Thriller: I created an alien asylum

Chapter 91 Mysterious murals in ancient ruins

Shen Yue discovered this before Ji Wu reported it.

Because he also had a hand in it.

The situation was like this.

The weird one he originally sheltered in Vaser Dungeon needs to appear in Blue Star and become the boss of a dungeon.

As a result, it was taken into custody before it was born.

This resulted in the collapse of that copy.

As a result, a small collapse occurred in the space from Vaser Dungeon to Blue Star.

However, Shen Yu is the master of Vaser's dungeon space, so this collapse will not affect his space.

Only there was a little turmoil on the Blue Star side, and the location of that turmoil was just above an ancient ruins.

As a result, the space collapsed and the ancient ruins were dug out of the ground.

Shen Yu came here because he was here, it was such a coincidence.

So I added some ingredients to it.

This is also the reason why foreign countries can unearth items related to the Contract Master.

The first person to discover this ruins was a group of outdoor adventure travelers.

At that time, the collapse of the ground caused a small-scale earthquake. They were camping nearby and were shocked by the earthquake.

After the aftershocks passed and they were exploring outside to leave, they discovered the ruins that were partially exposed above the ground.

"Hey! Gore, we sent it!"

"Is this a treasure? I wonder if there are gold coins and gems in it."

Everyone cheered and started digging with a mountain shovel.

As the entrance to the ruins was gradually dug out, everyone discovered that this long buried stone door had some vague pattern printed on it.

They wiped off the dirt with their hands.

A very strange and mysterious pattern was revealed.

In an upright square rhombus, a snake with its head and tail attached is coiled in it. Its head looks like a dragon, and its golden vertical pupils stare at you coldly and sharply.

At the first sight of its pupils.

They seemed to see it jumping out of the pattern and biting their eyes hard.

Several people screamed in fright.

"Oh My God!"

"Oh Farke!"

Looking again, the snake on the pattern stayed in place. It seemed that the pattern was too lifelike and caused them to hallucinate.

"This..." Everyone was confused for a while, and then laughed loudly: "This pattern is really evil."

"It's so lifelike. Perhaps it took a famous painting master of that era to make it so lifelike, as if it was about to jump out of it."

"I almost thought it was going to jump out just now."

"me too."

"If he could achieve this with his painting skills, his paintings that have been handed down must be valuable, right?"

"I don't know which painter it is?"

Everyone just talked about it for a few words, but didn't take it to heart. The treasure buried underneath was what they wanted to get urgently.

Digging all the way again.

The stone gate may have been damaged by the earthquake just now. After they dug a passage, several people worked together to push the stone gate open enough for one person to enter.

Everyone was so excited that they crowded into the ruins one after another.

The ruins were not large and contained very little treasure. They only found a lot of rotten grains and some medieval copper and silver coins.

These coins are highly collectible.

"Fake, why are there so many copper and silver coins, but not even a gold coin?"

"Everyone, come and look, I found a stone slab."

On the stone slab, there are several passages written in medieval language.

"I was in darkness at that time, and I was an ignorant beast. I never saw the light. Until that person came, he lit a beam of light for us beasts, and we were able to get rid of ignorance and become individuals."

"I don't have many great achievements, but I want to leave some traces for that great lord."

"He once saved us from the hands of monsters. Those monsters were like tamed beasts, obediently crawling at his feet."

"Thank him for bringing us civilization, thank him for dispelling the darkness, and thank him for lighting the way forward for us."

There are several murals painted on the walls above the fallen stone slabs.

In the first painting, they are hunted by monsters and live a life of hunger.

The monster was painted in a twisted and terrifying way, and was exaggerated to make it appear hundreds of times larger than a human being. The little man on the mural looked as small as an insect standing at its feet.

There was also a hill piled up with bones on the side, showing that this monster was murderous.

In the second picture, the shrewd city lord offered rewards to warriors to defeat this monster, but they all failed.

Until one day, a person stepped here.

In the third picture, only a figure from the back revealed the reward.

He defeated the monster alone.

In the fourth picture, a vague stick figure holds a holy sword in his hand, and a huge monster falls in front of him. In contrast, defeating such a huge monster with such a small body makes this man extremely powerful.

Everyone looked at it with expressions of amazement.

They couldn't help but take out various recording instruments and take pictures of this exquisite mural that contains many stories.

They continued to look down.

In the fifth picture, the city lord prepared a sumptuous banquet to reward the victorious warrior.

In the sixth picture, the city lord has a devilish smile, opens his hands, looks at the warrior greedily, and pours green potion representing poison on the dishes.

The seventh picture shows the blood all over the ground, the banquet disappearing out of thin air, and the ferocious-looking city lord lying on the ground.

Finally, in the eighth picture, a man quietly turned his back to everyone. He turned his head slightly and seemed to be looking at something. Countless looming, twisted and terrifying things were crawling under his feet.

Everyone broke out in cold sweat when they saw this.

Because, they really felt a cold gaze focused on them.

Just when they saw the eighth picture and saw the figure with its back to them.

This strange feeling made everyone feel numb.

Coupled with the recent strange appearance, everyone thought they encountered something strange and hurriedly escaped from the ruins.

It wasn't until they were shocked and asked by their relatives that they told them what had happened.

Then, it spread from person to person, and someone with good intentions uploaded it to the Internet, and then it became a big issue abroad.

Initially, many people didn't believe what this group of people said, but when they took out the murals they took photos of, the matter really became popular.

Someone has analyzed that if the mural is real, then the monster mentioned in the mural may be weird. Such things as weird have appeared long ago.

And the person who can defeat the monster is naturally an extraordinary person with mysterious power.

Because everyone was frightened, they did not take a picture of the last painting. Only Gore, who kept the camera on, recorded the painting.

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