Tiantang Splendid

Chapter 4850 Peace Talks

Chapter 4850 Peace Talks
The waves rolled, the tides rose and fell, and the devastated battlefield had returned to normal in just one day. When the bow of the "Prince of Wei" broke through the rippling sea and arrived outside the port of Shilafu, all the merchant ships from various countries gathered outside the port took the initiative to retreat. Many people witnessed the fierce scene of the naval battle yesterday with their own eyes, and they couldn't help but feel fear for the strength, ferocity and arrogance shown by the Tang Dynasty navy.

Who could have imagined that the port of Shiloh, which was home to hundreds of Arab warships, would be annihilated and defeated in one battle?
The consequence of this battle was that the Arab navy in the entire Persian Gulf was completely wiped out, and the Tang Navy, which guarded the gateway to the Persian Gulf, became the "talking point" in this sea area...

Near noon, a speedboat in the port of Shilof sailed forward and approached the side of the "King of Wei", which was as tall and majestic as a fortress on the water. Due to the huge height difference between the two ships, they could only lower a hanging basket from the "King of Wei", knock the governor of Shilof into the basket, and then hoist him up with a rope...

Abu Awal did not feel any humiliation. The moment he arrived in front of the "King of Wei", he was impressed by this majestic and invincible warship. He looked up from his small boat at the curved side of the ship and the tightly closed windows on both sides of the side. Recalling the scene of dozens of cannons roaring and flames spurting through these windows last night, he felt depressed as if a stone was falling.

When I was hoisted onto the side of the ship and stood on the deck, looking at the broad deck of the warship, the white sails lowered on the huge masts, the cannons covered with gun covers, and all kinds of unprecedented ordnance neatly laid out in piles, the fear from the bottom of my heart was almost unstoppable.

The scene of this gigantic battleship destroying the "ship formation" with ease and being unstoppable last night came to my mind again. A single ship against a "ship formation" composed of dozens of ships was still invincible and unbreakable. So how many such ships are there in the Tang Dynasty?
How did the Tang people build such huge warships?

What exactly was the Tang people's firearms like? How could they have such devastating power?
The Tang people were not necessarily more robust than the Arabs, but why were they so brave, so fierce, and so disciplined in their actions when fighting?

Considering the defeat suffered by Caliph Muawiyah in Suiye City and the disastrous defeat in the Battle of Shiraf Port, is the Tang Dynasty really invincible?

He asked Buser who was following him in confusion: "Why is the Tang Dynasty so powerful?"

In fact, the current Arab Empire knows a lot about the Tang Empire. As the two superpowers continue to expand, they have had a lot of contact in military, trade, culture and other aspects. The Tang Dynasty's system, finance, military and other aspects are the areas that the Arab Empire pays the most attention to.

Everyone knew that the Tang Dynasty was strong, but it was beyond Abu Awal's expectation that it was this strong. In terms of shipbuilding technology and firearms manufacturing alone, the Tang Dynasty could crush the Arab Empire...

Buser disagreed and whispered, "When I was young, I lived in Suiye City for a period of time. I also followed my father and grandfather to the Western Regions and other places for business, so I have some understanding of the Han people. The name "Han people" is said to come from the powerful Han Dynasty. The fierce Xiongnu in the north often invaded the territory of the Han Dynasty and were eventually defeated by the Han Dynasty. They had to migrate with their entire clan. They went all the way west to Pannonia, and then conquered Alans, Ostrogoths, Visigoths, and Germanic tribes. Their emperor was Attila, who was called the "Scourge of God"... But before the name "Han people" appeared, they had already multiplied in the eastern land for thousands of years and created a brilliant culture, calling themselves "Huaxia". Compared with us Arabs, they have a longer history and have always been at the top of civilization. When our ancestors were still eating raw meat and drinking blood and living in caves, they had already begun to build city-states, organize armies, and start the process of civilization."

"China" has always been at the top of civilization, with thousands of years of heritage so profound, how can the Arabs compare to it?
The Tang Empire’s prosperity was justified.

Abu Awal sighed quietly and said no more.


The two men boarded the deck, and Buyeo Long came to greet them wearing a helmet and armor. He smiled and bowed, saying, "I didn't expect to see the Governor again so soon. I wonder if you are still doing well, old friend?"

The interpreter translated this and Abu Awal's face twitched. You beat me up and then asked me if I was still okay?

The villain is successful.

But people have to bow their heads under the eaves, so they can only suppress their anger and say expressionlessly: "Life is difficult, and it is not easy to live. Let's just look forward to everything."

Fu Yulong laughed and stopped showing off. He turned slightly and said, "Please!"

He walked ahead and led Abu Awal into the cabin.

The cabin was covered with thick Persian carpets. Dozens of candles as thick as arms were lit together, illuminating the entire cabin as bright as day. Ambergris burned in the copper stove in the corner. In the middle was a huge sandalwood table with exquisitely shaped chairs placed on both sides. On the table were exquisite porcelain plates, bowls, saucers, and pots...

Abu Awal was dazzled. This place was so exquisite and luxurious that it seemed like the Caliph's bedroom.

Yang Zhou, who was wearing a round-collared official uniform and a bun, did not stand up. He sat at the head of the long table with a majestic posture. Without waiting for Fu Yulong to introduce him, he waved his hand with a smile: "This must be the governor, right? Come on, come on, don't be shy, take a seat quickly. The Tang Dynasty is a country of etiquette, and the tradition of hospitality has a long history. We can be said to be acquainted with each other through fighting. Let's sit down and chat together."

Abu Awal glanced at Buser, who quickly stepped forward and translated in a low voice. Abu Awal then nodded and sat expressionlessly on the other side of the long table, while Buser and Fu Yulong sat on both sides respectively.

Yang Zhou clapped his hands, and his personal soldiers came in one after another carrying dishes. Exquisite dishes were placed on the long table, one by one, with all the delicious colors, aromas and flavors.

Fu Yulong stood up and took a jar of fine wine, broke the mud seal, and the rich aroma of the wine instantly filled the cabin, covering the aroma of the dishes, and filled the white porcelain wine cups for several people.

Yang Zhou smiled and raised his glass, saying, "Let's have a drink, and then talk while we eat."

Abu Awal raised his glass and took a sip. He almost choked and vomited. In order not to be impolite, he tried hard to hold it in, and his face turned red.

What is this drink?!

It was so spicy that it felt like my mouth and stomach were on fire after taking a bite...

Yang Zhou put down his wine cup, took a bite of food and ate it, then called Abu Awal: "Governor, you are not used to drinking Tang Dynasty's white wine? Haha, to be honest, this kind of wine is made by a 'wise man' in our Tang Dynasty using a unique process. Even Tang people may not be used to it at first, but once they can appreciate its charm and sweetness, they will never be able to live without it. Come on, eat some food to suppress the taste of the wine."

Abu Awal sat still, not because he didn't want to eat, but because he found that there were only two thin wooden sticks on the plate in front of him. He knew that they were called "chopsticks", but he didn't know how to use them...

The custom of the Arabs is to eat with their hands. He has always considered this to be the pride of the Arabs and the most noble custom. But for some reason, facing the delicacies on the table today, he felt that it would be extremely rude to eat with his hands...

So he eats nothing.

"I came here today to discuss post-war matters with the general. Once everything is settled, it won't be too late for me to host a banquet for the general in the Governor's Mansion."

Buser was translating on the side. Yang Zhou nodded and put down his chopsticks. He said, "I don't think there is any need to discuss this matter. The conditions for the truce of the Tang Dynasty have been submitted to the governor. The governor can just act according to the rules."

Abu Awal shook his head repeatedly: "How can that be possible? There is no way I can agree to such conditions."

Yang Zhou's expression immediately changed, and he said unhappily: "Since it is impossible to agree, then why did the Governor come here? The conditions of the Tang Dynasty cannot be changed. If you don't agree, then I will lead the army to get it myself! Come on, show him away!"


Several strong and armored soldiers rushed in from outside the door, staring at Abu Awal with murderous eyes.

Buser panicked and said hurriedly: "General, calm down, we can talk about anything!"

Abu Awal looked at this assistant who was always known for his wit with depression. He wondered why he was so stupid today. Couldn't he see that this was the negotiation tactic of the Tang people?

He sighed and said helplessly, "The rest is easy to talk about, but 'most favored nation treatment' is absolutely impossible, because this matter needs to be reported to the Caliph. Once the Caliph knows about the defeat at Shiraf Port, he will be furious. Not only will he immediately dismiss me as the governor, but he will also immediately summon troops and warships to fight the Tang army to the death. The Caliph will never allow anyone to show off his power on the land of the Arab Empire."

Yang Zhou understood Abu Awal's intention. The reason why he came to negotiate so impatiently was to resolve the matter before the news of defeat reached Damascus. Then he would take the contract and taxes to the Caliph to apologize, and the Caliph might show leniency to him for the sake of the taxes.

Once the negotiations require the Caliph's decision, then regardless of whether peace talks are ultimately reached or not, Abu Awal will not be able to keep his position as governor, even if he is offered money.

As for Yang Zhou and the Tang Dynasty, Abu Awal's lifeline is now in the hands of the enemy, and it will do more good than harm for him to continue to serve as the governor of Shiraf Port.

Yang Zhou made a concession: "At least Shiluofu Port must recognize this 'most favored nation treatment'. In the future, the trade between the Tang Dynasty and Shiluofu Port will impose the lowest tax rate on each other. Don't think that you will lose tax revenue. Although the tax rate has been reduced, it will also attract more Tang merchant ships to come to Shiluofu Port for trade. In the past, it was 30% or even 40% of the tax, but in the future it will be 10% of the tax. In the end, you will still earn more."

Abu Awal was stunned. He was not good at math, so how could he calculate like this?

He looked at Boothel.

Buser nodded repeatedly: "General, you are right. As long as the trade volume between Shiluofu Port and the Tang Dynasty increases, even if the tax rate decreases, the actual tax collected will only increase and not decrease."

Abu Awal couldn't figure it out for a moment, but he looked at Buser suspiciously. Could it be that this guy was bribed by the Tang Dynasty?

It seems like every sentence is biased towards the Tang people, which is really inexplicable...

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