Tiantang Splendid

Chapter 53 Anger rushed to the crown

Chapter 53 Anger rushed to the crown
Fang Jun glanced at him and found that his sister looked different. The little girl kept her head down, her head was about to sink into the bowl, and she kept eating without raising her head.

"Xiuzhu, is there something I don't know about?"

Fang Jun asked suspiciously.

"Ah? No... no..."

Fang Xiuzhu didn't look up and said hesitantly.

Sure enough, something happened!

Fang Jun lowered his face, stared at his little sister, and asked, "Are you going to lie to the second brother?"

Fang Xiuzhu raised her head helplessly, and looked at Fang Jun's eyes, her heart suddenly felt a shock for no reason, the second brother's eyes were too sharp, like a knife, stabbed into his heart with a single swipe, as if all secrets were exposed. now...

Fang Xiuzhu had never seen Fang Jun with such a powerful aura, she shrank her neck in fear, and said with a weeping voice, "I'm not trying to lie to you... Second brother, mother and eldest sister won't let me say..."

Fang Jun asked, "Why?"

Fang Xiuzhu pursed her mouth and said helplessly: "They said, I'm afraid you will cause trouble if you know..."

Afraid of me causing trouble?

What can I mess with?

The only thing Fang Jun can provoke is beating people!

What can make me hit someone?

Fang Jun's mind turned a few circles in an instant, and he already had a vague idea.

Li Yulong was trembling when she saw the little sister being pressed by Fang Jun. Although she felt a little drum in her heart, she still stood up, raised her head and said, "Second brother Fang, don't ask Xiuzhu, Aunt Fang won't let Xiuzhu say it, but I know what's going on!"

Fang Jun was slightly surprised, the little girl is quite loyal and has a personality!

"Then tell me what happened?"

Li Yulong's voice was soft and sweet, very pleasant, and articulate, and explained things in a eloquent manner.

In the winter, King Li Yuanjian of Han received a concubine, the daughter of Cao Xun, a wealthy merchant in Chang'an City.

The Cao family was originally a wealthy family in Hedong. In recent years, he moved his family business to Chang'an and started a jewelry business. He successively poached craftsmen from several old stores in Chang'an. The business flourished and played a pivotal role in the Chang'an jewelry industry.

Cao Xun's family had two sons, but only one daughter. She regarded it as a treasure and doted on her very much.And this Cao family is also a smart and shrewd person. It is said that he was literate at the age of three, and he helped his father with accounting at the age of twelve or thirteen.

God is very fond of this girl, not only gave her a bright mind, but also gave her a beautiful and beautiful appearance.Since childhood, his fame has spread far and wide, and when he arrives, there is an endless stream of suitors, almost stepping over the threshold of Cao's family.

The Cao family has high expectations for this daughter, and this Cao family is also a self-proclaimed lofty person.

Cao Xun brought it to Chang'an, but as expected, it aroused the coveting of Chang'an dignitaries.

Just when many princes and grandsons were swearing to win the return of the beauty, Cao suddenly married a person who no one expected.

Han Wang Li Yuanjia!
It is said that Li Yuanjia is an anomaly in the royal family.

Li Yuanjia is the No.11 son of Emperor Gaozu Li Yuan, that is, the half-brother of His Majesty Li Er, and his mother is the daughter of Yu Wenshu, the Zuowei general of the Sui Dynasty. Yu Wenhuaji who killed Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty and made himself prime minister, and later called Emperor Daxu, the third uncle was Yu Wenshiji, the Duke of Ying, and the third aunt was Princess Nanyang, the daughter of Emperor Sui Yang...

It can be said that the bloodline is noble, and the status is extremely noble.

But it is such a person, but he likes common clothes, never considers himself a prince, is modest and steady, polite and corporal, less eager to learn, gathers thousands of scrolls of books, collects inscriptions and monuments in many different editions, works in cursive script, and is good at drawing dragons, horses, tigers, etc. Leopard, whose paintings are recognized as superior to Er Yan.Who is Er Yan?Brothers Yan Liben and Yan Lide!It can be seen that Li Yuanjia's artistic achievements are high.

In general, Li Yuanjia can be regarded as a literary youth in the royal family and an elegant scholar in the powerful.

Li Yuanjia has not only been favored by Emperor Gaozu Li Yuan since childhood, but also has a very good relationship with the emperor's elder brother, His Majesty Li Er. Among the Li Tang royal family, he is definitely a prominent figure, known as prestige and has an excellent reputation.

Who can compete with such a person?

So, Cao Clan carried into the gate of Prince Han's Mansion in the helplessness of being jealous and resentful.

Li Yuanjia is twenty years old, just the age of vigor and vitality. Although he has a strong relationship with Wang Fei Fang, it is a man's nature to be greedy and lustful. Although he will not marry a new person and forget the old one, the newly married Yan Er is like a glued knee. is inevitable.

Wang Fei Fang Shi was neglected, but she was calm, and she never neglected the daily chores in the house.

However, Mrs Cao was a little unwilling to be lonely.

Perhaps she was petite and coquettish, or her self-confidence was inflated. As a concubine, she dared to confront the wife of the main wife, and she showed Fang Shi's face from time to time.

At first, Mrs. Fang didn't have the same knowledge as her. She was just a concubine from a businessman. If she was favored, she could climb on her head?When the husband is tired of playing and the freshness has passed, it will stop.

But this Cao family is not a fuel-efficient lamp. At night, he is very tender and flattering on King Han. During the day, he changes his face, being mean and arrogant, and pretending to be a mistress.

Fang Shi is generous again, but when it comes to his dignity as a woman, how can he endure it?She is the daughter of Fang Xuanling, the prime minister of the dynasty, and the imperial concubine. Would she be afraid of the concubine of a merchant's family?Then he looked for an opportunity to make that Cao's execution of the family law-beating him.

As a result, the mansion has ceased, and the mistress has to be able to hold the ground. What if a concubine is favored?
But the Cao family quit.

They were not stupid. Standing behind Mr. Fang was the prime minister of the dynasty, the minister of his Majesty’s arm. She cried a lot, and kept asking Her Royal Highness King Han to let her sister go, or else she might be killed by the queen concubine one day.

King Han was a good-natured person with a soft heart. He felt disgraced at the moment, and angrily returned to the mansion to ask, and sure enough, Cao was beaten by the princess.

King Han was also a little enthusiastic, and was preconceived by the words of the Cao brothers. He thought that the princess Fang was jealous, so he found trouble to retaliate against Cao, and immediately reprimanded Fang a few words - it was just a reprimand, Fang inherited it. In keeping with his mother's fine traditions, although it is impossible for the prince to refuse to accept his concubine, the strength in his bloodline has definitely been perfectly continued. King Han is also a little terrified at ordinary times. Dare to speak harshly.

Fang has always been used to being strong. When has she been scolded by her husband like this?I couldn’t bear it anymore, and I didn’t explain it. I went back to my parents’ house without saying a word. The life experience of the old people is the most noble wealth. She would go back to her parents' house as soon as they quarreled, and she would find it troublesome for Lu Yuan...

Fang's family was close, and after leaving the palace, he went home with a cup of tea in a carriage.

King Han was also a little remorseful, but the matter had come to this point, and he couldn't bring himself to face the door to beg his wife to come home, so she put it on hold.

Fang Jun immediately became angry when he heard this.

 One more chapter to come!
(End of this chapter)

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