Three Marriages

Chapter 9 - Deliberating a blind proposal (3)

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the three marry the king’s heart!

Lu Sixian hoeed his head: “Adult knows clearly, Cao Min went up to the second floor and saw the door of the room No. 6 open. Boss Zhu and the girl were lying on the ground with blood underneath. I was shocked and hurry up Sniffing, the boss Zhu was already out of breath, and the girl at home held a dagger in her hand, unconscious. I subconsciously took a dagger to look, and then probed her breath, she was still angry, I was trying to call people, this The two came over. Before I could react, they shouted, so everyone took me as a suspect and brought them here. “

Long Er could hear the word “home girl”, and he murmured—would it not be the home girl he knew?

Qiu Ruoming asked: “You mean, the dagger was originally in the girl’s hand?”

“Yes.” Lu Sixian said, “I can recognize the dwelling girl. She is weak and unarmed, her eyes can’t be seen, and she can’t kill. I have never heard of her meeting with Boss Zhu.”

When Long Er heard this, he was certain that the man lying in a pool of blood unconscious and holding a dagger must be Ju Muer.

Well, I always like Ju Mu who annoys him and makes him angry.

Lu Sixian continued over there: “Only because the two people were recognized by Caomin, and coupled with the fact that the girl was holding a dagger, Caomin subconsciously took a dagger to look at it. But Caomin never killed or injured the girl . “

Qiu Ruoming stared at him for a moment, and asked the court servant: “Was the woman who was injured and fainted woke up? If nothing happens, call her to church.”

The soldiers were ordered to go out. Taking advantage of this time, Qiu Ruoming asked Fu Erlai Inn Xiao Ershanzi again: “What happened to Zhu Fu when he entered the inn, and were there any visitors?”

Shanzi replied, “Boss Zhu walked through the door of the inn. It was a small business. Boss looked very bad, but didn’t say anything. When he entered the store, he just drunk and drank too much. He still helped him into the guest room and waited for him to sleep. Since then, there has been no movement and no visitors have come to him. “

Qiu Ruoming nodded and asked Zhu Fu’s Afu and Jiang Ying if they had any grudges with the host. Those two people said that Zhu Fu was honest, and he had no injustice or resentment, and had a deep relationship with his wife, Zhu Chen, who had never seen them quarrel. During this time, Zhu Fu was upset only by selling or not selling tea shops.

Zhu Chen wiped tears aside, crying about her loyalty to the Xianggong family. The tea shop was the lifeblood of his family. Xianggong was unwilling to sell. This was a dispute with Lu Sixian and he was poisoned. She cried, crying, and begged Qiu Ruoming again.

Noisy, a servant joined Ju Muer to come in.

The thick cloth on Ju Mu’er’s body was stained with blood, his head was injured, and the wrapped cloth towel was soaked with blood. Long Er couldn’t help looking at her carefully. She looked pale and sick, and seemed to be thinner?

Looking at her like this, Long Er felt that the boss was uncomfortable.

Qiu Ruoming asked aloud, “Is the visitor Jumuer?”

“Master, it’s the daughter of the people.” Her voice was soft and sounded weak. Long Er was a little stunned, thinking that it seemed that she hadn’t heard her for a long time, or that her voice was good when she was in the original spirit.

“Ju Mu’er, this is above the hall. My official is hearing the case of Zhu Fu’s murder of Fuyunlai Inn tonight. Why do you stay at the scene of the murder?”

Ju Muer nodded, and asked Qinpu for her help. She couldn’t finish her work and couldn’t get home, so she said that she planned to stay there for one night.

Qiu Ruoming listened to this, and invited him to ask the person who passed the Yinyinpu to ask questions to see if Ju Muer’s statement was true.

Fu Yi was ordered to go. Qiu Ruoming also asked Ju Muer if he knew Zhu Fu, but Ju Muer didn’t answer. He asked her whether she had denied Lu Sixian, and this time Ju Muer nodded and said she could recognize it.

Qiu Ruoming groaned and asked, “Ju Muer, Lu Sixian was the first person to find you after the crime. He said that you had a dagger in your hand and passed out beside Zhu Fu. You also said, if you do not know Zhu Fu, why did he enter his room? The dagger you are holding is the weapon that killed Zhu Fu. What should you explain? “

Ju Muer opened his mouth in surprise: “I’m holding a dagger?”


Ju Muer shook her head, frowning and thinking about her lips. She didn’t speak, causing Qiu Ruoming to slap the gavel and yelled, “Ju Muer, answer the question from the official!”

Long Er frowned, looking at Ju Muer’s confused and panicked face, very dissatisfied with Qiu Ruoming’s tone. Did n’t I answer you for a while, as for yelling, no patience, what case is still being tried?

Ju Muer was taken aback by Qiu Ruoming, and she opened her mouth to speak. Qiu Ruoming had already preempted and drank, “You must have blindly recognized the wrong door, and entered Zhu Fu’s room by mistake. You behaved frivolously, and when you were in a panic, you got into a fight with him. You stabbed him into a serious injury with a dagger, and he stunned you with a teapot on the table in the last breath. “

Ju Mu’er shook his head in shock, which one was this one?

But Zhu Chen’s side already listened to Qiu Ruoming’s speculation. Ju Mu’er just loudly said, “Master, the murderer has someone else …” Before he finished speaking, Zhu Chen’s rushed to the side and threw Ju Mu’er to the ground, “It must be you **** It turned out that you killed me. “

Ju Mu’er had no fight at all, and he was punched several times in an instant.

Long Er was furious, and with one finger, Li Ke jumped in the direction of the arrow and raised the Zhu Chen family. Long Er shouted, “Spread anything, don’t look at the place!”

Qiu Ruoming glanced at him angrily. Isn’t this what his adult Yin should say?

Long Er politely looked back at Qiu Ruoming. He knew that Qiu Ruoming was tempted to see if Ju Muer was really powerless. But try it out. What’s up with him for so long that he doesn’t let the servant pull the vixen away? So bullying a blind and weak woman, is he ashamed of being a parental official?

At this time, Ju Muer had helped Ju Muer up. Ju Mu’er said: “My lord, the killer has another person. The maid was originally going to the front hall to ask the second brother for some hot water to drink. Passing through Room No. 6 that day, I heard the door open and a man screaming. She just shouted the word “save” and was covered by her mouth and dragged in. At that time, the daughter turned subconsciously towards the other side, and the murderer thought that the daughter saw something, and caught the daughter. I beg his life, Dao Ming himself was blind and could not recognize him, and then he stunned the daughter. What happened later, the daughter did not know. “

Qiu Ruoming nodded, and raised his eyebrows for thought. In fact, he did not think that the murderer was Ju Muer. Although the two sides were fighting, one side struck down the other side after hitting two swords, and he eventually lost too much blood and died, but Zhu Fu was tall and muscular. Sturdy, it is impossible for Ju Mu’er to stab two swords into the bone.

“Lu Sixian.” Qiu Ruoming sang.

“Caomin is here.”

“Shicai, you can see that Jumuer did not kill Zhu Fu?”

“Sir, Caomin doesn’t consider the girl to be a murderer. Shicai Caomin said that both Boss Zhu and the girl Caomin knew it, because they felt something strange, so they took a dagger to look at it. Unexpectedly, Caomin was seen Would be mistaken for suspicion. “

Qiu Ruoming hummed: “Did you hear that just now, Zhu Fu’s guys and family said, you want to buy Zhu Fu’s tea shop for the owner, and Zhu Fu has been reluctant to sell. You asked him today to talk Isn’t this sale? “


“You talked with each other many times, and you could n’t talk about the business. You felt uneasy in your heart. You found Zhu Fu that day and night, remembering that the business talks were not smooth during the day, he was drunk and out of control. Killed him in anger, and then passed by, so you stunned her and tried to plant her. If she is found guilty, you can get away, if the official inspects, see It was n’t her doing the killing, she could n’t say why. You planned everything, and you wanted to be the first person to discover the scene. But then someone suddenly appeared and witnessed everything. You fell short and was arrested on the spot. is not it?”

Qiu Ruoming said quietly, and looked at everyone’s expression. Zhu Fu’s two friends looked sad and angry. Zhu Chen’s face kept crying and his resident Liang Pinghe Inn Xiao Er looked as usual. The second elder dragon sitting side by side only looked at the expressions of the people seriously, without a wave.

Qiu Ruoming was shocked by Lv Sixian’s gimmicks: “Master, this is not the case. Boss Zhu has promised to sell the shop to Longfu in the course of the day. We are the ones who agreed on the terms of sale.”

As soon as Lu Sixian said this, Zhu Fu’s two friends and Zhu Chen’s were astonished. They even said this was impossible.

Qiu Ruoming confirmed with them whether Zhu Fu was willing to sell the shop, and all three shook his head and said that Zhu Fu was unwilling to sell. Qiu Ruoming also asked if Long Er could hear Lu Sixian’s report of buying a shop today. Long Er shook his head and said that this was not a small business. Lu Ziren would not report to him without all the details, or he would be reported to him. When asked in a few words, Lu was the incompetent of the shopkeeper.

Lu Sixian hurriedly said at this time: “It’s really still undecided. Boss Zhu only said that there were two buddies who talked with him all year round in the shop. He sold the shop and had to tell them to see if they were willing to follow The Long family worked, and they were still willing to use silver to make a living on their own. He explained that he would give me news on the day, but he did not expect it to happen at night. “

Qiu Ruoming asked: “Is this third party aware of this?”

Suddenly Lu Sixian was waiting for the news, so he didn’t mention it to others. On the other hand, the boss Zhu, according to the situation in the hall today, no one knew about it. Lv Sixian knew that no matter what the evidence was, it was against him. If he was ashamed, he had to scratch his head and said, “Adults know clearly, the young did not kill.”

Qiu Ruoming thought, although this case can be speculated, there are still doubts. He couldn’t catch the clues, and related people in the hall, except Lu Sixian, all looked innocent, had no motivation, no suspicion, and had relevant witnesses to prove it.

Only Lu Sixian is suspected!

But what is wrong?

“Master,” Long Er said at this time, “Long just said one thing.”

Qiu Ruoming looked at him, Long Er stared straight into the past, and continued, “When it comes to motivation, Lu Treasurer helps Mr. Long make money for the tea house every year. He can buy more than 20 Xiangfu tea houses. Na Xiangfu The tea house in Longmou is just a bonus. Longmou did not rebuke the shopkeeper Lu to ask him to make it happen. So, if it is a shopkeeper who is in charge of the most profitable tea shops in Beijing, a rare tea shop When an angry kill was made, Long felt that it was strange. “

Qiu Ruoming knew that he was right and was thinking hard. At this moment, he ran into a catch outside and hurried to his ear to say something. It turned out that Shicai’s whereabouts and exchanges, as they said, went out for investigation. Qinxing’s, inn’s, restaurants, and everyone’s home were questioned. This capture quickly gathered everyone’s news, and returned to listen to Qiu Ruoming.

What the people in the audience said was true.

Only Lu Sixian’s words, no one can prove.

No one can prove that he is not a murderer!

At this time, Ju Mu’er suddenly said, “Sir, can the folk girl say a few words to the treasurer?”

Qiu Ruoming didn’t know what she meant, but she did. Ju Mu’er stretched out his arm and groped towards Lu Sixian. Xiu Yi hurriedly helped her to guide her.

Ju Muer walked over and shouted, “Lu shopkeeper.”

Lu Sixian quickly got up and reached out to help her: “Home girl.”

Ju Muer took his arm and stood firm.

Everyone was staring at them, wondering what Ju Muer wanted to say. But she said, “I just want to say thank you to the shopkeeper Lu. If you didn’t find it in time, maybe I have already died. I believe that the shopkeeper Lu is not a murderer. The adult will definitely check Qiuhao and rest assured.”

Lv Sixian face is bitter, a fatal case, the situation is so unfavorable to him, how can he rest assured? Zhu Fu’s buddy and widow shouted loudly, which made him even more sad.

Qiu Ruoming’s face was also not good-looking. How could this blind girl behave with the second elder dragon, regardless of thirty-seven and twenty-one, first buckle down a big hat. He is a good official. Where do they need to be so crowded to deal with him?

However, at present, the case is full of doubts, and it is really tricky. It seems that we need to study it carefully before we can determine it.

At this time, Ju Mu’er said, “Sir, the head of the daughter was injured. Some things were not clear at the time of the incident, but the daughter felt that it was a very important clue. Women want to come and report to adults. “

Qiu Ruoming frowned, what other clues can a blind girl “see”? He didn’t count on her. However, at this time, there was no progress in the retrial, so he explained a few words, first took Lu Sixian into prison, and the rest returned home, waiting for the Fu government to investigate and study again.

At this time, Long Er did not have a good solution. He and Lu Sixian said that he would settle his home for him, so that he would not panic, and would definitely find evidence to prove his innocence.

Lu Sixian was taken down. Long Er asked Li Ke to find someone to go to jail, and Mo’s shopkeeper suffered in it. Li Ke was ordered to go.

Long Er and Qiu Ruoming settled a few words, and found that Qiu Ruoming also felt that there were still doubts in the case, but there was no specific details for the time being, so Long Er left.

When I was out of the house, I saw a middle-aged man and woman picking up Mu Mu and getting into a carriage. The man whispered: “Oh, oh, what a bad luck. Fortunately, you are fine, otherwise you lived in the inn for the harp shop. If there is something that is long and short, how can I explain it to your father? ? “

Ju Mu’er looked tired and responded with a few whispers, then got on their carriage and left.

Long Er turned around and called a guard around him to follow the car, to see where the two received Ju Muer, and if there is something, come back and report to him soon. The guard responded, and followed him on horseback.

Long Er arranged things, and it was midnight after returning to the house. He didn’t want to sleep now, so he went to the study again, sitting quietly, thinking about all the things in this case. In any case, he must rescue the treasurer of Lu.

Long Er sat down to Tianming. In the middle, Li Ke came in and settled Lu’s shopkeeper in prison, and Ju Mu’er was reported to have settled the house of Cheng Yin, the owner of Qinpu, and the cases where the spies of Longfu visited Lu’s shopkeeper were also arranged. .

Long Er nodded. He believed that these spies were useful, and there must be any clues that they could dig out.

When it was just dawn, a young girl suddenly came to the newspaper and said that at the gate outside the house, the girl Ju Muer asked for an interview.

Ryuuji was surprised. The girl was resting with an injury on her head. What was she running about? He frowned and asked Xiaoyu to lead her to the front hall.

When Long Er passed by, he found that Ju Mu’er was still sitting next to him. After speaking a few words on both sides, Ju Muer suddenly said, “I suddenly wanted to take a look at the good piano that Er Ye told me last time, and I would like to disturb you while passing by.”

Long Eryi, when did he tell her he had a good piano? But suddenly he saw that Dad Ju was annoyed, and he understood. It must be that she wanted to talk to him in private, but did not want her father to know.

Suddenly Long Er had a joy that her little handle fell on her own hand. He smiled: “The piano is placed in the library, if the girl wants to see it, please move on.”

Ju Mu’er heard his cooperation, relieved, and said busyly: “Dad, please wait for me for a while, I will touch the piano and come back immediately.”

Seeing that he was in someone else’s house, he didn’t say much, but muttered something unhappy. The daughter was injured, so she didn’t go home to watch the doctor raise her. She came to see what piano, and knew that he shouldn’t have promised her.

Long Er instructed the servant to prepare a breakfast for Ju Dad, greet him well, and then he led Ju Muer away.

Long House is very large. The stone path of the promenade is round and round, and Ju Mu’er followed Long Er to walk very hard. Rongji saw that she had changed into a clean dress, and the cloth towel on her head was also newly tied, but she looked weaker than last night.

Long Er didn’t get angry from the ground, he simply found the room and sat down with her. He called the servant to prepare hot tea for breakfast, and then began to speak.

“Did you sleep last night, why do you run around with a ghost-like face?”

At this moment, Ju Muer was totally unwilling to quarrel with him, and only explained: “My dad came as soon as the city gate was opened. He knew what happened last night and would take me back to recuperate. If I don’t find a reason to see On the side of the second grandfather, I’m afraid it’s not going to be good these days. “

“What do you want to say to me?”

The servant brought tea and poured them both. Long Er looked at Ju Muer’s frosty hands, so he nodded at the table and knocked out his voice: “The tea is here, it’s hot.”

Ju Muer thanked him, felt the cup, and didn’t speak. Rong Er asked again: “What are you doing to me?”

Ju Muer took a deep breath, and her face was embarrassed and slightly embarrassed. Rongji couldn’t help raising his eyebrows. What was she going to say?

“Er.” Ju Muer finally said, “I have a way to prove that the treasurer is not the murderer, and I can find the real murderer.”

“Oh?” Long Er was very interested in this, and he waited for Ju Muer to say.

“But …” Ju Muer turned sharply. “I want to talk to Er Ye about a condition.”

Do this again?

Ryuji’s heart was beating, and some of them had fun and excitement when they met their opponents. He took a cup and drank hot tea, calmed his mind, and asked, “What conditions do you want to talk about?”

Ju Muer bit his lip for a long time and didn’t speak. Long Er waited patiently and took another sip of hot tea.

“I want Er Ye to marry me.”

“噗-” Long Er turned his head sharply and sipped a cup of tea to the ground.

Hell, did he just hear someone ask him for a kiss?

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