Tiantang Splendid

Chapter 456 National Strategy

Chapter 456 National Strategy

Flowers do not have a hundred days of red, and people do not have a thousand days of good.

"The prosperous will decline, the decline will prosper. This is the eternal governance, and the same is true for the country... If a country wants to become strong, it must formulate a long-term strategy, and then unswervingly implement it. National strategy , distinguish between inside and outside, inside and outside are different, and complement each other, once it is formulated, it cannot be changed overnight, otherwise it will be abandoned halfway, and it will be a waste of national resources.”

"In my opinion, the external strategy is actually very simple. You can't let those powerful enemy countries weaken, let alone those weak countries that operate little by little, and finally become stronger! Use all resources, use all Means, plan ahead, seize the opportunity, participate in the internal affairs of the enemy country, let the powerful fall apart, let the weak have to rely on me, and take full control! If I can really do this, it will be enough to make me big. Tang is always invincible."

Although Fang Jun in his previous life did not have a prominent official position, he was not Amon under Wu. He also had a variety of ways to obtain information and was very timely, so he knew the situation at home and abroad.

This kind of policy that Lao Mei has pursued since he founded the country has played it very smoothly...

Firmly grasp the political and financial affairs of a small country, let you live and die, and let you die, how dare you not follow the lead of the old American horse and let it be driven?
As for the superpower, it will unite with the small countries controlled by itself to encircle it geographically, implement all-round sanctions and suppression in the economy, technology, etc., and constantly weaken the national strength of the enemy country.

This is a road to great power hegemony...

As far as the current Datang is concerned, it is fully capable of taking this road.

Of course, the premise is that the arrogance of the Chinese people must be reversed.Confidence is a good thing, but conceit can easily make the strategy of an entire country go fundamentally wrong.

"There are only eternal interests between countries. As long as they are an opponent of interest, they are enemies. As long as they are enemies, no matter whether they are strong or weak, we must treat them equally and maintain the highest vigilance at all times!"

Fang Jun said so.

Li Chengqian and Liu Rengui were shocked and dazed...

This kind of thinking completely subverts their recognition of state relations, but after chewing on the three flavors, they find it really makes sense.

Fang Jun sneered again: "Last year, not only did the Japanese country come to pay tribute, but also Linyi, Silla, Zhenwa and other countries sent envoys to the Tang Dynasty to meet the emperor, say a few beautiful words, praise the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty, and verbally express their loyalty. , and every time, Your Majesty will be very happy, rewarding a lot of silver, treasure, and a lot of good things..."

Li Chengqian was taken aback: "Erlang, be careful! The father and the emperor are like this, but they are promoting the grandeur of the Tang Dynasty to the people outside the world. Why do you seem to disagree?"

"Hehe, how dare you disapprove? It's only now that I know that a country's arrogance is displayed in this way... I was thinking, those barbarians who were shocked by the Tang Dynasty's arrogance are now clamoring at home. Send another group of messengers to pay tribute. If I were a barbarian, I would like to send twelve waves of messengers to Tang Dynasty every year to hand over a book of the country, kowtow a few times, say a few nice words, and let the great people go every month. His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty felt the supreme glory of the kingdom of heaven, and felt the loyal submission from the people outside the world, and then took away the reward that may be equivalent to the wealth of the entire country... How cost-effective is this?"

Fang Jun turned on the mocking mode and mocked him to his heart's content. Anyway, there were only three people here. Li Chengqian wouldn't go to His Majesty Li Er to complain about this trivial matter. Liu Rengui was his confidant and would never betray him.

These words are like sticking in the throat, do not spit unpleasantly.As early as in his last life, Fang Jun was amused by the tributary system of the Central Plains Dynasty, which was so hilarious.

Liu Renjiu thought deeply for a moment and nodded silently, feeling that what Fang Jun said made sense.

Those goods are taxed by the common people, and they are used to support the royal family. This is justifiable, and there is nothing to say, but it is a little unreasonable to reward just a few small foreign countries with a few beautiful words.

Li Chengqian smiled helplessly and said: "You, you, how can you change your temper? It's not just the father who did this. Since the beginning of the Han Dynasty, hasn't it been like this in all dynasties?"

"In the past, the Xiongnu occupied Shuofang, and they rushed over if they won. If they didn't win, they would get more benefits. They were gold and silver treasures, and they were princesses and relatives. After a few hundred years, my Han people were killed. , is also jokingly called the two-legged sheep, allowing the barbarians to slaughter. The strategy has not changed, the emperor's thinking is still the same, I really don't understand how he is so embarrassed to brag all day long to show that the grand and prosperous world..."

Fang Jun was very depressed today, drinking glass after glass of wine, talking more and more, and more and more carefree.

Li Chengqian refused to agree with these remarks: "Isn't the two different before and after? The Japanese slaves are only the most small country, and even if they turn their faces in the future, they will only be a disease of scabies. How can they be compared with the Xiongnu in the Han Dynasty?"

"A disease of scabies?" Fang Jun squinted at him.He sneered: "Huo Yu rode Hu Qianli to seal the wolf's house, and Dou Xian broke the Xiongnu Le Shi Yanran. At that time, did we ever imagine that we would be slaughtered by the Xiongnu one day?"

"This" Li Chengqian was speechless.

The Japanese country looks very weak and docile now, but can you guarantee that they will not be a scourge in the future?Huo Qubing killed the Xiongnu and the blood flowed into rivers. Everyone in the world believed that the Huns could not make a good climate, and Dou Xian broke the Nan Shanyu and expelled the Xiongnu for three thousand miles.

But wasn't it the Huns who were the first to raise the butcher's knife when the Five Husbands were in chaos?

Fang Jun also knows that he can't actually change anything at this time...

He can convey his voice, but it is impossible for His Majesty Li Er to change his mind. This is the worldview formed by the ruling class dominated by Confucianism for a long time. It is not a day's cold to freeze three feet, and a drop of water to penetrate a stone is not a day's work. Gong, a country's policy cannot be changed because of one person.

Unless, this person is the emperor...

But do you want to rebel in the prosperous times of Zhenguan in the Tang Dynasty?
Fang Jun has neither this ambition nor this confidence...

Just facing the status quo, helpless Tucao.

If it can have some influence on Liu Rengui, the future star, it will be enough.

As for Li Chengqian... This man has not even been firmly seated as the prince, so he doesn't dare to talk nonsense, what can he expect from him?

Fang Jun was a little drunk, and he couldn't hold back the words, so he said: "Today, the Japanese country is learning from me and learning from the Tang Dynasty everywhere, which seems to be gentle and obedient. Those rotten Confucians in my Tang Dynasty hall are all about benevolence and moral education. However, one does not know that there is a common saying among the people: "Teach the apprentice to starve the teacher and the father to death. This does not mean that we should close our doors and think we are strong." Sunshine. This world is always changing and developing. We should educate the whole world while developing. That’s right. But this edification is not influenced by virtue! Those barbarians who drink blood, What is benevolence in being so cold? For them, only iron and blood can be effective! Rende is only an auxiliary means, but it must not be used as the leader of education..."

Just as he was talking about this, the guards of the East Palace outside the door suddenly came in to report, saying that the guards in Fang Jun's house had something to report.

Li Chengqian waved his hand and asked him to bring people in.

The visitor is Xi Junmai.

As soon as Xi Jun bought into the house, he first saw Liu Rengui, and was slightly surprised. He didn't know why he was here, and then he knelt down on one knee and reported, "Master Hou, the guards guarding the new house in the south of the city just came to report, magic machine. The battalion suddenly surrounded the new houses, ignoring the warnings of the remaining guards, expelled all the guards, and took all the new houses for themselves. "

The new house in his mouth was the wild forest on the north side of the Shenji Camp, where Fang Jun ordered people to build a house.


The white porcelain wine glass was thrown on the ground all the time, and it shattered in an instant, and the fragments splashed.

Fang Jun got up in anger: "Zhang Sunchong, bully me Fang Jun so far!"

After saying this, he bowed his hands to Li Chengqian: "Wei Chen wants that eldest grandson Chong to ask for an explanation, and I will leave now!" Before Li Chengqian could dissuade him, he got up and left the table and went out.

Liu Rengui did not hesitate and immediately followed him.

Li Chengqian suddenly had a great headache and cursed in his heart: What the hell is Changsun Chong doing?

After thinking about it, he did not follow Fang Jun, but left the room and went back to the East Palace.

But these people didn't know that just after they left, in the elegant room next door, a heroic middle-aged man dressed in a brocade robe also smashed his wine glass angrily and cursed: "Fang Jun, this son has no eyes. Come on, damn it!"

(End of this chapter)

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