Tiantang Splendid

Chapter 2030 Ashina Simo's faint move?

Chapter 2030 Ashina Simo's faint move?
The atmosphere in the room was a little silent, Fang Jun was unwilling, but he also knew that he had committed an obsession.

His Majesty Li Er is determined to win Goguryeo, no one can destroy this situation, otherwise the consequences will be very serious...

Li Siwen looked left and right, staring at his eyes and said: "Is there a fart entanglement? Now that Xue Yantuo is attacking the Turkic people outrageously, can we sit idly by? The Turkic people must be rescued, so we must confront Xue Yantuo head-on Start a war! This is a war started by Xue Yantuo, and it is not my fault! Since this battle is definitely going to be fought, no one can hold back, why not block Bai Daochuan first, and set up a big battle with Dadu. If it is defeated, it can go northward and cross Baidaochuan to go straight to Mobei. When the victory is determined, let Dadu set up a breakthrough. At that time, we will chase after each other. Who can say it is our fault? Is it hard to see? Letting the powerful enemy who violated the national border calmly leave? If you set up a large-scale military force, at worst, let him return to Mobei from Bai Daochuan, it is considered that we have taken care of the overall situation, and it is correct!"

The other three people cast surprised glances at him one after another, thinking to themselves, how could this brave and foolhardy person come up with such a cunning and treacherous idea that can advance and retreat freely?
Li Siwen felt uncomfortable being stared at for a while. He knew his own family affairs, and all the guys in the gang knew that his brain was not working well. He usually did what others said, and rarely expressed his opinion.At this moment, I was a little guilty, thinking that there was a serious mistake somewhere, so my old face flushed, and I said angrily: "I'm just talking, why do you have such disdain in your eyes?"

Fang Jun was in high spirits, slapped the table, and said happily: "That's a good idea! Xue Yantuo is now aggressively attacking the Turkic people. No matter how important the Eastern Expedition is, he can't ignore the Turkic people, right? Can't we just sit back and watch Xue Yantuo burn, kill and loot? "

With this excuse, no one can accuse him of starting a war against Xue Yantuo!
You can't let the Eastern Turks supported by the Tang Dynasty be destroyed, and the Turkic Khan who was conferred by the emperor himself be killed, right?

The Eastern Expedition is important, but the stability of the northern border is equally important!

Datang's face is more important!


"Commander, You Tunwei has arrived [-] miles south of Mayi City! General Xue is currently in the south of the city, please meet the Commander!"

Just as they were discussing how to deal with Xue Yantuo's army, scouts came to report, and the Youtunwei army finally arrived late.

Fang Jun was overjoyed, and said: "Hurry up and invite Marshal Xue, the right military guard, and Dugu Shouzhong, the guard of Mayi City, to come to the government office to discuss matters!"


The scout hurried away.

A moment later, Xue Wanche and Dugu Shouzhong arrived.

Everyone was seated in the house, and before they could speak, another scout came to report...

"The Turkic tribes have already rushed to Yanmen Pass under the leadership of Ashina Simo?!"

Everyone in the room was surprised. While looking at each other, they all looked at a map hanging on the wall.

Fang Jun got up and marked the current situation on the map with a stick of ink.

You Tunwei and You Wuwei are all gathered in Mayi City, plus the defenders of Mayi City, the strength is about [-], one-third of them are cavalry, and among the cavalry, there are [-] armored cavalry...

Yanmen Pass, Mayi City, and Dingxiang City are not a straight line, but a triangle. If Yanmen Pass and Dingxiang City are formed into a line, Mayi City will protrude to the east, and the official road will connect Yanmen Pass and Mayi City. Then turn to the northwest and reach Dingxiang City.

There is still a passage between Yanmen Pass and Dingxiang City, but it is necessary to turn over a place called Eyang Ridge. The road is rough and difficult, especially when it is snowing heavily, which is not conducive to the cavalry attack.

The current situation is that Ashina Simo led the people to abandon the nearest and heavily guarded Mayi City, and instead rushed to Yanmen Pass, which was far away and difficult to walk.

Is it because the road to Eyang Ridge is difficult to drive Xue Yantuo's pursuers?
no one knows.

However, Xue Yantuo's army had already arrived at the foot of the Eyang Ridge, and regardless of the difficulty of the mountain road, they pursued the Turkic people closely, with the intention of completely annihilating them in one breath.

Looking at the map, Fang Jun quickly considered and weighed various strategies and the gains and losses in his mind.

No matter what Ashina Simo's intention is to abandon Mayi City and rush to Yanmen Pass, it has created an excellent condition for Fang Jun, as long as Fang Jun has the courage to do so...

"Marshal Xue, please lead the Youwu Guards and horses to get ready. After Xue Yantuo's army has crossed the Eyang Ridge, we will set off again, occupy the Eyang Ridge, and rely on the terrain to cut off Xue Yantuo's retreat. Xue Rengui, immediately lead the Right Guards to Dingxiang City , Xue Yantuo's camp must be empty, so I gave it to someone!"



Xue Wanche and Xue Rengui stood up together and promised loudly.

Xue Wanche's rank is higher than Fang Jun's, but Fang Jun is in charge of the imperial tiger talisman festival, and he is a well-deserved commander in the northern battlefield, and everyone must be controlled by him.

Zhang Daxiang gasped from the side: "Erlang, what about the Turks?"

The Turkic people dragged their families and drove the livestock. Even though Eyang Ridge was not conducive to the pursuit of Xue Yantuo's cavalry, it was also not conducive to the escape of the Turkic people.Even if he can pass through Eyang Ridge safely, he is likely to be overtaken by Xue Yantuo before he reaches Yanmen Pass.

Taking a step back, even if the Turkic people can reach the Yanmen Pass, they cannot enter the pass and rely on the Great Wall to avoid the pursuit of the Xue Yantuo people.

Yanmen Pass is the key to the Great Wall and the gate of Hedong. Once Yanmen Pass is lost, all the hinterland of Hedong will be presented under the iron hooves of the barbarians!

It is absolutely impossible for the guards of Yanmen Pass to allow the Turkic people to enter the pass to avoid the enemy...

Because that is Turkic!
Even if he is attached to Datang, he is still a Turkic!
People who are not of our race must have a different heart, how can the door of the Han family be opened to the Turkic people?
Back then Ashina Simo pleaded with the emperor to let the Turkic people go to the Hetao area to graze and live to recuperate and recuperate. The whole court has already opposed it, let alone retreating into the pass now?
In this way, the Turkic people will be overtaken by Xue Yantuo's cavalry sooner or later, and perhaps they will encounter a massacre of genocide at the pass of Yanmen...

Fang Jun's eyes flickered coldly, and he said calmly: "We are stationed in Mayi now, and we have already parted ways with the Turks. Even if we go after them now, it will inevitably fall after they catch up with the Turks. What should happen, will still happen, instead of When encountering Xue Yantuo's cavalry in the flat area under Eyang Ridge, why not guard E Yang Ridge, and when Xue Yantuo retreats, they will be attacked? Moreover, since Ashina Simo abandoned Mayi City and chose Yanmen Pass, he must have made special plans. Shouldn’t it lead our people to a dead end? Therefore, we don’t have to worry about the Turks.”

It's true that no one can guess what Ashina Simo's plan is, but it doesn't matter.

If there were no large-scale casualties among the Turkic people, how could the Tang Dynasty have an excuse to start a war with Xue Yantuo?
There is no excuse to start a war, how to block Bai Daochuan and cut off Dadu's retreat to Mobei?
As long as Xue Yantuo blatantly kills the Turkic people, everything will be a matter of course. Even if the northern Xinjiang is turned upside down, the responsibility cannot fall on Fang Jun.

As an official, doing things is secondary. First of all, you must have the ability to get yourself out of an unfavorable situation, otherwise you will not even be able to keep your official position. What can you expect to do to benefit the country and the people?

You have to have an official position in hand.

As for whether the Turkic people will die or not, how many will die is not within Fang Jun's budget.

Anyway, Xue Yantuo was the murderer, so what has it to do with me, what has to do with Datang?
If the Turkic people were really slaughtered, when the Tang army blocked Bai Daochuan, those Hu tribes attached to the Tang Dynasty would only feel the power of the Tang Dynasty, and would avenge the poor Turkic people every minute, with nothing but awe in their hearts. There is absolutely no resentment, and there will be no thoughts of saddened rabbits and foxes, cold lips and teeth...

Of course, words cannot be said clearly.

But who asked Ashina Simo to obediently hand over the pillow when Fang Jun was dozing off, and dare to go to Yanmen Pass instead of coming to Mayi?
Even Xue Wanche, who is as simple-minded as Xue Wanche, understood Fang Jun's thoughts at this moment.

But no one thought there was anything wrong with it...

Even if the Turkic is attached to Datang, he is still a Turkic!

Since the Sui and Tang Dynasties, how many sons of the Han family were lost to the Turks, and how many cities were burned, killed and looted by the Turks?The shame of Weishui is still there yesterday. Even if Li Jing led an army to attack Yinshan at night and destroy Jieli Khan's tooth tent, as long as there is a Turkic in the world, the blood feud cannot be eliminated!

Compared with getting an excuse to start a war with Xue Yantuo, what's the big deal about killing a few Turks?
"Follow the order. As the commander-in-chief, if the imperial court blames you, you must bear it!" Fang Jun's eyes sparkled, and he was determined to make something big happen.

(End of this chapter)

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