Tiantang Splendid

Chapter 2027 Don't be Cowardly When You Meet Tang Jun

Chapter 2027 Don't be Cowardly When You Meet Tang Jun

A commander under his command came over and asked how to deal with the injured enemy.

On the grassland, the population is the greatest wealth just like cattle and sheep, whether it is one's own or the enemy's.Even if there is a war between two tribes between dead enemies, the dead warriors will be respected, no one will spoil their bodies, the old, young, women and children of the enemy will be captured, and those injured enemies will be treated. To be a slave to the tribe...

But now, deep down in his heart, the fear of unknowable punishment and the anger at Kang Sumi for injuring him severely made Tumidu abandon the customary rules on the grassland. , build it into a Jingguan, let those tribes who dare to resist the Huihe iron cavalry have a look, this is the end!"

Putting down the harsh words, Tu Midu ordered the main force to continue chasing the Turkic people, while he led a team of personal soldiers to stay and deal with the battlefield.

The narrow road was covered with corpses from both sides. The Huihe people carried knives, and when they saw the Lite people who fell to the ground, they severed their heads with a knife, regardless of whether they were dead or alive.Then they moved the corpses of their own people aside to treat the seriously injured. For the headless corpses of Lite people, they piled them up randomly, and then placed their heads on top of them.

The weather is cold, the blood from the corpse freezes quickly, and the corpse gradually hardens. The Jingguan built by the corpses of the Lite people, which looks like a hill, is cruel and strange under the fluttering white snow...

When the road was cleared, the sound of roaring horseshoes could be faintly heard from behind, and the iron hoofs of countless war horses stepped on the ice and snow road, making the ground tremble slightly.

The war horse roared past, and the wind and snow rolled up made Tu Midu dazzled, so he could only lower his head slightly to avoid the ice and snow foam flying into his eyes.

"Why didn't the Turks stay?"

A cold question rang in Tumidu's ears.

Tumidu's heart trembled, he raised his head, and saw Dadu She sitting on the horse's back, holding a whip in his hand, staring at him angrily.

"Second prince, the Lite people were coerced by the Turks, and they were not afraid of death to stop them. You know, on this narrow road, it is difficult for the cavalry to form a position. Head-to-head fighting. The Lite people are crazy, they are not afraid of death, they just want to be able to stop the pursuit... The second prince, the Huihe soldiers suffered heavy losses, but even though it was delayed for some time, they can still catch up with the Turkic people..."

Tumidu tried his best to defend himself, he knew that Dadushe had never been a reasonable person, but before he finished speaking, he heard the whistling sound of the whip, and the whip in Dadushe's hand had already slapped him hard. face...



Tu Midu screamed, covered his face and staggered back.

The gauze on the face was pulled away by the sharp whip like rags, and it flew in the cold wind. The wound that was originally injured by the crossbow arrow rolled over again, and a piece of flesh on the face was ripped open, and blood rushed out , he screamed in pain.


The Huihe warriors behind him were furious and surrounded him one after another, as if they would dare to rush forward and tear Dadu into pieces as long as Tu Midu gave the order!
Dadu was also taken aback immediately, and then flew into a rage: "Why, can't you rebel?"

The Xue Yantuo cavalrymen on his left and right saw such a big reaction from the Huihe people, and hurried forward to guard the left and right sides in front of Dadu, glaring at the Huihe people, with their hands already on the handle of the machete at their waists.

"Back off! Everyone back down!"

Enduring the severe pain, Tu Midu repeatedly scolded his clansmen.

Although he can't wait to bite Dadu to death with one bite, drink his blood and eat his flesh, but in Xue Yantuo's formation, the strength of his troops is no less than ten times higher, a slight movement will end in death, how dare he make a mistake?

"The second prince is happy and angry. They are just a bunch of stupid dogs. They offended the second prince's prestige. I hope you will forgive me."

Confused, he begged for mercy in a low voice.

In his heart, he wished to kill Da Du She, but in his heart, wouldn't Da Du Set want to stab Tu Mi Du to death?

The Huihe people are the most cunning and insidious, and the large number of tribes is Xue Yantuo's biggest hidden danger. Therefore, in almost every war Xue Yantuo has, he will drive the Huihe people to the forefront to charge and attack, with the intention of weakening the strength of the Huihe people.

But right now, if Tumidu was stabbed to death with a single knife, it would definitely cause a backlash from all the Huihe people. Of course, if the bullet is suppressed, it will also cause the army to lose morale.

"It doesn't matter, the Huihe people are the most united. When the leader is punished, it is inevitable that the people of the people will be unwilling..." Dadu set up his anger, and there was a beating in the words: "It is good to be able to protect the dignity of the leader with death." It is a tribe with great ambitions..."

Tumidu trembled in his heart, lest this cruel prince would ignore him in a fit of anger and brazenly issue an order to massacre the Huihe people. Even if he returned to Yudujun Mountain, he would be severely punished, and would even be touched by Xue Yantuo. Dissatisfaction among various tribes caused turmoil and threatened Xue Yantuo's rule, but at that time, he and these thousands of the most elite Huihe warriors were bound to die without a place to die...

"Don't worry, the second prince, I will lead my sons and daughters to hunt down the Turks!"

As he spoke, he endured the severe pain and asked his subordinates to help him with a simple bandage. Then he wrapped the cloak behind him to keep out the cold wind, and he took a wolf fur hat and put it on his head to reduce the wound as much as possible. The chance of being damaged by the severe cold turned over and stepped on the horse.

But was blocked by Dadu...

Groups of cavalry roared towards the south, chasing the fleeing Turkic people, Da Da set his eyebrows frowned, his face was messy and dirty, the snowflakes fell on it and it was covered with frost, which made his age seem Is more than double the actual age.

"The Turkic people are like dogs who lose their families. If they leave Dingxiang and Chilechuan, what else can they do? We should not pursue the Turkic people, but turn around and capture Dingxiang City. As long as Dingxiang City is occupied , Chilechuan south of Baidao is completely under the control of Xue Yantuo, why go after a group of cowardly poor bandits?"

Tu Midu's heart trembled again...

I have worn out my lips before persuading him to hunt down the Turkic people. If I don’t continue to hunt down the Turkic people, how could it possibly trigger a conflict with the Tang army and start a full-scale war between the Tang Dynasty and Xue Yantuo? How can the Huihe people have the opportunity to profit from it?
This generous design is not only cruel and simple-minded and a fool, but also so vacillating and weak-willed, it really isn't a great achievement!

After such a short time, I have to change my mind again...

"Second Prince, Dingxiang City is placed there. The city must be deserted now, so what's the difference if you go to capture it sooner or later? You can't fly away after all! You just need to send someone to warn Tumozhi, If you can’t let him enter Dingxiang City, then this feat will be yours sooner or later! However, for you, slaughtering the entire Turkic family is far more than capturing Dingxiang City! The following article has longed for the Han people since I was a child, I once heard a lot of legends about the Han people from a merchant. There was a saying among the Han people, "Although there are three households in Chu, the Qin Dynasty must be destroyed by Chu"! Even if the first emperor of Qin unified the six kingdoms and the great Qin cavalry swept Liuhe, the great Qin could be overthrown. Yes, it can only be Chu people! This is the same situation as Xue Yantuo. Xue Yantuo stepped on the corpses of Turkic people to rule Mobei, but the one who can overthrow Xue Yantuo must be Turkic people! Now is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Catch up and slaughter the Turkic people completely. Second prince, your achievement is more than a thousand times stronger than capturing Dingxiang City and occupying Chile River? Xue Yantuo's hard-won foundation will be laid by your achievements today. You are The greatest hero of Xue Yantuo's descendants, even Bazhuo, cannot shake your most lofty position in the hearts of Xue Yantuo's followers!"

Tumidu is good at speaking, but now the wound on his face hurts so much that his heart is throbbing, his mouth is about to be worn out, and he is tirelessly bewitching Dadushe.

You have to pursue something, what is it to occupy Dingxiang City?
Right now is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to make contributions, to kill the Turkic remnants, you are Xue Yantuo's greatest hero, don't hesitate, chase after him, it is best to catch up to Mayi, Shuozhou, and the Great Wall. Chase to Yanmen Pass!
If Tang Jun dares to send troops to rescue the Turkic people, don't be cowardly, it's over...

The desire in Dadu Set's heart is ready to move.

He has never heard such words as "Although Chu has three households, the death of Qin will lead to Chu", and he doesn't even understand the implication in it, but like many Hu people, he naturally admires the cultural articles of the Han people, and believes that the intelligent Han people are more important in culture. Far beyond the barbarians.

Regardless of what they said, since it is a discourse spread by the Han people, it is probably very reasonable...

(End of this chapter)

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