Tianjiao Retired, I Extracted the Entry To Practice

Chapter 780: Shen Mansion

 The people from Xiaoyaofeng and Yunfu appeared calmly in Dawei.

 With such no cover-up, naturally many people spread these to the Nantian Continent.

 Only this time, they didn't get a reply.

 And not long after, these people also received news about You Wanying.

Those sect forces whose descendants are practicing in Nantian Continent began to send news back.

In the Nantian Continent, the news that Shen Han defeated Wanhe Palace has now been heard by even the lowest level disciples of the sect.

You Wanying, who originally collected information about Shen Han, has also been destroyed by Shen Han and taken directly to other places.

While everyone was staying at Xiaoyao Peak, many spies came.

 Probably also wanted to see if the remarks coming from Nantian Continent were true.

 When these people got a little closer, they found that their strength seemed to disappear in an instant.

If Shen Han had free time, he would invite them to the cemetery to see the kneeling You Wanying and let them burn a stick of incense.

 A month passed, and the entire Wei Dynasty knew how strong Shen Han was.

There are endless speculations, but the most common one is that Shen Han has now entered the first-level immortal realm.

 The realm rumored to exist has once again come to the world.

 The few powerful men of the second level of the Immortal Realm in Dawei couldn't help but come.

 After experiencing the strength that was so powerful that it suffocated them, these people no longer had any other ideas.

  News also began to spread in Wei Dynasty.

The first-class immortal who has been extinct for thousands of years came to the Wei Dynasty.

 Its power is so powerful that even the powerful people in the Vanity Realm of Nantian Continent can only watch it from a distance.

As the news spread, so did all kinds of uneasiness.

Like the major sects in Nantian Continent, they are worried that Shen Han will overturn the current situation of Wei and turn it upside down.

 With Shen Han's strength, it is really easy to do this, very easy.

 A month or two passed, but nothing happened.

 Still calm.

 After Shen Han and Shi Yuezhu rested for a while at Xiaoyao Peak, they prepared to travel around this place and see the beautiful scenery in the world.

It was originally an intimate trip for the two of them, but after Yunshuang heard about it, she insisted on going together.

 As a person who has no intention of practicing Buddhism, she has long wanted to go out and walk around.

Shen Han and Shi Yuezhu naturally did not refuse, and invited her to travel around the world with Xiao Cailing.

 The first trip of the four of them was to Yun'an City.

 Here, Shen Han must have experienced the most painful years.

 Some people miss the past and always like to say that it was very hard back then, but very happy.

 But for Shen Han, it was very hard back then, and he was not happy back then.

 Fortunately, I still had Yunshuang to take care of me back then.

Without her help and protection, I don’t know how miserable my life would have been.

 Revisiting an old place may be a way of showing off that you have returned home in fine clothes.

Shen Han did not deny that he might have such thoughts subconsciously.

 But more than anything, Shen Han wanted to come and meet his old friends.

The neighbors in Yun'an City are all familiar to me.

There is also the prefect, Mr. Xu, who also took care of him back then, and he was able to avoid some conspiracies.

Therefore, if people have any requests, they can help themselves if they can.

The boat landed outside Yun'an City, and a group of four people stepped into the city.

The sycamore tree at the gate of the city seemed to have not changed, it was still as thick as ever.

 Comfort and ease are what Shen Han wants, just like this.

 Shen Han has no intention of destroying the current order, he only wants the freedom of himself and those around him.

 The four of them wandered around the city and tasted the snacks they had often eaten.

While passing by, Shen Han also bought a piece of naan bread.

At that time, I had no money, and Mrs. Yun was restricted by the old lady and could not deliver meals often.

If he couldn't go to work, then Shen Han would eat this kind of naan bread.

 When you are very hungry, you can get by with a mouthful of bread and some water.

These vendors in Yun'an City also recognized Shen Han and others.

 Everyone has heard the news about Shen Han.

In Yun'an City, the strength of the fifth grade is considered superior, let alone the rumored first grade.

 Many people were a little nervous when they saw Shen Han.

 But during the contact, Shen Han felt the same as before.

After shopping around, Shen Han went to visit Master Xu, the prefect.

After the Nantian Continent was connected to the Wei Dynasty, the control of the Wei royal family over various cities has weakened.

 Fortunately, Yun'an City does not have many resources, and there is nothing worthy of being targeted.

 The order in the entire city was also under the control of Magistrate Xu, and everything was maintained in an orderly manner.

 Zhifu Xu was also a little flattered when he learned that Shen Han's current status was still willing to visit him.

 Make room in the mansion to receive four people.

He also asked people to invite chefs from restaurants in the city to come to his house to cook delicious meals immediately.

Looking at Shen Han in front of him, Magistrate Xu was speechless for a moment, and it took him a while to recover.

After chatting and getting acquainted with each other, Magistrate Xu relaxed a little.

He felt that Shen Han didn't seem to have changed much from before. His conversation and behavior were still decent and polite, and his self-cultivation seemed to have penetrated into his bones.

 It is not like some people, who seem to change their whole temperament after gaining a little power.

 While chatting, Magistrate Xu couldn't help but mention something.

“I heard that the Shen family members are all back.”

Hearing this, before Shen Han could answer, Yun Shuang on the side suddenly turned his head and asked.

"Go back to where? Shen Qingshan and the others have returned to Yun'an City?"

 Zhifu Xu nodded.

“I came back in the middle of last month, and now I live in the garden of Shen Mansion.”

“They still dare to come back? After hearing that Shen Han has returned to Wei, do they still dare to show up?”

Yunshuang seemed a little angry. When she heard the news about these Shen family members, she seemed to be furious.

Cai Ling'er on the side quickly poured her a cup of tea to calm her nerves.

Seeing this, Magistrate Xu also smiled.

"I heard that the Shen family came back this time because they learned about Shen Han's current strength and status."

 “Why, do they think they can still get some glory and enjoy the blessings?”

 Zhifu Xu shook his head.

“Shen Qingshan has been in the officialdom for many years, but he is not that stupid.

Now that Shen Han has entered the first-level immortal realm, I heard that none of the powerful people there are his opponents.

With such strength, if Shen Han really wanted to kill them, it would be difficult for them to survive even if they wanted to hide.

I probably thought of this, so I might as well go back to Shen Mansion and live a good life. "

 That makes sense.

To put it more bluntly, the Shen family is in ruins.

 Shen Han's strength can already overwhelm the strong men of Nantian Continent, so what chance do they have to survive?

 As long as Shen Han wants to take action against them, the whole world will try their best to find their traces.

Many people in the Shen family have always lived a well-fed life, and have never practiced martial arts.

Hiding in the deep mountains and old forests, maybe Shen Han hadn't taken action against them yet, and he couldn't stand it any longer. After coming out of Zhifu Garden, Yun Shuang asked to go to Shen Mansion.

From the beginning to the end, Yunshuang was filled with anger.

 Now that she has such a status, she may not want to show off in front of other people.

 But in front of the Shen family, she wanted to show off.

Especially the old lady of the Shen family. Thinking of that old lady, Yun Shuang felt very angry.

Shen Han and Shi Yuezhu smiled helplessly and followed him.

The four of them were walking in Yun'an City, and the eyes of everyone around them were also surrounding them.

Everyone in the Shen Mansion also heard the news, and everyone was frightened.

 They didn't know what would happen if Shen Han and the other two came over.

Shen Qingshan is relatively calm. After all, he has led troops and fought in battles, so he is not that afraid of life and death.

Yunshuang and Cailinger walked in front, followed closely by Shen Han and Shi Yuezhu.

 For these Shen family members, Shen Han did not have the same hatred for You Wanying.

 Speaking of which, Shen Han really felt that he was not violent at all.

 Even if it threatens yourself and makes your life worse, you can endure it.

 But You Wanying attacked the people around him.

The Yun family and Xiaoyaofeng have both encountered her vicious hands.

  I have an undying hatred for You Wanying.

And those in the Shen family are just the evil people I encountered while growing up.

Hate to say whether you should hate them or even retaliate.

 If you take action, it will be justified and justified.

 It is normal to be bullied back then and to be retaliated against now.

 But after reaching this point, Shen Han looked at the Shen family members with indifference.

Along the familiar road, not far away is the Shen Mansion Garden.

 The outer walls and gates of the mansion look a little dilapidated.

 At the corner of the wall, moss grows mottled.

The Shen family came back, but whether on purpose or for some reason, they did not renovate the entire mansion.

 The gate of the mansion is closed.

Shi Yuezhu waved his hand gently, and the door opened.

An exclamation came immediately after. It was obvious that someone was hiding at the door just now and listening.

When they saw the door open, Yun Shuang and Cailing rushed in regardless.

At the door, Shen Fu quickly got up from the ground, her eyes full of panic.

Especially noticed Shen Han's eyes, his whole person seemed to be frozen.

 These younger generations used to call themselves Shen Ao's brothers and sisters in Nantian Continent.

Relying on this reputation, he managed to get along in some small sects.

 But ever since Shen Han fought hard against Taoist Rui Bubai, various sects have begun to want them to leave.

After the incident at Wanhe Palace, these sects no longer hesitated and drove them all away to avoid being burned.

This Shen Fu, after being driven out, didn't know where to go, so she had to return to Wei Dynasty.


 Seeing Shen Han, Shen Fu praised him.

These words were obviously a little uncomfortable to say, but she knew that she had to do this.

 “Don’t call me that, I never regarded you as my sister.”

Shen Han replied softly, and then continued walking into the house.

Shen Fu was stunned on the spot. Shen Han had said the same thing to her many years ago.

At that time, Shen Fu only felt lucky.

  It would be best if she didn't regard herself as a sister. She didn't want to have a brother like Shen Han.

Just now, Shen Fu thought about the situation back then, with mixed emotions.

  She could make excuses for herself, saying that the way she treated Shen Han was all because of the influence of other people.

 After all, the old lady of the Shen family and the others treated Shen Han very badly, so they were naturally affected.

 It is possible to say this, but who will listen to such an excuse?

When people eat whole grains, why are some people kind-hearted, while others are extremely hateful?

If I could help him a little bit in the beginning, now I would be able to enjoy all the glory in this world just relying on this relationship.

 Shen Han followed Yunshuang and walked deeper into Shen's mansion.

There were also maids and servants in twos and threes around, and Shen Han was somewhat impressed by how many of them there were.

After all, people like the Shen family still have some cultivation strength, and they can live a prosperous life by relying on these strengths.

These maids and servants are all the personal servants of the Shen family, and they will be taken with them when they flee.

After many years, the clothes of these servants have become worse than before.

 Seeing several maids, Cailing greeted them friendly and called her sister.

It’s just that when these maids saw her, they bowed unconsciously and did not dare to respond to the title of sister.

Although Cai Ling'er is still working as a maid with Yun Shuang, her current food and clothing expenses are much better than those of the young ladies in the palaces and palaces.

 Besides herself, no one in the Yun family should regard her as a maid serving others.

Just like the current clothes and the fabrics on Cai Ling'er, I am afraid that the old lady of the Shen family would not be willing to spend that much.

Looking at their reactions, Cai Ling'er also knew that things were different now.

Even if she doesn't mind, like Cai He and others, they still dare not interact with Cai Ling'er on an equal footing.

 The trees in Shen Mansion have not been pruned for a long time, making the whole yard look dark.

It is obviously broad daylight, but it feels like it is about to enter night.

A few people were walking all the way in, and when someone saw them around them, they either avoided it or bowed and saluted.

Even though they knew that several people came and probably had no good intentions, no one dared to rebuke them.

Even the strongest men in the Nantian Continent were defeated by Shen Han. Who dares to make a mistake here?

As he walked in, Yun Shuang also saw the small courtyard where he once lived.

Now there are moss and weeds everywhere, and no one is here to clean them up.

 Further in, on the road, I saw the old lady of the Shen family on crutches, and Shen Qingshan.

Shen Qingshan is quite strong. After all, he has practiced martial arts, so his body will not be too weak.

Looking at the four people in front of them, Shen Qingshan and the old lady of the Shen family were silent for a while, with complicated expressions.

 In fact, they have already thought about how they should respond and what to say when they see Shen Han again.

 But when I saw it today, I was suddenly speechless.

  It seems like I have forgotten all the words I thought about before.

 In fact, Shen Qingshan felt that Shen Han had some ability since the Qianqiu Conference.

At that time, there was actually a chance to ease the relationship with Shen Han.

If they had chosen to protect Shen Han and not take action against him, the Shen family might have become the number one family in the Wei Dynasty.

Thinking of this, Shen Qingshan glanced at his first wife unconsciously.

 It’s not her, maybe it won’t be like this.

And the old lady of the Shen family seems to be much older now, as if she is about to return to the west.

 At her age, she has been running around so many times, so her body is naturally unable to hold on.

What made her even more unable to hold on was that none of the news that came to her satisfied her.

The grandson she disliked the most and looked down upon the most has become the top powerful person in the world.

He is a strong man who can suppress the entire Wei Dynasty. (End of chapter)

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