Tiantang Splendid

Chapter 724 Decisive Battle!

Chapter 724 Decisive Battle!

The dark clouds in the sky are gradually gathering, and the cool breeze is blowing and refreshing.

The rain is about to come...

At the foot of the mountain, Wu Duohai's burly body was as straight as a javelin, and the wound under his ribs was tightly wrapped with sackcloth, but there were still faint blood stains.Stretching out his hand to press the wound slightly, a sharp pain spread to his lungs, causing Wu Duohai's iron-like face to tremble slightly.

This knife pierced the muscles and tendons, and the ribs were broken like viscera, the injury was not light.

Wu Duohai's eyes are like eagles, and his head is slightly raised to look at the small but gentle but unshakable hillside in front of him like a mainstay.

On the top of the slope, the mine pit still stands, and the battle formation of hundreds of people seems to be invincible. This makes Wu Duohai, who has always been brave and invincible and the self-proclaimed number one warrior in the world, both resentful and helpless, but also full of fighting spirit!
The mine must be captured, Fang Jun must die!

This is Wu Duohai's bottom line, if there is no Fang Jun's head, the person behind him will not fully support him.If there is no such person to contact the gentry in the south of the Yangtze River, the Shanyue people will be absolutely vulnerable in the face of the imminent Tang army.At that time, the rebellion of the Shanyue people will be a joke, and Wu Duohai will be the sinner of the Shanyue people, and his only ending will be death!

As for Chang Sun Chong...

The corners of Wu Duohai's lips curled into disdain. This son of a bereaved nobleman thought he was the heir to the eldest grandson's family and had influence over the gentry in the south of the Yangtze River, but he didn't know that he was just a scapegoat deliberately thrown out by the people behind him...

Regardless of victory or defeat, Chang Sun Chong's fate is doomed!
While thinking about it, the eldest Sun Chong, who was wearing a bamboo hat, came to Wu Duohai, with an extremely handsome face and an extremely displeased tone: "Zong Shuai, the heavy rain is coming, if we can't decide with a fight, it will definitely lead to Occupation is procrastinating. Now the major families can no longer withstand the pressure, and they have sent troops to rescue Fang Jun. If the army arrives, everything will be over! The soldiers sent by each family have already gathered, and Zong Shuai is asked to gather the tribe immediately and launch an attack! "

Chang Sun Chong is really in a hurry!

Seeing Fang Jun being surrounded for so many days, could it be that all his success falls short at the end of the day?
Wu Duohai smiled slightly, laughing from the bottom of his heart.

Do you really think that the commander-in-chief of this sect intends to attack the prefectures and counties, and does not want to kill Fang Jun?Ben Zongshuai wants to kill Fang Jun more than you, in exchange for the trust of the people behind him, to help Shanyue occupy the two states of Xuanrun and become king with all his strength!
Marry Mingyue as a concubine, cut off the two states and become the king, and the Shanyue people will have their own territory from now on, and they will no longer be enslaved by the Han people!I, Wu Duohai, is the number one hero of Shanyue, and my children and grandchildren will surely remember my meritorious deeds!

But who knows what the man behind him is thinking, he has to wait until the Jiangnan gentry feel the huge pressure from the imperial court before letting go and slaughtering Fang Jun?

But now that the order has been issued, the gentry in the south of the Yangtze River have gradually been unable to withstand the pressure from the center, and they can kill Fang Jun immediately!

Wu Duohai laughed, stretched out his arms to embrace Changsun Chong's shoulders, and said in a very affectionate manner, "Young Master, you are too worried, Shanyue people have clear grievances and grievances, you are a friend of Shanyue people, how can you not be a friend? It's just that Shanyue is poor, and the clan has neither money, food, supplies, nor weapons and armor. It is really difficult to sustain the sudden incident, so they had to plunder the state capital first, and use the enemy's funds to strengthen themselves! Now Gushu City has been destroyed. When we break through, all the money, food, and weapons in the city are in my hands, and the soldiers of all families have gathered, so I will order a general attack. No matter what the form is, it will definitely attack the hillside today, and Fang Jun will definitely not be able to see the sun tomorrow! "

After saying that, with a big wave of his hand, the center of the free clan ran back and forth, gathering groups of rebels, distributing weapons, and preparing for a strong attack.

Chang Sun Chong was held by Wu Duohai's shoulders, and his physique, which was originally like a jade tree in the wind, suddenly seemed a bit clingy, which made Chang Sun Chong feel a strange feeling of courage in his heart.A little disgusted by Wu Duohai's rudeness, but close to his strength...

With a sudden shudder in his heart, Changsun Chong blushed and broke free from Wu Duohai's long and thick arms while patching up the marks, only then did he slightly calm down his agitated mood.

Shanyue people have no discipline and are used to laziness. Although they have Wu Duohai's order at this moment, they are still procrastinating.

Chang Sun Chong couldn't help frowning, regretting for the first time the purpose of beheading Fang Jun with the help of the Shanyue people.What big things can such a group of dolphin-like waste do?Fortunately, the soldiers sent by the major families were of good quality, and they gathered together quickly. They were divided into areas according to their respective families, and formed a square formation. The arrows were wound and the knives were unsheathed. All of them looked solemn and silent, with a murderous air It was in stark contrast to the unbearableness of the Shanyue people.

Wu Duohai also frowned, his own Erlang was too shameful...

But there was nothing he could do.

The Shanyue people's fearless temperament and excellent physical fitness are the excellent qualities that can become top soldiers.However, the undisciplined, undisciplined and greedy character of the Shanyue people has seriously hindered the possibility of becoming a top soldier...

But fortunately, there are crossbowmen from major families sweeping the array, and Fang Jun's cavalry will become targets once they charge.As long as the advantages of the cavalry cannot be brought into play, so many Shanyue people will have to bite Fang Jun to death one by one!

It's just that after this battle, the tribe still needs to be trained a lot.In the future, occupying the two prefectures of Xuanrun and cede territory to become the king, without a strong army to protect themselves, are all beautiful dreams just like a dream, fleeting?
The Han people are the most cunning, and now they promise themselves that they can cede the land and become the king. Who knows if they will turn their backs on them and kill the Shanyue people instead?
Always be prepared!

The Shanyue rebels pushed and shoved for a long time, and they finally got into formation.If there is no strict formation, so many people charge together, and their own people will collapse if they step on their own people...

Wu Duohai looked at the huge formation composed of tens of thousands of "Allied Forces" at the foot of the mountain, and immediately felt a kind of lofty ambition of "invincible in the world"!

He stood upright, stood at the forefront of the formation, raised his arms and shouted: "We will create a new era for the Shanyue people! Let the children and grandchildren bathe in the glory of our heroism today, let's go!"


The Shanyue people, who were successfully aroused by these words, howled heartily, and the sound shook the whole field!

Which Shanyue people don't want to have their own land and their own city like the Han people, hunt when they want to hunt, sleep when they want to sleep, but never have to worry about food for the next meal, and never have to worry about having nothing to wear?They naturally think that as long as they can occupy the fertile land and tall cities of the Han people, they can live a happy life and wait for death, reaching the pinnacle of life...

Amidst the howling sounds one after another, the endless array slowly squirmed, approaching the top of the mountain!Then the speed became faster and faster, and the barefoot Shanyue people ran faster and faster, screaming and running faster and faster. For them, climbing mountains and wading through water was like walking on flat ground. The hot-headed only knew that victory was ahead, and they killed the Tang army on the top of the mountain!

Some people run fast, naturally because some people run slow.The mixture of speed and slowness was not obvious at first, but when it reached the halfway up the mountain, the originally neat array became chaotic.The fast ones are getting faster and faster, and the slow ones are gradually lagging behind. Looking up from the foot of the mountain, the entire hillside is full of ants-like mobs, chaotic and headless flies who only know how to rush forward.Even the ranks of soldiers from the major families were disrupted by the Shanyue people who reported their excitement level...

Chang Sun Chong was extremely speechless.

Even if he didn't know anything about military affairs, he could tell that such a disorderly and chaotic charge could not give full play to the advantages of numbers, and it was impossible to bring overwhelming pressure to Fang Jun on the top of the mountain!

What a pig teammate...

Changsun Chong no longer had any expectations for these strong Shanyue people, and pinned all his hopes on those dead soldiers, and only hoped that one of them who was lucky enough to shoot a cold arrow killed Fang Jun...

On the top of the mountain, Fang Jun, Liu Rengui, and Liu Renyuan stood side by side with dignified expressions.

Even if the formation of the charge is chaotic, how can the power of tens of thousands of people charge together be underestimated?The ants-like Shanyue rioters all over the mountain howled and charged wildly, their chaotic steps shook the whole mountain, murderous aura surged, and they swept in!

Liu Rengui raised his right hand high and shouted: "The crossbowmen are ready! Three rounds of throwing, and then the men and horses put on armor!"

There was the sound of a bowstring being pulled.Liu Rengui raised his big hand and waved it down fiercely: "Let it go!"


The bowstrings of hundreds of hard bows were released at the same time, converging into a dull sound, shaking the viscera.Hundreds of white-feathered spike arrows rose from the top of the mountain like dark clouds, and then plunged down!

 Chapter 1!Those who have votes vote for the brothers!Any ticket will do, I have a good appetite!

(End of this chapter)

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