Tiantang Splendid

Chapter 2018 Ashina Simo Dilemma

Chapter 2018 Ashina Simo Dilemma
Dadu set his heart overjoyed, and said with a show of face: "It's still the eldest brother who can see clearly!"

Turning back, Su Rong ordered: "At the fifth watch, start a rebellion and prepare to pull out the camp! I will send scouts to Mayi City, and I will leave immediately after the scouts come back and bring back the news of Mayi City! Everyone restrain the people, remember not to delay , otherwise don't blame me for being merciless!"


Now that the order was issued, the original quarrel came to an end. They were all attached to Xue Yantuo's small tribe. Except Huihe, no one dared to say no.Tumidu didn't say a word during the whole process, but his attitude firmly supported Dadu Design, and his position is self-evident...

At the end of the meeting, the leaders of each tribe immediately returned to their respective camps, issued orders, and prepared to leave the camp after dawn.

Dadu set it up but sent people to call Dumozhi, Qulishi and Tumidu to the big tent.

"I want to send troops to capture Dingxiang!"

As soon as Dadu set up his mouth, he said this sentence.

Several people were stunned...but soon after they understood the meaning of Dadu, they exchanged glances with each other and said in unison: "The second prince is the only one who follows the lead!"

Obviously, Dadushe chose to believe in Zhao Deyan's words, and before the scouts turned around, he had to act first, and directly captured Dingxiang City, using this feat to establish his prestige in the Xueyantuo Khanate, and to fight for Xueyantuo Khan Increase the stakes.

And the few people present are regarded as confidantes by him.

This is the time to express your opinion on the team, regardless of what you think, who would dare to say "no" in front of Dadu Set?Although this second prince was not as violent and ferocious as the eldest prince Bazhuo, his insidiousness and cunning were not too much.

"very good!"

Dadu nodded and smiled in satisfaction, and said proudly: "Everyone is fighting side by side with me today. I will never forget the love of life and death! When I aspire to the Khan position in the coming day, I will share all the glory with you! "

Several people hurriedly stood up, bowed down, and said in unison: "I am willing to die for the second prince, with one heart and one mind, and never betray!"

"Hahaha! Very good! Everyone, let Dingxiang City be my wings to take off. One day, I will soar above the clouds and look down on all beings!"

Satisfied with his ambition, Dadu raised his arms and laughed.

Everyone here has their own thoughts and plans...

Dingxiang City.

Inside the government office, Ashina Simo sighed, depressed and anxious.

He knows very well that there is a crater sitting under his buttocks, and it may erupt anytime, and it will burn him and all the Turkic people to ashes...

However, who is the bastard Yimini on his head who will take the position of Limi Khan? Is that what he is willing to be?

It was clearly His Majesty Li Er who forced it on him...

I really don't want to do it!


In the fourth year of Zhenguan, Li Jing raided Dingxiang and Yinshan at night, defeating the tooth tent of East Turkic Jieli Khan in one fell swoop, and then Jieli Khan was captured alive by the Tang army, and Eastern Turkic was destroyed.Since then, the focus of the Tang Dynasty's strategy has gradually shifted to the Western Regions. One is to hunt down the remnants of the Turks, and the other is to plan to capture Gaochang.

The armaments of the northern border of the empire gradually relaxed.

Taking advantage of the emptiness in the north, the Xueyantuo Khanate emerged in its place, dominating Mobei, with 20 victorious troops under its command, becoming a major military power in the north of the empire, and undoubtedly a potential threat to the northern border of the empire. .

His Majesty Li Er would naturally not turn a blind eye to this.He knew that if no measures were taken to contain it, Xue Yantuo would surely become a great enemy of the empire in the future.

In the 12th year of Zhenguan, Zhenzhu Khan of Xue Yantuo ordered his two sons to rule the southern and northern parts of the country respectively. His Majesty Li Er immediately realized that this was a good opportunity to divide his power, and immediately sent envoys to canonize his two sons as young Khan, and each gave drums and flags to show his excellence and admiration, and to distinguish his strength.

However, this is only an indirect means of prevention after all. To ensure the peace of the northern frontier of the empire, it is necessary to set up a defensive screen in the Monan area, that is, the old place of the Eastern Turks between the Tang Empire and Xue Yantuo.

In fact, this differentiation strategy also failed. Yi Nan Khan's two sons were photographed by their father's power, how could they dare to show the slightest thought of spying on Khan's position?As well-behaved as a sheep, His Majesty Li Er's plan to divide and provoke completely failed.

In the spring of the 13th year of Zhenguan, His Majesty Li Er issued an imperial edict, canonizing the Great General Ashina Simo as the new Khan of the Eastern Turks, and at the same time ordered the Turks and Hus to settle in the states and ordered them to cross the river. , Returning its old department, serving as a screen for the world, and protecting the frontier fortress for a long time.

The sudden restoration of the Eastern Turks made Xue Yantuo feel a great sense of crisis.

On the side of the couch, how can you allow others to snore?
His Majesty Li Er knew that Xue Yantuo's Zhenzhu Khan would definitely have resistance, and he was afraid that he would go to war without stopping. At that time, the lobby was preparing to attack Gaochang Kingdom and had no spare energy to deal with Xue Yantuo, so he issued an edict to Yinan Khan , said: "China values ​​etiquette, does not destroy the human country, breaks through the Turkic people, only one person, Xieli, harms the people, and is not greedy for its land, benefiting its people and animals, and always wants to establish more khans. Once it is promised, it must not be broken. In the middle of the autumn, the Turks will be sent across the river to restore their homeland."

These words are very high-sounding, and it sounds benevolent, righteous, and sincere, but it is obvious to support the Eastern Turks to resist Xue Yantuo's heart.

Yi Nan Khan naturally quit.

We finally recovered from the oppression of the Eastern Turks, and now you are supporting the Eastern Turks with one hand. This is Xue Yantuo's feud, how can we just sit back and watch?
But just when he was about to move and wanted to send troops to wipe out Ashina Simo in one fell swoop while his foothold was not stable, Datang sent envoys to send a warning: "You are in the north of Qi, and the Turks are in the south of Qi. Each guards the territory. , Zhenfu tribes. If they exceed their points, they will be copied and plundered, and troops will be sent, and everyone will be questioned about their crimes."

At this time, the army of the Tang Dynasty was in full swing, sweeping east and west from north to south, invincible in every attack. Yi Nan Khan was afraid of the great army of the Tang Dynasty, so he could only hold his nose to recognize it.

But it's not just that the barbarian Khan can't accept Datang's support for the restoration of the East Turkic country?
Even Ashina Simo, who was canonized as East Turkic Khan, was not happy...


Reminiscing about the past, Ashina Simo was upset.

This crown of khan that fell from the sky was the highest ideal Ashina Simo had coveted for a long time when he was young, but now that it suddenly fell on his head, he felt no joy and glory at all, only endless fear and concern.

Times have changed, and today is not what it used to be. Today's Xue Yantuo is no longer the small tribe of Tiele who was shouted at by others. Xue Yantuo has assembled hundreds of thousands of soldiers from all tribes of Tiele. The territory extends from Mohe in the east to West Turks in the west. It is bounded by sand moraine in the south and Julun River in the north. It is so powerful that there is no limit!

And even if the Eastern Turks were rebuilt, they would no longer be the Great Khanate that looked up to the Yin Mountains and controlled millions of strings.

If you are not careful, you will die and the country will die, and even the remaining members of the East Turks gathered in Dingxiang will be exterminated...

In the 13th year of Zhenguan, he was canonized by His Majesty Li Er as the Khan of East Turkic Yiminishuqilimi. Ashina Simo never had the courage to take the step of going north and returning to Monan to rebuild the Turkic Khanate.He hesitated and procrastinated in the city of Chang'an until the 15th year of Zhenguan two years later, when he set off for the north with a look of distress.Before leaving, he sent a sad farewell memorial to the emperor, saying: I have been kind to the emperor, and as the leader of the tribe, I hope that my children and grandchildren will be the dogs of the country and guard the north gate.If Xue Yantuo invades, please enter the Great Wall from your family...

Ashina Simo made up his mind, anyway, he was a watchdog, once Xue Yantuo came to attack, he immediately ran south and ignored him.

After Ashina Simo crossed the Yellow River to the north, he built a tooth tent in the old city of Dingxiang. Under his command, there were [-] households, [-] soldiers, and [-] horses.Looking at this miniature Eastern Turkic Khanate, Yi Nan Khan was angry and funny, grandma, what kind of country is it with this little property, isn't it as easy to crush you as to crush an ant?

Nature doesn't pay attention.

Even so, Ashina Simo only stayed in Dingxiang for less than a year and completed the "great cause of restoring the country", so he returned to Chang'an for treatment and recuperation on the grounds of recurrence of old wounds.

This recuperation lasted until he was repatriated to Dingxiang by His Majesty Li Er this time...

Feeling depressed and wandering alone in the government office, he sent someone to call Ashinao Sheshe and Kang Sumi over.

Ashina Aosheshe is the son of Chuluo Khan and Princess Yicheng of the Sui Dynasty, but after the death of Chuluo Khan, Princess Yicheng thought Ashina Aosheshe was ugly in appearance and weak in body, unlike a hero, so she did not make him an official Khan, on the contrary, made Luo Khan's younger brother Ashina Dubi the Great Khan, named Jieli Khan... Therefore, Ashinao Sheshe not only hated Jieli Khan who robbed him of his Khan position, but also hated him. Abandoning him instead established Jieli Khan's mother, Princess Yicheng, and she also wanted to cut him into pieces.

Kang Sumi was originally a counselor of Jieli Khan and a descendant of the Lite people. As a result, when Li Jing led an army thousands of miles away and defeated Jieli Khan in Yinshan, this confidant of Jieli Khan took Empress Xiao and Sui Dynasty under his wing. Yang Zhengdao, the grandson of Emperor Yangdi, ran to Li Jing's tent and surrendered...

(End of this chapter)

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