Tiantang Splendid

Chapter 699 Iron Mine

Chapter 699 Iron Mine

"Erlang, you don't need to be too harsh on the soldiers who have traveled thousands of miles and refused to obey the boat. It's just that seasickness is too difficult. It seems that you need to train harder."

Fang Jun suddenly realized, how could he forget this?Putting down the whip resentfully, feeling a little shameful, he glared and said, "What's the matter with seasickness? You're dizzy, you get used to it!"

Leaving Liu Rengui, Liu Renyuan, and Xi Junmai staring at each other, all speechless.

Seasickness is indeed a thing of dizziness and dizziness, and you get used to it, but when you get used to it, you may be useless...

Fang Jun spoke harshly, after all, he is not a hard-hearted person, and he rested at the pier for a long time before urging him to go on the road.

He also kept sighing to the soldiers: "I'm not expected to be a general, Ci doesn't command soldiers, my heart is too soft, tsk tsk tsk..."

The three war generals followed behind him sullenly, not speaking.

I don't know who just said dizzy, dizzy and got used to dizziness... Is this soft-hearted?Seasickness is fatal, but everyone knows how uncomfortable it is, and even a tough man can't stand it for three or two days, and when he gets used to it, a layer of skin will fall off... How cruel it is!

This time I also brought a lot of materials needed for the construction of the iron factory, most of which are some refractory materials, and a lot of food. After all, the daily food consumption of so many people is huge.The large army was left to watch the ship, and the rest of the soldiers and craftsmen, a total of more than 200 people, divided the supplies and carried them on horseback, and went up the mountain.

The war horses were loaded with supplies, and the people led the horses, walking with difficulty.

Cuiluo Mountain is close to the Yangtze River, and the wind from the river blows continuously all year round, but there are not many miasmas in the mountain that are common in mountainous areas in the south of the Yangtze River.The forests are dense and verdant, and the mountain streams are gurgling. Although it is only a small hill, it is far less majestic than the majestic mountains in Guanzhong, but it also has a kind of deep and quiet awe.

Going upstream along a stream, the path beside the stream has not been walked for many years, and it is covered with thick dead leaves. When you step on it, there will be a slight sound, and snakes, rats and ants will be awakened from time to time , fled around in panic and helplessness...

The more you go up the mountain, the more lush the forest is.The huge canopy stretched out to cover the sky above the river, and the dense leaves and vines grew unscrupulously, covering the sky and the sun, and the dense forest was dark and humid.

The more Fang Jun walked, the more he sighed. The most primitive state of the undeveloped Jiangnan area is no worse than the rainforests in the Amazon.It's just that when human beings see the fertility of this land, they will start to use their infinite wisdom to conquer this land, and at the same time, they will show unparalleled destructive power.

In fact, in this era, such conquests have already begun one after another.

One is the reproduction of human civilization, and the other is the nature bestowed by God. Which one is more important, no one has the most standard answer.I just hope that when human beings continue to seize the living space of various creatures, they can take more care of their homeland, and don't wait until the day when we are on the verge of desperation to know that we have destroyed ourselves with our own hands...

Gradually, the tall trees began to become scarce, the blue sky above the head became more and more, and people's hearts were also broadened.Walking in the dark forest for a long time will greatly affect people's psychological emotions, depression, irritability, fear, and finally when they see the blue sky above their heads, they are all swept away, greedily breathing the air full of sunshine .

Han Ben pointed to the hillside in the distance: "That's our iron factory!"

Fang Jun set up a pergola with his hands, and looked far into the distance.

Walking out of this dense jungle, there are few tall trees, but some low shrubs and thick weeds, which spread a thick layer on the ground, stretching to the slightly undulating hillside in the distance.

A huge mine visible to the naked eye on the hillside reveals a dark brown inside, like a huge scar on a green carpet, ugly and hideous.Human civilization is always incompatible with nature, birth and destruction, progress and destruction are always out of harmony...

The brigade began to march towards the hillside.

Wangshan ran a dead horse, and walked for an hour on the hillside that seemed to be close in front of him.

When we came to the mine pit on the hillside, the setting sun in the sky had already radiated brilliant afterglow, and the team of nearly 200 people was exhausted.On the edge of the mine pit, a dozen solid wooden houses have been built next to the two blast furnaces erected, for the gradually increasing number of craftsmen and mine guards to live in.

The craftsmen at home thought that there was no need for such a big fanfare, but they just came to mine for a while. It remains to be seen how many mines can be smelted into good iron. It is obviously unwise to make such a big battle all at once.

Fang Jun resisted all opinions and decided to build this place as the most important iron factory of the Fang family from now on. All the equipment is the best, and all logistics must be given the most perfect guarantee.

Just kidding, if this is not the best iron factory, where else can Datang build an iron factory?Facts have proved that Fang Jun is right.Since exploring in this area according to Fang Jun's instructions, three or four huge iron ore veins that can be mined in the open pit have been discovered, and the quality is enough to meet Fang Jun's requirements.

A stream cascaded down from the top of the mountain with lush forests. Due to the large drop in the terrain, the water flow was very fast. The iron factory was built on the bank of the stream. Fang Jun was very satisfied with this.It is his philosophy to maximize the use of water resources, and now it seems that this fine tradition has been inherited by the craftsmen of the Fang family.

This is probably the area around Nanshan Square in later generations, right?

Fang Jun looked around the terrain, feeling inexplicably sad...

My first love in my previous life was an Anhui girl.She doesn't look stunning, but she is very delicate and has a good personality. She is not so enthusiastic about finances. She looks extraordinary and refined, but she is actually very down-to-earth.Although Anhui women are more gentle, they can not only be good wives and mothers, but also good friends.Fang Jun remembered that after they broke up, they would get together from time to time to care about each other's lives.

It was this girl who grew up in the mountains in southern Anhui that let Fang Jun know that there are not only 56 ethnic minorities in our country. The first population census in 1953 required all ethnic groups to self-report their names according to the principle of "names follow the masters".Unexpectedly, there are more than 400 ethnic names self-reported and registered across the country, and Yunnan alone has more than 260 ethnic names.

What surprised Fang Jun even more is that not all Han people are Han Chinese...

Later, according to factors such as writing, language, history, and culture, the numerous ethnic names were integrated. It was not until the fourth census in 1990 that 56 ethnic groups were officially confirmed, including 55 ethnic minorities.

Too many ethnic groups with a small population have been annihilated in history, crushed by the rolling wheels of history, and finally forgotten by the world.

It was also from the first love girl that Fang Jun learned about a certain ethnic group that had long since disappeared in the 21st century, and has long maintained the tradition of tattooing a mysterious pattern on women.

Therefore, Fang Jun was able to see through the identity of Miss Mingyue in Chang'an Zuixian Tower...

After a night's rest, Fang Jun, accompanied by Han Ben, inspected the mine and the iron factory in the early morning of the next day.The quality of China's iron ore is not good in the world, which is recognized, but it was enough for the iron smelting industry more than 1000 years ago.It's not about making any precise instruments, so why do you need such high-quality steel?Furthermore, even if there is high-quality iron ore, Fang Jun can't refine all kinds of alloy steel...

As long as the mining is convenient and the reserves are abundant, it is enough.

Fortunately, this mine is very good in terms of quality reserves and mining conditions. When the thin soil and rocks are lifted, there is black magnetite and even light yellow associated copper ore, which is a surprise.

The blast furnace in the ironworks was built according to Fang Jun's drawings. There are mountains and plains of kaolin here, which is the best refractory material.

"The mountains around here will all be classified under the name of the Fang family. Except for the wharf which is under the name of the East Datang Company, the ironworks and mines are all ours. The terrain around here will be leveled, and the ironworks The scale needs to be expanded, so how can two iron-making furnaces be enough? At least [-] will do! Also, there are several porcelain kilns built along the hillside over there. Buy a high price, don't be reluctant to invest."

Fang Jun stood in front of the iron factory in high spirits, like a great man after a thousand years, and drew a circle in mid-air with his finger...

 There will be another update later!
(End of this chapter)

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