Tiantang Splendid

Chapter 20

Chapter 20

The heavy snow that had been falling for many days finally stopped in the resentment of the civil and military of the Manchu Dynasty, but the disaster did not ease.

For the third consecutive day, His Majesty Li Er convened his ministers at the Taiji Palace to discuss disaster relief.

The disaster situation in Guanzhong is extremely serious, and every day people freeze to death and starve to death.

However, due to transportation difficulties, the relief money and food from Jiangnan could not reach Chang'an in time, and all the courtiers were devastated.

"The Weishui is frozen, the Yellow River is blocked, and now the transportation of money and grain is all over the road. Even if the road is blocked by heavy snow, please give your majesty an order to urge all the governments and roads to not be afraid of difficulties and dangers, and transport the money and grain to Guanzhong as soon as possible...cough cough... ...At the same time, the censor will be dispatched to supervise, and if anyone is afraid of difficulties and delays the disaster, he will be severely punished!"

Fang Xuanling played out of class.

The old man has been working hard for days, and his physical strength has long been exhausted. In addition, the weather is cold and he is very anxious about the disaster. He has been ill for many days, but he still refuses to return to the house to rest and insist on handling disaster relief affairs.

His Majesty Li Er hurriedly said: "Xuanling's words are justified, I will decree that Aiqing's body is in serious trouble? Go back and let the imperial doctor show you, but you can't delay." Then he shouted to the guards in the hall. : "Add a stool to the room."

Fang Xuanling was grateful and bowed, "Thank you, Your Majesty..."

Li Er looked at Fang Xuanling, who was trembling, and felt a lot of emotion in his heart. He was sincerely worried about Fang Xuanling's body.

Among the members of the Qin Wangfu who fought for him and competed in the world, Fang Xuanling was the weakest, and even the eldest grandson Wuji was in much better condition than him.

Du Ruhui died prematurely, so Fang Xuanling and the eldest grandson Wuji were called the "official ministers".

Li Er is a big-hearted person, and he is also a nostalgic person. The old brothers left their family and their careers and sacrificed their lives to follow him to take the world. Could it be like the emperor of the Han Dynasty, he immediately turned his face as soon as he ascended the throne, afraid that the old brothers would make him the opposite?

Li Er neither believed that the old brothers would rebel against him, nor was he afraid that they would rebel.

We must share adversity and wealth together.

Therefore, after Hou Junji rebelled and punished the nine clans according to the law, Li Er just killed Hou Junji, and his son was sent to Lingnan.

He slaughtered his brothers as ruthlessly and ruthlessly as winter, while his opponents were as gentle and loving as spring...

All the ministers in the hall could feel Fang Xuanling's gratitude and His Majesty's love, and their hearts were full of ups and downs.

With such a benevolent master, why don't you work hard and give with all your heart?
At this time, a minister went out to play: "What the Prime Minister said is very true, but the situation is so, even if you are urged, the disaster relief money and food will not be able to reach Guanzhong for a while. The most urgent thing right now is to appease the growing injustice in Guanzhong as soon as possible. public opinion, otherwise once the public will not be angry, the society will be in danger..."

Li Er raised his eyes and saw that it was Liu Lei, the imperial secretary.

In his early years, Liu Wei served for Xiao Xian as a servant of the Huangmen, and later led an army south to attack Lingbiao and seized more than 621 cities.In the fourth year of Wude (633), Xiao Xian was defeated.When Liu Wei was in Lingnan at this time, he presented his watch to the Tang Dynasty and was awarded the title of Long History of the Governor's Office in Nankang Prefecture.In the seventh year of Zhenguan ([-]), Liu Wei was worshipped as a clerk, and was awarded the title of QY county male.

In the 11th year of Zhenguan (637), that is, last year, Liu Ji changed his post to govern the book and serve as the censor.

In view of the phenomenon of the accumulation of government affairs in the current fashion book province, taking Wei Zheng and Dai Zhou as the ministers in the early years of Zhenguan, the officials did not dare to slack off. It is suggested that Tang Taizong carefully select the ministers and the two ministers to improve work efficiency. Appointed by Emperor Taizong as Shangshu Youcheng.

It is one of the courtiers that Li Er valued more.

Li Er said, "If Liu Qing has any good strategies, let's hear it."

That Liu Lei raised his hands and said: "I heard that the Son of Heaven values ​​virtue, and all the people respect it. Your Majesty is the Supreme Being of the Nine Five-Years, and you cannot stand under a dangerous wall. Why not send an envoy to govern the counties in Guanzhong on behalf of His Majesty, and inspect the people's conditions. , rectifying greed and contempt, then it can reflect the virtue of the Son of Heaven and bring peace to the hearts of the people.”

As soon as these words came out, the whole room was silent, and everyone's eyes were focused on Li Er's face.

Liu Lei, who is known to everyone as an iron and direct descendant of the King of Wei, often writes letters for the King of Wei to fight for power.

The drunkard's intention is not in the wine, but in the hearts of the people!

It is an indisputable fact that the prince is gradually losing power in His Majesty's heart, but if the prince is abolished one day, which prince will be established as the heir?

Undoubtedly, Li Tai, the king of Wei, who is the son of Empress Wende, the brother of the prince and the same mother, and the king of Wei who is quick-witted and favored by His Majesty, is the greatest possibility!

Compared with the Crown Prince, King Li Tai of Wei did not lack His Majesty's trustworthiness, favor, support from courtiers, and economic ability, but only lacked prestige among the common people.

People don't care what kind of king you are, they only know who is the prince and who is the future emperor!
This is to declare King Wei in front of the world and compete for prestige!
Everyone knows in their hearts that His Majesty has always had the heart of easy storage, and it is up to His Majesty to decide.

If it is not allowed, the situation is unclear, and it will continue to be vague at this time.

If you agree, it can be regarded as Your Majesty's mind has been decided, and the day of easy storage is not far away!
At such a critical moment, it is possible to decide the future ownership of the throne, who dares to say more?

This Liu Lei is really courageous. Usually, who you support in private is known to everyone, and that's fine. Who hasn't made any political demands?

But if you take it on the table, if you take it from the Taiji Temple, this is taking your own net worth and future as a bet.If King Wei succeeded in ascending the throne, it would naturally be due to the merits of the dragon, and his honor was supreme, but if King Wei failed to land successfully, how could His Royal Highness not regard it as a thorn in his eyes and a thorn in the flesh, and remove it quickly?
While everyone listened to His Majesty's decision, their hearts were silent, this Liu Lei, in order to help King Wei ascend to the throne, is also very hard...

Li Er's face was gloomy, and no one could see what he was thinking.

Needles can be heard in the hall.

After a long while, Li Ercai said, "According to what Aiqing said, which prince should govern Guanzhong on my behalf?"

As soon as these words came out, all the ministers took a deep breath.

Could it be that... Your Majesty is really determined to save it?

Fang Xuanling was in a great hurry. He didn't care about his legs being sore and weak. He knelt down on the hall and said loudly, "Your Majesty, think twice, this move is too hasty, I'm afraid it will cause turmoil in the court and unrest in the world..."

Since ancient times, the matter of Yichu has been involved too widely, and it has caused people to panic. Now is the time of political disaster, and such rumors havetily spread, what will people in the world think?If it is taken advantage of by people with intentions to stir up public opinion, it will be really messed up!

The eldest grandson Wuji also came out of class and said, "Your Majesty think twice..."

Immediately, many people stood up and asked Your Majesty to think again.

Li Er had no expression on his face: "You loving gentlemen, don't be impatient, I have my own concerns."

The chaos in the hall only stopped.

Liu Lei saw that the opportunity could not be missed, so he said in a loud voice: "His Royal Highness King Wei has both political integrity and talent, and is well-received by the people. He is also the brother of His Royal Highness, not only representing the kindness of the emperor, but also the benevolence of the prince. Wei Chen thought that Wei His Royal Highness is the best candidate."

Fang Xuanling said loudly: "The prince is the heir of the country, and such matters as governors of the world should be brought forward by the prince. If you say that the prince of Wei is led by the prince, isn't it deliberately causing the world to criticize? Liu Lei, what kind of peace do you have? Why did you come up with such a chaotic policy?"

Fang Xuanling didn't have to support Li Chengqian, nor did he hate Li Tai so much. He just naturally stood on the side of the prince. I would support whoever is the prince or the heir.

Putting the crown prince aside, you let Li Tai man the world to inspect the fortune of the emperor.
No mess!

Li Er, who was on the throne, looked at the noisy courtiers, his face was sinking like water, and he didn't say a word, as if he was out of the way.

No one knew what he was thinking.

At this time, a quiet and handsome minister with three long beards came out of class and played: "Wei Chen has a word, and I will play your majesty."

Everyone quieted down a bit, and at first glance, it was Cen Wenwen, the secretary of the middle school...

 Yesterday, the contract editor sent an "Author Information Form", the little brother who is equivalent to a computer idiot actually played with it for a day and didn't open it, sweating... WPS re-downloading and installing still can't work, I was sweating profusely, and finally I don't know what to do It's opened, damn it... Brothers, please support me and comfort my inferiority heart with collections and recommendations...

(End of this chapter)

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