Tiantang Splendid

Chapter 478 Dig a hole for you

Chapter 478 Dig a hole for you
Shoulders are aligned, brothers.

It's ugly, but it's brutally true...

Is there anything more precious than friendship in this world?

If the answer is "yes", then it is indeed very sad and unacceptable, but the reality is, really "yes"...

is "reality".

Different locations, different circles, different lives, and different experiences lead to different concepts.

The distinction between high and low has led to the alienation of the two sides. Whether it is because of self-esteem or one side is thinking of the other side, in short, this gap makes the distance between the two parties farther and farther.Lions and cats in the same cat family can never be companions, because they see different worlds because of their different heights.

How many good brothers and good buddies who are comparable to siblings will part ways because of differences in wealth and status?
This unfortunate reality makes me feel helpless.

Even if you don't want to admit it, don't be hypocritical, this is the reality...

Li Siwen belongs to the kind of heartless and heartless person. The brother he recognizes will be a brother for the rest of his life.However, the words of Cheng Chubi, who had always had a few words in his heart, caused a ripple in Li Siwen's heart, which was somewhat uncomfortable.

But he is not stupid.

In fact, these sons and brothers who came from prestigious and noble families have received the highest quality education since childhood. As long as they are not born with brain disabilities, none of them are really stupid.Even if the response was slower, it might have been a loss at the time, but when I turned around, I could understand the reason.

Shoulders are aligned, brothers.

The shoulders are uneven, maybe the friendship is still there, but that's called a follower...

Li Siwen raised his head and silently looked at the carved partition above the corridor.

Are you following Fang Jun's footsteps?

This is a bit difficult...

Thinking back on Fang Jun's changes in the past two years, and chewing on it carefully, Li Siwen, who has always been too lazy to use his brain, suddenly found that this guy who was the most rambunctious guy in the past has made a great deal without knowing it. 's business.

Of course, limited by his vision, there are many measures that Fang Jun thinks can change the era, but Li Siwen sees them as means of making money, or inconspicuous tricks that he doesn't see.

However, just leading the Shenji battalion to the Western Regions and defeating the Turkic wolf rider in two successive wars was enough to make him look up.

After the establishment of the Tang Dynasty, there have been constant foreign wars, but against the Turks, the former overlord of the grasslands, there are only a handful of famous generals who can win such a neat and tidy victory.

His father Li Ji counted as one, Wei Gong Li Jing counted as one, and Hou Junji's opponents were all barbarians from the Western Regions, which was innumerable.

And now, Fang Jun is also a...

Fang Jun is galloping across the Western Regions, what is he doing?

Still messing around in the Sixteenth Guardian...

This gap is so big now, won't it be a world of difference in the future?
Trying to catch up?This is easy to say, but it is too difficult.The key is that Li Siwen feels that there is no need to spend that effort, no matter how well he gets along, no matter how much the government saves, do we still have the talent of the chieftain, and can one person be able to stand above ten thousand people and be a high-ranking official?
Since you have to find a mountain sooner or later, why don't you use Fang Jun as your backer?Anyway, it's all a brotherhood, so can that fellow treat him badly?Judging from Fang Jun's current state of affairs, as well as His Majesty's overt and secret maintenance of him, it is conceivable that in the future he will be a big boss in the DPRK and China.

Don't look at the fact that His Majesty took the Shenji Camp from him, and turned it over to Changsun Chong. However, the court was full of civil and military affairs, and few people were optimistic about Changsun Chong.Li Ji has said more than once at home that the more His Majesty treats Fang Jun, the more ingrained the guilt in his heart. Now it seems that Fang Jun has suffered a loss, but there will be more benefits in the future.

Again, if the emperor knew that you were at a loss, then you would definitely not really be at a loss...

It is to keep up with Fang Jun's pace, but not to catch up, nor to surpass, but to have this shield that will grow into a towering tree to shield him from the wind and rain, what more can he ask for?

Having figured this out, Li Siwen just had a little bit of pride and ambition in his heart and disappeared in an instant.

Even a little complacent, how smart I am, I suddenly thought of a good way to do it once and for all...

The three people in the elegant room get along well.

It's just that Lu Dongzan was a little puzzled: "What does Erlang mean by this?"

Friends have the friendship of mutual wealth, but do not know how to "connect"?

Fang Jun pretended to have a mysterious smile, lowered his voice and said, "Mo has a secret recipe for highland barley wine in his hand. I wonder if Da Xiang would be interested?"

Highland barley is a unique food in the snow area, and has been the staple food of Tibetans for generations.

Logically speaking, highland barley is just an ordinary food, but because it grows on a mysterious plateau, it is endowed with some mysterious colors, and its growing environment is pure and natural with very little pollution. It is sought after...

Fang Jun was a petty bureaucrat before he crossed over. What should a petty bureaucrat do?

Not to maintain performance, not to focus on self-cultivation, but to improve the relationship with superiors...

The superior said you can do it, but you can do it!
This is not a joke, but a time-honored tradition in the officialdom. If you don’t have a good relationship with your leaders, who will speak for you when it’s critical, who will give you a hand, and how can you make progress?
As a top student in agriculture, nature has some unique tricks to draw closer and lead the relationship.Gift-giving is also a learned thing. It is undeniable that many officials are only serious about gold and silver, but even these people know that it is vulgar that they are always tinkering with tickets all day long. No one does not yearn for elegance, and no one does not advocate health.

Therefore, not long before the time-travel, Fang Jun asked for a recipe for highland barley wine from his university tutor, and he also had a little understanding of highland barley wine.After returning, I bought some highland barley rice on the Internet, secretly made a few jars of highland barley wine, and sent it to the city leaders.

It's a pity, seeing that there was an opportunity to be promoted to the Standing Committee recently, the leader also stated that he would recommend his name at the municipal committee meeting.Under normal circumstances, the so-called personnel meeting is just too long. Unless there is a competitive situation, the opinion of the supervisor is actually equivalent to the final decision.

It's a pity, sometimes in life you have to have it, you can't force it all the time in your life, and you actually darn crossed...

But fortunately, I remembered the uncomplicated formula clearly.

In a very secret box in his study, there is a notebook cut out of rice paper and bound, on which he recorded some memories of his previous life in English.He was afraid that as the time traveled longer and longer, the memories of those permanent memories would become weaker and weaker, so he used a pen to record what he remembered.

Any inconspicuous memory in the past life may bring earth-shaking influence to this era...

Among them, there is this highland barley wine recipe.

Lu Dongzan was a little stunned, and then he looked a little hesitant: "Qingbarley wine? We have had it very early in Tubo..."

Co-authoring with you, you look down on our Tubos so much?
Our environment is a little harsher and life is a little more difficult, but our history is also very long, so you don't need to be much worse than the Han people!You city people look down on it, this is understandable, but do you think we Tibetan people can't even brew wine?

Deceiving too much!

"Hehe, why should Da Xiang be so annoyed? This kid is just a stick, dumbfounded, and can't even speak. Tubo people naturally know how to make wine, but when this king says something, Da Xiang doesn't like to listen to it. The kid is most gifted with these ingenious things, he said that he has a recipe for highland barley wine, then the highland barley wine brewed with this recipe must be better than yours now!"

Li Xiaogong smiled and smoothed the game.

Lu Dongzan pondered for a while, and thought it made sense. Is it truer than this club?

Am I not having a hard time...

"Since Erlang has a recipe, he can brew it himself. I wonder how I can help you?"

"What can you do to help, that's a big deal!" Fang Jun was obviously very excited, grabbing Lu Dongzan's bony shoulders, and bewitched with bright eyes: "I said you Tubo people, your vision is narrow! At night, I think about occupying a piece of land in the east and a city in the west, and I won’t be able to manage it, even if all the land under the sky is occupied by the Tibetans, what’s the use of it?”

Lu Dongzan was displeased: "Erlang, how can I allow you to comment on the national policy of Tubo?"

"Whoops, why are you angry? Listen to someone tell you..."

(End of this chapter)

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