Three Marriages

Chapter 68 - Closing the game (1)

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the three marry the king’s heart!

Spring is in full bloom in March.

Shibo Yin was executed at this time.

And now this March, the emperor wrote about the night attack of his home wine shop, and it happened that something unusual happened in the capital, so the emperor lost his temper when he came to the dynasty. For the past few years, Guotai Min’an has been doing so one after another. It must be the laxity and diligence of the government. Therefore, the Yin penal department of the government was ordered to conduct strict investigations and crack down on cases that have not been tried before. All prefectures and counties must handle them strictly, and all major and serious cases are reported to the court.

The emperor sent Long Wei, and those inert and small officials were really frightened, and quickly rushed to cope with twelve minutes.

The government office was easy to handle. If the case was serious and the case was serious and the case could not be resolved, it could be reported to the Ministry of Criminal Affairs. The Ministry of Criminal Affairs was busy. Ding Sheng was originally a person who looked after people for things. Many things were under pressure before him, and he took care of him and was confused. He naturally had his interests. Now the emperor suddenly put Long Wei, which caught him by surprise. This added so many things that he had to stay in the Ministry of Criminal Affairs every day, holding his tribe’s factions and men, to fill the East Wall and the West Wall.

In fact, when he dared to do everything, he thought about the countermeasures, and some were buried quite clean. It was just that the disposal was so thorough that it couldn’t stand the same time and all of it was turned out for questioning. Those who looked up this time seemed to have made an appointment, and it was all his weaknesses that were explored. And even if he had the ability to make a single thing in his hand beautiful, it would be difficult to do everything. In addition, the private undercover detectives raised by the Ministry of Criminal Affairs have caused a series of accidents, which caused him a headache.

Ding Sheng started deploying his own spy long ago, and it was counted that he had lynched illegally. But he did not do this for treason, only to protect his rights. Today’s dynasty is so deep that he can’t move, so he only needs to be safe to serve as his penal official. Just a book, he can also turn the clouds and rain.

He can know every movement in the rivers and lakes and on the chapel. He wants to destroy every person and thing that is against him. His factions are more and more stable, and his troop is more and more. For so many years, no big mistakes have been made.

He even thought of many countermeasures for himself in advance.

One of them is that he has prepared many records of private investigators who have made great contributions to the court. There are several copies of the light file. It may be possible that the court will suffer a lot of losses, and he is the one who bears the blame of the people all over the world and is only loyal to the court.

Another countermeasure is that if the way of revealing things is not suitable to call himself a hero, then he pushes Yun Qingxian out. Since Yun Qingxian became his son-in-law, all these private detectives have been handled by him. Not only Yun Qingxian, but several more for the dead ghost to be persuasive. All this, he thought about it.

Ding Sheng was worried about a day of exposure. Although he was very confident in these spies, he also knew that there was no airtight wall in the world, and he was ready to wait for this day.

The day when Dongchuang happened finally came, but the result was completely different from what Ding Sheng imagined.

He thought that there would be hostile courtiers who would expose him in the court and sue the emperor.

But no. Everything is calm.

But his spies were quietly killed one by one.

This made Ding Sheng very angry. This is clearly provocation, as if to say to him: I know your scandal, but I will not make your intentions come out, so you feel uncomfortable?

Ding Sheng was uncomfortable because the other party made him very passive. He can’t use the forces on the bright side to handle this. It is one thing to be exposed, and it is another to not make a move.

Ding Sheng felt that this would not be done by courtiers, because doing so would not benefit them. Moreover, he thought about it for a while. None of his opponents in the center could have such power in the rivers and lakes.

While Ding Sheng was desperately trying to get out of the immediate predicament, another person was still wondering.

That’s Ding Yanxiang.

During this period, the Criminal Department was busy. Yun Qingxian often stayed in the Criminal Department, and when he got home, he was still frowning and his brows were locked. She asked him what happened. He only said that the emperor ordered the investigation to be speeded up and he was tired.

But Ding Yanxiang was smart, and she knew that investigating a criminal case would not make her father-in-law like this. He had never had such a difficult and dangerous case in the past. After careful questioning, I heard that there was a private detective in the Ministry of Criminal Affairs, and the matter was actually known, and maybe it would start in a few days.

Yun Qingxian didn’t say any more, but Ding Yanxiang understood. Ding Sheng always let Yun Qingxian do the shameful things. This time, if the East window happened, the one who rushed out to blame him would be Yun Qingxian.

Ding Yanxiang was anxious like an ant on a hot pot, but Yun Qingxian persuaded her that Ding Sheng had never done anything unsure, and he must be ready to follow. Until the last step, naturally you will not need to replace the dead ghost.


“It is that he must have prepared evidence of acquittal. For example, the usefulness of these private agents is for loyalty. What do these private agents do that are notable for the court and the emperor. But I have found them in the Ministry of Criminal Affairs. No Those files. “

“Of course he will not be in the penalty department, but it must be at home.” Ding Yanxiang gritted her teeth. “I will go back to my mother’s tomorrow and look for it.”

The next day, while Ding Sheng was busy at the Criminal Department again, Ding Yanxiang returned to her family.

Back at Ding Fu, she saw that Ding Yanshan was embroidering a papa. Ding Yanxiang was a joke, and she said that her younger sister is so calm and sensible now that she has become quietly red. The two sisters spoke for a while, ate another lunch, and then Ding Yanxiang said she was tired and had to go back to the room to sleep for a while.

Ding Yanshan also went back to her lunch break, but she couldn’t sleep. Mr. Zhou’s son met her a few times, and posted a post yesterday, wanting to ask her to visit the lake. Ding Yanshan was distressed by this matter. She didn’t like or dislike Zhou Gongzi, but she knew that she had a bad reputation and she was not too young. If she dragged on, no one would ask.

Ding Yanshan was upset and simply got up and went to the garden. Walking, thinking of the fact that the two fake arrests were discovered in the courtyard by Ding Fu, she sighed and felt very worried. She didn’t know what others felt when she found out that her father had sacrificed her daughter for some purpose. Anyway, she was afraid, inferior, angry and helpless. But what can she do? She can only pay attention to it from time to time, hoping to remind her if Tiantan hears that Dad is going to be bad for Ju Muer.

Ding Yanshan stood in a remote corner and was cyanotic, and suddenly saw Ding Yanxiang passing by. Ding Yanshan wanted to call her, but was calmed by the look on her face. She subconsciously followed Ding Yanxiang and saw her sneaking into Ding Sheng’s study.

Ding Sheng’s study is a forbidden area in Ding Fu. No one can enter unless Ding Sheng greets him. Even when Yun Qingxian came, they were discussing in the side hall, and they rarely had the opportunity to enter the study. But Ding Yanxiang actually broke in while everyone was lazy and snoring. Why?

Ding Yanshan waited for a long time, but did not see Ding Yanxiang come out. She was in doubt and suddenly saw a young guard hurried to the door of the study. Ding Yanshan was startled and was worried about her sister’s discovery, but she saw the guard shouting softly: “Miss, the guard at the patrol has changed posts, and is coming here.”

Soon Ding Yanxiang came out, and gave the guard a piece of silver. The two quickly dispersed and went their separate ways, and the quiet appearance of the front of the study was restored.

Ding Yanshan is a bit stunned. Although she is also a lady, she also whispers to the servants in the house, but she never thought that she could buy her dad’s guard. What can I buy? What to do in the study?

Ding Yanshan and other patrol guards passed by, and then came out of the corner. She went directly to Ding Yanxiang’s home. Although Ding Yanxiang was married, Ding Fu still kept her house.

When Ding Yanshan passed by, the girl ring guarding the hospital said that the young lady was still taking a nap. Ding Yanshan ignored and she entered Ding Yanxiang’s room. Ding Yanxiang was sitting by the bed wearing clothes. When she saw Ding Yanshan come in and smiled, “I heard your voice, it’s all here now, it’s time to get up, otherwise my mother should say that I don’t have one at home kind.”

Ding Yanshan looked at her sister, and suddenly felt that she was strange, just like when she saw the two guards, she felt that her father was strange.

“What’s wrong with you, why are you unhappy?”

“I …” Ding Yanshan smiled at her sister, and finally smiled. “I want to ask my sister to help me get an idea. Someone wants to invite me to swim in the lake, and I’m hesitant to go.”

“Well, who is this boy?” Ding Yanxiang was well dressed and she took her sister to sit down, seemingly interested in the topic. Ding Yanshan worked hard to maintain a smile. She knew that she must smile. She had to act like her sister and pretend that nothing had happened.

She remembered that Ju Muer had told her that she must be calm and fool. She was right.

Days passed in the battles of each individual.

In April, the brand new home wine shop was renovated and reopened. And the Ministry of Justice continued to suffer.

In May, Yalili visited Beijing in her personal capacity, and she found a few piano friends to learn about her piano skills. One of them was Jumuer, the second lady of Longfu.

In this month, the emperor clearly expressed his dissatisfaction with the Ministry of Criminal Affairs’ recent performance. The hostile factions stepped on the chaos and uncovered several scandals in which the Department of Criminal Justice had handled the cases rashly. For a time, the ministers were indignant at the case of injustice, falsehood, and wrongdoing. They all went on to express their feelings, all feeling that the Ministry of Criminal Affairs was ashamed of the emperor. The emperor was deceived and deceived by the incompetent penal department, and for a time seemed to become the greatest suffering master.

In June, Ding Sheng’s private support agent was finally revealed. But it was Yun Qingxian who killed his relatives with justice and took dozens of loyal officials from the Ministry of Criminal Affairs to shake up the secret investigation. The file filed by Yun Qingxian detailed the process of Ding Sheng organizing the training and deployment of secret agents, as well as several spy witnesses. Everything was clear, Ding Sheng couldn’t argue. For everything Yun Qingxian handled, he explained that because he was obedient to Ding Sheng, he did n’t know that these secret agents were privately owned and violated the law. So he took the spies and did many things for the court, but finally found out The truth can be repeatedly dissuaded, and the evidence has to be collected before the court.

Ding Sheng was notorious in the court, but Yun Qingxian was a serious and disciplined person. In terms of reputation, this son-in-law is much better than his father-in-law. Coupled with the many scandals and scandals that had been turned over by the Ministry of Criminal Affairs before, Ding Sheng was exhausted and was released from office, put in prison, and convicted after investigation.

Eventful autumn, people are heartbroken. Yun Qingxian broke two cases in chaos, exulting the Ministry of Criminal Affairs, and the post of Shang Shu was vacant. Although he has not been appointed, everyone in the Ministry of Criminal Affairs has taken his lead.

The sky of Dingfu collapsed.

Ding Yanshan seems to know how this all happened. She was silent and calmer than the others in Tintin.

Ding Yanxiang will never return to her family. And Yun Qingxian brought someone to Ding Fu to copy Ding Sheng’s study, and when Madam Ding scolded him, he only said lightly: “I’m just trying to be strong first.”

Ding Yanshan heard the words clearly, and her heart trembled. After a while, when the wind was not so loud, she went to Longfu quietly, and she came to warn Ju Muer and Long Er to be careful. Although she didn’t know what would happen, she reminded them to always take precautions.

It’s July.

Long Er did not like July very much. The last time he was counted was July.

Yun Qingxian is busy every day and cannot be separated. Ding Yanxiang kept her room alone and was in a good mood. Because she knew that the most dangerous level had passed. Now Xianggong is busy again, it is a bright career, and the future is promising. Xianggong can’t accompany her, she just has fun. So that day, she took Yahuan to the streets to buy new clothes with butter powder, but she heard a young couple mixing their mouths while drinking tea.

The content of the mouth is actually Ju Muer.

Ding Yanxiang looked sideways. The man in the couple knew that it was Ju Muer’s childhood friend Chen Liangze, and he cursed with a low voice for his care for Ju Muer. His mother Liu Yu wanted to come.

This scolding was very boring, but it was Chen Liangze who brought fruit to Ju Dad and visited him.

Ding Yanxiang looked at Chen Liu’s fierce look and couldn’t help sneering. The jealous face of the woman was really ugly.

Then Liu Yu scolded a few words that didn’t sound good, and seemed to be so angry that he left his sleeves. Chen Liangze Baba followed, and the two went further and further.

Ding Yanxiang looked at the back of the two and silently memorized them.

Ding Yanxiang spends her leisure time, but Ding Yanshan is accompanied by her mother to support her father’s downfall and the domestic servant’s dilemma. If the scourge of kidnapping by the robbers made her mature, her father’s dismissal and imprisonment made her strong overnight.

She comforted her mother, stopped her aunts and rushing to the ground, discussed with the grandfather, and dealt with various people who came to explore the news. They managed the servants and cheered Dingfu.

Together with the steward, she understood the wealth left in the government. He dispatched half of his servants and summoned all the guards, leaving the most loyal to the Ding family.

She also pinpointed the guard she had bought by Ding Yanxiang when she saw it with her own eyes. Under torture, all the guards were recruited. But he also only knew that the young lady asked him to take the wind to ensure that others would not find her sneaking into the study, and knew nothing else.

Ding Yanshan sat in her room all night. On the second day, she arranged arrangements, entrusted the relationship, went to the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Affairs, and met Ding Sheng. In the past, she felt it was difficult to talk to her father, but now she must ask.

On the day Ding Yanshan went to the prison of the Criminal Department, a major event happened at Longfu.

Ju Muer had just taken a nap, and Xiaozhu waited for her to wash and combed her head. Long Er, however, had to come to make fun, he insisted on personally thrushing Muer.

Ju Muer smiled and hid. Every time Long Erye gave her a thrush, the result was a mess. Either paint it over and wash it again, or paint it and want to remove her hair to play, and say that she has to practice combing her hair, and finally make people not ghosts and ghosts, and once frightened Xiaozhu. Otherwise, it’s painting and going back to bed.

This time, Rongji was full of confidence and said he would definitely paint beautifully for Ju Muer.

Regarding this, Ju Muer had no confidence at all. It was only that her husband was in possession of this Yaxing, and she had to cooperate. But sitting idle was nothing, Long Er painted it for a long time and it was not good, and Ju Muer had nothing to say.

“Why didn’t Xianggong visit the shop these two days?”

“The sun is so big that you have sunburned your husband, don’t you feel bad?”

“Is the business so open? If you earn less, wouldn’t it hurt Sangong?”

Long Eryi poked her head with her finger: “Are you a father-in-law and I am such a fan?”

Ju Mu’er blinked and didn’t dare to say “yes”, but said, “Xiangong, I know why your eyebrows are always uneven.”

Ryuuji stopped and looked at the frowning eyebrows that he had drawn taller and shorter, he was always misaligned.

“Why?” He didn’t want to know, he just asked casually.

“Because Xianggong always looks at the abacus, the abacus beads fluctuate, so Xianggong is not right.”

Long Er lost thrush, “hum” turned and walked away.

“Sangong isn’t drawing anymore?” Ju Muer touched her eyebrows, and said, could you rest now? Rong Er came back, took a wet towel in his hand, wiped her two twisted eyebrows vigorously, then picked up the pen to continue drawing.

Ju Mu’er sighed. She also had an appointment with Xiaozhu and Bao’er to play with the blind and touch the fish. I don’t know when it will be drawn.

“Draw until it is aligned.” Long Er seemed to hear what she thought, and said angrily.

“That’s aligned, what about thick and thin?” Ju Muer obediently asked his face to paint, but he poured his cold water very seriously.

Long used a meal and stopped. Not only thick and thin, but also flat, what should I do?

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