surprised: “I can make you come here to find the mischief, this baby has grown up.” Baoer he had seen twice, a shy and well-behaved child. At that time, Long Er said in advance that it was good to call her Baoerbeiwa, and the emperor called so, the emperor was impressed by the child’s shy cute smile.

“What did she do?”

Long Er played Bao Qin in the restaurant to annoy Xi Min Guoqin, and was told that the war books had been heard. Should I praise this baby for being bold?

“It wasn’t difficult to deal with it, but it spread quickly. Now it’s difficult to ride a tiger. The road side of Li Shang Tian Shangshu is not good enough to dismiss the matter with Ximin Guoqin, fearing that it will cause disputes.”

The emperor nodded: “His concerns are right. Then Xi Min Guoping came to fight for no reason, and there was no doorway to understand. Several ministers had no good suggestions, so they had to answer. Now that when Baoer is involved, the Ministry of Rites naturally dare not take the decision on its own, but if it is reported again for the baby, it will be embarrassed. “

“He didn’t want to understand, but I couldn’t help coming to see the emperor. It may be trouble to reject the book of Simin, but it is not a good thing to take it. Baoer doesn’t know what to play, if it is really in the palace At a stroke, then the country of Ximin is not motivated, naturally it will not let go of this ridiculous opportunity, it will be degrading, and its responsibility will not be known? “

That’s the point. At that time, the crime of treating a baby is not good-looking, and the crime of the Ministry of Cure is ignored. The emperor raised an eyebrow and asked, “What’s your idea?”

“Because I want to play the piano, there is no reason for my family to play with a single gun. The children who learn to play the piano in Beijing are just grabbing it. The emperor sends a message to the Ministry of Rites, and our Chinese baby pianist ca n’t lose that number in Ximin Kingdom. The adults fight the adults, the dolls fight the dolls. They came from a long distance, and they brought many children who learned to play the piano. They wanted to come.

The emperor ’s epiphany: “You are really reminded of this kind of saying. I heard that the chief violinist of Ximin Kingdom has extraordinary skills and few opponents. We first lost a master voice and lost a Huayibai Although other musicians are also well-known, it sounds worse than the talents of those two. Now Bao’er picks his head and can really find a reason in the doll musician’s part and destroy the prestige of the Siming Kingdom. “

Long Er nodded okay. He was not interested in destroying power or something. Playing the piano was too boring and he didn’t care. As long as he pulls other children into the water, his Jiabaoer is not a bird. At that time, people would be troublesome. Maybe Baoer didn’t even have to touch the piano, so that those who really learned the piano could compete.

In this way, Junmin and the two agreed carefully, and after some more gossip, chatted about right and wrong, played two games, and finally returned with satisfaction.

Long Er returned to Long Mansion and planned to talk to Muer and ask her to teach Baoer to play the piano. I don’t expect Baoer to become a master of the piano in such a short time, but the basics of the rhythm should be understood. Don’t go to the Douqin at that time. In the presence of the ministers and the emperor, I thought that picking the strings was playing the piano.

Long Er was thinking like this, but when passing by Long Qingsheng’s academy, she saw Baoer sitting quietly in the courtyard with her beloved cat. When she saw Long Er at the door, she waved her hand happily and called: “Uncle Er.”

“Why are you here by yourself?” Ryuuji passed and touched Bao’er’s head.

Baoer smiled sweetly: “The master is teaching Qingsheng brother to study, I can’t go in and disturb.”

Such a good little doll is really distressing. Long Erdao said: “Uncle Er takes you to play elsewhere.”

“I don’t want it.” Baoer shook his head. “Brother Qingsheng asked me to wait for him and said he took me and the cat to play after reading. I can’t go away.”

Long Er raised an eyebrow: “It’s been a while since Qingsheng was studying, don’t you go and see Qiaoer?”

“Brother Qingsheng said, I have spent the nap with my sister, so I accompany my brother in the afternoon.”

Long Er raised an eyebrow again. Is this little baby good or bad? He just went back to abduct his wife and children.

I was thinking of going back to tease my daughter-in-law first, and turned my head to see her come.

Ju Muer, holding a bamboo stick, was led by the ring, and was slowly walking towards this side. Long Er was about to call, but Bao’er ran to the little cat and ran over: “Erife, let me touch the little cat.”

Ju Muer laughed, carefully touched, and praised: “Baoer’s baby cat is really comfortable to touch.”

Boa grinned and looked up proudly.

Ju Mu’er squatted down and said to Bao’er, “Bo’er, baby, will you teach you to play the piano?”

Long Er heard it and laughed. Should they say that their husbands and wives are in the same heart, or are they in a good mood?

But Baoer answered, “It’s not fun to play the piano.”

“What does Baoer like?”

“I used to paint.”


“Because she wanted to write a letter to her mother, Baoer couldn’t write, so she drew pictures for her.” Baoer’s answer reminded Long Er of the tragic situation of that year, and he could not help rubbing his forehead. The painting was so terrible that I could not see what it was, and it was too tired that he had to write a comment next to it to make people understand, but Piaobaoer felt very good about himself.

Ju Mu’er didn’t know the level of Baoer’s painting, so she smiled and asked, “I used to like to paint, but now?”

“I like cats now.”

“Is the cat from Brother Qingsheng?”

“Um.” Baoer nodded strongly.

“Brother Qingsheng gave Baoer such a cute little cat, and Baoer also had to give back Brother Qingsheng something, right?” Ju Muer coaxed.

“Yes.” Baoer nodded again.

“Baoer played the piano the most. He played in the restaurant. Isn’t it very prestigious?”

Baoer tilted his head to think about everyone’s expressions, as if they were calmed down, so he answered “yes” again and nodded.

Ju Muer smiled and said: “The second uncle can teach Baoer to play harder and let Qingsheng brother do it.” Ju Muer made an exaggerated expression of “wow”, and Baoer giggled and smiled. .

“Let’s make Brother Qingsheng think Bao’er is great. How about playing the piano?”

Bao’er was still laughing, and his crisp voice answered, “Bo’er really wants to make Qingsheng’s brother ‘wow’.”

“Uh-huh, that’s what we decided on.” Ju Muer reached out and tried to touch Bao’er’s head. She couldn’t see, and her direction was a little off. Bao’er took the initiative to hold his head under Ju Mu’er’s palm, and Ju Mu’er couldn’t help but smile: “Bo’er, baby boy, you have a piano there, you can use it for Bao’er.”

As soon as Bao Er’s eyes lighted, he was about to ask Rong Er, but Rong Er already called out, “When will I have that thing?”

Ju Muer didn’t expect Long Er to be on the side, and he was so frightened that he sat on the ground. Seeing this, Baoer giggled, learning her appearance and sitting on the ground.

Long Er sighed, pulling the big one up in the past.

“How can Er Ye overhear?” Ju Muer pouted.

“God listened to it openly.”

“Why didn’t the second grandfather speak?”

“It’s fun to see your child coaxing me, Grandpa is happy.”

“The piano and sheet music I gave to Erye before then, Erye brought it to Bo’er.”

Long Er raised an eyebrow and turned to Bao’er and said, “Baoer, well-being, go and find your brother who is celebrating birthday. He should finish reading soon.” Bao’er heard that and ran away. Rongji dismissed Yahuan angrily and dragged Ju Muer to the back room.

No one looked around, and he began training his wife: “Nine and the music are mine.”

Ju Mu’er didn’t turn around: “It’s a small piano for children, and the second grandfather can’t use it.”

“It’s mine.” Ryuuji aggravated his tone.

“Where is the second elder?”

“It’s a joy.” Long Er’s spirit was vivid. “This is my lady ’s day to attract me attention, specially sent me. I keep it, and I must tell my children and grandchildren how my lady liked me, and racked my brains. Using the means made me pay attention to her step by step, and in the end I could not bear her affection and promised her to ask for marriage. “

Ju Muer stayed for a while, wondering what kind of response he gave him, and heard him say, “Besides, Bao Er spent two silver to buy the piano, naturally it should be her father and mother.”

Ju Muer gritted his teeth and said, “Erye is right.”

Long Er suddenly said: “Muer, when you are not good at sending me, you will call me second master, right?”

“Xianggong was more concerned. When I tried my best to get the second elder to pay attention, wasn’t it the second elder that was called? Just when Xianggong talked with his children and grandchildren, I forgot to talk to them. When I saw Xianggong the first time, Xianggong I was talking intimately with a lady Qianjin. When I saw Xianggong for the second time, Xianggong was together with a group of Qiangjin Miss. Afterwards, Xianggong returned to me home, and took a gentle fat powder after passing around the fireworks. Send me. “

Rongji’s face froze. Is this a reversal?

Ju Mu’er continued: “Xiangong must talk to the children and grandchildren, how am I broad-minded, courageous, and courageous, and I begged the pro-grandmother with a blind eye.”

“…” Long Er secretly bit his back molars. The mean-minded woman is really unpleasant.

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