Three Marriages

Chapter 49 - Play tricks (1)

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the three marry the king’s heart!

Ximin Guoqin was gone, but the storm left by the Douqin Conference did not calm down.

Long Er is not a nosy person, he only cares about the family’s affairs. So in his opinion, it doesn’t matter who killed Shi Zechun. Shi Boyin is dead, which means that the matter has ended. The real murderer found the dead ghost, and no one investigated it again and remembered it, and everything would return to peace.

But Qian Jiangyi, this stupid man, didn’t want to show his weight. He claimed so high-profile that this was an injustice, anxious the Ministry of Justice, and annoyed Ding Sheng.

If the investigation of that year is no stranger, Ding Sheng will at most secretly give Qian Jiangyi a messenger to trouble, and in order to do something to make Qian Jiangyi regret it. But if there is any hidden feelings in this case, I am afraid that it is not only Qian Jiangyi who is in trouble, but those who are involved in the matter at that time will be involved at this time-including Ju Muer.

Long Er scolded Qian Qianyi 100,000 times in his heart as a fool. But it was useless to scold him, so he had to find a way to solve it, and never let anyone’s thoughts move to his family.

Long Er waited for ten days.

These ten days were calm and calm, no one moved the sword or sword, and no one was surprised.

Qian Jiangyi couldn’t hide behind his back at home, and was scared when he wanted to come.

He is afraid, others are more afraid.

None of the musician friends he had made so often visited his house for sympathy, and even the teacher who taught piano at his piano hall quit his job.

Ding Sheng didn’t touch Qian Jiangyi, but he sent someone to quietly visit the people he passed by. Long Fu’s spy told these to Long Er. Long Er groaned for a long time, and called the iron general manager, let him run a long door.

A month later, a wealthy businessman from Suilan City sent a manager to Beijing to hire Qian Jiangyi to teach piano in his piano hall.

Suilan City is far from Beijing, but it is a rich and small city. If it were before, Qian Jiangyi would not have responded, after all, Beijing is a place of fame and fortune. But now he’s in trouble, and he can’t wait all day. Someone brings silver to him and can provide a shelter. This is undoubtedly the beauty of falling out of the pie in the sky.

So Qian Jiangyi promised with his mouth, quickly packed up his bags and left with his family.

The chief iron officer probed everything and returned and reported: “Surely someone went to check the situation in Suilan City. But the old slave was ordered by the second elder and arranged around several circles, and he would never find us on.”

Long Er nodded, very satisfied.

Qian Jiangyi didn’t dare to move, so he helped him. The scourge went away, indicating that he would not be in trouble again, and the Ministry of Justice would have no fun. Everyone went away, and no matter who was behind the scenes, the matter would end.

Rather than waiting for things to happen, it’s better to be pre-emptive.

Long Er did not intend to tell Ju Muer about this. He felt that Ju Mu’er was very good and calm now, and he didn’t need to remind her of the stupid thing of complaining.

But Long Er did not expect that Ju Muer had something to hide from him.

While Long Er was cooking and selling business as usual, but secretly kicked Qian Jiangyi out of the capital, Ju Muer met someone—Lin Yueyao.

Lin Yueyao appeared when Ju Mu’er accompanied Feng Wu and Bao’er on the street.

At that time, a child’s family was picking fragrant powder in the fragrant powder store. Bao’er would also buy Fengwu, and she said that she would pick a box for Qingsheng’s brother. Feng Wu told her that Qingsheng’s brother was male. He didn’t use fragrant powder, and Baoer asked why.

Ju Mu’er laughed while listening to Feng Wu and Bao’er’s long argument about why men don’t use fragrant powder, but at this time they heard a familiar voice calling her: “Mrs. Dragon.”

Ju Muer nodded, nodded slightly, then leaned back to the voice casually. The talking man pulled her sleeves and quietly took her to the other side of the shelf.

The two stood still, and Ju Muer called softly, “Girl Yueyao.”

Lin Yueyao shushed and said, “Mrs. Please call me Xiao Lan.”

Ju Mu’er understood and nodded: “How is the blue girl leaving her hometown now?”

Lin Yueyao said: “I haven’t seen you for a long time, but there are many words I want to tell with my wife, but I don’t know when and where it is good.”

“Tomorrow I will return to my mother’s house. When the time is running out, the girl can wait for me by the backwoods.”

Lin Yueyao responded and left soon.

The next day, Ju Muer returned to his home wine shop.

Regarding Ju Mu’er’s return to his maiden’s house, Long Er has never been too strict. He has only two requirements. One is that if he returns to his house for dinner, she must be there; As long as you do n’t violate these two rules, Ju Muer can go back to see Dad Ju when he is OK.

Long Er didn’t ask for Ju Muer, and Ju Da didn’t even ask. He even cleaned the small courtyard where Ju Muer lived, and the house remained the same as if his daughter still lived at home.

On this day, Long Er had entertainment at noon. Because of businessmen from other places, the appointment was scheduled a few days ago, so Ju Muer also said hello to Long Er, and he would go home to accompany his father for lunch.

Daddy Ju is elated. Some time ago, a little second of the wine shop became a pro, and he went to the neighboring city to do the son-in-law of the door. The daughter came, just to accompany him. He prepared good wine and dishes and planned to have a good chat with his daughter.

“My daughter, I’ve been married for the past six months. Why is there no movement in my stomach?” This is the key topic of Ju Da’s monthly chat.

“How can it be so fast?” This is the standard answer that Ju Muer answers every month.

“Where is this faster?” Dad Ju was worried, “I don’t worry about anything else, but your body is not good. This baby doll is not a trivial matter. The second grandfather has a great career, and it must be valued.”

“Daddy is more worried. The second father is very good to me. I eat and sleep every day, but my body is not good. This is not urgent. The second father didn’t say anything. Don’t worry.”

Ju Dad nodded: “Then you go back today, and give the second grandpa two wines.”

Ju Muer laughed, if it really annoyed the second grandpa, what good is the two jars of wine?

“Speaking of it, hasn’t dad always wanted to travel around and taste wine?”

“That was while your mother was here. I promised your mother to take her there. Later, with you, I was thinking of waiting for you to grow up and marry, and we will go again.”

Ju Muer muttered: “Anyway, I don’t want to take me.”

Dad Ju smiled and touched her daughter’s head: “It’s a pity your mother left early.”

“My mother is gone, and my dad won’t go. Will my mother feel sorry?”

“Ah?” Daddy Ju thought, scratching his head.

“It ’s better for Dad to go now. I ’m married, the second grandfather treats me well, and Dad does n’t have to worry about it. Now that the wine shop is not worried about money, it is better to let Anang go with you to walk outside Let ’s go. Is n’t Dad thinking about handing over the wine shop to Anang, and taking him out to meet him? Maybe when Dad comes back, maybe I have a little second grandfather, and I ’ll always bring a baby to see Dad , Then Dad did n’t have the opportunity to play around, so he might as well go now. ”

The older the father, the more he thought the idea was good. He was an impatient and consulted Anan on the spot. Anan was overjoyed to hear this. Daddy Ju went back to the house again, said a few words to Mu Erniang’s tablet, and ran out: “Mu Muer, I’ve told your mother, I’ll take her there. Anan, Anan, quickly Ready to prepare, the new list is not picked up, the two days before the delivery of all the wine we ordered, we will arrange it. Go to Shiquan Ling, where the most famous cider spring wine. Oh, I want to think hard Think, there are many places to go. “

Ju Muer laughed, and heard Anan and Dad happily discuss what kind of carriage to prepare, what luggage to bring, how to arrange itinerary, where to stop and so on. Even Xiaozhu was excited and kept thinking about it.

In the afternoon, Ju Muer said he would take a nap. Xiaozhu took a nap and went to Jumu’s room to see that she was sleeping well, so she didn’t dare to bother, so she ran to the front hall to help her father.

Ju Mu’er heard that there was no movement in the yard, so he got up quietly, went out along the back door, felt the tied approach rope, and walked to the river in the back woods.

She comes here often. When she was young, she and her dad touched fish in this river, and then they went home and let the mother cook delicious braised fish. She didn’t like to learn to be a girl, and if she wanted to do some needlework, she ran out and climbed into the tree to hide. Looking at the river and the other side from the tree, the scenery is particularly beautiful.

Ju Muer was sitting on a big rock under the tree, thinking about the past, yawning, it was tiring to take a nap and not sleep well.

She was drowsy, and suddenly heard Lin Yueyao calling her. Ju Muer woke up suddenly and sat upright.

Lin Yueyao laughed at her look: “I’m sorry, it scared my wife.”

Ju Muer smiled awkwardly: “I’m not good, I always snooze.”

The two talked a few gossips, and Lin Yueyao sat next to Ju Mu’er and said, “I said to my wife some time ago, I always felt that someone around me was staring at me, so I let my wife stay away. I later learned that it was originally A white wine friend. He wanted to tell me something, but he didn’t dare to see me, so he always walked around Xichuntang. “

“What does he want to tell you?”

Lin Yueyao sighed: “I have always believed that Yibai was not drowned and drowned, because Yibai did not drink when he went out of me that day. But the drink friend told me that when he came out and met him that day, it was Terah The two went to fight for wine. The two drunkenly walked across the embankment. He watched the white water fall with his own eyes, but he was confused, dared not to rescue, or shouted. Because he owed a lot of white. Money, he was unlucky one by one at that time, he was afraid that others thought he was pushing him for nothing, so he ran away. “

Ju Muer lowered his eyes and didn’t speak.

Lin Yueyao went on to say: “He said that he woke up with alcohol the next day and regretted it, but it happened. He didn’t dare to speak out. Hearing that the government judged that a drunk man died after being drunk, it was an accident and he was relaxed. He took a sigh of relief. Later, in order to hide his debt, he fled to a foreign country, but he had always felt guilty about Yi Bai’s death. After struggling for two years, he finally wanted to tell me the truth. “

Ju Muer asked softly, “Do you believe him?”

Lin Yueyao shook her head, and her voice was a little dumb: “I don’t want to believe it. But I know that he often drinks with Yibai. He can tell the clothes that Baibai wore that day and the tunes that Baibai played with me that day, What they said. Because when they were drinking together, Yibai told him these things. If Yibai was killed when he left me, why would he talk to them? “

“So what he said must be true?”

“Mrs.” Lin Yueyao was a little helpless. “I am full of my heart and want to make a grievance for nothing. In the past two years, I have not been able to sleep peacefully, and I have been thinking about it all the time. , I do n’t know what to do next day. ”

“I can understand how Yueyao feels.”

Lin Yueyao added: “I have been bothering my wife to find clues with me for the past two years, but I did not expect it to be the result in the end. I am really sorry for my wife.”

“Where, I have benefited a lot in the past two years.”

“I heard the guests in the building say that the music score is a martial arts cheat. It is true. Right now the rivers and lakes have been playing for this music score. Someone is said to have seen the music score.”

“So, that is to say that the murderer took the sheet music, but burned it on purpose, so that everyone thinks the sheet music is lost?”

Lin Yueyao said: “I’m not sure of the specific inside information, I just heard it was so.”

“The news in this building is really well informed.”

“Every guest has a few cups of yellow soup, and I dare to say anything, and it is well-informed.”

Ju Muer was silent for a moment, and said, “The girl decided to go home because the cause of death of Yi Bai’s brother has been cleared, and her mind is gone.”

“Mrs. is really smart. When I was there, I had the idea to live with him in good faith, but he was a wild and unruly man. Although he was good to me, he didn’t necessarily have a stable heart with me. So I hesitated for a long time. I did n’t expect that my heart was n’t spoken in the end. I ’ve been separated forever. Now I can hear his death. I do n’t know what to do in the future. I ’m tired of this ridiculous day. Today. I heard the truth that day, without a sleep all night, I decided that I would escape and never live the same life as before. “

“Then what do you plan to do in the future?”

“I have long lost my loved ones and said that it was a lie to them to go home. I haven’t figured out what to do. I have been hiding for so many days and I am afraid they will be caught. But I have nowhere to go. No matter what, I have to come and tell my wife first. Thanks to my wife for the past two years, otherwise I will not be able to sustain it. “

“Girl, there is a wooden house not far from my house. It was a place where I used to practice the piano quietly. Although it is simple, I can hide. Now Xichuntang reported to the officials to hunt for girls everywhere. The girls might as well live there for a few days and stay in the wind How about planning in the past? “

Lin Yueyao was overjoyed: “I would really appreciate it if Madam took it home.”

“You don’t have to thank me, it’s just that the place is rude and the girl is aggrieved. But the victory is hidden, no one knows, it’s a good place to hide.”

Lin Yueyao thanked all for his kindness and settled down.

That night, Ju Muer seemed to have a lot of thoughts. Rong Er asked what was going on, and she said her father was going on a long journey. Long Er joked about her, but told her that she had negotiated a big deal, and she would go out in two days.

Ju Muer’s enthusiasm with Long Er that night was particularly enthusiastic.

Humane, don’t take care of him. He hasn’t started to say goodbye yet, and the love has grown up. It seems that he has to part with her from time to time.

On the tenth day of June, Dad Ju took his buddy Anan, holding Mu Erniang’s tablet, and set off in a carriage given by the granddaughter Nvlong Long, and began his wine tasting journey.

On the second day, Rongji also stepped on the steed, and accompanied his guards, and went out.

On that day, Ju Muer locked herself in the room and played the piano for a day. At night, alone pillow tears.

Ding Yanshan is convinced that Yun Qingxian is the one behind the robbers. She thought about it, and felt that it was the only person who had the ability to call someone, master her whereabouts, conceal everyone, and not care too much about her life and death.

In her opinion, Yun Qingxian is the kind of person who climbs the dragon and attaches the phoenix. He looked at his sister in the same way that Dad looked at his mother, maybe a little gentler, but equally calm.

Ding Yanshan thought it was a terrible calmness. That’s totally different from her sister’s look at Yun Qingxian. She can see love and attachment in her sister’s eyes, but she doesn’t have any in Yun Qingxian’s eyes. She didn’t understand why her sister could deceive herself into thinking she was happy.

Ding Yanshan lived in her sister’s house for some time. She wanted to find out Yun Qingxian’s flaws, find evidence that he was behind the scenes, but nearly a month later, she could not find any useful clues. It’s true that the two sisters got along day and night during this time, as if back in time when Ding Yanxiang was not married, the sisters’ feelings got closer.

Ding Yanshan saw her sister’s affection for Yun Qingxian. She felt that her sister had something to hide from her. Whenever she showed dissatisfaction with Yun Qingxian, her sister stopped talking.

Ding Yanxiang talked to her sister that day and persuaded Ding Yanshan to go home.

“But I want to live with my sister, so let me stay for a few more days. The faces of the aunts at home, I don’t want to look at them again. Mother can’t talk to her, I can’t talk to her, only My sister is nice to me and I don’t want to go back. “

Ding Yanxiang caressed her head, and said softly: “Stupid girl, father and mother hurt you most, how sad you are to think of them that way. You are an unmarried girl who always lives in your brother-in-law’s house. I ca n’t justify his face. I do n’t think you ’re in a good mood, and I ’m not good at persuading it. But it ’s not the way to go. I went back to my father and mother the other day, and my mother was unhappy. ”

“I don’t want to go back anyway, I want to live with my sister.”

Ding Yanxiang sighed: “Shan, my sister is also very happy to be with you, but what about father and mother? You do n’t think about them and think about your sister. You also know that father and mother have always favored you, you come I live here and do n’t want to go back. They must have thought that I was instigating. When I went home, my mother did n’t see you, she already looked at me. ”She said here, hesitated, and seemed to swallow the words. After going back, I didn’t say any more.

Ding Yanshan lowered her head and knew in her heart that there must be nothing in her mouth to hear. From an early age, her father and her mother really favored her a little more. She was thinking of trying to get rid of the person who harmed her, but she did not consider her sister’s position.

Ding Yanxiang also said, “Is this okay, if you feel unaccompanied when you go home, I will accompany you back to live for a few days, and I will come back to you in a good mood, shall I come back?”

Ding Yanshan looked up in surprise. Her unmarried girl ran to her brother-in-law’s house to gossip. Going to live with her sister-in-law’s husband would make a mess, and she really moved her by doing this for her.

Ding Yanshan did not dare to be willful anymore, she nodded and agreed.

After Ding Yanshan returned to her house, she was listless. She knew she was going to go to her sister’s house and find clues. It was difficult for her to find clues. However, seeing Ding Yanxiang’s affection for Yun Qingxian, she did not dare to discern her mind with her sister.

Ding Yanshan strolled around the house, thinking wildly. Sister will go home tomorrow. Suddenly she doesn’t know how to face her. There is no complaint in her heart. It’s really depressed.

While strolling around, he saw two guard-dressed men walking towards the backyard. Ding Yanshan ignored them, and continued walking, took a few steps, and suddenly settled.

The physical appearance of the two men flashed in their heads, as if they had known each other, as if they had seen each other.

Ding Yanshan was shocked.

Think of it, it is a mysterious person posing as a catch!

Ding Yanshan quickly turned around. But the two had gone far away.

Ding Yanshan hurried a few steps, afraid of being found, nervous and careful. She chased after a while, eventually seeing the two figures, Ding Yanshan quickly hid behind the trees and hid.

There were no people in the backyard, and the two were unprepared. They walked and said something. Ding Yanshan’s heartbeat was so severe that she took a few steps carefully and heard their voices.

“Where should we go? The money that adults give will not last long.”

“Anyway, I have to leave the capital city. My lord said that we can come back when the limelight passes. I believe it won’t be long. You can spend less on drinking and drinking.

“I’m not assured, he can even take his daughter up. We little pawns, really let us come and go? He can let us kill others, and of course they can kill us.”

“Shh, don’t be stupid. It’s okay to be obedient. We’ll leave here first.”

They said they would soon leave the back door of Dingfu. Ding Yanshan’s legs were soft and her heart was beating like a drum.

Actually dad!

Ding Yanshan couldn’t believe it, even if she heard it in person, she couldn’t believe it.

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