Thunder God's Reincarnation

Chapter 38

Chapter 38

Three days after the Medicine King Family’s members left the Heavenly Underground Cave, the Great Huangfu Family learned that seventy of their martial artists, Huangfu Ming included, were wiped out at the Thousand Pine Valley.

The Great Huangfu Family hurriedly deployed more personnel because they found it strange that they received no further news after getting the message that mentioned that the seventy-man party was going to enter the Thousand Pine Valley. Eventually, they discovered burning remains in the Thousand Pine Valley’s Heavenly Underground Cave. The Great Huangfu Family inferred that those remains were of the martial artists that they had deployed to the Thousand Pine Valley.

Upon searching the entire Heavenly Underground Cave, the Great Huangfu Family confirmed that its inhabitants had already fled. Enraged, they immediately chased after them.

Seventy of their martial artists, including three Peak Realm masters, were wiped out in their home ground, bringing the family great disgrace. The worst part was that they let the person responsible for those seventy martial artists’ deaths escape. The Great Huangfu Family had to catch them no matter what and make them pay for the crime of disdaining the family.

The Great Huangfu Family focused all their forces on chasing after them, allowing them to soon find their traces. They discovered traces left by Baek Mu-Gun’s group, which the latter actually intentionally leaked to lead the Great Huangfu Family’s pursuit toward them. Doing so protected the other members of their party. The Great Huangfu Family did notice that the traces of Mu-Gun’s group were intentionally left behind.

However, they didn’t care. Among those who intentionally left traces, there were two people they had to catch at all costs—the young man pretending to be Sima Bi, who was suspected to have killed Huangfu Ming and the other martial artists of the family, and the Shandong Merchant Association’s Shangguan Bihe, who was the root cause of this incident.

The Great Huangfu Family deployed two of the Ten Heavenly King Fists, as well as the Violent Gale Platoon, which boasted the greatest mobility among the Ten Heavenly King Platoons. From the combat forces that the Great Huangfu Family deployed, everyone could guess how furious they were about this matter.

Three days had passed since the two members of the Ten Heavenly King Fists as well as the Violent Gale Platoon began their pursuit. They had quickly headed south in pursuit of Mu-Gun’s group. As time went by, the distance between the two parties dwindled.

Meanwhile, upon reaching the borders between Shandong Province and Jiangsu Province after seven days of leaving Mount Tai, Mu-Gun’s group stayed overnight at the inn where Mu-Gun had stayed before when he traveled to Mount Tai. The next day, after having an early breakfast, they prepared to depart again.

However, Mu-Gun brought up something unexpected.

“You three should go on ahead.”

Seonwoo Pyo’s eyes widened at Mu-Gun’s sudden remark.

“What do you mean? You want us to go first? What are you planning to do by having us depart first?”

“Are you going to remain here and try to stop the Great Huangfu Family’s pursuit alone?” Bihe asked. Unlike Seonwoo Pyo and Seonwoo Kang, who were both surprised and unable to comprehend what was going on in Mu-Gun’s mind, Bihe could guess Mu-Gun’s intention.

Mu-Gun chuckled and responded, “It’s as Sister Bihe said. By now, the Great Huangfu Family’s pursuit team should be close by.”

“We stopped leaving tracks mid-way through, though. Can they really find us that fast?” Seonwoo Kang rebutted, finding it hard to believe.

“Don’t belittle the Great Huangfu Family. Even if we covered our traces from the beginning, the Great Huangfu Family can find us no matter the cost and track us down.”

“Even so, we can’t leave you here alone.”

“I think you’ve misunderstood something. I’m not going to stay behind alone because I plan to put myself in danger just to save the three of you. I simply want to fight in the best conditions.”

“That means that if we remain here, we will only be a burden to Young Master Baek,” Bihe remarked.

“That’s not what I mean.”

“We will just be getting in the way, though, right?” Seonwoo Pyo echoed Bihe’s statement.

“Yes. The Great Huangfu Family isn’t so easy to deal with that I can fight them while guaranteeing your safety.”

“Hmm. I understand what you’re trying to say. We’ll head on first. However, you have to follow after us right away.”

Realizing that leaving first would actually help Mu-Gun, Seonwoo Pyo no longer prattled needlessly.

He was still worried about Mu-Gun, but he also believed that Mu-Gun, the Thunder God’s successor, wouldn’t have any troubles. Mu-Gun consumed the second Divine Thunder Essence Pill last night, further enhancing his internal energy. Currently, he was capable of protecting his own safety.

Just like that, Seonwoo Pyo, Seonwoo Kang, and Bihe proceeded to cross the Jiangsu Province border and headed to Nanjing.

Mu-Gun sent them on their way, then remained in the inn while waiting for the Great Huangfu Family’s warriors to come.


Mu-Gun sat on the first floor of the inn while taking a sip of the lukewarm green tea. He knew from the sound of horses’ hooves vibrating through the ground that the Great Huangfu Family warriors were coming. Sure enough, the door of the inn soon opened and people could be seen rushing in. They were wearing uniforms that had a garuda bird sigil, the symbol of the Great Huangfu Family, embroidered on their sleeves.

When they found Mu-Gun sitting with his face covered by a mask, they quickly blocked the retreat path. Two middle-aged men, who looked particularly strong even among the group of people at first glance, walked forward side by side.

‘Both are at the early Peak Realm. Seems like they’re two of the Ten Heavenly King Fists.’

Sensing their strength, Mu-Gun came to the conclusion that they were of the Ten Heavenly King Fists.

“Are you the one who killed our family’s martial artists in the Thousand Pine Valley?” The middle-aged man standing on the left side asked Mu-Gun. He had sharp features and a broad smile.

He was Huangfu Lun, the Mountain Fissure Fist. He was a strong warrior that ranked fourth within the Ten Heavenly King Fists.

“Yes,” Mu-Gun answered.

“Did you wait for us here on purpose?”

“That’s right.”

“Don’t tell me you think you can annihilate us all by yourself?”

“I think it’s entirely possible to do it alone.”

“Now that I’ve met you, I’ve confirmed you truly are a madman. I guess that’s why you dared interfere with our family’s matters and even fearlessly kill our members. Brother, there’s nothing more to hear. Let’s give him an early death right now.” The middle-aged man on the right said so as if he wanted to charge in right away.

The man speaking was Huangfu Jiun, the Violent Gale Fist, and he was also the Platoon Leader of the Violent Gale Platoon, which came here with them. Huangfu Lun raised his hand and restrained him.

Mu-Gun shrugged his shoulders. “I think the Great Huangfu Family isn’t different from the group of evil sects, considering so many people came in droves to catch me. Or are you all perhaps trying to resolve this with numbers since you aren’t skilled enough?”

“Tigers still do their best even when hunting a rabbit. Our family is the same.”

“So, you’re planning to attack me altogether when I’m alone? I wonder what others would say if they learned about this.”

Mu-Gun deliberately messed with the Ten Heavenly King Fists’ pride and ego in hopes that they would fight one-on-one based on the prestige of their family and dignity.

Who would fall for such an obvious trick? However, the pride of a martial artist, especially a master, was greater than one could imagine. Despite knowing the opponent’s intention, masters in murim would still fall for it because of their pride.

“Who said we’d attack you together? I’m more than enough to beat you alone.”

As expected, Huangfu Jiun fell for the trap.

“Jiun!” Huangfu Lun called out.

“Do you not trust me? Don’t worry, I can take care of him myself.”

“Still, if I overpower you, won’t everyone attack me at once?” Mu-Gun commented.

“That’s not going to happen.”

“How can I trust your words?”

“What should I do to make you believe me?”

“If I beat you, promise me that there will be no more fights and that your family will stop chasing us. Swear it on the name of the Great Huangfu Family.”

“No, I can’t do that. You killed more than seventy members of our family in the Thousand Pine Valley. If we let you go like this, we would basically become a laughingstock to the entire world. Even if we have to risk being stigmatized for attacking you with numbers, we have to quell you.” Huangfu Lun said firmly after restraining Huangfu Jiun.

“What happened at the Thousand Pine Valley was brought upon the Great Huangfu Family by themselves. You were the ones who were determined to break through the trap array and into someone else’s home. Moreover, I definitely gave them a chance to turn around and leave, yet they still chose to throw away that opportunity. If they left, no one would’ve lost their lives.”

“Enough with the sophistry. We were just trying to take Lady Shangguan back home at the Shandong Merchant Association’s request.”

“Forcing Lady Shangguan to do what she herself didn’t want to do and even going as far as to oppress her. It is questionable whether this should be the behavior of a righteous sect with worldwide renown.”

“That matter is between our family and the Shandong Merchant Association. You are in no place to step in. That aside, you have to be held responsible for the deaths of our martial artists in the Thousand Pine Valley.”

“As expected, it seems taking this out will be difficult. Very well, let’s stop these empty talks and just begin.” Mu-Gun said while still seated.

At Mu-Gun’s calm demeanor, Huangfu Lun put on a fierce expression.

“Violent Gale Platoon, subdue that bastard right now!” Following Huangfu Jiun’s orders, the Violent Gale Platoon’s members in the inn began to launch attacks at Mu-Gun.

Mu-Gun kicked up the table in front of him and pushed back the Violent Gale members charging head-on, then used the momentum to propel himself back while still being seated. He tossed the Flying Golden Shield toward the Violent Gale members charging in from both sides right after. Moving in a circle around Mu-Gun, the Flying Golden Shield struck his targets.

The Violent Gale members hurriedly retreated back to evade the Flying Golden Shield’s piercing force. Mu-Gun lightly retrieved the Flying Golden Shield and stood up.

As Mu-Gun stood up, a dominating energy flowed out of him like a raging wave and began to encroach on the entire inn. They tried to attack Mu-Gun again, but the Violent Gale members instinctively sensed the danger and retreated.

Huangfu Lun and Huangfu Jiun didn’t step back like them, but their expressions hardened at the formidable energy that sharply penetrated them.


According to Huangfu Sheng, Mu-Gun was in his early twenties. Hence, even after experiencing it in person, it was hard to believe that Mu-Gun’s aura could cause even early Peak Realm masters to tense up.

Displaying his full strength, Mu-Gun told Huangfu Lun, “This time, I’ll give you a warning and leave the decision up to you. However, there will be no second chances. If you ignore my warning and continue, I will respond in kind and annihilate the Violent Gale Platoon with all my might.”

Huangfu Lun couldn’t ignore Mu-Gun’s remarks. With an aura of this level, Mu-Gun could really annihilate the Violent Gale Platoon. However, he was with Huangfu Jiun. Even if Mu-Gun’s power was formidable, he was confident they’d win if he and Huangfu Jiun joined forces.

“Step down, Violent Gale Platoon,” Huangfu Lun instructed.

“Brother!” Huangfu Jiun was confused at Huangfu Lun’s change in strategy.

“The Violent Gale Platoon is no match for him. The two of us have to deal with him.”

“That’s a bit...”

“That young man is a strong master. Victory cannot be guaranteed even if both of us go up against him together. Don’t mess things up just for your useless ego.”


“Now then, let’s get serious,” Mu-Gun remarked.

Mu-Gun then tossed the Flying Golden Shield toward Huangfu Jiun and quickly dashed toward Huangfu Lun. Huangfu Jiun extended his right fist toward the Flying Golden Shield, which was violently rotating toward him. His fist qi, amplified by the Black Iron Gauntlet, clashed with the Flying Golden Shield.

Huangfu Jiun thought that he would be able to deflect the Flying Golden Shield. Contrary to his expectations, however, it gnawed and devoured his fist qi, gradually digging inward. Huangfu Jiun clenched his teeth and fired another wave of fist qi. Unable to overcome the second wave of fist qi, the Flying Golden Shield was powerfully deflected away.

Meanwhile, Mu-Gun had charged toward Huangfu Lun and was initiating the Celestial Moonlight Sword. The Celestial Moonlight Sword’s fan-shaped sword qi rose and burrowed into Huangfu Lun. Huangfu Lun did not evade it, however. Instead, he stretched out his fist equipped with the Black Iron Gauntlet. The fist qi formed on his fist created a strong vacuum, which swallowed the Celestial Moonlight Sword’s sword qi.

Huangfu Lun then blasted it off at once toward Mu-Gun. Mu-Gun invoked the Thunder God's Aerial Steps and dodged to the side, then swung his sword again. Sword qi poured forth like moonlight and blitzed toward Huangfu Lun’s right side. Huangfu Lun hurriedly turned and slammed his fist toward the ground like a hammer. Amplified by the Black Iron Gauntlet, his fist qi stomped and suppressed the sword qi that was burrowing toward him.

Unable to overcome Huangfu Lun’s power, the sword qi plummeted to the ground and smashed the inn’s floor. Such a powerful fist force befitted the nickname Mountain Fissure Fist. At that moment, Huangfu Jiun, having deflected the Flying Golden Shield, charged toward Mu-Gun’s right side and began a barrage of punches.

Remaining calm, Mu-Gun activated the Thunder God’s Aerial Steps to step back and avoid Huangfu Jiun’s barrage of punches. However, Huangfu Lun chased after Mu-Gun and released forth a wave of fist qi. Mu-Gun turned around and slashed down, the shock wave caused by the clash between the sword qi and fist qi pushing him back greatly. Huangfu Jiun did not miss that opportunity. He followed right behind with a swing from his fist.

Mu-Gun quickly kicked off the floor and soared to the ceiling, successfully avoiding Huangfu Jiun’s attack. He then exuded waves of moonlight-like sword qi toward the two of them.

Just like how there were no places where the moonlight couldn’t reach from the sky, Mu-Gun’s sword qi poured down toward Huangfu Lun and Huangfu Jiun without giving them any gaps to exploit. Huangfu Lun and Huangfu Jiun hurriedly released their fist qi to block Mu-Gun’s attack.

Huangfu Lun and Huangfu Jiun were pushed back, and the inn’s floor was devastated. Their clothes were torn apart like rags, and they suffered cuts all over, causing blood to splatter. However, their wounds weren’t fatal.

Huangfu Lun and Huangfu Jiun’s expressions stiffened. The attack Mu-Gun displayed a while ago was really dangerous, so much so that they could barely manage to stop themselves from being blasted away. If they reacted even a little bit later, they would have been split into pieces. Huangfu Lun expected Mu-Gun to be strong, but not this strong. He was no longer confident that he could win if he joined forces with Huangfu Jiun.

However, he couldn’t back down here. Huangfu Lun looked at Huangfu Jiun, and Huangfu Jiun nodded in response. They decided to fight him to the very end. The two of them charged toward Mu-Gun simultaneously.

Likewise, Mu-Gun didn’t back down. He proceeded to use the Flying Moonlight Tempest, one of the Celestial Moonlight Sword Art’s strongest techniques. The sword qi formed by his sword scattered like a storm and intercepted Huangfu Lun and Huangfu Jiun as they rushed in from both sides. Following a series of deafening roars, Huangfu Lun and Huangfu Jiun were violently blasted away.

Unable to cushion the impact, both of them crashed against the inn’s shabby wooden wall, shattering it apart. Even so, their momentum didn’t stop. They slammed into the ground, then proceeded to roll several times before finally skidding to a stop.

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