Tiantang Splendid

Chapter 2000

Chapter 2000
Guo Fushan sighed and said: "Even if we know this, what can we do? The Eastern Expedition is on the verge of an arrow, and we have no choice but to launch it. All the power of the country is directed to the east, so as to decide the battle against Goguryeo. The garrison in northern Xinjiang is no longer half of what it used to be. Sixty-seven out of ten of the grain and fodder should be allocated, and self-defense is still insufficient, so how can we talk about retreating from the enemy?"

Yi Nan is a tyrannical hero with precise eyesight. He wants to take advantage of the fire to loot. One is to get a large amount of wealth to survive a rich winter.

Hu people are afraid of prestige and not virtuous, and righteousness and fame are far less effective than swords...

A Zhenzhu Khan who can coerce Datang to make concessions, who dares to have different ambitions?

Not to mention that once he makes peace with Datang, Zhenzhu Khan Yinan will become Datang's son-in-law, and Xue Yantuo will also become the nominal "Jimi Kingdom", and his status will become more and more stable.

At this moment, the housekeepers were pushed away, and Cui Dunli, a military officer, came in from outside with an uneasy expression: "Master Fang, Yi Nan's envoy has arrived in Chang'an, and now in Honglu Temple, he has handed in Yi Nan's letter of credentials, requesting And kiss!"

Guo Fushan said angrily: "It's really deceiving!"

Cui Dunli also said: "Who says it's not? These barbarians are greedy and short-sighted, thinking that Datang's current strategy is focused on Goguryeo, and there is nothing he can do about it for a while, but they don't want to think about it. Once Datang is free, how can he not please Back to today's shame?"

Then he said to Fang Jun: "Your Majesty has an order. Fang Shilang will go to the Political Affairs Hall immediately to discuss matters."

For such an important matter, Fang Jun naturally did not dare to delay, got up immediately, Guo Fushan personally put on a fur for him, and the corners of Cui Dunli's eyes twitched as he watched, "You are the right servant, how shameless you are to lick a left servant like this...

Guo Fushan did not notice Cui Dunli's expression, but told Fang Jun: "We are the Ministry of War, we must not be weak, and I hope Fang Shilang can express his attitude firmly!"

War means death and a huge consumption of military supplies, but that is something that the ministers in the political affairs hall need to consider. For the Ministry of War, the larger the scale of the war, the greater the power and the greater the benefits. big.

War is the pursuit of all military forces.

In his position to seek his own government, since Fang Jun is the left servant of the Ministry of War and the actual leader of the Ministry of War, he must put the interests of the Ministry of War first. The various impacts of the war are not what he should care about.

Fang Jun nodded slightly, put on the sable hat, went out to call his own trilogy, got on his horse, and galloped all the way to Taiji Palace.

political affairs hall.

The ground dragon is burning in the spacious house, and there is a bronze animal stove in the corner, with sandalwood scented, warm as spring.

Several prime ministers, as well as several generals and heads of the military department, were all present.

His Majesty Li Er, who was at the top, had a gloomy face, threw a letter of credence in his hand on the table, and snorted coldly: "It's unreasonable! Isn't Yi Nan crazy? He thought that the Tang Dynasty was about to conquer the East, and I couldn't do anything with him You can blackmail and slaughter at will? It's ridiculous!"

It was impossible for him not to be angry.

In the whole world, who doesn't know that Datang doesn't get along with each other, doesn't cede land, and doesn't pay tribute?

How powerful Tubo is, with tens of thousands of elite soldiers pointing directly at Songzhou, intending to force the Tang Dynasty to make a marriage, isn't it still rejected by His Majesty Li Er?
What is Xue Yantuo?
What's even more disgusting is that Yi Nan not only asked for a marriage, but even appointed the object of the marriage, which is His Majesty Li Er's No. 15 female Xinxing Princess... Obviously, he was guarding against His Majesty Li Er's marriage after marrying a royal daughter who was granted the title of princess. Perfunctory.

I just want to catch a daughter of His Majesty Li Er's daughter and become a real Tang consort...

Cen Wenwen frowned and sighed, "It's just that if you categorically refuse, I'm afraid Yi Nan will directly kill Qi Bi He Li when he becomes angry from embarrassment."

Since the beginning of this year, Cen Wenwen has become more and more aged, his originally black and white temple hair has become snow-white, the wrinkles on his face have become deeper, and his energy is much worse than before.

His Majesty Li Er was silent.

If this is not the case, where is the need to convene the ministers and ministers to discuss?
Negotiations are farts, Tubo's request for marriage has been rejected, is Xue Yantuo stronger than Tubo?
Qibi He Li is an aristocrat of Tie Le, and many of Tie Le's old tribes look forward to him. If he is allowed to die in front of the barbarians, Tie Le's army will lose heart, there will be no peace outside the Yumen Pass, the Silk Road will be cut off, and the countries in the Western Regions will be out of control , this kind of loss is unbearable for Datang no matter what.

Therefore, Qibi Heli cannot die...

Changsun Wuji said in a deep voice: "Qibi Heli was born in Tie Le, and he is also a barbarian. It is not known that he has the same smell as a barbarian. Now he is captured by a barbarian, with a steel knife on his neck. Between life and death, he may have already betrayed him." Maybe. Your Majesty must never agree to Yi Nan's request for a marriage marriage, my Tang Dynasty is mighty, Xue Yantuo is arrogant and arrogant, and he should be punished!"

The foundation of the Guanlong Group lies in the army, and soldiers can only maximize their benefits in war.

He doesn't think it's difficult for Datang to fight on two fronts...

As for Qibi Heli?

A general of barbarian background is nothing more than a general. If he dies, he will die. What a pity.

If the tribes of Tiele stationed between Gan and Liang rebelled because of the death of Qibi Heli, at worst, they would conquer again...

Cheng Yaojin rarely supported his eldest grandson Wuji: "Gaoguryeo's land is barren and the population is sparse, the army will surely be determined in one battle, and then with the prestige of a great victory, it will go straight from Liaodong to Mobei, and cooperate with the Xiazhou and Shuozhou armies to encircle them. Even if a man has three heads and six arms, he can be destroyed in a snap of his fingers!"

The military's demands are obviously consistent, and they are not afraid of big things...

His Majesty Li Er remained silent.

He didn't want Qibi Heli to die. Qibi Heli and Ashina Simo were the two important generals of the Hu tribe he supported with one hand. Fighting to the death in the sequence, just because these two models are placed there, they know that as long as they make military exploits, the Tang Dynasty will never be stingy with titles, conferring generals, cracking the soil and conferring kings, nothing else!
If he abandons the contract at this moment and lets Yi Nan kill him, what will the young and strong Hu people in the Tang army think?
Criticism and morality are certain, and the policy of "using barbarians to control barbarians" since Zhenguan will fail completely...

This is something he absolutely cannot allow to happen.

But what if Yi Nan took the wrong medicine, became angry after being rejected, and went to war without hesitation?With the current strength of troops in Dingxiang and Shuofang, it may be difficult to resist Xue Yantuo's furious offensive. Are we going to send an army from Liaodong to the west to contain Xue Yantuo?

But in this way, can Liaodong's troops successfully capture Goguryeo?

The imperial court was full of confidence in the conquest of Goguryeo, but His Majesty Li Er did not dare to be careless at all. After all, the lessons learned by Emperor Sui Yang were there.How do history books write about themselves?
Sudden bouts of dizziness in his head, his eyes were a little dizzy, and a nauseating feeling surged in his chest.

Strong self-possession, not to let his weak side be shown in front of his courtiers, he pressed his temple hard with his hand.He was a little exhausted at the moment, and really wanted to simply agree to Yi Nan's request for a marriage marriage, to eliminate the border troubles in the northern border, and to free up his hands to avenge today's shame after defeating Goguryeo.

But think about the words hanging on the wall of my bedroom, "No land, no compensation, no marriage, no tribute, the emperor guards the country, the king dies in the country"... It is really good, the momentum is really high, but How difficult is it to achieve it?

He couldn't help but glared at Fang Jun who was silent.

I always feel like I was kidnapped by this kid...

Sitting at the bottom, Fang Jun lowered his head and drank his tea in a "rolling and rolling" manner. He didn't say a word about the dispute in front of him. This is because his official position is low and his title is not obvious. Everyone is a big brother. They all have their own little calculations, and it is the time when the bayonet for power and profit is popular, so why bother to get involved?

Anyway, Xue Yantuo's crisis is at the highest level, far higher than that of Goguryeo. No matter how the court chooses or how to play games, as long as these old guys don't want to taste the shame of the "Wei River Alliance" again, the final result will inevitably come first. Keep the enemy away from the country, and then you can consider the matter of Goguryeo. After all, Goguryeo is there, and it will not escape one day at a time...

While drinking tea comfortably, he suddenly felt that the surrounding air seemed to have dropped several degrees suddenly, and a gust of wind was blowing in, quite a feeling of thorns on his back after being stared at by a ferocious beast.

As soon as he raised his head in shock, he happened to meet His Majesty Li Er's ugly face and his gritted teeth with resentment...

 Everyone knows that my brother is a Buddhist author. So far, I have never asked for a monthly ticket for a single chapter. I think it is unnecessary. Just vote for a few free recommendation tickets. Look at it calmly, we can’t learn the trick of crying poor and selling miserably, and there is no need to bring out misfortune or ups and downs to win tears. Although we lost our mother when we were young, lost our father when we were young, and have stubborn illnesses... But we are still positive and never I feel that God is unfair. If you have a car, a house, a wife and children, every day is sunny, if you face the world with a smile, the world will smile back.

Cherish what you have at the moment.

(End of this chapter)

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