Tiantang Splendid

Chapter 49

Chapter 49
The Fang family is not bad. If the host who visits one day is relatively cold, or is a retro lover, he may not even have a couch, and there are several seats on the floor, please…

This way of kneeling, squatting, and sitting upright is the most solemn and dignified sitting posture.

In formal occasions, if there is a superior and superior sitting in front of him, then the junior or inferior can only abuse himself like this.If this senior boss has the heart to treat people, he can nag and lecture you while ordering you to keep your sitting posture, watching your leg muscles press blood vessels, causing your waist and knees to become numb and dizzy, and you will fall down once a while. After a while, I fell down again and again, until I fainted and the whole thing was over...

If you want to avoid this painful experience, it is best to get close to the host in front of you.The flattery is enough. Before I fainted from kneeling, the host kindly suggested that we should be informal and loose... So the two sides changed their sitting positions, pulled their legs out from under their bodies, and folded them in front of them. "Sitting in a hut" or "sitting in a folded position" is like the sitting posture of the statues of the great Bodhisattvas in Buddhism.

For most of the ancients, sitting cross-legged was already a relatively relaxed and comfortable posture. If you stay on the couch or on the ground for a few hours, the pears are not big.

Fang Jun is a modern person who has passed through. How can he stand it when he is used to chairs?I just sat for a while and said a few words, my hips hurt, my waist was sore, and my whole body couldn't stop wilting...

Fortunately, Li Ke was very knowledgeable and knowledgeable. As soon as he saw Fang Jun's state, he knew that he couldn't stand this, so he laughed, stretched his limbs, and changed to a cross-legged sitting position.

Fang Jun breathed a sigh of relief and glanced at Li Siwen, who seemed to have a smooth bowel movement...

Qiao'er served tea, there were only three cups for the four of them, one in front of Li Ke, one in front of Uncle Cen Wen, and one in front of Li Siwen, and the young master...forget it, Erlang won't drink this.

Li Ke picked up the tea cup and took a sip at random. With a "huh", he praised: "This tea is well brewed, and it's not much better than the tea craftsman in the palace." Then he asked Qiao'er with a smile. : "But you cooked it?"

Qiao'er was a little dazzled by Li Ke's handsome smile, and she was careful that her liver was throbbing, her face flushed red, and she said shyly, "Yes... it was cooked by the slave family."

Li Ke smiled and said, "Not bad."

Qiao'er is almost dizzy, my God!Is His Royal Highness King Wu talking to himself?This is a virtuous king who is well-known in the court, a person with a literary style and a fairy-like character, he is really good-looking...

Fang Jun's face was darkened, looking at the pretty girl who was maddened, his heart was sour, and he waved his hand extremely unhappily: "Hurry down, what are you doing stupidly?"


Qiao'er responded, and she left her own Erlang full of resentment, and asked people to say a few more words, really...

Turn around and go back one step at a time.

Fang Jun looked at Li Ke and said, "The girl's family has never seen the world, so please don't blame your Highness."

Li Ke smiled and said, "This little maid is innocent and pure, like flowers and bones. It's too late for this king to be happy, so how could he blame him?"

Looking at the handsome smile on this guy's face, Fang Jun's heart skipped a beat. Could it be that this "everyone loves everyone, and the flowers bloom when the flowers bloom", His Royal Highness Wu has taken a fancy to Qiaoer?If I open my mouth to beg me, what should I do?

In these days, nobles exchanged, even begged, or presented a few maids, but Fang Jun couldn't accept this idea of ​​treating a person as a commodity.

He hurriedly shouted: "Is the hot pot ready?" Cover Li Ke's mouth first.

A servant trotted to the door and asked, "It's ready, dare to ask Erlang, is it served now?"

Fang Jun nodded and said, "That's how it is."

The servant answered and went back to the kitchen to inform.

Fang Jun stood up, moved the case table in front of him to the center, dragged the couch over, and said to the others, "Come here, move them here."

Several people were inexplicable, but they did not ask, and they all concocted according to the law.

After a while, the cooks of the two houses came in with a stove. Fang Jun instructed the two to put a tray filled with water on the table in the center, and then put the stove in the center of the tray... …

Li Ke and others had never seen such a strange stove, so they could not help but look carefully.

But seeing that the top of the stove is pointed, it is a round stove barrel, with a wide waist and abdomen in the middle, and a round belly suddenly appears, with two animal pattern pull rings on it, and a base below it, hollowed out. With the pattern, you can see the flaming charcoal fire inside, and the charcoal fire passes through the seemingly hollow belly, and occasionally a few sparks are seen escaping from the upper furnace barrel.

This furnace is made of brass, golden and dazzling, with delicate auspicious clouds and animal patterns, which is quite rich and noble.

Immediately afterwards, the cook brought dishes of dishes, verdant cabbage, chives, mallow, bright yellow bean sprouts, dark wild mushrooms, and red and white mutton.Especially the few plates of mutton, sliced ​​as thin as a cicada's wings, crystal clear, and it is expected that the appetite will be boosted.

It's a pity that they are all alive...

Although Li Ke and Uncle Cen Wen were surprised, they were too embarrassed to ask. Li Siwen was also a little dumbfounded and asked, "Fang Er, how do you eat this?"

Fang Jun smiled without saying a word. He stepped forward and grabbed the two animal-patterned buckles on the waist and abdomen of the copper furnace with both hands. He lifted it slightly and lifted it up. It turned out to be a cover.

Under the lid is a ring-shaped pot around the furnace. The water in it is already boiling and steaming white. Fang Jun poured the vegetables into a few plates, closed the lid, and said, "Open the pot and eat."

The pre-prepared sauces in a jar were distributed everywhere, and each person was divided.

How can you eat hot pot without chili?It is a pity that in the Tang Dynasty, pepper was still nestled in a ravine in South America, and it was only introduced to the Central Plains when it was obtained in the Ming Dynasty.This is simply unbearable for Fang Jun, who is addicted to spicy food.

He even thought about getting a fleet to go to the East to open up new routes and occupy South America...

Fortunately, the Tang Dynasty still had cornel.

In fact, cornel is not the main material for making "spicy" flavors in this era, and people use ginger and mustard more.However, after Fang Jun tasted it, he felt that dogwood was closer to the taste of pepper.

Cornel is also called "Yuejiao". According to "Compendium of Materia Medica", eating cornel "is pungent and bitter. It is harvested by natives in August, smashed and filtered to extract juice, and mixed with lime. It is called mugwort oil, also known as spicy rice oil. Spicy and used in food". ?
Even Li Ke had never seen such tableware before, so he pointed at the hot pot and asked, "What is this?"

Fang Jun said, "Hotpot."

Uncle Cen Wen praised: "There is fire in the pot. The name is appropriate. Cen is ignorant and has never seen it before. I don't know where Erlang got this thing?"

"You've only seen ghosts before. I designed this hot pot myself."

Fang Jun was bold and took the founder of the hot pot as his own...

Uncle Cen Wen was in awe: "Erlang is really quick-witted."

He is not a pedantic scholar. On the contrary, his thoughts tend to be new, and he is very receptive. He doesn't think there is anything wrong with playing with these "weird tricks".

Li Siwen growled hungry and didn't say anything, just stared at the hot pot.

During the conversation, the hot pot boiled again.

Fang Jun lifted the lid, poured the sliced ​​mutton into a plate, and shouted, "Go!" He was also very hungry. He didn't care about His Royal Highness Wu, he stretched out a chopstick of mutton and pressed it into the boiling soup. After rinsing it for a few times, I took it out, put it in a bowl and dipped it in the sauce, rolled it, and put it in my mouth.

 At [-] o'clock in the afternoon, the book received [Classified Novel New Book Recommendation] [History Channel Channel New Book Recommendation], I didn't say, there are two chapters in a while, the recommendation tickets are all to my brothers.However, there was something wrong with the recommendation vote statistics system at Dreaming Point last night, and the votes were not displayed. I don't know if it is true...

(End of this chapter)

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