Tiantang Splendid

Chapter 714 The Wrath of the Emperor

Chapter 714 The Wrath of the Emperor

The emperor urgently summoned his ministers to discuss the Shanyue people's rebellion.

As soon as the news came out, Chang'an was shaken.

For most Han people, the barbarians such as Liaoren and Shanyue are like scabies, and it will take a lot of effort to get rid of them completely, and the gains outweigh the losses;

Since the founding of the Tang Dynasty, Liaoren and Shanyue have repeatedly rebelled. Although the imperial army was able to defeat them in time each time, the rest fled into deep mountains and ravines.

Rebellion, extermination; self-cultivation, rebellion again...

This is the trajectory of the barbarians in the Tang Dynasty, which is endlessly troublesome and impossible to suppress.

But this time it's obvious that things are getting bigger!
Huating Marquis, son-in-law, and Fang Jun, the general manager of the Canghai Road Marching, were besieged by tens of thousands of Shanyue people in Niuzhuji, with only a hundred soldiers under his command, and without help from outside, he was about to be buried in the hands of Shanyue barbarians...

Shanyue people are so arrogant, you Jiangnan gentry are just watching like this?

In the Tai Chi Hall, almost all the ministers looked at Song Guogong Xiao Yu after they figured out the cause of the incident.

Aren't you the leader of Jiangnan and the leader of Qingliu?

You just watched Fang Jun being killed and His Majesty being slapped in the face?
Or... is there your shadow in it?The Shanyue people rebelled and gathered together in crowds. The gentry in the south of the Yangtze River were indifferent, but what do you want to do?In the past, it was okay to refuse to pay taxes and make Jiangnan run so poorly. Do you still want to rebel?

Feeling like sitting on pins and needles, Xiao Yu raised her head and glanced at the emperor, seeing the cloudy face that was holding back the fury, her heart skipped a beat and she complained endlessly.

He really doesn't know what's going on!
But who will believe this?

Fang Xuanling who was beside him had just learned about the situation, and seemed expressionless, as if his son's life and death were not on his mind, but the slightly trembling sleeves revealed the indignation and anxiety in his heart.

At that moment, Fang Xuanling went out to play and said: "The battle report only said that Fang Jun was besieged by tens of thousands of people in Shanyue, but he didn't mention life and death. I think there is still a chance of life. I beg your Majesty to mobilize Jiangnan soldiers and horses to rescue .”

All the ministers looked at Fang Xuanling's gray hair under Jinxian's crown, his stooped body, and although his old face was calm, he couldn't hide the sadness in his eyes...all of them felt sympathy.

It is true that many of the princes present were jealous of Fang Jun being favored by the emperor, and it was inevitable that they gloated at the beginning for being able to take up such a position as a feudal official.But when thinking of Fang Xuanling's gentle and gentle demeanor over the years, and the consul general's prominent political affairs, the prime minister would grow old and lose his son... I feel the same way.

Although the outcome of more than 100 people being besieged by tens of thousands of Shanyue people is almost irrelevant, all the princes kept their mouths shut, and no one said that rescue was no longer allowed.Anyway, we have to leave a glimmer of hope for Fang Xuanling...

Of course, there is no shortage of people who gloat, such as Liu Lei, the censor who governs the book, or Sun Wuji, the Duke of Zhao...

Especially Changsun Wuji was the happiest.

Didn't you, Fang Xuanling, laugh at my son for absconding in fear of crime and wandering around the world?But anyway, there is still a sigh of relief, where is your son?I'm afraid that he has been skinned and cramped and his body torn into pieces by the Shanyue barbarians who behaved like wild animals?
His Majesty Li Er looked at the veteran under Majesty Dan, full of apologies.If it wasn't my own negligence, why did this happen?I always thought that even if the Jiangnan gentry resisted, it was just playing some tricks, making it difficult for Fang Jun to do nothing in Jiangnan, but I didn't want these ambitious beasts to dare to risk the world's disgrace, so audacious!
Gritting his teeth, His Majesty Li Er did not answer Fang Xuanling's words, but looked at Xiao Yu, his gaze was as sharp as a knife's edge, and his tone was as cold as ice for thousands of years: "Song Guogong, according to what you see, what should we do?"

Xiao Yu hurriedly stood out of the train, with cold sweat running down his forehead, and said in a shy voice: "I would like to request your Majesty's order to order the navy from all over the south of the Yangtze River to dispatch elite troops to Niuzhuji. Fang Jun must be rescued and wiped out. Shan Yue rebelled!"

He had already felt the almost unstoppable anger of the emperor, and Xiao Yu, who had a deep understanding of the emperor's temperament, was already soft-handed. He knew that if the emperor's anger erupted, the Jiangnan gentry would not be able to bear it!
What happened at home?Such a big thing, I didn't even know it beforehand!Don't these stupid things know they're playing with fire?Do you think that killing Fang Jun can dispel the emperor's desire to conquer the south of the Yangtze River?
Simply stupid!
His Majesty Li Er looked at Xiao Yu coldly, and handed Wu Wang Li Ke's battle report and Fang Jun's "blood book" to the interior beside him: "Send it to Song Guogong to have a good look, and everyone should take a look, this is Datang's Jiangnan, this is my Jiangnan navy!"

The servant received the order, holding the battle report and the "blood book" in both hands, and came to Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu took it tremblingly, glanced at ten lines, and after a rough glance, he felt dizzy, his knees went limp, he knelt down on the ground with a "putong", and shouted: "Your Majesty, I don't know anything about it..."

His Majesty Li Er was expressionless and said nothing.

Li Ke's battle report and Fang Jun's "blood book" were circulated among the ministers.

The moment Fang Xuanling saw the "Blood Book", the old tears she was holding back instantly flowed down, her heart felt like being cut by a knife, and she choked up and couldn't speak.

"Thousands of hammers and tens of thousands of hammers chisel out the deep mountains, and the raging fire just waits for nothing... Tsk tsk, Fang Erlang's literary talent is still the same, but the loyalty of the whole article makes us ashamed!"

"That's right, although Fang Er is a bastard that makes people hate him, but in the face of life and death, not only did he not bend his knees to survive, but he became so fierce that he deserves to be called an unparalleled national soldier!"

"The second son is gifted with literary talents, and is unparalleled in chaste and fierceness. Given time, he will definitely be a pillar of the Tang Dynasty. What a pity..."

Everyone was amazed and regretful, and the little dissatisfaction with Fang Jun's arrogance and domineering in the past was completely let go before this poem of Zhen Li Wushuang.

Is death a big deal...

No one believed that Fang Jun could survive in such a situation, so naturally he was not stingy with praise, let alone be a villain and offend Fang Xuanling to death.

The elder Changsun Wuji was there, with drooping eyelids, but there were bursts of sneer in his heart.

Fang Er, Fang Er, there is your father and His Majesty protecting you in Guanzhong, allowing you to act arrogantly and domineeringly. Now that you are back in the south of the Yangtze River, no one will spoil you!It's just making the best use of the situation, and amassing some money by relying on some strange skills and tricks. Do you really think that you are the talent of the prime minister, the humerus of the empire?
This time, the old man will see how you die!
Although there are countless princes in the Manchu dynasty who had quarreled with Fang Jun, none had more hatred than Changsun Wuji.

Xiao Yu was stared at by the emperor's knife-like eyes, as if being thrown into a stove to bake, and his whole body was sweating profusely.

"Your Majesty, old minister... old minister..." After muttering a few words, Xiao Yu couldn't continue.

He wanted to pick it out for himself, and wanted to tell the emperor that he didn't know about it, but would the emperor believe it?Will Fang Xuanling believe it?Do the civil and military members of the Manchu Dynasty believe it?Even he doesn't believe it himself!
As the head of the Xiao family and the leader of the Jiangnan gentry, you say you are completely unaware of such a big event?

In Xiao Yu's heart, he still scolded the children who stayed in Jiangnan at home, and he is now in a panic. He doesn't know whether his children are acting secretly without telling him, or it is simply that the Xiao family was excluded by the rest of the Jiangnan gentry...

No matter what kind of result, Xiao Yu could not bear it.

"Your Majesty, Shanyue's rebellion has shaken the foundation of the south of the Yangtze River. I would like to lead an army south to rescue Fang's son-in-law and quell the rebellion! Shanyue's rebellion will surely stain the river with blood and frighten their souls, so that they will never dare to rebel!"

Nearly fifty years old, Cheng Yaojin has a big body and a strong physique, and he speaks with a lot of air, and after the vibration is louder, it buzzes and reverberates.

As soon as he came out, Niu Jinda, Yu Chigong, Li Daliang and other generals all stood out of the train, clamoring in unison, all willing to lead their troops south to judge.On the contrary, Li Ji, the British prince, had a gloomy face, unable to see what was going on in his mind.

Xiao Yu was horrified when he heard the words, knelt down and bowed and said: "Your Majesty, absolutely not! Although the Shanyue people rebelled, they are not many, they are all mobs, and it is difficult to shake the foundation of the south of the Yangtze River. It is only a temporary scabies, and it is difficult to become a big weapon. If we drive the Guanzhong army to go south, not to mention the military pay and food, it will cost a lot, and it will not be worth the loss just to shake the defense of the imperial capital."

Cheng Yaojin stared and said: "Could it be that Jiangnan is allowed to be corrupted, and the son-in-law of the house is allowed to kill Niu Zhuji, so that the souls of heroes will be filled with hatred and loyal officials will cry blood?"

(End of this chapter)

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