Thunder God's Reincarnation

Chapter 69

Chapter 69

“If you want to challenge Baek Mu-Gun, the winner, go up the stage.” Tae Gong-Pyo told the rising stars as Dam Woo-Kyung came down the stage.

Unlike a while ago when everyone was wary of each other, six people, namely the Wind Saber Sect’s Tae Mu-Gang, the Clear Sun Sect’s Shim Ok-Hwan, the Mei Household’s Mei Jang-Hyun, the Draconic Tiger Gang’s Yong Chu-Saeng, the Kang Household’s Kang Yong-Tae, and the Flying Lance Sect’s Jo Won-Yee, all stood up at the same time. Except for Byeok Jin-Woon and Dam Woo-Kyung, who had both already participated in the sparring, and Jeong Ho-Gun of the Justice Martial Sect, everyone hoped to spar with Mu-Gun.

Ho-Gun would have many opportunities to spar with Mu-Gun in the future anyway, so there was no reason for him to step up. Gong-Pyo looked perplexed at the unexpected development. When the six of them stepped up at the same time, it was difficult for him to choose whom to go first.

“How about the eldest goes first?” The Kang Household’s patriarch suggested.

“That’s a great method. Let’s give priority to the older ones since there’s an overlap of challengers wanting to spar. The oldest among the challengers, go up the stage.”

As instructed, the Mei Household’s Jang-Hyun went up to the central stage and politely cupped his fist at Mu-Gun. They then began sparring. This time again, Mu-Gun dragged the sparring match to allow Jang-Hyun to display the best of his abilities. Jang-Hyun gave it his all from the very beginning and faced off against Mu-Gun. However, he couldn’t even touch a single strand of Mu-Gun’s hair. After giving it his all, Jang-Hyun swiftly admitted defeat and stepped down.

The sparring session continued after that. The Clear Sun Sect’s Ok-Hwan and the Kang Household’s Yong-Tae challenged Mu-Gun in succession after Jang-Hyun. They, too, did their best, but they fell short of Mu-Gun’s skills. Despite participating in multiple sparring matches, Mu-Gun didn’t show any signs of exhaustion.

It seemed as if he wouldn’t have any issues even if he were to spar with every single one of the rising stars attending the banquet. However, due to time constraints, Mu-Gun couldn’t spar with all of them. The winner of the match had already been decided anyway.

It was interesting to witness Mu-Gun’s martial arts, but the more the spar continued, the less they were inspired by it. In the end, Gong-Pyo put an end to the sparring competition with Yong-Tae as the final challenger after the other patriarchs agreed to it. The descendants, who had yet to spar with Mu-Gun, expressed frustration, but they had no choice.

Fortunately, Mu-Gun promised the rising stars who expressed regret over not being able to spar with him that he would spar with them whenever they wanted as long as they went to look for him at the Baek Sword Sect. Since he didn’t reject their request to spar, the rising stars had a favorable impression of Mu-Gun. Among them, some were so captivated by his overwhelming martial arts that they even thought of him as an idol.

However, some were also jealous and envious of Mu-Gun, like Jin-Woon. In any case, Mu-Gun won most of the descendants’ hearts through this sparring competition. Meanwhile, seeing Mu-Gun’s martial prowess began to make the Byeok Sword Manor’s Cheol-Gun and the Wind Saber Sect’s Gong-Pyo wary of the Baek Sword Sect. After all, they were aiming to become the Zhejiang Martial Alliance leader.

They hadn’t been paying any attention to Baek Cheon-Sang’s martial arts until they saw the sparring competition, which made them change their minds. The martial arts that Mu-Gun displayed were at least in the Peak Realm.

In less than half a year since Mu-Gun recovered, Baek Cheon-Sang was able to help Mu-Gun recover from qi deviation and made him a Peak Realm master. Taking that into consideration, Cheon-Sang’s martial arts could possibly be at a high level. It was also worrisome that the Baek Sword Sect still assumed a neutral position. Hence, they couldn’t rule out the possibility that the Baek Sword Sect was aiming for the Zhejiang Martial Alliance leader position.

Considering the Justice Martial Sect and Flying Lance Sect, which had close relationships with the Baek Sword Sect, were also upholding neutral grounds, they could have reached some kind of agreement among themselves. If the Baek Sword Sect gained their support, they would inevitably become a strong contender in the competition for the leader position.

Of course, the Baek Sword Sect still had to obtain the vote of three more clans aside from those two to become the Zhejiang Martial Alliance leader. Since the other clans supported the Byeok Sword Manor and the Wind Saber Sect, it would be difficult for the Baek Sword Sect to get the votes they needed, but that didn’t mean it was impossible. Depending on the outcome of the martial arts competition, the other clans could change their mind whenever they wanted. That was what made the martial arts competition very important.

They had to emerge victorious at the martial arts competition at all costs. Hence, Cheol-Gun and Gong-Pyo vowed to devote themselves to martial arts training for the remaining month before the martial arts competition.


After the regular meeting, the Ten Clans of Zhejiang headed back to their respective homes. The same applied to the Baek Sword Sect, which was accompanied by the Flying Lance Sect on the way back.

The Flying Lance Sect was based in Lishui, which was located between Jinhua and Wenzhou. On their way to Lishui, Mu-Gun passed on the Divine Wind Spirit Cultivation Method and the Divine Swift Wind Spear Art to Jo Jin-Myeong since he hadn’t taught those to them yet. Meanwhile, Ho-Gun moved separately from the Justice Martial Sect and followed Mu-Gun. After hearing all the details from Jeong Won-Hyo, Ho-Gun decided to follow Mu-Gun without complaint.

Mu-Gun also examined Ho-Gun’s martial arts, just as Won-Hyo had requested. Mu-Gun passed down the Heavenly Flame Origin Cultivation Method and the 12 Heavenly Flame Blades to Ho-Gun first.

Ho-Gun could not help but be surprised upon receiving the Heavenly Flame Origin Cultivation Method and the 12 Heavenly Flame Blades from Mu-Gun. It was a different level of martial arts from the Justice Martial Sect’s martial arts that he knew of.

“Are you really the one that enhanced it?”

“If not, how would I be able to teach you?”

“Are you really Baek Mu-Gun?”

“What if I’m not?”

“I knew you were talented, but being able to enhance a martial art technique is on a completely different scale. Even the high and mighty Seven Great Families patriarchs won’t be able to do this.”

“I guess I’m much more impressive than those high and mighty Seven Great Families patriarchs.”

“This is crazy.”

Ho-Gun felt that it didn’t make sense that Mu-Gun could revamp his sect’s martial arts.

“Why are you getting hung up over it? Just accept it. If you assume that I am an extraordinary genius that comes once in a thousand years, no, once in ten thousand years, then it’s perfectly understandable.”

“Fine, what a great man you are. Just as you said, what’s the point of getting hung up over it? I don’t know how you created such martial arts, but learning more outstanding martial arts is good for me. You’re really Baek Mu-Gun, though, right?”

“If you don’t believe that I am, we can stop right now if you want. I have nothing to lose anyway.”

“No, what do you mean I don’t believe it? I believe you. I totally do, so just continue.”

When Mu-Gun reacted aggressively, Ho-Gun immediately turned submissive. Mu-Gun smirked and continued passing on the martial arts.

As they left the Wind Saber Sect and headed toward the Flying Lance Sect headquarters, Mu-Gun finished teaching the Divine Wind Spirit Cultivation Method and the Divine Swift Wind Spear Art to Jin-Myeong. Having learned all the martial arts and discovering that Ho-Gun learned martial arts from Mu-Gun, Jin-Myeong asked Mu-Gun a favor. Like Ho-Gun, he wanted Won-Yee to tag along with Mu-Gun and let him observe his martial arts.

Mu-Gun gladly accepted his request. The Baek Sword Sect had friendly relations with the Justice Martial Sect and the Flying Lance Sect. If Mu-Gun developed their successors’ skills by keeping them next to him, they would be grateful to the Baek Sword Sect, which in turn would strengthen their relationship.

Above all, it would be difficult to strengthen the Zhejiang Martial Alliance by developing the Baek Sword Sect’s power alone. The other Ten Clans of Zhejiang also had to become powerful. If Ho-Gun and Won-Yee, the successors of the Justice Martial Sect and the Flying Lance Sect respectively, could strengthen their martial arts through Mu-Gun’s teachings, it would ultimately benefit the Zhejiang Martial Alliance.

Mu-Gun also personally found it great that he could help his friends. Ho-Gun and Won-Yee headed to the Baek Sword Sect with Mu-Gun. Just like the case with Ho-Gun, Mu-Gun taught Won-Yee the Divine Wind Spirit Cultivation Method and the Divine Swift Wind Spear Art, which was an improved version of the Flying Lance Sect’s martial arts.


The Baek Sword Sect’s group arrived in Wenzhou seven days after leaving Jinhua. Upon their arrival, Mu-Gun guided Ho-Gun and Won-Yee to the side building where they would be staying and visited the Medicine King Family.

“Welcome,” Seonwoo Pyo welcomed Mu-Gun.

“How have you been?”

“Besides not being able to sleep well because I have been concocting the spiritual pills you asked for, everything is fine.”

“Haha, I’m sorry that you’re suffering because of me.”

“I’m joking. I take it you came today to check how many spiritual pills were made?”

“Yes. How many have you produced?”

“We’ve made thirty Hundred Herb Pills, which gives the user ten years’ worth of internal energy, and five Heavenly Medicine Pills, which gives the user thirty years’ worth of internal energy.”

“Are there any spiritual pills that are more effective than the Heavenly Medicine Pill?”

“There is a Divine Medicine King Pill, which gives the user sixty years’ worth of internal energy. However, the beast core of a divine beast or spiritual plant is required to concoct it. We could probably make one if we can get our hands on them. Otherwise, it will be difficult due to our current situation.

“I see. Can you produce the Hundred Herb Pills and the Heavenly Medicine Pills continuously?”

“Yes, but it’s not easy to collect the ingredients required for the Hundred Herb Pills and the Heavenly Medicine Pills. The maximum that can be produced in a month with the current manpower is twenty Hundred Herb Pills and three Heavenly Medicine Pills.”

In a single year, that would be a total of 240 Hundred Herb Pills and 36 Heavenly Medicine Pills. That was enough for the Baek Sword Sect, but nowhere near enough if the other clans of the Zhejiang Martial Alliance were put into consideration.

“Can we not increase the quantity produced?”

“With the Medicine King Family’s manpower, what I mentioned earlier is the limit. However, if we can transport the necessary materials for their production by air separately, we’ll be able to slightly increase production.”

“Could you tell me the ingredients required for making the spiritual pills?”

“I’ll make a list and give it to you.”

“Thank you. How much do you plan to ask for the spiritual pills?”

“Are you going to pay me the amount I decide?”


“You won’t curse me out later because it’s too expensive, will you?”

“How could I think of such a thing? I am already very grateful to be able to receive the Medicine King Family’s spiritual pills, so don’t worry and just name your price.”

“1,000 nyang each for the Hundred Herb Pill, and 3,000 nyang each for the Heavenly Medicine Pill,” Seonwoo Pyo suggested.

Some would think that that was too expensive, but Mu-Gun thought otherwise. The suggested price was equivalent to a meager 100 silver nyang for a year’s worth of internal energy. On the contrary, it was actually a bargain. If the Hundred Herb Pill and the Heavenly Medicine Pill were released to the market, all the martial artists would probably rush over to buy them.

Mu-Gun could see that Seonwoo Pyo set the price with him in consideration.

“Thank you for your consideration, Patriarch Seonwoo.”

“What consideration? I’m just asking for the price that I think is right.”

“I would like to take the available spiritual pills with me. Would that be fine? I will send you the payment for the purchase of the spiritual pills as soon as tomorrow morning comes.”

“I don’t mind. I’ll prepare for that right away.”

“Thank you.”

“Are you planning on leaving immediately?”

“I’m thinking of having a cup of tea with Elder Brother Kang first.”

“Okay, you do that. I will send the spiritual pills to Kang’s room as soon as they’re ready.”

“Thank you. I’ll see you next time.”


Mu-Gun left Seonwoo Pyo’s residence and visited Seonwoo Kang’s. Shangguan Bihe was also there. They had recently officially gotten married. Mu-Gun drank tea and chatted with the Seonwoo couple. Afterward, he descended Mount Yandang with the spiritual pills that were prepared.

Upon returning to the Baek Sword Sect, Mu-Gun immediately visited Cheon-Sang.

“Where did you go? You left as soon as we got back.”

“I visited the Medicine King Family.”

“Are the spiritual pills ready already?”

“Yes. I brought back thirty Hundred Herb Pills, which gives the user ten years’ worth of internal energy, and five Heavenly Medicine Pills, which gives the user thirty years’ worth of internal energy.”

“We have five spiritual pills that can give the user thirty years’ worth of internal energy?”

Cheon-Sang was startled. A spiritual pill capable of providing thirty years’ worth of internal energy was uncommon in murim. The Shaolin Temple’s Lesser Recovery Pill or the Wudang Sect’s Clear Effervescence Pill had the same effect, but they couldn’t produce more than twenty of those annually. Hence, it was astonishing that the Medicine King Family could concoct five Heavenly Medicine Pills in a little over a month.

“That’s not all. We’ll also be able to obtain three or more Heavenly Medicine Pills monthly in the future.”

“The Medicine King Family’s capabilities are truly great. How do you plan to use the spiritual pills, though?”

“It would likely be better to give the five Heavenly Medicine Pills we obtained this time to the five squad leaders of the Baek Sword Corps. Moreover, it would be great if we could provide twenty-two out of the thirty Hundred Herb Pills to the twenty-two members with high martial arts ranking in the corps.”

“That would leave us with eight Hundred Herb Pill. Do you have other plans for those pills?”

“With all due respect, I would like to give those to the people I’m training personally. I would also like to give one each to the Justice Martial Sect and the Flying Lance Sect’s young patriarchs.”

“Putting aside the people under your wing, is there a need to provide these pills to the Justice Martial Sect and the Flying Lance Sect’s young patriarchs?”

“If we generously provide them with a Hundred Herb Pill, they will realize our sincerity and be even more willing to follow our lead. We’ll also benefit from the Justice Martial Sect and the Flying Lance Sect becoming stronger since we have a friendly relationship with them.”

“Alright, I got it. It’s not like two Hundred Herb Pills will significantly increase the power of our forces anyway.”

“Thank you for your understanding.”

After completing his report, Mu-Gun returned to his own residence.

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