Tiantang Splendid

Chapter 461

Chapter 461

After saying that, he glanced coldly at Zhang Jin who was still lying in the snow not far away, lowered his head and shouted to the eldest grandson: "I don't have the strength to drag you to the Taiji Palace, you got up and followed me, or I let me let you go. Binding your hands and letting the warhorses drag you away?"

It would be too much to drag Changsun Chong all the way to the Tai Chi Palace.

Not to mention that Changsun Chong would be shameless for the rest of his life, and Changsun Wuji had to fight Fang Jun to the death in order to protect the face of the Changsun family.Even His Majesty Li Er must be so embarrassed and angry that it is impossible to let him go...

Now this matter, how can it be said that the eldest grandson is in the wrong, although I overreacted a little, but who called us Fang Jun?Bangchui, Lengchen, [-]... These nicknames are not for you to call in vain. If you don't do this, then are we still Fang Jun?
When the eldest grandson heard this, he was so frightened that he quickly got up from the ground. His handsome little white face was already filthy, and his whole body was in a mess. Where was the demeanor of an aristocratic family?Embarrassed to the extreme!

But he didn't dare not to stand up, this mallet acted without any scruples, if he really tied himself to a horse's tail, it would become a ridicule for the whole city of Chang'an.Although it is embarrassing now, after all, it is only inside the Shenji Camp, and the situation is still within the controllable range...

Fang Jun glanced coldly at the soldiers of the Shenji Battalion who were still hesitating, and shouted loudly, "Hurry up and get out of here!"

With this shout, the soldiers of the Shenji Battalion woke up like a dream, looked at each other, then ran away with a "hula", and dispersed in a hurry. They looked at each other in dismay, not daring to abandon their eldest son Chong.

Changsun Chong stared blankly at the scene in front of him, and suddenly became disheartened and sad.

I spent my time trying to take full control of the magic camp, but in the end, it made the military distracted.If he had known this earlier, why would he have smugly robbed the magic camp from Fang Jun's hands?
It's really self-inflicted...

Liu Ren took a step forward, and said with a worried face: "Master Hou, is this... a bit too much?"

Although he appreciates Fang Jun's rude style, Liu Rengui, after all, is mature and prudent, and is very worried about Fang Jun.After all, Changsun Chong was the eldest son of Changsun Wuji, His Majesty's son-in-law, and a general of the army. To be humiliated by Fang Jun like this, the impact was really bad.

As for Xi Junmai and a group of personal soldiers, they looked at Fang Jun with shining eyes, and their admiration was like a surging river...

Too bad!
As expected of a big club in the rampant pass...

Especially the scene of dragging Changsun Chong in the snow just by dragging a dead dog, the shock to everyone was too great!
What about the son of the first official of the dynasty?What about the emperor's son-in-law?What about the commander of the Shenji Camp?I have provoked our Lord Hou, and I will teach you how to be a man in minutes!
Fang Jun looked back at the lost Changsun Chong, and said with a sneer, "Changsun's concubine, please!"

Changsun Chong followed behind Fang Jun blankly...

A gust of cold wind blew, and the fine snowflakes flew up again. The pavilions and buildings of the entire Chang'an City were rendered more and more confused by the snow, as if they were covered with a layer of mist. A bit poetic.

The snow this winter is much smaller than last year, but it is also much more frequent. Often, the winter sun was shining before, and a gust of north wind brought a cloud, which was a fluttering light snow.

However, this level of snowfall will not have an impact on the livelihood of the people, and it will not happen in the past that the houses are collapsed and covered with snow. Instead, many pests in the fields will freeze to death, and the land will be properly supplemented with rainfall. Next spring , it must be a good year...

Taiji Palace, Lizheng Hall.

His Majesty Li Er just took off his fur coat and changed into a refreshing and convenient uniform. He sat on the Taishi chair, holding a tea cup and drinking fragrant tea comfortably.

Leaning on the back of the chair, the back was supported, and the whole person relaxed, and couldn't help but secretly praised, Fang Jun's bastard, although there are all kinds of bad things, but this head is absolutely good, after pondering these ideas in his hands Seemingly inconspicuous gadgets, but often more add to the taste of life.

Li Junxian appeared silently at the entrance of the main hall, and before he had time to report, he was discovered by the sharp-eyed Second Majesty Li, and beckoned to let him come in without hesitation.

As soon as he came to the second Majesty Li, Li Junxian knelt down on one knee and replied, "Your Majesty, the conflict over the wild woods has ended, but the Marquis of Xinxiang is probably not willing to give up, and has already taken the eldest grandson's concubine to the Taiji Palace. Here, I want His Majesty Chrysostom to make a decision and seek justice."

"Let's talk about the process before and after." His Majesty Li Er was drinking tea leisurely.

Li Junxian was about to tell the news of "Hundred Riders" in great detail, but he did not comment on a word or a word, and he was completely narrating the facts.Just kidding, other people may not know the status of those two in His Majesty's heart, how could Li Junxian, who is always with you, not know?It can be said that these two are the representatives of the second generation of nobles and nobles that His Majesty values ​​most. No surprise, they will definitely be reused in the future. If you are slightly biased, you are very likely to cause trouble for yourself...

His Majesty Li Er listened to Li Junxian's narration. He did not express his anger, but sighed deeply at the plot of Fang Jun cutting off the shoulder of the captain of the Shenji Camp and dragging the eldest grandson in the snow. He sighed, a trace of disappointment on his face.

When the servants of the Fang family went to Songhe Tower to report the letter, His Majesty Li Er was in the next room. It can be said that he knew the cause and effect. Now he knows the ins and outs, and the whole thing is under his control.

The reason why he didn't come forward to mediate was actually because he was thinking of taking the exam.

He has always valued the eldest grandson Chong very much, and he also loves this nephew and son-in-law very much. grow up.

But the house is an anomaly.

It is undeniable that His Majesty Li Er's initial impression of the Fang family was not good or bad.

In the eyes of His Majesty Li Er, it's not a big deal, whether it's a matter of leading a school without birth or not learning a skill.He has no ability, and he is simple and honest. Although he can't be entrusted with important responsibilities, he can't cause any trouble. Since he is the son of Fang Xuanling, then I will give him a lifetime of wealth and honor and marry Princess Gaoyang to him. Give Fang Xuanling an explanation...

After all, Fang Xuanling has worked for me for so many years, and has always been loyal and loyal to the humerus, but several sons are not talented. Marrying a princess and becoming a royal family member can also keep the wealth for several generations.

But I never thought that this Fang family suddenly seemed to be enlightened overnight, and what he did was simply astounding!
Only then did His Majesty Li Er put Fang Jun in the same position as Changsun Chong.

However, His Majesty Li Er still thinks that Changsun Chong is better. At least Changsun Chong's steady behavior and modest attitude towards others are more in line with the customs of the officialdom, and are more easily accepted by others, and his future achievements will definitely be greater. .

Therefore, he handed over the most valued magical camp to Changsun Chong. Although there was Changsun Wuji's affection, it was more of His Majesty Li Er's approval of Changsun Chong.

However, after the eldest grandson rushed into the main camp of the gods, some of the actions made His Majesty Li Er dissatisfied.

Therefore, this time, he watched the conflict with a cold eye, just wanting to take a good look at who is the stronger young Junyan among the two nobles!
The ending speaks for itself...

Hundreds of soldiers from the Shenji Battalion were standing around, but they could not help Fang Jun at all. Instead, they were severely humiliated by Fang Jun, which disappointed His Majesty Li Er.

At the same time, Fang Jun and Changsunchong came to the main entrance of Taiji Palace, but one was in front and the other behind, one was arrogant and the other was downcast...

When he arrived at the main entrance of Taiji Palace, Fang Jun did not ask to see him, but turned around and came to the side door, where there was a drum standing on a stone pedestal.

Huang Benji's "Official List of Past Dynasties" contains: "In the Tang Dynasty, lung stones and Dengwen drums were placed in the east and west halls. Those who have grievances who cannot stand up for themselves should stand on the lung stones, or Lao Dengwen drums. Those who set up the stone are played by the left prison guard. Listen, the Lao drummer's right guard guard played it."

This Dengwen drum is not only in front of the county yamen in Chang'an and Wannian counties, but also in front of the Taiji Palace.

It's just that the drum in front of the Taiji Palace is equivalent to a decoration. How much grievance does it take to come here to beat the drum and complain?Besides, this drum is not something you can beat if you want to. Haven't you seen two teams of guards from the Imperial Palace standing straight on both sides of the Dengwen drum...

While the guards were dumbfounded, Fang Jun took square steps, picked up the red silk-wrapped drumstick, and beat the Dengwen drum vigorously.

Your Majesty please judge?
Don't talk about it. Last time, we deprived us of the position of admiral of Shenji Camp without saying a word. Obviously, it is relatives and family. This time we will not play this with you.

He's going to sue the imperial court!
 Today, I am running around, and I am full of trivial matters. Although I have the heart to update a lot, it is a shame that people can’t help themselves in the red world.

What, so sour! ~! ~Hahaha, gentlemen, the Japanese son of tomorrow will work hard and bear with me.

(End of this chapter)

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