Tiantang Splendid

Chapter 666

Chapter 666

The Zhengshitang was established in Menxia Province during the Wude and Zhenguan periods, and it was the place where the prime ministers of the Tang Dynasty discussed politics.

The permanent meeting of the political affairs hall is the highest deliberative body to assist the emperor in ruling the country, and it is also the highest administrative body of the empire.During the reign of Wude and most of the period of Zhenguan, the entire imperial bureaucracy was qualified to participate in the political affairs hall meeting, only the highest officials of the three provinces, namely the officials of Shangshu Province, Zhongshu Province, and Menxia Province.

The chief of Shangshu Province is called Shangshuling. Because Li Shimin once held this position during the Wude period, after he ascended the throne, he no longer set up the position of Shangshuling to show respect.In fact, the highest official of the Shangshu Province turned into the left and right Shangshu Pushe, and in ancient times, the left was respected, and the post of Shangshu Zuo Pushe was the head of the prime minister and the leader of all officials.

Left and Right Shangshu Pushe, Zhongshu Ling, the chief of Zhongshu Province, and Shizhong, the chief of Menxia Province, were the prime ministers during the Zhenguan period.

It’s just that in the later period of Zhenguan and Gaozong’s time, the Zhengshitang was moved to the Zhongshu Province, and the emperor began to let other officials participate in the Zhengshitang meetings, called “Shenzhi Zhengshi”, or “Sanpin under Tongzhongshumen”, and later gradually unified it. It is the name of "Pingzhangshi under Tongzhongshumen" and also the prime minister.

The political affairs hall is the highest authority in the central government.

To a certain extent, the rise and fall of the Tang Dynasty is directly related to the operation of the political affairs of the Zhengshitang to a certain extent.

From the trajectory of several relocations of the Zhengshitang, we can see the change of the position of the Zhengshitang in the center of the Tang Dynasty.

The demonstration in the Zhengshitang in Menxia Province is the normal state of the Zhengshitang, which created the great glory of the Zhenguan Regime and also laid a solid foundation for the Tang Dynasty.However, the political discussion in the Zhengshitang of the Zhongshu Province is the destruction of the Zhengshitang system and the tool for the manipulation of the imperial power.When the Zhengshitang is changed to Zhongshumen, it will be the disintegration of the Zhengshitang system...

What is the Zhengshitang system? The so-called Zhengshitang system refers to the ministers of the Minister of Shangshu (the administrative agency of the country), the Ministry of Zhongshu (the institution that formulates national policies and policies), and the governor of Menxia Province (the review agency for national policies and policies). The time and place regularly discuss the state affairs, balance mutual restraint, coordinate and help each other, and finally decide the system by the emperor.

The Zhengshitang system is the "separation of powers" with Chinese characteristics in feudal society.

It can be said that the Zhengshitang system is the most advanced, enlightened, and perfect system on earth in this era...

In front of the Menxia Provincial Political Affairs Hall, there is a huge sycamore tree.

Nuo Da's hall is simple and elegantly furnished. There is a dark red carpet in the center with a dragon pattern, and there are several desks around it. The floor is smooth and bright.

The fragrance of the teacup was wafting across the table, and several prime ministers and adults were talking softly, and the atmosphere was relaxed.

It's just that when the left servant of the Shangshu shot Fang Xuanling, the right servant of the Shangshu shot Changsun Wuji, the servant Wei Zheng, and the Zhongshu Ling Cen Wenwen saw His Majesty Li Er and Ma Zhou who came at the pace of dragons and tigers, and then Ma Zhou. Turned into surprise.

The political affairs hall has the rules of the political affairs hall. Although the final resolutions formed in the political affairs hall must be approved by the emperor, under normal circumstances, the emperor will not intervene in the process of forming the resolutions.

This is an enlightened system, and it is also a manifestation of His Majesty's self-confidence.

The wise and mighty His Majesty Li Er firmly believes that his prime minister will make any decision on the basis of benefiting the development of the empire...

Several prime ministers got up in surprise, Fang Xuanling bowed and asked, "Your Majesty has something important to discuss?"

According to the system, if there is no urgent matter, the emperor should not participate in the meeting of the political affairs hall. It only needs to be submitted to the emperor by the Menxia Province after the resolution is formed, and the emperor will approve it.If there is no objection, it will be sent back to the province and issued to the world.

This is also the reason why the political affairs hall discusses politics under the door.

First, it is determined by the division of responsibilities among the three provinces.

Among the three provinces, the governor of Zhongshu issued an order, the governor of his subordinates denied it, and the governor of Shangshu followed it.That is to say, Zhongshu Province is the legislative organ that formulates major policies and policies on behalf of the emperor; Menxia Province is the organ that examines whether the laws enacted are feasible;

The separation of powers among the three provinces is among the provinces. The key to the promulgation of government orders and the consequences of their implementation lies in the provinces.Therefore, it is only natural for the three high-ranking officials to discuss state affairs under the door...

The second is determined by the working procedures.

As an edict issuing government orders, it must be affixed with the emperor's seal to take effect.The emperor's eight treasures are all managed by Fu Baolang of the Menxia Province, who discusses the government in the Menxia Province. After the agreement, it is reported to the emperor for approval, and then it is printed and announced by the Zhongshu Province, reducing the round-trip turnover of government orders, which is conducive to improving work rates.

His Majesty Li Er waved his hand and signaled Ma Zhou behind him to hand over Fang Jun's memorial to the prime ministers, then ordered someone to re-arrange two cases, and after sitting down, he said: "This is Fang Jun's memorial. I think you should let the prime ministers take a look."

Fang Xuanling, Changsun Wuji, Wei Zheng, Cen Wenwen and others did not reach out to take the memorial handed over by Ma Zhou, they just looked at Ma Zhou together.

Ma Zhou was a little embarrassed.

According to the system, he is only a member of Zhongshushe, and he is not qualified to sit here and participate in the political affairs hall meeting... But it was His Majesty the Emperor who asked him to come. Should he leave quietly, or stay here according to His Majesty's wishes?

Ma Zhou could only look at His Majesty Li Er...

His Majesty Li Er naturally understands the meaning of the prime ministers, there must be rules in everything, and there is no rule without rules.The Zhengshitang naturally has its own rules, even if he is the emperor, he can't go beyond or destroy it unscrupulously.

But from Fang Jun, His Majesty Li Er got a little inspiration. He looked around and said slowly: "Ma Zhou's ability and temperament must be understood by everyone. However, no matter how genius exists, it is impossible to reach the sky in one step. You are born with knowledge, and you have to keep learning and comprehending. Ma Zhou just listens, does not speak, does not participate, how about it?"

All the prime ministers looked at Ma Zhou in unison.

His Majesty's implication couldn't be clearer. To support Ma Zhou, he first came to the Zhengshitang to learn from the prime ministers.

As the emperor said, no one is born with knowledge, no matter how insane the wisdom is, it must grow through continuous learning.As one of the three high-ranking officials in the future, it is beneficial to study in the Zhengshitang in advance.

The problem is that this move breaks the precedent that the political affairs hall is only for the prime minister to discuss matters...

As soon as this example is opened, will the so-called "promising" officials in the future be able to step into the political affairs hall in the name of learning?

If anyone can come, what are the rules?
What has become of the Zhengshitang?
What is the original intention of the prime minister's discussion?
Several slaughters looked at each other, and each could see the fear and prudence in each other's hearts.

Cen Wenwen was Ma Zhou's direct subordinate, so it was naturally difficult for him to express his opinions.Changsun Wuji is an old fox. Although his attitude is very clear, he is unwilling to offend others publicly.Fang Xuanling is a kind person, and he would never say such words that amount to a slap in the face.

Fortunately, there is another existence who is neither afraid of offending people, but also aims to fight for offending people...

Wei Zheng coughed, raised his eyelids, glanced at Ma Zhou, and said in a hoarse voice and weak confidence: "Ma Zhou's talent is in our hearts, and it will only be a matter of time before he becomes a pillar of the country, and no one doubts it. Only when there are rules can we become a circle. If an exception is made today because of Ma Zhou, and someone wants to enter the Zhengshitang with this topic in the future, how can we refuse? If we refuse, we will inevitably lack confidence and leave something to talk about. If we don’t refuse, isn’t the Zhengshitang It has become a grand court, and everyone can participate?"

His Majesty Li Er's face was as black as charcoal, and his cheeks twitched uncontrollably.

This old bastard really doesn't give face...

For a moment, His Majesty Li Er had the urge to jump up and kick this old guy who was against him!
Ma Zhou took a deep breath, his expression remained normal, he bowed deeply to the emperor and the prime ministers, and stepped back.

There was silence in the political hall.

After a long time, Fang Xuanling praised: "Favour and disgrace cannot be shown in color, you are as firm as a rock, and you can be a pillar! King Ma Bin is indeed the pillar of the future of the empire. Your Majesty is very pleased to congratulate you!"

Fang Xuanling was obviously optimistic about Ma Zhou's performance.

Cen Wenwen smiled with a square old face, and said unhurriedly: "There are talents from generation to generation in the country, and the time for us to wait for the corpse to eat vegetarian meals is not long."

Changsun Wuji heard the words, but felt a pain in his heart for no reason, as if someone had pricked him with a thorn...

The new generation is better than the old ones, and the new generation of officials like Ma Zhou and Chu Suiliang have gradually occupied important positions, and the day when they will be in power is not far away.Even Fang Jun, Li Jingye and other up-and-coming stars have made their debut and started to rise to the top.

But the most outstanding children of the Changsun family at the beginning, now they can only fall into the rivers and lakes like ants, far away from the temple, lingering on their last days...

Thinking of this, Changsun Wuji gritted his teeth secretly, filled with hatred!
Wei Zheng stood up tremblingly, bowed deeply to His Majesty Li Er, and said: "Your Majesty, please forgive me, it is not because of the affection between the old ministers and the monarchs, deliberately discrediting His Majesty, it is really the political affairs hall is the center of the empire, the rules Naturally, it must be more and more important. Otherwise, once this case is opened, there will be endless troubles, and when the political affairs hall exists in name only, how can it be the blessing of the empire?"

His Majesty Li Er let out a long breath, how could he not understand this truth?
If anyone can enter the political hall for various reasons, the competition for interests of various forces will be unprecedentedly fierce.The political hall is not a pure existence, but due to the streamlined structure and the rules of equal restriction, it can maintain its purity to the maximum extent.

Once all forces can participate in it, the center of the dignified empire will become a arena of interests, putting its own interests above the interests of the empire, which deviates from the original intention of Zhengshitang.

It was just because he valued Ma Zhou very much, and in his mind that Ma Zhou would definitely be the best candidate for Zhong Shuling in the future, so he was negligent.

The most rare thing is that Wei Zheng, a stubborn old man, actually wiped his face and apologized to himself?

His Majesty Li Er was a little surprised. Could it be that "a person who is about to die has good words"?
Wei Zheng was seriously ill at the end of last year and almost died. At that time, His Majesty Li Er was still secretly happy for a long time. After all, life would be much more comfortable without this old thing who was against him all day long...

But now seeing Wei Zheng's trembling and sick face, which was struggling to speak, there was a burst of sadness in his heart for no reason.

No matter what, Wei Zheng is always wholeheartedly for Datang, maybe he always has a little bit of resistance to my enthronement, but so what?The more this is the case, the more I want to let him see that I, the emperor, has been alone for thousands of years!
My ambition is to be one of the emperors through the ages, and I should have the world in mind, so why bother fighting with a dying person?

In an instant, His Majesty Li Er's heart calmed down.

He waved his hand at Wei Zheng kindly, and said softly, "You're not too young, don't you know what your body looks like? Just sit down and talk, don't worry about these vain etiquettes."

Wei Zheng's heart warmed, and he said respectfully, "Old minister...obey the order."

Then he sat down tremblingly.

His Majesty Li Er pointed to the memorial left by Ma Zhou: "Everyone, please read it. After reading it, discuss its feasibility. I will sit here without interfering, and let the prime ministers discuss it."

This is also a tactful expression of respect for Wei Zheng's opinion, and will not interfere with the rules of the Zhengshitang.Even the emperor sat obediently and did not speak to show his respect to the prime ministers, let alone the rest?

The existence of the Political Affairs Hall ensures that the highest authority of the empire can always put the interests of the empire first, and this is the most important thing!
Cen Wenwen casually picked up the memorial, looked at several prime ministers, and said with a smile, "I'll read it first."

After saying that, he bowed his head and read carefully.

A square face gradually became dignified, and every time he read something exciting, his two eyebrows would raise slightly.

Several prime ministers became curious.

Cen Wenwen is rigid and upright, he pays most attention to official appearance, every word and deed is in line with etiquette, he absolutely refuses to be frivolous, if he is not shocked in his heart, how could he show such a wink in front of His Majesty?
Fang Xuanling was even more curious.

This brat didn't even mention to himself that he was going to give a memorial to the emperor, so what the hell is going on?

Changsun Wuji snorted coldly, lowered his eyebrows and lowered his eyes, showing no interest.

In his opinion, that guy Fang Jun just relied on his literary talents to be impetuous and impetuous, and came up with some inconspicuous ideas to win the emperor's favor and flatter the emperor.

A proper sycophant!
A reckless and reckless stick and ramming goods, what kind of sophisticated strategy can there be to make it worth the emperor to bring it to the political affairs hall?

Clearly favoritism!

Once upon a time, this favoritism was the treatment enjoyed by the eldest Sun Chong, but now...

Changsun Wuji's heart became more and more hateful, he gritted his teeth secretly, and waited for me, keeping new and old accounts in his heart, and one day they will be settled one by one!

There was silence in the political affairs hall, and I occasionally thought of the sound of "sucking" drinking tea, accompanied by the sound of Cen Wenwen's "rustling" flipping through the pages.

Cen Wenwen read it very slowly, as if he was chewing on the meaning contained in it word by word, guessing the secret that might be hidden behind it...

After a long time, Cen Wenwen let out a long breath, and handed the memorial to Fang Xuanling beside him, with a look of envy and jealousy on his face, and some inexplicable emotions mixed in his tone.

"If you have a son like this, what can you ask for? Brother Xuanling is truly blessed..."

 A chapter of [-] words, I am too lazy to score it, and I will be scolded for breaking the chapter if I save it...

(End of this chapter)

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