Thriller Game: Horror Check-In

Chapter 417

Chapter Four Hundred And Twenty-One Although Terrifying

However, although the aura contained in these auras is terrifying, it cannot make him fear.

Could it be that there are some special things hidden here, I must find a reason. A smile appeared on Bai Ye’s 820 face.

This palace looks very old, but after Bai Ye observed it carefully, he also found that this palace is not a palace, but a huge pyramid-shaped building. It is very huge, and on top of this building, there is also a dragon carved.

What’s going on? Why are there no creatures and no life in this palace? I clearly feel that there are some special breaths in this palace. These breaths make my spiritual sense clearly feel. It felt like there was something in this palace that was attracting me. Bai Ye said.

But he didn’t know what kind of secrets were hidden in the palace, and he couldn’t be sure.

But at this time, Bai Ye discovered a very strange thing.

Moreover, he also cheered up and began to search carefully here. He hoped to obtain some (abbf) information about this ancient city in this ancient city.


And just after he searched for a long time, Bai Ye suddenly discovered that there seemed to be a palace in this ancient city. This palace was also very old, and it seemed that it was also a very old building.

At this time, Bai Ye also felt that in this palace, there was something calling him, but he couldn’t find where that thing was, and he didn’t feel it. to where exactly this thing is.

On this point, he is still certain.

Could it be that there are some hidden secrets in this palace? Why, in this palace, my spiritual sense can’t perceive anything special in this palace, I can’t feel anything special in it There is not even a trace of anger in the place. I suspect that there are no treasures in it at all, only dead things. Bai Ye also muttered at this time.

After seeing this scene, a look of surprise appeared on Bai Ye’s face.

At this time, he also thought silently in his heart.

Although these breaths are terrifying, their impact on him is not too great.

However, some skeletons here made him feel very strange.

This made Bai Ye feel extremely strange and very depressed.

This building looks very huge, but under Bai Ye’s spiritual sense, it can be clearly found that in this palace, apart from these huge buildings, there is nothing else. Made him feel very strange.

However, he did not continue to stay here, but flew directly towards the bottom of this mountain.

Because these skeletons are complete, not like the skeletons here, they are all rotten, and the power of Yin Sha left on these skeletons is also very weak, but the skeletons radiate out The breath gave people a very terrifying feeling.

I have now reached the realm of a god emperor, and since there is such a mysterious formation in an ancient city here, then, maybe I can have some surprises here? Bai Ye thought to himself.

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