Tiantang Splendid

Chapter 707 There is no difficulty, but it is also necessary to create difficulties!

Chapter 707 There is no difficulty, but it is also necessary to create difficulties!

At the mine pit, Fang Jun directed Liu Ren to gather the wounded.

"Master Hou, 17 people were killed in the battle, forty were injured, and six of them were seriously injured." Liu Renyuan replied.In this era, the treatment of soldiers' wounded patients is extremely backward. There are no standardized methods to avoid infection, let alone effective bactericidal drugs.Iron wounds, if slightly serious, are almost equivalent to a death sentence. Seriously wounded are rare, and even lightly wounded, it is common to need to saw off the injured limbs and other parts to survive...

Many of the accompanying soldiers were veterans who followed Fang Jun to the Western Regions. At this time, Fang Jun did not need to order, and they had already started to act as the army doctor to provide first aid.Boil water to clean the wound, spirits to sterilize, and then simply bandage and bone setting, and the treatment is orderly.

Fang Jun silently looked at the wounded who gritted his teeth and refused to scream, thinking in his heart that he still had to find a way to get out the elementary penicillin...

Compared with the corpses of Shanyue who were piled up in front of the mine pit, the results of the battle were brilliant.

Xi Junmai led the soldiers to clean the battlefield, and found that the Shanyue people came and went in a hurry, and they hadn't had time to plunder the luggage placed in the iron factory building. Except for the looted things outside, most of them were well preserved.

No one can guarantee when the Shanyue people will attack next time. Seeing them gather at the foot of the mountain like a pack of hungry wolves to lick their wounds makes one's scalp tingle.Fang Jun asked Xi Junmai to bring all the luggage to the mine with his soldiers, and brought all the flatterers here. He will sleep here tonight. There are earth beams in front of the mine to block the impact of the Shanyue people, and Some terrain advantages, if it is in the open space on the other side of the house, the Shanyue people can submerge the big guy with a single charge...

Simply add some food, and use the medicines brought with the army to treat the injuries. The soldiers assigned a few scouts to follow Xi Junmai to monitor the movement of the Shanyue people, and the rest of the troops rested on the spot to replenish their strength. The beating was too hard, and everyone was physically exhausted.

Liu Rengui is worthy of being a general. Looking at the Shanyue people at the foot of the mountain, he watched for a long time and said to Fang Jun: "Your Majesty, the Shanyue people seem to have decreased a lot. They probably divided their troops to attack other places. Since it is a rebellion, there is no reason to only attack us. This small iron factory must have failed to succeed in a single attack, and the target has been shifted. If we gather our horses and charge down, we will definitely be able to break through the siege of the Shanyue people, and at the very least, we can get you out of trouble, Lord Hou."

Liu Renyuan's hands were tightly bound with cloth strips, and his arms were still numb. Wu Duohai's blow was too powerful. Liu Renyuan, who has always been known for his bravery, has seen this time that "a mountain is still as high as a mountain." ".

He said in a low voice: "A certain person is willing to be a pioneer and fight a bloody road for Lord Hou!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he was kicked by Fang Jun.

Fang Jun glared at this guy, and cursed: "War is not only about fighting strength, but also using more brains! Now the situation at the riverside wharf is completely unknown. If you rush down rashly, you will break through the siege. If the riverside fleet has already If we are broken up, can we come back again? Most importantly, how can Fang let his brothers risk their lives to protect me and escape? What about these injured brothers? We all belong to the same family, so we should live and die together! Or Live together, or die together, don't abandon, don't give up, never give up a comrade-in-arms!"

There is no chicken soup for the soul that can infect people more than these two sentences, especially in the context of Fang Jun just risking his life to block the gap in the formation, all the soldiers' eyes were red, and their chests were slapped "bang bang" "Xiang shouted in unison: "Don't give up! Don't give up!"

"Do not abandon, do not give up!"

The injury even shed hot tears, looking at the dark but immature face of the coach with tears in his eyes, his heart took effect!
Many of the soldiers were from Fubing, and they had fought and killed the enemy. However, even those troops that were victorious in all battles dealt with injuries and illnesses at critical moments and left them to fend for themselves to ensure the combat effectiveness of the main force.

Looking at the Tang Dynasty, even Li Jing, the god of war, never yelled such touching words as "don't abandon, don't give up". Can win, who cares about the life and death of soldiers?

Liu Renyuan burst into tears.

He really wanted to fight to the death to save Fang Jun from the siege, but Fang Jun stopped him with a word, and his heart was warm and warm!

Xi Junmai pursed his lips. The young general with a tough personality is now just a general of Fang Jun, but he knows best that his Lord Hou's words are definitely not just words. Being able to follow such a patriarch is as good as a cow and a horse. Is willing!
After all, Liu Rengui was older and more mature. He wiped the corners of his eyes and was moved, but said helplessly: "Actually... there is no need to lose many brothers. The previous battle not only knocked down the morale of the Shanyue people to the point of collapse, but also It is because of their proficiency, and in terms of combat effectiveness, they are far worse than us! If our fully equipped cavalry attack, they will definitely win with hot knives cutting butter!"

Although Liu Rengui didn't talk much, he was thoughtful. He had already weighed the advantages and disadvantages of the two armies in his mind. Relying on the terrain, coupled with the advantages of equipment and soldiers, it was no problem to defend the mine.If you launch a cavalry charge and launch a surprise attack from above, victory will be easier!
The huge advantage of cavalry over infantry is definitely not a joke!What's more, how can these Shanyue rioters who don't cover their bodies and have backward weapons be called infantry?
Since it is already a certain victory, it means that the current situation is safe, then...

After listening to his analysis, Fang Jun immediately opened his eyes and said, "Must win? You can't do it if you must win!"

Liu Rengui was dumbfounded, thinking that either his ears were ringing, or his brain was not enough...

What do you mean by "you must win and you can't do it"?
Is it possible to get out of the tight encirclement but not to do it?
Fang Jun stretched out his arms to embrace Liu Rengui's broad shoulders, and sighed, "Old Liu, you are a good general who can lead soldiers to win battles, but you are not a good official who can lead soldiers to make merit..."

Liu Rengui scratched his head, completely unaware of what Fang Jun said...

Now that we have won the battle, won't the merits come?

Besides, isn't a general an official?
Liu Renyuan was also baffled when he bought it with Xi Jun. He felt that his master Hou was too deep, and he could clearly hear what he said, but why didn't he understand what he was talking about?
Fang Jun was persuasive: "Ah, let me ask you, is it more credit for defeating the enemy with a single blow, or is it more credit for not retreating in the face of several times stronger enemies, and finally charging to the death and turning defeat into victory?"

Liu Rengui opened his mouth and thought for a while: "Of course it's the latter."

Although the results of the two battles may be the same, or even the latter is much worse, the process of defeating the enemy in one blow is a bit easier, and there is a sense of what it should be, and the impact it brings is naturally flat; But if it is the latter, a tall image of swearing not to surrender in a bloody battle and charging to the death in the face of desperation arises spontaneously, that is the best embodiment of the will of a soldier, and there is no comparison in meritorious service!
Thinking of this, Liu Rengui seemed to have a flash of light in his mind, and opened his mouth wide in astonishment to look at Fang Jun: "Master Hou, you don't mean to..."

"Yes, that's it!"

Fang Jun waved his hand, and said with great vigor: "What kind of courtier does the emperor like the most? It's the kind of official who 'faces difficulties and overcomes all difficulties', right?"

Liu Rengui nodded blankly: "But Lord Hou, we have no difficulties now, those Shanyue people are not our opponents..."

Fang Jun said angrily: "Will your brain turn around? Since there are no difficulties, then we have to create difficulties!"

Liu Rengui: "..."

Liu Renyuan: "..."

Xi Junmai: "..."

Fang Jun, who has been "polluted" by the bad habits of the officialdom in later generations, followed the three "little cabbages" of the Tang Dynasty: "Serving the emperor, those who can't beat their lives to death only know how to work hard and have a more active mind. The pursuit of victory is a prerequisite. This cannot be changed, but on the basis of the pursuit of victory, we must maximize the benefits as much as possible. Now we are rushing forward with all our brains, and the Shanyue people throw away their armor and armor and rush forward, and then it is over. What about the memorial to the emperor? What about writing? 'Shanyue rebelled, was deeply surrounded, charged with all his strength, and won', that's all. But if we don't rush out, we will stay here, and then send out a message for help, just say... come here, paper and pen Bring it!"

 Hehe, now that my hands are on the keyboard, my mind can't control what I'm thinking, and I really can't write anymore.The last chapter, let's stop here today, and resume normal updates tomorrow.But today's monthly pass is really awesome, thank you brother!If I have free time in the future, I will burst out from time to time, it feels very interesting!good night everyone...

(End of this chapter)

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