Tiantang Splendid

chapter 34

chapter 34
Fang Jun is not a fool. He can more or less guess that the palace gave him a little palace maid like a flower like jade, and it is not so low that he is simply a "Xiaomi"...

Legend has it that the ancient noble families had a very humanistic tradition, that is, before their daughters got married, they would appoint one or more female envoys, such as maids, to go to the uncle's house to teach the new uncle the secret experience between husband and wife. , by the way, check whether this new uncle is suffering from a serious illness.

This is probably the most primitive "trial marriage". For the new uncle, marrying a young lady and two girls in the same room is simply too beautiful...

But even if Fang Jun was killed, he could not guess that the reason why Li Er sent a palace maid was not to teach him any experience, but simply to see if he was a rabbit...

Thinking of the happy life in the future, Fang Junmei's nose bubbling.Originally, there was a close-fitting little maid in the family, that is, Qiao Er, the close-fitting maid of this era, under normal circumstances, will eventually become the concubine of the main family.It is natural for men and women to face each other day and night, and it is natural to develop love over time. Coupled with the complete dominance of men over women, it is not necessary to think about eating and wiping.

However, Fang Jun in the past was completely a fool and a mugada, and he didn't understand the style of the little beauty; now Fang Jun is an adult who has undergone a modern education, and he is so filthy that a man can't help it. Avoid it, but the bottom line is still there. This is the generation gap between modern and ancient people.

The most important thing is that Qiao'er is too young and too familiar to start with...

This beautiful palace maid will be completely fine, Fang Junmei thought about it, and hummed softly: "I want to have a home, have her at home..."

Too dirty, sorry to sing down...

"What did you sing?"

Princess Gao Yang frowned and looked suspiciously at Fang Jun on the stretcher.

"Ah? Nothing, nothing, cough cough..."

Fang Jun's face turned red, and he almost forgot that Princess Gao Yang was still here. If she heard about it, she wouldn't despise herself to the death?
"Humph! I'm too lazy to care about you! Let me tell you, this time you got a lot of money. Mrs. Wu is not just an ordinary palace maid, she is still a hero, and you have to be nicer to them in the future. !"

No matter how arrogant or black-bellied, Princess Gao Yang is still a little girl after all, her kind nature has not yet disappeared, and she is somewhat apologetic to Wu Shi.Because of my own reasons, when a beautiful life is just in full bloom, I have to commit myself to a rabbit who "breaks his sleeves and shares peaches and likes Longyang", which is really miserable...

Fang Jun was a little surprised: "After the hero? Is it a lie?"

The daughter of the hero's family has entered the palace, and she has to be named a talented person at the beginning?Can you send it to someone casually?Bullshit!
Princess Gao Yang was upset, and she glared at her beautiful eyes: "Who dares to lie to you? It's stupid... Let me tell you, Mrs Wu is the second daughter of Duke Ying's warrior Yu, and she entered the palace voluntarily. Moreover, the beauty of the beauty and the moon, the whole There is no one in Ye Ting Palace who is not jealous of her beauty, it's really cheap, you bastard..."

Fang Jun said angrily, "Although you are a princess, but you can't open your mouth and shut your mouth, how can you look like a bumpkin?"

Princess Gao Yang wrinkled her cute little nose in disdain, with a look of contempt: "You have a wretched expression, a dark complexion, five big and three thick, pickled and sloppy... Who are you not a bumpkin?"

Brother is that bad?
When I look in the mirror in the morning, I think it's pretty good. Although I'm not a little fresh meat, I'm still a beautiful young boy...

Fang Jun was hit hard, knowing that he was about to doubt his life if he continued to chat with this arrogant girl, so he quickly waved at Princess Gao Yang: "See you again!" Then he said to several servants, "Hurry up! , set off, go home..."

Princess Gao Yang rolled her eyes beautifully: "Get out of here, die early and reincarnate..."

Fang Jun almost fell back with anger.

A few servants greeted Princess Gao Yang, then lifted up the stretcher and walked up and down, there was no way, this Fang Jia Erlang didn't look tall, he was very sturdy, dead and dead, and it was very laborious to carry...

The other team carried Wu Shi and naturally followed.

Fang Jun was lying on his back on the stretcher, looking at the gray sky and the red walls and black tiles that appeared in his eyes from time to time, there was always something weird in his heart, as if he had forgotten something?
What's the matter?

Fang Jun scratched his head and thought about it for a long time before he remembered why.

Because the name Samurai Yu sounds familiar...

But after thinking about it, no matter his past or present life, he was sure that he didn't know this person, but why was he so familiar?
What else is there to forget?

Samurai Yu?
Should the prince?

Wu Shi... Wu Shi!
A flash of light suddenly flashed in Fang Jun's mind, and his whole body seemed to be struck by a thunder, and he was suddenly struck by the thunder, and he cried out loudly!

Princess Gao Yang was surrounded by a group of palace maids and just walked a few steps, when she heard this earth-shattering howl, she was so frightened that she trembled all over, her legs became weak, she almost fell into a fart, and she suddenly became furious. , stopped in his footsteps, turned around and shouted at Fang Jun who was not far away: "I'm going to die, what a ghost!"

Fang Jun ignored her at all, the whole person was already stupid...

In the whole ancient society, the concept of male superiority and inferiority of women has always been dominant, and women were bound and oppressed by feudal ethics, and their status was extremely low.

Relatively speaking, Tang Dynasty women were lucky.

They were in the prosperous period of the feudal society, and it was an "open" society. The characteristics of their openness were not only reflected in the political system, ethnic policy, diplomatic relations, etc., but also in the folk etiquette and marriage system.They were subjected to relatively few feudal shackles and oppression. They had changed from the past traditions of not showing their teeth when crying, standing without obeying the door, and walking without showing their faces, and their social status was relatively high.

In such an era, many outstanding women emerged. Thousands of years later, people still talk about their names and their deeds.

Empress Changsun, Wu Zetian, Princess Gaoyang, Shangguan Wan'er, Princess Taiping, Yang Yuhuan, Xue Tao, Yu Xuanji...

They have their own characteristics, and in this open era, they compete for beauty.

However, the most legendary ones are Wu Zetian and Princess Gaoyang.

Fang Jun wanted to cry, but he was silent and two tears, and he thought of scolding mother in his ears...

You thief, are you trying to kill me? !

Make Princess Gao Yang my wife, let my buddies always beware of the hat changing color, and bear the risk of being instigated by the girls to rebel... That's all, but why did you get another Wu Meimei?

I not only have to guard against my wife stealing the monk, but also guard against whether my concubine will strangle my daughter and put the blame on my wife. Killed her own son and changed the name of the head of the household on the household registration book to herself...

Why does this keep people alive?

Brother's sadness has turned into a river...

(End of this chapter)

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