Tiantang Splendid

Chapter 695 Crash it!

Chapter 695 Crash it!
In the Sui and Tang dynasties, the five-tooth battleship was an invincible existence on the water!
This is the largest main warship in the Sui and Tang dynasties, which can accommodate up to 900 soldiers.The battleship has a five-story structure and is more than a hundred feet high.There are six paddle poles on the left, right, front, back, and fifty feet high.Each wooden mast is tied with a boulder, and there is a potter's wheel under it. When an enemy ship is approaching during a battle, the boulder can be quickly put down with the potter's wheel to smash the enemy ship.If you miss a hit, you can quickly put it away and put it back.If the enemy ships are surrounded on all sides, they can still "six-pronged approach", which can be seen from its strong combat effectiveness.

It was Yang Su, a general of the Sui Dynasty, who designed and built this giant warship!
In the eighth year of the Kaihuang reign of the Great Sui Dynasty, more than [-] Sui troops marched by land and water, aggressively attacking Chen.The Yangtze River navy led by Yang Su sailed from Yong'an, went out of the Three Gorges, and went down the river.In the waters of Yanzhou, the Sui and Chen armies launched a decisive battle. The Sui army attacked the enemy's formation with four five-tooth warships. Unstoppable, invincible!
The behemoth with a total length of more than 50 meters is absolutely proud of the world in this era, and it is unstoppable!

And what Dou Dezang is riding is just an ordinary building boat, only 20 meters long, and its height is nearly half lower than that of the five-tooth warship. , the straight and thick horns are like the fangs of a ferocious beast, waiting to be devoured by someone...

Dou Dezang doesn't believe that with his own identity, Fang Jun dares to kill himself!
But facing the ever-accelerating five-tooth warship, Dou De shrank... This is really going to hit him!

Dou Dezang's legs were weak, he never imagined that someone would dare to drive a boat to smash his boat...

Is this motherfucker still in the Tang Dynasty?Is this Fang Er still a courtier of Datang?

The young master is the only child of the Dou family!

The next moment, Dou Dezang, who had finally come back to his senses, let out a scream of "Aw". Leaving aside the two guards, he jumped into the river with a "Putong" and swam far away.

A moment later, there was a loud "boom" from behind, shaking the eardrums, and even the river was filled with waves!

Dou Dezang looked back, opened his mouth wide in surprise, and accidentally poured a mouthful of river water!
I saw the hard ram of the five-tooth warship slammed into his ship fiercely, like a running bull hitting a child, saw chips flying, tendons and bones broken, and his ship was torn apart like a toy. The entire bow of the ship was knocked and disappeared, leaving only a terrifying gap, and the river water was pouring into it crazily!

In the blink of an eye, the bow of the ship sank slowly, and the crew screamed and jumped into the river to escape for their lives.

Think about it, if you are still standing on the bow of the boat so arrogantly... Damn!
This Fang Er is too arrogant, he is going to kill himself!Dou Dezang shuddered, only feeling his crotch tighten.I haven't returned to Chang'an for several years. Is the capital where I let myself run rampant in the past so dangerous?
The young master of the Dou family who has been cared for like a flower bone since he was a child, when has he seen such a cruel guy?Shocked and angry, Dou Dezang stared at the bubbling and sinking boat in a daze, and suddenly opened his mouth wide and cried out with a "wow"...

Cheng Wu on the shore almost dropped his jaw!

Is this just not to make a fuss?This is not to delay the trip because of crumbs?


Fang Er, do you want to be so awesome!

Let our buddies admire him so much, if we can't follow such a bully boss in the future, how can we live?

Fang Jun stood at the bow of the boat. Just when the two boats collided, he held the mast of the bow and stood firmly. Looking at Dou Dezang who was crying loudly in the river, he was so shocked that he didn't know what to say.This kid looks at people like a dog, why is he so useless?
Su Dingfang shook his head and sighed: "It's enough to scare and frighten, why really hit it? If you hit the bow of the ship, you will really delay the trip. Look, I made people cry. It's not good."

Pei Xingjian's face twitched, he looked at Fang Jun, who was baring his white teeth and looking at Dou Dezang in the river, who kept sneering, and then at Su Dingfang, who was looking annoyed for fear of hitting the bow of the boat, and shouted in his heart: Could it be that you just a little bit? Are you not worried about Dou Dezang?

Is it really okay to crash someone's boat with a disagreement?

Pei Xingjian is seriously not used to the style of the army who will fight to the death if there is a disagreement. On the contrary, Liu Renyuan behind him is standing on the bow of the boat with bright eyes, eager to try, wishing to jump off at this moment and give him back The silent building kicked a few times...

Didn't anyone think that Dou Dezang would be killed?

Too arrogant!
Pei Xingjian stroked his forehead with his hand, and deeply felt that he should carefully consider whether his decision to go south with his master was correct.

What a bunch of violent men...

For the first time in his life, Pei Xingjian, a student who has never been in contact with the army, most intuitively felt the courage of the army to smash the enemy in front of him, whether it is a Turkic wolf rider, a Goguryeo soldier, or a relative of the emperor. , as long as you stand in front, there is only one ending - defeat it!

Aside from being unreasonable, Pei Xingjian felt that a rush of blood suddenly rose from his chest...

But the generals of the major families who were "blackmailed" by Fang Jun on the surrounding boats were even more enthusiastic than Pei Xingjian and their morale was high!

They are all from aristocratic families, and when they are at home, they often do bad things with the arrogance and domineering of the family. Bullying the market and bullying men and women is definitely not new, and they walk sideways.But compared to Fang Jun's fierce style of "If you dare to scold me, I will drive a five-toothed battleship to kill you", it is simply a baby playing with urine mud, and it is completely unworthy of the stage!

Too domineering!

Only by following such a boss can we have a future, even the Du Miaoer of the Dou family dares to fight to the death, is there anyone in this world that we dare not provoke?Compared with Fang Jun, the domineering patriarch in the past is a pure and gentle little sheep!Reminiscent of Fang Jun's "brilliant achievements" in the past, this is a character that even princes and ministers dare to hammer...

In an instant, the morale of the entire team soared to an unprecedented height, which was unexpected joy that Fang Jun did not expect...

Fang Jun's fleet was not the only one shocked by this scene. A large number of ships had gathered on the river near Tongguan to make way for Fang Jun's fleet. His eyes widened.

Sure enough, Fang Erlang is worthy of being Fang Erlang!
This domineering and domineering style has not diminished even if it leaves Chang'an, and even members of the Dou family dare to deal with it to death...

The crowd watched with great interest, and some familiar merchants climbed the side of the boat and talked about each other, telling each other about Fang Erlang's "great achievements" in the past. Some people who heard it for the first time were shocked to heaven!

Needless to say, when these ships sailed into Chang'an, the story of the Dou family's only Miaoer's boat being smashed to pieces by Fang Jun driving the Crow Armor must be widely circulated.In recent years, the Dou family, which has gradually fallen into disrepair and can only claim to be the most authentic foreign relative, is now humiliated and thrown into the grandma's house...

The name "Shanyue" has existed since ancient times.

This tribe, which has been farming and multiplying for generations in the mountains and mountains in the south of the Yangtze River, reached its most glorious era in the late Eastern Han Dynasty.Throughout the Three Kingdoms period, Shanyue belonged to the local armed bandit-style troops, and it was also the enemy that the Sun Wu Group faced in the early days, and later became a large source of troops and soldiers of the Wu State Army.

These aborigines have lived in the deep mountains for generations, gathered in the mountains and forests, and are self-sufficient. Whenever they encounter the oppression of the Han Dynasty, they will resist bravely.Generation after generation, no blood shed, no truce!This aggressive custom has caused headaches in all dynasties.

In the eighth year of Zhenguan, Xiaoju and Shanyue people in Poyang, Huiji, and Danyang were dissatisfied with the exorbitant taxes imposed by the local government, and they rose up under the instigation of a few reactionary chiefs.His Majesty Li Er appointed Zhang Shigui as the chief of the march to put down the rebellion.

The Shanyue people have lived in the deep mountains for generations, and crossing the mountains and streams is like walking on the flat ground. Most of them occupy caves in the mountains, which are easy to defend and difficult to attack, and the battle is very difficult.Zhang Shigui's relative Mao Shishi was brave first, and Datang Huben also performed extremely bravely under his leadership. Finally, he captured and killed the bandit chief and quelled Shanyue's rebellion.

His Majesty Li Er once praised: "I heard that my father-in-law was the first to serve as a soldier. Although he was a famous general in ancient times, why should he add it? I have heard that those who serve the country with their own bodies disregarded their lives, but I heard his words, but I didn't hear the truth. carry on."

After more than ten years of recuperation, the rebellious Shanyue people became stronger again, and their ambitions also grew vigorously...

 There will be another update later, don't go away!

(End of this chapter)

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