Tianjiao Retired, I Extracted the Entry To Practice

Chapter 759: Break the illusion, everything is illusion

Shen Han said softly and began to exert strength, preparing to drag Song Shiying up.

 Only those who have experienced it personally will know that this is not easy.

 Pull a person out of the water and pull a person out of a swamp are completely different.

 Fortunately, the body is still strong enough. After tempering, even if there is no realm of strength, the strength is still pretty good.

It took a full quarter of an hour before Shen Han completely pulled Song Shiying up.

The two of them sat on the ground, both breathing heavily.

Song Shiying reached out and touched the ground beneath her.

 Being down to earth actually made her feel at ease.

At this moment, her right hand was still holding the wooden stick.

 It is difficult to use your strength here. Having a wooden stick will greatly improve your strength.

 While hesitating, Song Shiying let go of the stick.

Shen Han showed kindness to her and saved her life. She didn't want to speculate on Shen Han with any malicious intent.

"There is a stream over there. You can go there and wash yourself."

Hearing Shen Han's words, Song Shiying looked at her current appearance.

 Below the chest, there was dirty mud.

Even her hands were very dirty, and there was no trace of her that looked like a fairy.

It would be particularly embarrassing if his junior brothers and sisters saw him.

“Try before you put your foot down, and then move forward when you are sure you can step in.”

 Shen Han confessed, then prepared to leave and move forward.

Seeing Shen Han walking forward, Song Shiying hesitated for a moment and then spoke.

 “Are you going to the waterfall in front?”

Hearing Song Shiying's words, Shen Han already understood, and she also understood the clues left by Immortal Tianheng.

"Can I come with you? If there is any treasure, it will be yours."

Turning his head to look at Song Shiying, Shen Han also understood that she finally got here, and even if he didn't let her follow, she would still go there.

 While hesitating, Shen Han nodded in agreement.

 Song Shiying is also lucky. If she meets some people with cruel intentions, she may not be able to survive.

Even some familiar people may not be rescued.

 In a place like this, many people don’t respect morality.

Shen Han is not the kind of person who kills ruthlessly. Perhaps he has read some books in the Wei Dynasty and always has morality in his heart.

 It is not a grudge, Shen Han does not want to kill anyone.

Besides, I have just been newly married, and I don’t want to be bloodthirsty and make deep enemies with the people here.

 Speaking of it, I am just a passer-by here.

Since the treasure belongs to you, there is no harm in taking her with you.

Regardless of whether his own strength can be used or not, he is not worried about Song Shiying.

The two of them walked forward. When passing by a stream, Song Shiying went to clean the stains on her body.

 She is not a very rigid woman either. She just puts on her clothes and washes herself in the water.

 Time was running out, but Shen Han didn't wait for her and continued to explore the way forward.

 After washing, Song Shiying quickly caught up with him.

 The place Shen Han walked through was naturally not the kind of place where people would get trapped.

Song Shiying had no time to catch up.

As he approached, Shen Han turned back and glanced at her.

 After cleaning, Song Shiying did look much better, finally regaining some of her fairy-like appearance.

 It's just that after the clothes were soaked by water, they were a little see-through and could be seen through at a glance.

 After Shen Han took one look, he immediately looked away.

Seeing Shen Han's reaction, Song Shiying also lowered her head and looked at herself, and suddenly understood the meaning of Shen Han's actions.

There was a look of embarrassment on his face, and he crossed his arms in front of him, trying to hide it.

 What she didn't expect was that after Shen Han took one look, he avoided it and didn't look at it again.

This gentleman's behavior made Song Shiying feel more at ease with Shen Han.

 In my heart, I also felt a little better.

 As they walked forward, it didn't seem to be too far at first, but the two of them walked for nearly three hours.

 Because Song Shiying had learned from the past, the two of them were a little cautious every step they took.

When we got close to the waterfall, we found that there were rocks everywhere.

 Seeing that it was a rocky ground, I didn’t have much worries.

 According to the tips I got, this should be another place mentioned by Immortal Tianheng.

 What did the immortal mean when he mentioned this?

Shen Han's eyes were serious as he searched hard for entries and observed the things around him.

 I want to see what the entries for these items are about.

While Shen Han was observing carefully, Song Shiying had already moved forward.

Hold some water with both hands, walk to a tree not far away, and pour the water on the roots of the tree.

  After pouring water on it, the cliff in front of it suddenly shattered into a ten-foot-wide hole.

Shen Han looked at Song Shiying aside, a little surprised.

This Song Shiying seems to have done a lot of research on the former residence of Immortal Tianheng.

 In fact, Shen Han believed that he could crack the mechanisms in front of him if he spent some time.

 Just searching for the terms yourself does take some time.

He saved this Song Shiying, which was considered a reward.

Looking at the hole in front of them, the two looked at each other.

Even though it was Song Shiying who found the entrance, she was a little hesitant and didn't dare to step into it.

 When the strength is completely lost, even if there are no traps inside, it is likely to be full of dangers.

 After all, there is no strength, and the road inside is a little slippery.

 As long as the fall distance is higher, it is likely that everyone will be injured.

 And just looking in from the outside, you can see that it is pitch black inside.

 Shen Han wasted no time and immediately went to collect some firewood.

 There are some fish in the stream formed by the waterfall.

 While Shen Han was collecting firewood, he found a suitable stick and put a [sharp] entry on it.

 Several fish were then **** with wooden sticks.

 Then start preparing to light the fire.

“The firewood here is too wet. It’s impossible to make a fire no matter what.”

It is spring now, and it is not the season of autumn and winter when plants dry up.

 Furthermore, there is a waterfall falling here, surrounded by streams and swamps.

 Everywhere is wet and there is nowhere to find dry firewood.

 Song Shiying was a little pessimistic. She felt that Shen Han was wasting his time.

 While a person was thinking about how to deal with it, Shen Han had already lit a fire.

 Seeing the smoke rising, she realized that Shen Han had successfully lit a fire.

 A few fish were simply roasted over the fire.

At this time, I don’t think about how it tastes when grilled, as long as it is edible.

 After baking, Shen Han started to make two more fire dumplings and a torch.

 After getting ready, Shen Han walked in front of Song Shiying and handed her a skewer of grilled fish and a hot dumpling.

 Then he walked into the cave first.

 Under the light of the fire, I started walking inside.

 Shen Han kept staring at the surroundings, observing the entries of the items around him.

  It is true that many dangers can be avoided according to the entries of the surrounding objects.

Behind him, Song Shiying also followed.

 The two of them worked together to explore this secret place. Song Shiying actually felt a little regretful because she didn't understand Shen Han.

 In exploring such a dangerous place with Shen Han, I felt a little worried.

 But she couldn't bear to let go of the secrets in the immortal's former residence.

 The two of them moved forward step by step, looking through the firelight.

Suddenly, both of them realized that they were walking on the edge of a cliff.

To the right is a pitch-black abyss

 If the strength is there, then you will definitely not be afraid.

 But here, the magic weapon cannot be used, and the realm of strength has also disappeared.

In a panic, Song Shiying felt her feet slip and her whole body fell sideways.

Shen Han on the side instantly stretched out his left hand to hold her.

With his right hand, he quickly threw away the torch and grabbed the protrusion on the ground beside him.

 Fortunately, the protrusion was still deeply embedded and was not loosened by Shen Han's grasp.

 After stabilizing his body, Shen Han used his left hand to pull Song Shiying up.

Song Shiying, who was pulled up, couldn't help but gasp for breath and survived.

 The frightening feeling of being close to death just now caused a cold sweat to break out on her body.

Obviously he is the top genius in Heyuan Continent, but at this moment, he doesn't look like a genius at all.

Shen Han also picked up the torch again and didn't say much.


This time, Song Shiying felt a little guilty.

 In total, this was the second time she had been rescued by Shen Han.

“You can move forward with your body slightly lowered to avoid slipping easily.”

Shen Han said softly and continued to walk forward.

 Lowering the center of gravity is indeed a good way to maintain balance.

Song Shiying did not reject Shen Han's suggestion. She followed behind and really hunched forward.

This section of the road took almost half an hour.

Not far away, a light finally appeared.

 The closer you get to this light, the wider and smoother the road under your feet becomes.

Shen Han and Song Shiying both stood up and walked inside a little faster.

Song Shiying, who didn’t speak much before, is no longer as arrogant as before.

 Start to actively find topics to talk to Shen Han.

 Talk about the methods of practice and experience, Song Shiying felt Shen Han's extraordinaryness during the conversation.

 Some of the problems that have puzzled her for a long time have not been answered by the elders of Cangqiong Villa.

 In a few words, Shen Han asked her to clarify his doubts.

During the conversation, Song Shiying encountered some opinions that she did not agree with.

 In the past, she must have felt that these were wrong.

 But after Shen Han said it, she was a little shaken.

Perhaps there are still some things that she doesn't understand, but now Song Shiying has suspected that it's because she didn't understand enough, rather than because Shen Han was wrong.

 As we walked to the light, there was another cave entrance.

Outside the entrance of the cave, there seems to be another paradise-like scenery.

 But this time, Shen Han found something was wrong.

 Because here, there are many things that do not reveal the entries at all.

 Before stepping out, Shen Han stopped Song Shiying.

 Then he reached forward with the wooden stick in his hand.

It was obviously a flat and dry road, but when I poked it with a wooden stick and lifted it up again, it was covered with mud.

 What you see in front of you is not real.

 “Do the immortals deliberately want us to die here?”

Song Shiying frowned tightly, with an ugly look on her face.

This journey was difficult. If it weren't for Shen Han's help, she might have died long ago.

 The words were full of complaints.

 Since entering here, Song Shiying has encountered disasters along the way and gained nothing at all.

 There are only disasters but no gains, and it is normal to complain.

It was originally difficult to obtain qualifications for the Immortal’s Former Residence. I finally got the qualifications, but I never imagined that this would happen.

Hearing this, Shen Han shook his head.

“Immortal Tianheng really wants to kill us, how can we survive?”

“But along the way, we gained nothing at all.

 And these things in front of me are so weird.”

Shen Han frowned slightly and looked at the scene in front of him more seriously.

“Perhaps Immortal Tianheng is giving us inspiration, but we haven’t realized it yet”

As he spoke, Shen Han sat down cross-legged and looked at the scenery in front of him.

 I always feel that Tianheng Immortal is expressing something along the way.

Song Shiying on the side saw that Shen Han was meditating calmly, so she said no more.

 Having trouble during enlightenment will greatly affect others.

 Shen Han helped her a lot along the way and respected her enough.

 You must know that in a place like this, there are no morals or rules to limit it.

 Everything can only be prayed for the character and morality of others.

 Fortunately, Song Shiying was lucky enough to meet Shen Han, who was not that kind of evil person.

 Calculating the time, it should be nightfall.

 But the scene in front of me has not changed at all, it is still bright.

Hand out his hand, Song Shiying felt a puddle of mud on this flat road.

She really couldn't understand the mystery of this.

But Shen Han had some vague understanding.

Once a guest from Xiaoyaofeng came there to learn a set of sword skills.

 The meaning of the sword is Piaomiao.

The so-called mist is vague, vague, if there is something, if there is nothing, it is all vain.

 The foundation of sword intention is the combination of virtuality and reality.

Along the way, Shen Han also witnessed virtuality and reality.

 Is seeing believing?

Of course not, there are so many false scenes that one leaf can obscure your vision.

 Is it true if you touch it?

 Not naturally, water and wine can be understood by touching them?

 What you see with your eyes can be empty, what you touch can be empty, everything can be empty.

Suddenly he opened his eyes and looked at the scene in front of him. Shen Han then stepped into it.

 Everywhere he stepped was covered in mud.

Song Shiying on the side wanted to say something, but seeing Shen Han's expression, she chose to shut up.

After taking a few steps forward, Shen Han seemed to have really stepped onto a wide, flat road.

It seems like the mud we just stepped on doesn’t exist either

"There is no reality. If there is no self, it will be empty, and if there is no self, it will be false."

 Suddenly, Shen Han seemed to understand the meaning of Immortal Tianheng.

In the eyes of Immortal Tianheng, everything in the world is an illusion under the laws of heaven and earth.

 Only if he recognizes it, it will be regarded as reality; if he does not recognize it, it will all be empty.

 Everything changes according to his will.

This is the realization of a first-grade immortal, even the heaven and the earth are suppressed by him.

 The reality and reality are all in his thoughts.

Shen Han looked at everything around him and realized it carefully.

 The reality and reality are all in one thought, and everything is in one’s own thoughts.

 Suddenly, Shen Han felt a surge of momentum pouring into him.

Thinking about this in your mind is empty, and all of this is naturally empty.

 In other words, my own strength has been there from beginning to end.

Those cliffs and muddy swamps are all nothing but vanity (End of Chapter)

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