Three Marriages

Chapter 61 - Heartbreak Love Escape (2)

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the three marry the king’s heart!

The chief iron officer thought carefully: “Mrs.’s door and backyard door are open, the other doors are closed.”

Long Er looked around, so that she had only one way to go.

Long Er walked towards the backyard gate, where there was a thick rope for Ju Muer’s approach, he remembered that the rope had been connected to the woods. Long Er followed the rope. Although it had rained heavily, there was still a trace of blood in the mud of the roots of the trees. The iron director reported on the side: “Some people have been found with the bloodstains, but the rain has passed, the bloodstains have faded, the orientation is chaotic, and it is not easy to follow. There are some traces in the forest, and they have reached the side of the road. But there they are gone. “

Long Er didn’t speak. He looked at the thick rope while looking at the traces on the mud. He finally breathed a sigh of relief: “They didn’t find Muer.”

The iron manager was thinking about what this said, but Ruji asked again, “Why is the rope broken here?”

The main iron man frowned, looking at this end from the thick rope side, and the two attached ropes on this side were indeed cut.

“Perhaps the bandit was afraid of his wife escaping, and chopped the rope in advance, trying to make her unable to find the way.”

“They had several big men, they were prepared, and they were afraid that a blind woman would escape to the woods to find a way? And even if she escaped, it would be easier to find her with a rope.”

The iron manager stopped talking, and he didn’t understand what was going on. Like Long Er, he took the broken rope between the two trees and saw that the break marks were neat and apparently cut by sharp weapons.

Long Er muttered again and again: “They always think that Muer is blind and useless, so she must despise her, and never cut off her guide rope at great expense.”

The iron pipe frowns and looks around. What is going on with these ropes?

“This is the message that Mu’er left to me.” Long Er said as he stood up, he looked around, and suddenly yelled, “Muer!”

His voice echoed in the woods, but no one answered him.

Long Er shouted a few more times, his voice was anxious and sad, and he heard the heart of the iron manager fighting directly. But no one in the woods returned to him.

The iron manager was busy: “Second elder, I call someone to search the forest, and I will find it.”

Long Er shook his head: “The bandits have searched and they can’t find them. Muer won’t let them find them. She’s waiting for me. She used to be like this. She’s here. She can’t see her. She can’t run far. She’s just waiting, waiting for me to find her. “

He squatted down and looked at the ropes again: “She wants to tell me where she is and she left me a message.”

The general manager of the iron opened his mouth. When he saw the broken rope, the old man could only think of the word “one cut and two breaks”. He couldn’t think of anything else.

What did she tell Er Ye?

Rong Er closed his eyes at this moment when the iron manager was confused.

He retreated to the mouth of the woods, touching the thick rope and closing his eyes all the way. He imagined Ju Muer’s actions at that time. She was holding the guide rope and ran. She was very familiar with this place. She must know where she could run along the rope, so she cut the rope at this place.

Rongji opened his eyes. She cut the rope between the two trees. If one of them was cut accidentally, the two would be intentional.

Did she want to tell him she didn’t run along the rope again when she got here?

Ryouji touched the stout tree, thinking she would never recklessly rush to a place where there was no rope to guide her, and she would not let herself get lost. Moreover, this forest is not large, there is no place to hide, running around will only expose her.

The place she chose must be that no one else could see her, and she could wait for him there quietly.

Long Er carefully looked at the three trees, and then he stopped. He raised his head and looked at the tall treetops.

The iron manager on the side watched in surprise as Long Er jumped into the tree suddenly, but disappeared in a blink of an eye. The iron director raised his head and looked up, but unfortunately there were too many leaves to see. After a while, Long Er jumped from another tree next to him without a word, and hurriedly ran towards the gate of the yard where the horse was stopped.

The iron manager opened his mouth wide, and he saw Long Er holding a man in his arms. He couldn’t believe it, and then he reacted and hurriedly ran towards the yard. He grabbed a guard and called: “Quickly, go back to the house and let the doctor prepare. Find your wife.”

The young guard received the order, rushed to the horse, and returned to Longfu one step faster than Long Er, and the order was arranged.

At this time, Ju Muer was stiff, with a pale complexion and a weak breath, which was long unconscious.

Long Er didn’t dare to let the horse run wild, for fear that she would be out of breath, but also afraid that time was too late to delay diagnosis and treatment. She hid in the tree for a day or two, no water, no food, frightened by the rain, and there was blood on her body.

Longer the more she thought, the more she was afraid, and she urged internal forces to protect her heart. Ke Rao was so. When he arrived in Longfu, Ju Muer still showed no signs of waking up.

The doctor arrived soon, and took the pulse for a long time, the more his face became ugly.

Long Er was so anxious as an ant on a hot pot, in front of the doctor, he yelled so that his subordinates would find the famous doctors in Beijing.

The doctor did not dare to entrust him. The patient’s condition was extremely dangerous. Otherwise, if the patient really has any shortcomings, he alone cannot bear this responsibility.

After a while, the servants of the Long family invited three more doctors. Four of them examined the pulse one by one, and frowned.

Ju Mu’er suffered a blow from behind and was injured internally and externally. However, the situation was critical at the time. She couldn’t stand it, but was extremely frightened. She was also exposed to the cold and rain. The man couldn’t stand it.

Together, the four doctors prescribed the medicine, applied a needle, and prescribed some external plaster for stasis and blood circulation, and bandaged the burn on her palm.

On the first day, Ju Muer’s body was not so stiff. Although she was still not awake, she was breathing smoothly, but before everyone was happy, she started to have a high fever. .

The doctors were so busy that they couldn’t irrigate any more, so they switched to needle injection.

However, until the third day, Ju Muer’s condition repeatedly repeated, she had a fever, burned back, her teeth clenched, her medicine and water could not be drunk, and she became too sick.

The doctors had no choice but to expect Ai Ai to “do everything and listen to destiny.”

Long sleepless for a few days, Dragon stayed beside Ju Muer. He held her in his arms and talked. He told her that she was safe and no one could hurt her again. He told her that he was back. This time he wouldn’t leave anyone who told him. He said everything was his fault. He shouldn’t have thought that if they had nothing to do with each other, they would still do nothing. He begged her to wake up quickly, and he said he would never tease her again and never bully her again. He buys whatever she wants. As long as she is good, he must follow her.

Long Er and Ju Muer talked a lot, his voice was dumb, his eyes were red, but Ke Muer still showed no signs of waking.

Every day, people come to persuade Rong Er, persuade him to eat something, and persuade him to sleep for a while.

He ate. He looked at Ju Muer’s sunken cheeks, thinking that he must not fall. He was Mu’s dependant. He was wrong this time and couldn’t be wrong again. So he swallowed all the food.

Let him sleep, and he too. He held Ju Mu’er and said to her, “Let’s rest for a while, but when I wake up, you will wake up too.” Unfortunately, he couldn’t sleep, and he closed his eyes and looked at her. And he looked so many times, she never opened her eyes.

Three days have passed, and Ju Muer’s condition is getting worse. Coupled with the day and night she was hiding from the tree, it was a total of nearly five days. She did not eat or drink at all for five days, and she vomited and vomited for five days. The hope in everyone ’s heart became smaller and smaller.

The doctors changed a few more, and no one dared to say that they could be saved. All the imaginable methods were used without any improvement.

Long San received the news and rushed back. When Long Er was completely out of control, he took over the affairs of Long Fu. He reorganized his manpower, supervised business, coped with government and **** missions, and buried the guards sacrificed for this matter, and settled their homes.

However, the situation of Long Er was even worse, and he also strongly supported to personally erected the tombs of those guards and thanked his family. Apart from doing this, he never left Ju Muer’s house again.

The chief iron officer asked Long San to ask for guilt, and said that it happened when he was in charge. When he saw a female corpse in the house, he thought it was the second lady. He did not go to the woods to find someone. If you find it earlier, there may still be a glimmer of vitality, and it won’t drag on like this.

Long San heard things and sighed: “You can’t find someone when you send someone to the woods, Er Er’s message, only the second brother can guess. The so-called heart has a rhinoceros, outsiders can’t insert it at all.”

Long Er felt that he really had a good relationship with Ju Muer.

“She won’t leave me.” He always said, “She knew I would be sad if she was gone, and she couldn’t bear it.”

Feng Wu’s tears fell out. She was trying to persuade Erbo to get everything done, and if anything really happened, she had to face it strong. However, she did not expect that she was defeated by Long Er’s words before she could say anything.

“Do you know any blind man in this world who can be as powerful as Mu’er in my family? She can’t fight, she can’t see, but she can kill the people who want to take her life, and escape to the woods to wait for me to return. She suffers She was hurt, frightened, she was afraid of the cold, and there was chasing after her, but she could still leave a message to me and try her best to climb such a tall tree. She was amazing, right? “

Long Erxu Xu said the courage of Ju Muer. But no one dared to answer him. If he agreed with him and gave him hope, but in the end he was separated from heaven and earth, how sad and disappointed he should be?

But Rongji did n’t need other people ’s support. He said to himself, “Everything so difficult has been done, and now it ’s just a minor illness. She is naughty, she loves me most, and she is worrying me for a few days. It will be fine in a few days. “

Everyone looked at each other and couldn’t explain the words of consolation. They had to force the doctors to think about good policies.

On the fifth day when Ju Muer was rescued, several doctors came to find Long Er together, and frankly they used all the methods they could use, but the patient did not improve. Worst of all, she couldn’t drink and eat, so after a few discussions, they could only come and tell Long Erye that the patient should not be delayed for a day or two.

Long Er didn’t say a word. He stared at them coldly, as if he didn’t understand what they were saying. He was glared enough and turned to look at Ju Muer again. He kept holding her hand and didn’t put it, it seemed to be telling himself to put her hand on his palm, she would not leave.

Ryuuji ignored anyone. The doctors were gone, and the servants stood by, afraid to speak. Long Er sat with Ju Mu’s hand like this, and sat down at night.

Yu Yan brought in the food and wanted to persuade him to take two bites. But Long Er suddenly said, “She won’t die, she told me she won’t leave me.”

Yu Zheng opened her mouth and closed it again. When did she say that Madam had spoken?

Long Er leaned down and hugged Ju Mu’er into his arms: “You’re smelly. But you can’t make it right now, you have to wait for your illness. What? I’m also smelly? Right. “

Yu Yan saw him talking to himself, stupid, and old tears almost fell. She remembered that Erye insisted on marrying Jumuer. He said he was going to marry a special one, which was so special that you wouldn’t care about her appearance or her temperament. In fact, she never Yes, but now she suddenly understood.

The atmosphere in the room was sad. Long Er was holding Ju Mu’er, but he couldn’t hear her breathing. He didn’t dare let go. He didn’t want to believe that she would leave him anyway.

He felt cold and cold.

Obviously it’s not winter yet, why is it so cold?

At this moment, a rushing footstep came in, and then heard Feng Wu shouting loudly: “Er, eer, smile comes, smile smile, come to the door!”

Long Er stunned God for a while, who is it?

Then he suddenly woke up. He jumped up and couldn’t believe it.

Han laughs! Han laughs at Baiqiao City!

Feng Wu nodded hard: “It’s her, the carriage has come in. You asked us to take a look at Eryi’s body, remember? She didn’t reply, I almost forgot about it, didn’t I? I thought she was here at this moment! “

Ryuichi gasped hard, and his head was dizzy with excitement.

So he really heard Muer tell him that she would not leave, she would not leave him. That is not an illusion.

and so……

Ryuji stood upright at the door. He saw a young woman dressed as a woman carrying a large medicine box and rushing towards it. Behind her, a man sat unhappy in a wheelchair, followed by a servant.

Seeing these two people, Long Er’s eyes were hot. He thought that he would never see Nie Chengyan’s stinking face like this one again in his life.

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